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a/n: I have changed the ages of the characters to accommodate for some inconsistencies. if any wrong ages are stated, please comment on the paragraph so I can fix it. jungkook is supposed to be 17 and Taehyung is 18.
Jungkook wipes away the small tears that were continuously trickling down his cheeks as he lay there on his mattress; his mind racing one hundred miles an hour.
It was today that Jungkook would be receiving his report card in the mail, and he knew that once his uncle had checked it like he always had, he wasn't going to be particularly happy with him. In fact, he would be quite the opposite.
The stress from knowing this had left the 17 year old with a nagging, sickening feeling in his stomach that had lasted all week long; having only gotten worse by the day....up until now when the stress had finally hit it's peak.
Jungkook quickly jumps up from his bed after having felt something creeping up his esophagus and hurries towards the restroom; holding his hand over his mouth. In there, he dropped down onto his knees in front of the toilet and positioned his face over the bowl; spewing up all the bubbling acids in his stomach that had been waiting all day long to be expelled.
His energy having been sapped due to the intense heaving, Jungkook weakly reaches up to the towel rack and uses it for support while getting back up onto his feet. "Nasty.." He mutters to himself with a disgusted expression on his face; having tasted the acidic bitterness that was lingering in his mouth.
After taking a deep breath, Jungkook walks over to the counter to brush his teeth; stopping and looking at himself in front of the mirror before reaching in the cabinet for his toothbrush.
The teen's appearance had matched the way he felt internally; his skin lacking the usual brightness and radiance, his dazzling dark espresso eyes were now lethargic, and drab looking, and his chestnut brown hair, that he had usually been pretty particular about with his way of styling, was now natural and sticking up all over the place. The only thing that looked half-way presentable about him was the pressed school uniform that he was still wearing; having had been too lazy to change out of it and into his lounge wear when he had gotten home from school.
Those were just a few words that were repeating over and over again in his mind as he stood there, looking at himself. The teen tried not to be a negative person, but today, he couldn't help himself. It was all he could think about when he caught a glimpse of his reflection.
Jungkook wrinkled his nose at his reflection and quickly reached forward to open the mirror cabinet; leaving it open so he didn't have to look at himself anymore.
As Jungkook was leaning over the sink brushing the back of his tongue, he hears the ever so familiar voice of his uncle calling for him from downstairs~
Jungkook drops his toothbrush almost immediately and spit the rest of the tooth paste out of his mouth and into the sink; not even bothering to rinse before he left the room, since, when his uncle told him to come, Jungkook knew he'd better do as he said. And fast.
"C-coming!" Jungkook calls out as he heads towards the staircase; tripping over various toys that were laying on the floor as he made his way through the hall.
Jungkook stops when he reached the top of the stairs and noticed, as he was looking down into the living room, that his uncle, Yunseok, had an envelope in his hand.
Yunseok snaps his fingers and points downwards at the floor in front of him. "Get down here. Now." He says sternly.
Jungkook swallows his saliva; feeling like his heart could jump out of his chest at any moment as his nervousness skyrocketed. "Y-yes, sir.." He says with a shaky voice.
The timid teen walked down the stairs, into the living room and over to the older man; standing right in front of him with his arms plastered to the sides of his body.
"Do you know what this is?" Yunseok says as he held up a red envelope in his hand.
"...m-my report card, sir." Jungkook replied.
"A report with all As, correct?"
Jungkook stood there in complete silence, watching as his uncle started tearing open the envelope.
Noticing that Jungkook's demeanor had been even more timid and quiet than usual, Yunseok raised his eyebrow; suspecting that the teen knew something and was holding it back. "A report will all As, correct??" He repeated, testing the teen.
"U-um...I-I hope so.." Jungkook mutters whilst looking down at his hands that were fiddling with the bottom of his school blazer.
Yunseok stopped mid-tear and
looked up from the envelope to Jungkook who was standing there with a distressed look on his face. "What do you mean 'I hope so'?" He asks.
"I mean...yes...yes, all As.."
"You're acting awfully strange, Jungkook. I hope you're not lying to me...because you know how I feel about liars."
