*slides down frosty ramp, comes to a stop in front of u w this in my hands* good evening
this........ turned into many things. a model au included. but let's just call it incorrect quotes.
imma finish the next chapter & then release ddbr 5.3 bc i actually take those seriously & it messes w how i think abt the canon storyline sometimes 🥴🥴🥴
incorrect quotes
DoDo: *sighs* this kitchen is so hard to clean! if only there was an easier way!
Arlo: *waltzes in* HI i'm Arlo Lancaster!! say goodbye to daily stains and dirty surfaces with new Kitchen Gun!
Arlo: this sink is filthy! but just 3 shots from Kitchen Gun... *opens fire on DD's sink* BANG BANG BANG! ... and it sparkles like neeeeeeew!
Arlo: looks how it cleans this greasy hob! *opens fire on DD's stove* BANG BANG BANG! Goodbyeeee dirt!!
Arlo: grubby tiles! *opens fire on the kitchen tiles* BANG BANG BANG! I LOVE YOU KITCHEN GUN! *kisses gun passionately*
Arlo: rUsty taps! *opens fire on tap* BANG BANG BANG! hahAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA
Arlo: you can even use it on the washing up! *opens fire on dirty dishes* BANG BANG BANG!
DoDo: *sobbing*
Arlo: there, aLL cLEaN agAIN!! new Kitchen Gun, now with Laser Sight & Night Vision for after dark cleaning!!!
JoJo: therapy has been amazing
Trent: so you don't wanna die anymore
JoJo: i do but now i can articulate why
Marino: so do you want the short answer or the long answer?
Hiroaki: short
Marino: no
Lilliano: long?
Marino: noooooooooooo—
model au:
(all quotes taken from Vogue's "how top model __________ gets runway ready" series on youtube)
Marino: *drawing or taking photos of ref poses or wtv*
Ontario: *to the ppl backstage* pray for me, these shoes are HIGH
Lilliano: i find it very hard sometimes to go from show to show and constantly have makeup put on and taken off, so my skin is very sensitive and, um, it gets irritated
Lilliano: as do i when i have like 50,000 people touching me :')
Trent: during Fashion Week i really hate to dry my hair, just because heat's being brought to it like 3 or 4 times a day
Trent: so in the morning i just try to let it air dry, and, just, let her do her thing...
Trent: plus somebody else is gonna brush it when i get there, so what's the point?
Trent: *sighs*
Alexandre: i'm also trying to learn Italian
Alex: my boyfriend. ... my fiance *bursts out laughing & throws arms up* haHAHAAA, YES!!
Alex: he proposed to me on friday!¡!
Alex: *deep breaths* composure, coomMmpOossUuUrE
Alex: you guys are the first to know ;)
Alex: waah did my face just get red? all that concealer was for nothing!!
Arlo: we're going to wear... today... a vintage Chanel... which i have never done before so it's great fun
Arlo: i'm the least stylish person you will ever /ever/ meet. i buy one piece, which i really really like, and i have no idea how to combine it with other stuff and i go totally wrong on that, so, that's why i'm having a stylish right now who can help me with that
Arlo: she makes, like, it work with the top, bottom, shoes, so *nods*
Arlo: yea but actually my daily wear at home is literally leggings and t-shirt
Arlo: because like i live in Egypt in the deserts... you're not gonna walk in vintage Chanel in the deserts you know *laughs* that's just weird
Christopher: *runs across street*
Christopher: this is how you cross the street in Paris. you just run.
Christopher: so i think i'm definitely going to go for a creep—
Alexandre: *starts reddening*
Chris: crepe... creep... i don't know how to say it
Alex: *starts laughing*
Chris: *turns to him* creep? crepe?
Alex: *trying to keep a str8 face* crepe
Chris: oH, crepe, okay *starts laughing as well*
Hiroaki: *skrts in on heelys with a half-off leather jacket & a capri sun in his hands* don't get me wrong, i love— i LOVE to be sexy, obviously... but, not ALL the time.
JoJo: i remember this one time, my first season
JoJo: i got to the show 10 minutes before the show started
JoJo: and there were legit 10 people surrounding me, doing my hair & makeup
JoJo: and that was my /first/ season
JoJo: and i was like, what the fUck is this? where am i? someone take me home.
JoJo: im scared Dad, pick me up.
DoDo: i am cRAZY with these boots
DoDo: they're bikers but sExY
DoDo: *does pose* *fails, falls*
DoDo: i bet you've never seen a supermodel doing a yoga pose, in heels, before the show
DoDo: *in his thigh-high runway boots*
DoDo: this is a killer
DoDo: let's do yoga in these!!!
Lilliano: *walks into confectionery store*
Lilliano: *excited* this is my favorite place in Paris
Lilliano: *spots a cute slice of cake* *screams*
Lilliano: *whispers to the camera* i want e v e r y t h i n g
Backstage crew: guys you have 3 more minutes, then we have to dress the girl for the shooting
Stella: *narrating* we have only 3 minutes to get the makeup done... i don't think that's possible *smiles*
Stella: *in her chair waiting* and i'm here, very ~zen~
Hiroaki: *people putting hairspray & makeup onto him & his arms & wtv*
Hiroaki: massage me, massage me...
Hiroaki: touch me, tOUch mE—
Dorotea: i have this theory with models, that you can't really tell how old they are
Dorotea: they could either be 18 or like, 24
Dorotea: some are like, "yeah, yeah, she's 19"
Dorotea: and then others are like, "wHAt?! OH i thought you were like 24"
Dorotea: and i'm like, "excuse me,,?" *laughs*
Ontario: when i was 16 and a half, i was shopping all by myself (😢) and then this guy just walked up to me, and he was like
Marino: *flashback* "do you wanna be a model?"
Ontario: and i was like,, "huh? ... uh, yeah, whatever. yeah, sure!" *laughs*
Ontario: and then he gave me his card, and i actually didn't call him for like another 4 months, because i *shrugs* i don't know, i was— i kinda was scared, i guess
Ontario: and then, nothing happened for another 2 years, so i was just like, "okay, this is not happening, bYe"
Ontario: so i finished school
Ontario: he called me right before the final exams, and was like,
Marino: *flashback* "heyy, can i meet you again?" blah blah
Ontario: so i was like "yea, yea, whatever"
Ontario: then it all went quite quickly
Ontario: so, that's how it started!!
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