𝙿𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟺𝟻𝟽𝟻
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With Jungkook's tight grip on his hand, Taehyung quickened his pace down the hall, following right behind the younger. He wasn't exactly sure where they were going - all he knew was that it had something to do with his "fancy pants" - but, he couldn't really care less about that - as his mind was completely occupied with Jungkook, and how ecstatic he was to have found him.
When the two had turned the corner, Jungkook looked over his shoulder and tilted his head in the direction of a door at the far end of the hall. "This way. It doesn't look like anyone else is in there."
Taehyung peeked around Jungkook and down the hall towards the glass door in question - his eyes immediately landing on the shiny, gold wall-mounted sign above it that read "Main Office" in big, carved letters. He jolts forward when Jungkook gave him a yank, speeding up their pace so they could hopefully get in and out before lunch was over.
✎ . . . .
Jungkook leaned over the office counter with a small smile on his face, "Hiya, Cindi." He says to the girl sitting behind it - breaking her deep focus from the file cabinet she had been so captivated in. In fact, she had been so captivated that she hadn't even noticed the two teens walk into her office.
Cindi lifts her head up and tucks her hair behind her ear, smiles upon seeing the bright teen across the counter. "Oh, hi Jungkook! Whatcha need?" She asks and pushed the file cabinet shut, simultaneously turning around to face the two in her swiveling chair.
"I was wondering if any shipments of the school uniforms came in today." Jungkook tilted his head towards Taehyung who was standing beside him, being his usual quiet self. "You see, my friend -Taehyung perks up- just arrived here today, and well, as you can see, he wasn't given one."
Cindi's eyebrows lowered in confusion, she looks over at Taehyung. "Oh? Ummm, a new student..?" She reaches towards the various notes scattered across her desk, looks through them. "That's strange...Mr. Ahn didn't mention anything to me about a new student."
Jungkook straightens himself out, standing properly. "Huh, that is strange. I would think that you would be the first person that Mr. Ahn would go to about a new student...then again - he rubbed his chin - he may have just forgotten."
"Yeahhh. Well, Moon River High is constanly getting requests for new transfers, so, Mr. Ahn probably has a lot on his plate right now." She looks over at Taehyung. "You see, he has to be very picky about who he chooses to be apart of this school, and, well, that can have a lengthy decision time. So, you should consider yourself one of the lucky ones...um..."
a/n: yes, I know moon river is a weird name for a high school but, i was listening to that song and I needed a name, so, I was like fck it
"His name is Kim Taehyung." Jungkook chimed in.
"Hm..? Kim Taehyung..? I don't remember seeing your name anywhere in my files. How long had you been on the waiting list before Mr. Ahn contacted you?"
"I-I wasn't."
Cindi looks up at Taehyung from the notes she was holding. "You...weren't?"
Taehyung shook his head no. "M-Ms. Hyerin called him couple of d-days ago...and h-he told her that he wanted to t-talk to me...so I d-did...and he s-s-said I could start today."
"A couple of days ago?? But...usually it takes at least week for student's papers to process from their previous school.." She set the note down. "And, like I said before...Mr. Ahn is so picky.."
Seeing Taehyung's demeanor change from somewhat calm, to visibly nervous in a matter of seconds, Jungkook decided to take it upon himself to try and hurry the conversation along - since, it was obvious to him that all of Cindi's questioning was making the older a bit anxious.
"Well, who knows. but...all that matters is that Taehyung got in for a reason. And that reason is he, obviously, met the standards to be in our academy. So, I guess we shouldn't question Mr. Ahn's decision." Jungkook says, though, in reality, he wouldn't have minded to hear more of an explanation - as he couldn't help to be curious how Taehyung managed to be accepted into the extremely prestigiuos high.
"I suppose so.." Cindi adjusted her glasses and perks up. "So, you weren't given a uniform, you say?"
Taehyung nodded.
"Hmm, how odd. Usually students are given ones prior to their first day." She rubs her chin, thinking. "Well, we may have a few in the supply room near the gym. So, you might want to check back there." She reached up to the keyrack above her desk and pulled a key with a stretchy band down. Before she hands it to Jungkook - who had stuck his hand out to grab it - she pulled her hand back. "BUT. You need to bring this back to me as soon as you're done, understand?" She says.
"Yes, I understand." Jungkook says.
"Remember, you're the only student I will entrust this to, so, don't let me down Jungkook."
Jungkook snatches the keys and puts his hand through the stretchy band. "Don't worry. You know I'm no rebel."