"I'm not lying...I-I don't know what grades I have for certain, sir..." The teen said. Though, in reality, Jungkook knew exactly what his grades were, but, he was far too scared to say it out loud.
"You know what's going to happen if I don't see all As on this piece of paper, correct?" The elder says as he slipped the piece of paper out of the envelope.
Jungkook tightened his grasp around his blazer; his head slumped down. "T-then I will be punished, sir..."
"Mhm. So, let's hope you've maintained your perfect grades like I expect from you." He looked back down at the paper and unfolded it.
Jungkook sheepishly peeked up from the floor and watched Yunseok's expression as he read the report; the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop as the man's eyes were traveling down the page.
social studies: A+
mathematics: A+
technology: A+
home economics: A+
science: B
(Yunseok stops when he reaches the fifth subject.)
Jungkook's heart skipped a beat when he noticed a change in Yunseok's otherwise flat expression.
The older squinted his eyes and brings the paper up closer to his face; giving the paper a good look-over to make sure what he was seeing was indeed correct. "What...what is this..?!" Yunseok says angrily and flips the report around towards Jungkook; shoving it into the teens face.
Jungkook didn't even need to look at the paper to know what he was talking about, so, he pinches his eyes shut and slumped his head back down. "I-I'm sorry, sir...I tried my best during the last test, I really did..!"
Yunseok crumples up and tosses the report over to the table. "I didn't raise a 'B' student! I expect you do the best you possibly can! And this, " he points towards the report, "isn't. You have a lot of explaining to do, Jeon Jungkook."
"The test was really hard, sir..! A-and when I went in to ask for help from my teacher, he refused..! If anyone is to b-blame for my grade; it's him!"
"No, no, no." Yunseok shook his head and pointed his finger in the teens face. "Don't you dare blame other people for your stupidity."
"B-but..." Jungkook's bottom lip started to quiver as he was almost on the verge of tears.
"N-no, wait..! Please...I-I can do the test over again! I promise I will do better next time!"
An older teenage boy wearing all black with a lip and eyebrow piercing came walking down the stairs; pulling his ear bud out from his ear. "Yeah, man?"
Yunseok reached back over for the report and held it up. "Jungkook here got a B." He says.
"Noo..." The teens mouth formed into an 'o'. "Not the smart little Kookie. Wow...that's a shame." He hopped down the last couple steps and walked over to Jungkook.
The older teen leaned over to Jungkook who was now covering his eyes with his hand; ashamed. "Not paying attention in class, sunshine?" He asks as a smirk crept over his lips.
Jungkook moved his face away from Junha who had gone a bit too far into his personal bubble. He looked down towards the ground, feeling defeated; knowing there was no way he was going to convince Yunseok to spare him from this punishment.
Yunseok nudges Jungkook close to Junha. "You know the drill."
"I sure do." Junha says as he grabs onto the teens wrist, leads him over to the staircase. "Come on, sunshine. Time to learn your lesson." He says in an oddly cheerful tone.
I'm going to make this perfectly clear so no one comes and accuses me of anything again in the future;
Before you read on, there are NO nonconsensual sex scenes in my story. I am not going to name names, but someone came to me quite upset for writing something I didn't even write. so I ask, no, BEG of you to just read closely before making assumptions. no matter what you think is going to happen, and no matter how something starts out, please do not just assume it's going to turn out as you think & leave, or chew me out before making postively sure that what you are going to accuse me for, is in fact there. this story is rated m for a reason, because, yes, there are dark topics. BUT, nonconsensual sex IS NOT one of them! ok? ok.
(Junha's room)
"Come on. Quit dilly dallying and take them off."
Jungkook stood there in the middle of the room, desperately trying to plead with Junha. "C-can't you just tell him that you did it..? Please Junha...I'm still really sore from last time.." Jungkook begged.
"No, now, you should have thought about that before you stopped taking school seriously. Now drop 'em."
Jungkook grabbed onto Junha's hands and gave him look of desperation. "Please, please, please...I-I don't know if I can handle it." He says as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Junha pulled his hands away and shook his head no. "No, Jungkook. Now, do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way like last time?"
