Chapter Two
Song: Mumford and Sons-Little Lion Man
Kelsey never came.
No, the stupid bitch never even told me she changed her mind about seeing her child. So instead of grocery shopping, or taking Tyson for a walk, I had to sit around all Saturday doing nothing and waiting for her.
Now, as I walk towards her usual hangout behind the school, I’m reading to give her a piece of my mind. It really was the last chance I was giving her. If she really doesn’t want to see her own flesh and blood this bad, I’ll stop asking her to.
Right after I yell at her.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” My voice cuts through the group’s conversation as I approach them. No, today they’re not getting high, but they all look pretty worn out, except for the new girl.
Kelsey’s head jerks towards me and her eyes narrow, glaring. “You get no more chances, Kelsey,” I snap. “You want to see your son? Well too fucking bad.” The group of five kids stare at me speechless except for the whore-ish looking girl who used to be my girlfriend.
I start to stomp away when I hear Kelsey laugh darkly. “I’m his mother, Fallon. I can see him whenever the hell I want.”
I thought I completely lost my patience before, but I was wrong. I spin around and storm towards Kelsey. Completely losing control, I grab her by her shoulders and pin her against the brick wall of the school.
“You say you’re Tyson’s mother? Then start acting like one!” I scream into the face of a terrified looking Kelsey. Her makeup covered eyes are wide and her mouth falls open slightly. “You will never, ever be his mother, Kelsey!”
“Dude, chill!” Someone pries me away from my worst nightmare and stands between us. It’s a guy I believe is name is Adam. “Just calm down.” He tells me coolly, as a black haired girl named Sasha slings her arm around Kelsey’s shoulders. They walk a few feet away while Kelsey’s starts to cry.
Rolling my eyes, I shove my hand in my pocket and pull out a cigarette. The group watches me with stone-cold eyes, and I’ve clearly been shunned for yelling at my ex-girlfriend.
Taking a drag, I turn around and start to head home. Being here is pointless anyways. I’ve already said what I needed to say, and nothing is ever going to make Kelsey change herself except Kelsey.
I’m halfway across the pavement between the wall of the school and the sidewalk when I hear the running. Feet hitting pavement follow me as I refuse to slow down, questioning who’s turn is it to stick up for Kelsey now.
Surprisingly, when the person catches up to me, it’s not one of the group who I would expect.
“Hey, it’s Fallon, right?” The girl with the doe eyes smiles shyly up at me as I slow down my pace, but don’t stop walking.
“Yeah,” I sigh, inhaling nicotine. As much as I want to be happy that I’m talking to this pretty girl right now, I’m too angry with myself and Kelsey. What just happened back there is just part of the person I used to be, and I refuse to allow myself to go back to that. I have to be a good parent to Tyson, even if that means changing my ways.
“I know you’re mad, but for what it’s worth, I’m on your side,” she says quietly, smiling up at me when I glance down at her. For her, this is grade twelve. At this age do we really still pick sides in fights? She must see my unimpressed expression so she quickly defends herself. “What I mean is that you’re the one who’s right.”
Instantly I stop walking and turn to her. We’re already halfway down the street that the school is on. “Thanks,” I give her a small smile before dropping my cigarette to the ground. After stepping on it, I shove my hands in my pockets.
“I’m Eve, by the way,” she smiles, extending her hand. Awkwardly, I have to remove mine from my pocket just after I put it in. Her skin is soft as I shake her hand and we smile at each other.
“I’m Fallon, but I guess you already know that.” She smiles, nods her head twice, and then we’re in a pocket of silence. For a few minutes, neither of us knows what to say. Eve is a pretty name for a pretty girl, and so far she seems genuinely nice, which raises an important question. “Why is someone like you hanging out with someone like Kelsey?”
The question can be taken in many bad ways, but luckily Eve gets what I’m asking.
“She’s the most popular girl in school, everyone wants to be her friend,” she tells me, leaning against a nearby fence. I follow in suit, staring up at the cloudy sky.
“When I was in school, I don’t remember her being very popular.” It was just under a year ago that I attended school with Kelsey. However when she gave up Tyson and refused to be the one to take care of him, that job was dumped on me. “More infamous, as I remember it.”
Kelsey is well-known for her drug and partying habits, as well as sleeping around. Popular is the completely wrong word for her, and infamous is just an understatement.
“I guess you can say that,” nods Eve, folding her arms over her chest.
“I don’t understand why anyone would want to be around her.” I think back to the fighting, screaming and how all the ‘happy’ times we had together were fused by drugs or alcohol.
Or both.
“To be noticed,” she explains, meeting my eyes. “You’re a nobody if Kelsey doesn’t acknowledge you.”
“I guess things have changed a lot since I went to school; people have lowered their standards.”
“You know,” Eve says, stepping away from the fence and standing in front of me. “You’re pretty famous at our school for dating Kelsey. No one really knows who you actually are, but everyone’s heard of you.”
“Great,” I nod, pulling out my phone and checking the time. I slide it back into my pocket and meet Eve’s eyes. “I’m known as Kelsey’s old fuck buddy, aren’t I?”
She rolls her eyes and laughs lightly. “No, you’re more of a legend. No one really knows why, or what your story is, but for some reason you’re quite well known.”
“A legend for dating Kelsey? I guess any guy would be,” I laugh darkly, and look down the street. “However I better get going. Unlike her, I have my son to take care of.”
“I bet you’re a great father,” Eve smiles, and brushes her hair behind her ear. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
I shrug and shake my head. “Well, since I won’t be paying Kelsey any visits anytime soon, I won’t count on it.”
“You know,” Eve giggles, taking a few steps back. “You don’t always have to come to see Kelsey.” Then she turns around and heads back to her friends. Smiling, I turn around and head back to my son.
“Well aren’t you badass,” Kelsey smirks, sauntering over to Erik and I. We’re standing on the dimly back porch of the party, preparing to get high. She holds a brand new beer and I snatch it gently out of her pale hands.
“For stealing your beer?” I grin as I take a sip.
“Touché,” she nods. “But no, for doing drugs.” I don’t know how to respond to that. I’ve never considered myself badass for doing drugs. To me, it’s just something to do that lets me escape for a while.
“Fallon?” I blink back into reality to see Erik staring at me impatiently. His hand is out-stretched, holding the pipe.
Sighing quietly, I set down my beer on the railing and take the small object out of his hands. He then passes me a lighter and I raise the pipe to my lips. Flicking the flame, I ignite the small, crystal-looking rocks and inhale.
“Mind if I try?” Kelsey asks while I blow smoke up into the air. I look at her cautiously. She’s definitely a partier, but has she partied this hard?
“I don’t think you should,” I mumble, letting the buzz consume me. It takes over every cell inside me, so when Erik says to let her try, I willingly hand Kelsey the pipe.
I help her as she fumbles, being new to this. Who knew that one simple toke would begin a whole new relationship?
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