Cindi lifted her eyebrow. "Alright... - she shoos them out - now. get going. You don't have much longer before the bell rings."
"Got it." Jungkook gave her a thumbs up and she turned back around towards the cabinet to continue what she was doing. Jungkook then grabs onto Taehyung's hand and pulls him out of the office - heading towards the supply room.
✎ . . . .
Supply room | 12:50pm
"Ah, now there you go." Jungkook ran his hands along Taehyung's shoulders - smoothing out his brand new, navy-blue school uniform that he had just finished changing into. "Now you get to look just as boring as everyone else does. Aren't you thrilled?" Jungkook asked in a facetious manner, earning a small smile from the older, of whom was standing quietly in front of him.
a/n: um, this is probably a really dumb question, but....is "of whom" even proper english, or am i just making shit up now?? you would think i would know, but I really don't. it SOUNDS right to me, but i seriously have no freaking clue
Taehyung looked down and watched as Jungkook was fiddling around with his tie. "T-thank you.."
Jungkook looks up at him. "For what?" He asked.
"For h-helping me find a s-suit..."
"Oh, it was no trouble at all." Jungkook gives him a smile, causing Taehyung's heart to flutter a bit.
"A-are you always t-this nice...?"
"I'm just doing what I would hope someone would do for me if I were in your position." Jungkook dropped his arms to the sides after properly tying his tie.
"I-I wish everyone t-thought the s-s-same way as you. I a-asked people to h-help me find you...b-but they just l-looked at me like I was a c-creep and walked the other w-way.."
"Oh, don't worry. I know people will open up to you eventually...it's just..." Jungkook went quiet for a moment. "Don't tell anyone I told you this, but, most of the people who go to this school are really stuck up. So, if anyone ever looks at you in a weird way, or treats you badly, just ignore them, ok?" He reaches into his pocket to grab his phone after he felt it buzz.
"It's not just t-this school...p-people in general d-don't seem to like us.." He reached up and smacked himself in the head lightly. "Me...I mean.."
Jungkook, who was typing on his phone, looked up after responding to a text from Minnie. "Shoot, it's nearly 1. We should probably start heading to class...- he sighs - so much for the, far superior, triangular pizza.." He says, having not payed attention to what Taehyung had said.
As Jungkook went to grab the door handle, Taehyung reaches forwards and grabs onto his hand to stop him from opening it. "Um, Jungkook.." Jungkook stops in place and looks over at him - Taehung's hand gently holding onto his.
"Yes?" Jungkook asked.
"B-before we go...I-I was c-curious about s-s-something.."
"What is it?"
"Back t-there when you were t-talking to, um, C-C-Cindi...you s-said 'friend'..."
"Yes, well...it was either that, or - Jungkook takes in a deep breath - 'the guy who snuck up on me while I was getting donuts at a group session for troubled teens, who then followed me to my school two days later only to sneak up on me for a second time while I was bent over painting a picture of Casper The Friendly Ghost.' - He let out an overexaggerated breath - And, well... I figured 'friend' rolled off the tongue a bit better." He chuckled.
"O-Oh...I'm s-s-sorry for scaring y-you.."
Jungkook waved his hand back and fourth. "No worries. To be fair, I get frightened easily.."
"Ok...S-so um...does that mean w-we are friends, or..?"
"I mean, we can be." Jungkook said, bites onto his lower lip.
Taehyung's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Really?? You would be my friend?!"
Out of instinct, Jungkook squeezed back on Taehyung's hand after feeling his grip tighten, due to his excitement. "Why not? You seem like a sweet person. Different, admittedly, but...sweet overall." He smiled, cocked his head. "So...I wouldn't mind getting to know you better."
Taehyung looked away in a shy, child-like manner. "I've never...I've never had a friend before.." He mumbled.
"What was that?" Jungkook asked.
Taehyung stared at him blankly, then shook his head. "O-Oh n-nothing.."
Taehyung's face softened and he looked down at his and Jungkook's hands. "Um, t-to be honest, I-I've wanted to get to know you s-since I first laid eyes on y-you.." He quickled looked back up at him and cleared his throat. "Y-you know...in a n-non-weird, f-f-friendly way..."
Jungkook shook his head, a smile still on his face. "You're so goofy. It's cute." He says, causing the older to completely pause.
first bell rings
"Oh crap. Let's get going. You don't want to get in trouble for being tardy on your first day." Jungkook says and goes to pull away, but stops and looks down at his hand after realizing Taehyung's grip wasn't giving. "But first you're gonna have to let go of my hand so I can open the door, silly."