Jungkook wiped his eyes. "...e-easy..."
"Then. Take. Your. Pants. Off." Junha said.
With shaky hands, Jungkook reluctantly unbuttons/unzips his pants and lets them fall to the floor. Junha walks over beside him and puts his hand out towards the bed. Getting the hint, Jungkook bends over it and buries his face into his crossed arms.
"Ugh, I hate when people only do things half way." The older says and harshly pulls Jungkook's boxer briefs down to his knees. As he has was examining all the bruises left over from the last incident, he presses his index finger to one of the bigger bruises on his bum. "Does that hurt?"
Jungkook nodded his head 'yes'; his face still buried in his arms.
Junha looked up at him. "Use words." He says.
" hurts.."
"Damn...poor thing." The older shakes his head and bends down to reach underneath his bed. He slides out a long, plastic container and pulls the lid off; reaching in for the black studded belt that was laying inside of it. "I'm sorry to say this 'Kook, but, it looks like your ass is going to be in even worse shape after this."
Jungkook looked over his shoulder towards the older who was standing behind him. "Please, don't have to do it...I promise I'll tell him you did it...then you'll get the cash, and won't have to hurt me."
"Sorry Jungkook, but I have to. If he suspects that I didn't, then I'm done for. And I need the cash for my goodies."
Jungkook's entire body tensed up as he feels the cold, metallic studs rubbing along his skin as Junha ran the belt across his cheeks; giving him a warning that he was about to begin the punishment. Jungkook pinched his eyes shut and curled his toes, preparing himself for the impact.
Junha brought the belt back; getting ready to smack him but he stopped and let out a sigh; starting to feel a tad bit guilty. "Wait...just a second." He reached over to his drawer and pulled out a plastic baggy with something brown in it. He reached into the bag with his fingers and broke off a piece of the food item, holds it out towards Jungkook's mouth. "Here. Maybe this will help lessen the lingering pain that you're going to be feeling for the rest of the night."
Jungkook opened his eyes and peeked down at the crumbly thing in Junha's hand. "What is it..?"
"It's a brownie. Now eat up."
"A brownie..? What makes you think I'm hungry for brownies at a time like this..?"
"Trust me. You're going to thank me for this later. Now open up."
Jungkook hesitantly parts his mouth, allowing for Junha to slip the piece of brownie in between his lips; a disgusted expression appearing on his face as it hit his taste buds.
"Gross..! It tastes rotten!" Jungkook said with a mouth full.
Junha covered Jungkook's mouth before he was able to spit it out. "It's supposed to taste that way. Now swallow it. It will help you relax."
Jungkook looked over at Junha who then gave him a reassuring head tilt. "F-fine.." He mumbles and swallows the brownie; shuddering as it slid down his throat.
"There we go." Junha patted Jungkook's ass cheek.
"O-ow!" Jungkook says.
"Ahhh don't be so wimpy. That was just my hand." He brought his hand back with the belt in it and swung it forward; smacking the younger with it.
Jungkook let out a whimper and buried his face into his arms, his toes tightly curled.
"Sorry, sunshine. Just 20 more to go." Junha says as he brought the belt back and smacked him for a second time; Jungkook's skin turning an even darker red with every hit.
As Jungkook was repeatedly being whipped by the belt, the room around him darkened; accompanied by a severe dizziness that caused the furniture and walls to spin in circles. The sounds of the belt coming in contact with his skin had began fading out into an indecipherable muffle as his mind started drifting away.
A/n: some flashbacks consist
of a fairly intense memories from Jungkook's past, so, I will be putting warning signs, because, I know some people might be triggered by it. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, but like I said in my warnings, this ff can be dark at times, and I just wanted to go with something different than what I usually do by adding in some darker go out of my comfort zone, if you will. So...don't say I didn't warn you. And If you choose to skip, just keep scrolling down. You'll be able to easily see the ending.
"Come on, Jungkook. Unlock the door...I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."
