My rot is as hungry as me!
fem! oc x lottie matthews, fem! oc x nat scatorccio
Truth is, Kay Jang finally did something so unspeakable, something so egregious, that her father In-su Jang had to send her away from New York City for fear of a stain on his billion-dollar name. So, by sunrise, Kay was on a flight to New Jersey; by noon, she'd been dumped on her Uncle Iseul's doorstep in Wiskayok with nothing but the clothes on her back and the duffel bag on her shoulder, face flat like she didn't care she'd just been abandoned. Dead-Faced Kay became the talk of the town overnight.
Rumors followed Kay like curses to Wiskayok, despite In-su's efforts to hush any ill talk. Anyone at Wiskayok High could see Kay Jang was running from something bad; why else would she move to a new city midway through the spring semester? They rumored that the thin scar across Kay's upper lip came from a Brooklyn druglord's dagger. They said that Kay's reclusive legal guardian and uncle, Iseul Jang, made her swear not to speak to anyone, which explained her enigmatic silence and aversion to looking people in the eye. And some said that the journal Kay always scribbled into was filled with rituals of animal sacrifice and blood magic. How else to explain the offputting energy she gave off, the looks of resentment she wore when someone laughed near her?
On the soccer field, Kay was different. For the entire year she'd lived there, only the Wiskayok Girl's Soccer team ever saw her smile. There was something desperately obsessed about the way Kay played. She lost herself in every play of every game, fast enough to outrun anyone, ruthless but graceful in her chase for points. The Yellowjackets named Kay Jang their striker only a month in. And it was her kick that scored their winning point at the 1996 State Championship. Kay was the reason she and her team boarded the doomed Flight 2525.
For a year, Kay had tried to run away from the terrors she had experienced in New York, believing that ghosts couldn't follow her this far away from the streets of the Upper West Side. Now, though, as the date for Nationals approaches, Kay's nightmares are becoming more and more vivid—her twin sister's skeletal face watching mournfully from the treeline, wind whispering through the bare branches . . . In dreams Kay Jang sees storm clouds gathering dark on the horizon, and she has the strangest feeling she won't be able to outrun them much longer.
Graffiti on the walls of the girl's bathroom proclaimed Evie Caulfield a motherless slut, a gold-digging drunk, a cheating liar, and countless other unkind half-truths. Whenever she found a new hate-filled message, Evie would take out her own Sharpie and retrace the letters to make them bolder, underline them, box them in to draw the eyes of anyone who entered: Behold Evie Caulfield, The Drama!
Evie was the kind of girl to run toward danger with a bottle of vodka in her hand and a devil-may-care smile on her painted lips. She liked driving fast cars and running drunk through parks at night and kissing boys she'd forget in a day and dancing till her head spun from exhaustion. In a small town like Wiskayok, New Jersey, Evie was always destined to be the reject. They thought her un-Christianlike, scum on the sidewalk. "Who cares?" Evie would say. "I'm too big for a dump like Wiskayok, anyway." And it was true. Evie wasn't meant to be shuttered away in this dim suburban town, married to some mild-mannered husband that wears khaki shorts and polo shirts. No, Evie was meant for something. Something big, she knew it. She'd dreamed of her name written in lights, catching flowers thrown from an adoring crowd. People craning their necks to get a good look at the devastating beauty she was.
Pre-law school at NYU would be just another step up for her in the world. Evie's future was spread out before her, and all she needed to do was reach out and grab it. Winning the New Jersey State Championship with the rest of her varsity soccer team the Yellowjackets was supposed to be just another achievement in a long career of success. It wasn't supposed to change the direction of her life entirely. Evie didn't even like soccer that much. She just thought being on a varsity sports team would look good on her NYU application.
No matter how hard Evie tried to drown her past with liquor and cheap thrills, The Wilderness still waited for her every night when she closed her eyes. Recently, more ghosts stand at the edge of the dream-treeline, and their music is sweet and haunting, like the smell of decaying flowers in autumn . . . She dreams of her mother's rotted face more and more now, though she tries her best to ignore her beckoning voice . . . The night before that doomed flight to Seattle, Evie woke with the most peculiar thought still stuck in her head from sleep: Soon I'll know what I truly am.
Sydney Park is . . .
Kay Jang
Grace Van Patten is . . .
Evie Caulfield
WITH . . .
Sydney Park / Kat Jang. ♰
Ji Jin-hee / Iseul Jang.
Jessica Chastain / Eudora Caulfield. ♰
Karl Urban / Kip Caulfield.
The Yellowjackets Cast / Themselves.
Others / As Described.
this book is intended for mature audiences only. it includes heavy violence/gore, sexual content, drug use/drug abuse, cannibalism, themes of mental illness, murder, and other adult themes not suitable for young audiences. users below 14 DNI!
A NOTE ON PLAGIARISM: this app is the worst with users copying writers and calling it "taking inspiration." so DO NOT, for any reason, take inspiration/COPY my original characters, writing, plot, etc. from now on, plagiarizers will be blocked, reported, and will be added publicly to the plagiarizer list below. at this point, i'm done having my work stolen, and tbh i want to spread awareness on which users are doing the plagiarizing so other writers know to look out!
━━━ (N/A)
✪ hey hi hello welcome (back) to SINK YOUR TEETH IN !!!! i took this fic for a while down bc people were plagiarizing it word for word,, BUT with the addition of the above plagiarizer list, i'm hoping to dissuade copiers from even trying... we'll see if it works!!! i just couldn't abandon this fic cuz it is burning a hole in my drafts so,,, HERE!
✪ kay and evie are character foils of one another. in many ways they're opposites of each other, but they also complete one another's storyline,, if that makes sense,,, i'm purposefully being vague about kay and evie cuz it fits with the ~mysterious~ style of the yellowjackets show!! i promise you'll learn more about them as the book goes on.. just keep in mind kay and evie are connected to each other (Platonically!!!!) and their appearances are not all they seem...
✪ kay's love interest is natalie, evie's love interest is lottie. they're both slow burns because literally everybody in this story is completely traumatized, so romance might be kinda sparse in between survival in the wilderness... but it's gay and angsty and dramatic so i'm excited!!!
✪ also!! staying in theme with the show's paranormal element, kay jang and evie caulfield have supernatural abilities connected to memory & the dead that kinda fit in with lottie matthews' own abilities that we've seen. kay and evie, their storylines, and all plot changes belong to me.
A NOTE ABOUT TIMELINE: the first act takes place in 1996, starting just before the plane crash and ending where season 1 ends the wilderness storyline pre-rescue (*cough* after a certain major death *cough cough*). the second act will take place during season 1's 2021 storyline, from the survivor's perspective as an adult (yes, either kay or evie will die in the wilderness.). the third act will follow season 2 start to finish . . .
© antivenoms / aug. 2023
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