"Oh, s-sorry." After Taehyung let go of his hand, Jungkook opened the door and steps out - followed closely by Taehyung.
Upon seeing the two coming out of the supply room, Minnie cups her hands over her mouth. "HEY! JUNGKOOK!" She calls out.
Jungkook stopped and looked over his shoulder to see Minnie jogging up to them, shoving a piece of pizza crust into her mouth.
"Where were you??" She says with a mouth full, then looks over at Taehyung who was shutting the supply room door behind him. "And what were you two doing in the closet..?" She lifted her eyebrow.
Jungkook held is hand out towards Taehyung. "I was helping him with his uniform and well it took a little longer than I expected. Taehyung...well, let's just say he got himself into a bit of a mess." The two boys looked over at each other, trying not to laugh as they recalled back to when Taehyung had somehow managed to tie his tie into three knots.
"Looking good." Minnie said and gave a thumbs up to Taehyung.
"Right? He looks so handsome in it, doesn't he?"
Minnie let out a snort. "Why do you sound like a proud mother?"
Jungkook looked over as he was fixing Taehyung's collar that was slightly tucked in. "Oh, oops..." He cleared his throat and put his hands into his pockets. "I guess that's what happens when you spend most of your time talking to children.."
"Oh, that reminds me, are you going to volunteer at the orphanage after school?" She asked.
a/n: erm, I know this isn't ya'lls job, but later in the story I changed from a daycare to an orphanage to better fit with the story's atmosphere, so if you see the word "daycare" while you're reading, please comment on the part so I can go back and fix it. thaaanks
"No. Not today. I have to take Kyu to the mall after school so he can pick out a Halloween costume."
"Awww...I wanna go, but, I already said I would go and read to the kids at the orphanage." She pulled Dr. Suess' "Green Eggs and Ham" out of her bag. "Not sure why the kids get such a kick out of rotting food, but hey whatever makes 'em happy. They love this shit."
"It's fine. I'm sure they'll really enjoy it." He looks over at Taehyung. "Maybe Taehyung will join along instead."
Taehyung quickly nods his head 'yes.'
"That was easy. Well, it's settled then." Jungkook says.
"Um, Jungkook...we need to go, like, right now." Minnie says.
Jungkook nods and went to take a step, but stops upon remembering something. "Oh, wait. Taehyung, do you need help finding your class?"
Taehyung shook his head 'no'. "I can f-f-find it.."
"Are you sure? Because I don't want you to get lost."
"It's o-ok. I won't."
"Ok. Well, have a good rest of the day. I'll see you after school." He waved as him and Minnie started taking off towards their class. "Just meet me at the entrance!" He called out, Taehyung waves back.
Minnie looks over at Jungkook as they were walking down the hall and gives him a look of confusion. "Dude. What are you doing inviting a complete stranger to go along with you and your LITTLE BROTHER?? Are you nuts??"
"He isn't a complete stranger."
"Uh, yeah he is. You barely met him, like, 20 minutes ago!"
Jungkook bit the inside of his lower lip, debating on whether or not he should tell his friend the truth - the truth about how, and when, him and Taehyung actually met. But, it didn't take him long to make a decision. He knew if he had told her, he would have to come clean about the teen help group sessions he was now attending, and knowing how Minnie was, he knew she would probably freak out if she found out. So, he decided to just go with the flow.
"So? We were strangers when we first met, but look at us now. And besides, he's a nice person, Minnie. I can tell."
"You say that about everyone, Jungkook. You are always giving people the benefit of the doubt without actually taking a step back and looking at them as a whole. I mean, I've barely been in his presence for no more than 5 minutes total, but I can already tell something is off about him." She shook her head. "To not even say 'hello' to me? Now that's weird. Like, who does that?"
"Just because he is shy, and maybe a little awkward, doesn't mean he is a bad person."
"I'm not saying he's a bad person. I just think he's a little strange is all, and I don't think you should be hanging out with him alone."
"Minnie, you're a little strange. In fact, you're a whole lotta strange. So, if I shouldn't be hanging out with strange people, then technically that means I shouldn't be hanging out with you."
"There's the good strange." She stuck her right hand out in front of her. "And then there is the freaky strange." She held her left hand out in front of her. "There's a big difference between the two, and I for one, am the good kind of strange. As for him, I dunno...he just... - she drops her hands down to her sides - gives me weird vibes."
you don't even know the half of it...Jungkook thought, but quickly waved his thoughts.
"Minnie, just let me do what I want ok? If he wanted to do anything, he had plenty of opportunity to do it while we were in that closet." He patted her head. "Now calm your tits."