A trembling 11 year old Jungkook sat in the corner of his room with his knees pulled up to his chest. His breaths were fast and shaky as he listened to his father's seemingly calm voice coming from the other side of the bedroom door.
"Please, I know it was just an accident. Now...just come to the door." The man says whilst tightly holding onto a leather belt.
Jungkook buried his face into his arms and hugged onto his knees even tighter, "Don't fall for it like last time.." he whispered to himself. He knew his dad was just trying to bait him out of the room like he had done many times before.
Getting increasingly impatient with the lack of response from the young one, the man bites onto his lower lip and tightens his fist with the belt in it. "Jungkook! I'm only going to tell you one last time to open this fucking door!"
Startled, Jungkook jumps when he hears the sound of the door being kicked in. He quickly pulls himself up from the floor and hurries towards his bedroom window. As he was frantically trying to pry the lock off that his father had just previously installed, he hears the loud snap of wood splitting.
Jungkook turned around as the bedroom door flew open; revealing his father who's face was red with anger and a visibly clenched jaw. With his hands stretched out in front of him in a defensive position, Jungkook begs in a shaky voice, "I-I'm sorry, dad..! P-please don't hurt me!"
His father stomps over to Jungkook who was cowering at the other side of the room and harshly grabs onto his small wrist. "When I tell you to open the door, you open it!"
"P-please forgive me! I didn't mean it!"
"Maybe I would have forgiven you if you had opened the fucking door when I told you to, but nope. You chose to disobey me once again."
Jungkook let's out a small whimper as he was harshly pushed onto his dingy mattress, landing on his forearms.
His father grabbed the waistband of Jungkook's pants and roughly pulls them down past his knees, revealing his skin that was covered in welts and red marks from previous punishments.
Mercilessly, his father used all his strength as he began smacking the younger with the belt; feeling all his frustrations fade away as he did so.
After 15 mins of the constant punishment, his father let out a heavy sigh and wiped his forehead. He tossed the belt over onto the bed next to Jungkook who was now curled up into a fetal position. "There..." He says with a heavy breath; the punishment having taken everything out of him. "Now you can look at that all night long to remind you of what a little disrespectful brat you are."
Jungkook who was shaking, wiped the tears away from his face after he heard his father leave the room. After turning around slowly to make sure the coast was clear, Jungkook reached back behind him and tried pulling his pants up, but his skin was far too painful to do so. Instead, he just left it and pulled the sheet up and over him.
Jungkook grabbed onto a pillow and buried his face into it; letting out the sobs that he tried ever so hard to keep in during the beating, since he learned over time that, whenever he did so, it seemed to rile up his father even more.
After a few moments, Jungkook peeks up from the pillow and looked over at the worn out leather belt that was laying next to him.
"I wish you'd just d-.." He whispers shakily but stops before he finished the sentence. After feeling an overwhelming sadness come over him, Jungkook buried his face back into his pillow and softly cried into it.
The crying continued late into the night...up until he eventually past out from exhaustion.
End of flashback
"N-no dad!! P-please stop! I promise I'll be good!" Jungkook cries out into his pillow as he was being smacked.
Junha rolled his eyes and harshly shook Jungkook's shoulder. "Snap out of it Jungkook!"
Jungkook started stuttering words that couldn't even be deciphered besides a few "dads", so, Junha just gives up and continues with the punishment.
"Help me, mom! Please!" Jungkook cried out. "He's hurting me again!"
Yunseok and a woman were sitting on the sofa in the living room, peacefully sipping on a glass of wine; droning out the sound of muffled crying coming from upstairs.
"Hmm, I'm not so sure if it's such a good idea for my son to be disciplining your nephew. Isn't that something that you should be taking care of, Yunseok?" The woman asks, breaking the silence between the two.
"No, no, no. I can't bear to see him in pain for my own eyes...why else do you think I asked Junha to be the one to punish him? Because I didn't want to have to be the one to do it." Yunseok says, letting out a heavy sigh before he continues, "And besides, I've spoken with Junha and he doesn't mind. As long as I give him a little bit of cash, anyways."