Minnie crossed her arms. "I guess you're right...oh god...I'm turning into the judgemental pricks in this school. - She points inside her mouth- gag."
second bell rings
the two jump up and look at each other. "Oh shit!" They say in unison and they haul ass towards their classrooms, along with the other scattering students.
As the two ran around the corner, Taehyung peeked around the wall and watched as they ran down the hall - his eyes focused on Jungkook all the way up until he had turned into the classroom and was no longer in sight.
After class | 4:00pm
After a long and boring hour of sitting through the second lecture regarding, in his opinion, useless information about love and what it does to the human psyche, Jungkook let out a long sigh and shoved his supplies back into his bag - excited to finally be able to leave class. It wasn't that Jungkook didn't enjoy getting a headstart and learning about psychology, in fact, he was, for the most part, very interested in it. He just found Mr. Choi's most recent teachings to be repetitive, and to be frank, useless. But, he wasn't about to say anything, and instead, went with the flow and thanked him for another 'great' lesson - figuring whatever he was being taught must have a purpose, despite his beliefs otherwise.
Jungkook jumped when he felt Mr. Choi's hand come down on his table.
"So, Jungkook. What would you rate my lecture for today? 1 out of 10." Mr. Choi said with a chuckle, smiling down at the teen. "Be honest."
"Hm, I'd give it a 2-3. At best." Jungkook says with a hint of fake sarcasm - his results actually being genuine, but of course, he didn't want the elder to know that.
"Oh, that hurts." Mr. Choi brought his hand up, placing it over his heart.
"I'm just kidding, sir. An 11, as always." Jungkook said with a smile and stood up from his chair.
Mr. Choi overexaggeratedly wipes his forehead. "Phew. That's a relief. I wouldn't ever want to disappoint my favorite student."
"I don't even think that's possible.."
"Oh, Jungkook. You're too good to me. I mean, look." He held is hand out towards the class that was now empty. "All of my other students flood as soon as the bell rings, but you..? You're always taking the time to stay back and talk with me. And your compliments are just an added bonus."
It's not like I really have much of a choice...Jungkook thought.
"Well, I always think it's a great thing to be able to get along with your teachers. It makes school a lot easier."
"That's very true." Mr. Choi wipes his glasses lens on his shirt. "It's just a shame we can't continue our conversations outside of school.."
Jungkook lifted his fist and shook it in the air. "Yes. Darn school rules."
"I mean...if you ever did need extra help with anything that you aren't quite understanding..." He lowers his voice into almost a whisper after checking to see if they were indeed alone. "...we could probably get away with talking over a nice meal. I mean, I highly doubt anyone would ever know, besides us."
did he just insinuate a...date? Jungkook thought, but shook his head at how idiotic that sounded.
"Oh no, no. That's a horrible idea.." He waved his hands back and fourth. " I mean, that's very kind of you, but I wouldn't want to do anything that might risk your career. If I need help, I'll just come in during lunch or after school."
Mr. Choi's face slumped a bit, looking almost dissappointed at Jungkook's response. "Oh, of course...yes, come in whenever you'd like." He gave a bitter smile.
"I will, thank you." Jungkook grabbed his jacket from the back of his seat. "I have to get going to pick up my brother now, so, have a nice rest of your day."
"You as well." Mr. Choi replied.
After the two bid their goodbyes and Jungkook left the room, Mr. Choi went back over to his desk and started sloppily throwing papers into his desk in a huffy manner.
✎ . . . .
After stepping out of the classroom, Jungkook shrieked upon coming face to face with Taehyung of whom was leaning against the wall, right next to the classroom door - having not expected him to be there, since, he didn't recall telling him where his last class was.
"Wow, so jumpy..." He said and stood up straight. "Like a bunny."
Jungkook's cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "O-oh geez...I don't know why I've been so easily startled lately.."
"Don't be embarrassed.." The older one says, his eyes heavily focused on Jungkook's flushed cheeks - finding the sight of the blushing teen quite cute. He went to lift his hand up, but stopped himself by holding his arm to his side with the other. "...you certainly wouldn't be the first person I've scared." He said.
Jungkook's eyebrows lowered in confusion after noticing Taehyung's lack of stutter. "Hey...where'd your.." he stop. "Nevermind...so, um, you ready to get out of here?"
"We've been ready." He let go of his arm held his hand out towards the exit. "So, lead the way."
Jungkook nods his head slowly and starts heading towards the door, followed by the older - the entire way out, several students giving them questionable looks, looks of which weren't noticed by either.