"Well, even if Junha doesn't mind...don't you think your nephew is a little too old for a whipping?"
"If he's going to act like a child and not do his work, then he is going to be treated as such."
"Hmm...I guess that's only fair."
The two simultaneously took a sip of their wine.
" you suppose anything else goes on in that room besides the whipping during the boy's punishment?" The woman asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you know how boys can be at their age...though I'm not a male, I did a lot of experimenting in my teenage years. And I assume males do the same."
"Hmmmm..." Yunseok sat there for a moment as he thought back on his younger years. "I suppose you're right."
"And, not only that...but I know Junha can be a bit...different at times." She took a sip of her wine whilst trying to think of the right words. "He...let's just say...isn't afraid to test the waters."
"Yes, I'm aware, Jihyun."
"Well, doesn't it concern you?"
As the cries of pain were getting louder, Yunseok lifted up the remote and turned up the volume on the television, trying to block them out as much as possible.
"The only thing I am concerned about is making sure that Jungkook stays in line. Whatever goes on in that room is not my problem. As long as he's getting the proper punishment; I'm content. I needn't know any details." He replies.
1 hr later
Jungkook slowly opens his eyes, coming face to face with Junha's leg. He looks up and sees Junha laying down and snacking on popcorn while he was watching videos on his laptop.
He blinks a couple times and looks around the room. From the fetal position, he slowly props himself up on his elbow and pulls his pants up after feeling a breeze.
Junha looks down at him and says with a mouthful of popcorn, "You did it again."
Jungkook rubbed his forehead and looked over at him again. "...did what?" He said with a weak voice.
"Calling out to your mom and dad." Junha swallows the popcorn.
"Again..?" Jungkook says and winces as he pulled his pants up the rest of the way.
"Yep...It's getting worse. You were laying there mumbling and shaking for a good 45 mins this time."
Jungkook sat up and touched his head; feeling slightly dizzy. "I-I'm just gonna go lay down.."
Junha shoveled a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "You've never blacked out for that long before. I would suggest you go and talk to someone about this. It's only going to get worse, you know."
"Why do you even care..?" Jungkook muttered as he tossed his legs over the side of the bed.
"Just because I'm the one who dishes out your punishment, doesn't mean I don't care about you. Because I do. You're an ok kid in my book...even better than me." He reaches over and ruffled his hair. "Plus, it's just weird when you call me 'dad.' It turns things oddly sexual."
Jungkook closed his eyes and rubbed the sides of his temples. "It's not like it's on purpose...I don't even know that I'm doing it.." He says weakly.
"Wellll. It's pretty awkward for me to say the least."
Jungkook fixed his hair and carefully stood up from the bed; trying to get his bearings after the black out. "If you don't like it, maybe you shouldn't cause it to happen then.."
"I already told you why I have to do it. Now quit saying that or you're gonna make me feel worse than I already do." He says as he shoveled even more popcorn into his mouth; his eyes plastered to his screen.
"Oh look real devastated with your actions." Jungkook mutters.
"What's that?" Junha says as he glanced over at Jungkook quickly and then back to his computer.
"Forget it.." Jungkook says as he walked out of the room, looking down at the ground.
After Jungkook slowly walked to his room and shut the door, he went over to his bed and plopped down onto it; feeling mentally and physically drained. Though he was in pain, he felt a sense of relief knowing that this punishment was over and done with.
(2 hrs pass)
Jungkook's eyes popped open after hearing a small knock on his bedroom door. He glanced over and watched as the handle rotated, followed by the door slowly opening that was accompanied with a squeaking noise.
Jungkook scooted himself up and placed his laptop aside that was sitting on his lap after seeing his little brother poking his head through the door. "Kyu...what are you doing up this late?" He asks quietly.
Kyu opened the door ever so carefully and tip toed into his room; tightly holding onto a stuffed bunny with one arm as he gently closed the door behind him with the other.
After the door was shut and he was sure no one was going to hear, Kyu walked over to Jungkook's bed and hopped up onto it. "I-I was scared...I heard you yelling and crying and I thought something happened to you.." He says with a sniffle.