✎ . . . .
"So, how'd it go for you? No one treated you badly, did they?" Jungkook asked as the two were walking down the side walk towards Kyu's school.
"A c-c-couple people kept m-making fun of my s-s-stutter and made me f-feel uncomfortab-b-ble.." Taehyung muttered, looking down at the ground with his hands in his pockets.
A small stinging sensation formed in Jungkook's heart upon hearing the older's words - feeling bad for him. "People can be really cruel, but, try not to let them get to you, ok? You can't help the way you speak." He lifted his arm up and placed his hand on his shoulder.
"T-t-that's why I d-d-don't like to talk...but...the teacher m-made me introduce my s-s-self."
"Well...maybe I can try and help you with it. I know I'm no speech therapist, but...I do have a lot of patience and determination." He chuckled.
Taehyung looked over at him. "Y-you would do that f-for me..?"
"Mhm. I'm not saying you should change the way you are for anyone else, but, I understand that it must be really frustrating for you...you know, not being able to get your thoughts across as easily as others can."
"I-it used to b-b-be a lot worse...b-but even now, s-s-sometimes I try r-really hard to s-s-say something and, well...I c-can't. And I end up s-sounding like an i-i-idiot.." He reached up and began massaging his earlobe in between his index finger and thumb.
"Well, if it helps any, you don't sound like an idiot to me."
Taehyung lowered his hand away from his ear and he looked over at Jungkook who was walking right beside him. "It d-does...a-a-and alot more than y-you could i-i-imagine .."
Jungkook lowered himself down and opened his arms to the running Kyu who was darting towards him from the school building. He smiles when the younger practically throws himself into his arms. "Hi, Kyu." He chuckles. "How was your day? Make any more new friends??"
Kyu pulled back a bit, his arms still around Jungkook. He bites onto his lip, looks down and shakes his head 'no.'
Jungkook frowned and wiped off the dried up jelly on the side of Kyu's mouth. "Aww, it's ok. Don't be sad." He kissed the top of his head. "I just know you'll make tons more. Just you wait."
"Hundreds???" Kyu said, bright-eyed.
Jungkook poked Kyu's button-nose. "Thooousands." He smiled.
Kyu giggled and leaned back in for another hug. When he did so, he noticed a shadow and glanced up and over at Taehyung who was quietly standing there off to the side with his hands in his pockets - trying not to interrupt their moment. Kyu points over to Taehyung and whispers in a not-so-quiet tone, "Who's that guy?"
"Oh." Jungkook lifted up, holding onto Kyu's hand. "That's my new friend, Taehyung. I brought him along because I know how much you like meeting new people."
Kyu let go of Jungkook's hand and backed up behind him - peeking around him in Taehyung's direction.
"What's wrong Kyu?? Don't you want to say hi??" Jungkook lifted up his arm and looked down at Kyu who was, quite obviously, not having any of it by the look of his scrunched up face.
Taehyung lowered himself down and stuck his hand out in Kyu's direction. "It's ok, Kyu. I promise I don't bite." He smiled.
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( ╹◡╹)ノ ॰৹꒰Hiya guys❢❢ It feels so good to finally be able to get this chapter out❢ I know it was a little shorter than usual, but it felt like a good stopping point, and so, I wasn't about to force myself to write any more. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it was simple. (psst, trust me, it will pick up) There's a couple things I wanted to address real quick, so yeah. First things first, I just wanted to let you guys know that, if you guys are wanting a fast paced Taekook story where they start bumping thighs on, like, the second day, you're shit out of luck my dudes. Sorry, but, in this story, character development comes first. Of course that doesn't mean that their won't be some sexual tension here and there, but, I just like to focus on the story rather than smut. As for the second thing - Taehyung's stuttering. I know it's probably very annoying to read his dialogue, but, it won't be like that forever. Ok? Ok. OH and one last thing, I know Taehyung is seeming like such a cutesy bottom in this right now, but trust me on this - I can assure you, he isn't. Just be patient. Well, that's all I'm gonna say about that, so, thanks for reading and I'll hopefully see you know the next update❢꒱
AND NOT ONLY THAT, BUT I HIT 1K FOLLOWERSS A COUPLE DAYS AGO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! HOLY CRAAAAAAP HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?????? wHAT is this sorcery¿¿¿???? Thanks so much to any of ya'll who are following me and helped make that happen, you are literally the best. you made me so so happy that I freaking jumped up and down and almost killed myself while doing so♡♡♡♡♡ that doesnt sound good, but trust me it is.
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