Jungkook leaned a pillow against the headboard of his bed and patted the spot next to him. After Kyu scooted himself over next to him, Jungkook says, "Everything is ok, Kyu. It must have just been a bad dream." He says as he fixed Kyu's messy hair.
"B-but it seemed so real was so scary.."
"There's no reason to be scared. Your big brother is just fine...see?" He looked down at the younger and pointed at his mouth; forcing a big smile.
Kyu nodded his head and wiped his eyes. "I wish they would stop..." He says as he shook his head. "Those dreams are way too scary for me.."
Jungkook stroked Kyu's hair and leaned his head against the headboard. "So do I, do I.."
"Can I sleep in here with you..?" He shoved the stuffed bunny that he was holding onto into Jungkook's face. "I brought Mr. Fluffbunny with me so he can keep us company if we get scared again."
Jungkook chuckled and took the bunny gently out of his hands. He ran his finger over the small hole that it's eye had once been, but was now gone. "Kyu...what happened to Mr. Fluffbunny's eye?? I recall him having both when I gave him to you." He raised his eyebrow.
"Mr. Fluffbunny had an accident.." Kyu leaned over and whispered into Jungkook's ear. "I accidentally knocked it into the vent when I was trying to put it back in..."
"Why are we whispering?" Jungkook whispered back with a slight smile on his face.
"Because...then he will hear us. I told him I would put it right back in when I found he can't know that I lost it!"
Jungkook chuckled at his little brothers goofiness. "It's ok." He whispered. "We'll make sure and get him a new one. One that looks just like the other so he can't even tell the difference." He winked at him.
A big smile came over Kyu's face. "Really?? Thank you, Jungkookie!! Now he won't be mad at me anymore!" He snatched the bunny from Jungkook's hands and squeezed the bunny tightly to his chest.
Jungkook ruffled Kyu's hair and flipped the bunnies ear. " You two get some sleep, now. It's late."
Kyu let out a big yawn and nodded. He laid down and curled up in the blanket; closing his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Jungkook reached up and turned off the above-bed-lights and laid down onto his back; feeling a bit more at ease with his brother being in the same room as him.
"Good night Jungkookie.." Kyu said sleepily.
"Night, little guy...and Mr. Fluffbunny."
After Kyu fell asleep, Jungkook quietly picked his laptop back up and took one more glance at the application that he was filling out before he had closed his eyes for a quick cat nap; Junha's words echoing through his head as he did so:
... "I would suggest you go and talk to someone about this. It's only going to get worse."...
Jungkook bit his lower lip and placed his finger on the track pad; moving the cursor up to the "Sign up" button.
After a few moments, Jungkook took a deep breath and clicked on it; feeling a sense of nervousness immediately after he did so. As he was about to shut his laptop, he noticed a bubble had popped up, so he rubbed his eyes and squinted as he began reading the text within it:
"Thank you for choosing to be apart of Kim Jiyoo's Teen Help Organization group. We aspire to help all of our members grow and flourish through each of our sessions. As of 2018, we have helped and resolved a variety of issues and concerns for over 2000 teens.
Our first group session starts this Friday the 13th at 6pm and will run until approximately 9pm. Once there, our members will converse and get familiarized with each other. Please note that it is ok to open up about your concerns and personal problems freely; for this is a judge free organization.
We can't wait to see you!"
HIYA! Hope you liked this sintroduction...😏
I'm so excited to be starting this new ff! It's going to be different than what I'm used to, since, I'm not really used to writing stories with full on dark topics, but I suppose that's how you learn! I hope to nail a specific vibe I'm going something weird & creepy, but we'll see how it goes 😉 but, hope it has intrigued you enough to check out the next part, whenever that may be. I am trying really hard to improve my writing skills and if you have read my other stuff, maybe you have noticed =) anyways thanks for checking this out!
p.s: after rereading parts of my story, i have noticed i have the bad habit of switching between tenses. so sometimes it's in past, sometimes its in present. i will probably end up going through and editing this when it is finished. Sorry if it bothers you.
Until next time, peace.✌
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