𝙿𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟾𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟻𝟻𝟺𝟼
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♪ "It's time to go to sleep. This is where your dreams will keep your wildest adventures of happiness. And it will begin with a bedtime kiss. You are my sunshine, brightening my darkest skies." ♪ Jungkook places Mr. Fluffbunny next to the fast-asleep Kyu and pulls the blankets up ever so carefully around the younger, as to not wake him. ♪ "You are my happiness. So, let your dreams begin with this bedtime kiss." ♪ Jungkook sings with a shaky voice.
Jungkook leans in and plants a gentle kiss atop his little brother's head. "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone with him." He whispered and wiped a tear that was forming in his eye. "You'll never have to go through anything like that again. I promise you."
As Jungkook stood up from the bed and turned around to head towards the bedroom door, he stops when he sees Junha's silhouette leaning against the bedroom door frame, his arms crossed. He breathes in a shaky breath before walking towards the door, Junha moving out of his way when he came up to it.
"What do you want?" Jungkook muttered after stepping out and quietly closing the door behind him.
"So, is there something you wanted to say to me?" Junha said.
"I don't have anything to say to you." Jungkook went to walk past the teen, but was stopped by a hand on his chest.
"Oh really? Well it sure seemed to me like you had a lot you wanted to say down there." Junha uncrossed his arms. "Junha's the one should be getting yelled at, not me! He's the one who let those stupid potheads into your house! This is allll Junha's fault." The tattooed teen said, mocking the voice of the younger.
Jungkook quickly put index finger up to his mouth. "Sh! I just got Kyu to sleep!"
"Then let's talk in a more quiet area." Junha says and began forcing the teen into his bedroom that was just across the hall--closing the door behind them after the teen stumbled into it.
After getting his bearings, Jungkook turned around to face the visibly angry one. "What do you want from me??"
"An apology!"
"What should I be apologizing to you for?! If anyone should be apologizing, it's you! One, for leaving my brother in cold bathwater after telling him you'd be back! Two, for letting your crazy dog loose in the house. And three, for letting your dumb friends trash the place!"
"Are you forgetting who allowed all of that to happen??"
Jungkook started to back up as Junha was stepping up closer to him, lecturing him. "You! You knew we were under the influence and weren't in our right minds, yet you still left." Jungkook fell backwards onto the mattress after the back of his legs came in contact with it. "So don't turn this around on me and everyone else. You were the only one in your right mind and should have known better. And as for your brother, it's your fault that he was in that tub for two hours. You know how sleepy I get when I smoke, but you wanted to go out and do whatever it was that you wanted to do."
"You're the one who convinced me to leave! Y-you made it sound like I could trust you." Jungkook says whilst looking up at the older who was standing directly in front of him.
"Well you're an idiot if you thought you could trust someone that was drunk and high."
"I already heard a lecture from my uncle, I sure as hell don't need one from you too."
"Psh, quit whining. You got off easy this time."
"Easy?? You weren't the one who was yelled at and was forced to clean up that gigantic mess!"
"Yeah and you're fucking lucky I wasn't...with all that trying to throw me under the bus that you did."
"You deserved it! I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut all the time!"
"And what made you think you should start opening it up now after all these years?"
"Because I'm tired of constantly being yelled at for things that I shouldn't even be yelled at over!"
Junha reached up and harshly grabbed the teen by the jaw and squeezed. He leans in close. "Well that's just too bad now, isn't it?"
"No, because I'm not going to let it happen anymore!"
Junha harshly pushed Jungkook back onto the bed and slammed his hand down next to him, hovering over him. "You're not going to ruin this for me, Jungkook. You're not."
"W-what are you talking about?! Get off of me!"
Jungkook let's out a grunt after his arms were pinned to the bed. "There's no way I'm going to stand back and let you try to get me kicked out. Not after everything I've been through." Junha mutters, his bottom lip trembling in anger.
"Then don't be a jerk and take responsibility for what you've done wrong! Now l-let go me!"
"No! I want you to realize that you're not the only one who's had a shitty life, ok?! So I'm going to do whatever I have to fucking do to protect my spot here." He leaned in closer and tightened his grip around Jungkook's wrist. "And I mean it, Jungkook."
Jungkook stared up at the furious teen for a few moments before finally saying something. "How can you live with yourself? You know you're wrong and I didn't deserve to be blamed for you and your friends!"
"I never said I was saint." Junha lifted off of the teen who had then shot up straight.
Jungkook watched as Junha was leaving the room, he stops in the doorway and takes in a deep breath.
"I've always had to fight for what I wanted. And I sure as hell am not stopping now...maybe one day you'll understand."
Jungkook watched in silence as Junha turned around the corner, hearing the door slam a few moments later.
After things settled down, Jungkook fell backwards onto his bed and yanked the blankets up and around himself. "Just one more year, Jungkook...just one more year.." He whispered to himself.
《One day later》
Saturday 8pm
"Thank you so much for letting Kyu stay here while Minnie and I go out, sir." Jungkook says to Minnie's dad (Minwoo) who was standing at the stove, stirring something around in a pot with a big wooden spoon.
"There's no need to thank me. You and little Kyu are always welcome in our home!" Minwoo says and glances over at the teen.
Jungkook leans forward a bit, peering inside the pot at the fiery red broth inside of it. He lifts his hand up above the pot and starts waving in the aromas. "Mmm...is this what I think it is??"
"Oh, I don't know.." The elder says playfully. "What do you think it is?"
Jungkook excitedly looked over at him. "Is this your homemade kimchi stew??"
"Correction; my prize winning homemade kimchi stew." Minwoo chuckles when he heard the teen's stomach growl. "Care to be the test taster?"
Jungkook enthusiastically nods his head yes.
Minwoo scoops up some of the liquid, making sure to get some chunks of veggies and tofu along with it before carefully lifting it up and out of the soup pot for the hungry teen to try.
Jungkook took the spoon and put it to his lips, blowing it off before slowly sipping up the savory broth and bits of veggies, letting out a satisfied 'mmm' once it hit his taste buds. "So, what do you think?" Minwoo asks.
Jungkook gives a thumbs up and licks the broth from the corner of his mouth that was stained red. "It's just as delicious as I remember it to be, sir."
"No need to be so formal, sweetie..." He stuck the spoon back into the pot and continued stirring. "Say it how it is...it's FUCKING delicious." He says with a smirk.
Jungkook began choking on the saliva that had formed in his mouth upon hearing the elder curse--having nearly forgotten how brazen he was. "You ok, over there?" Minwoo says and harshly pats the teen on the back.
Jungkook hit himself in the chest with his fist and nodded. "Y-yeah I'm *cough* f-fine." The two look over towards the kitchen doorway after hearing Minnie's loud footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Geez, Minnie...people could mistake you for an elephant coming down those steps with as loud as you are." Minwoo says when Minnie came walking into the kitchen, holding onto a couple of blankets.
"Rude!" Minnie replies and walks over to the stove. "MMMM! Yummy! That smells sooo fucking good."
"Why don't you go grab yourselves a soup mug from the cupboard and I'll dish you guy's up some to take with you."
"Oh no...I shouldn't.." Jungkook said while waving his hand back and fourth.
"Why not?? I made tons, and from sounds that your stomach is making, you're clearly hungry. Either that or there's a monster in it."
"Thanks, but...I already had a smoothie today.."
"Just one smoothie? That's it??"
"I'm trying to lose weight.."
Minwoo eyed the teen from head to toe and raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean 'you're trying to lose weight'? For heaven's sake, Jungkook, you're in as good of shape as my husband who's a police officer that trains almost every single day."
Jungkook looks down at himself and lifts his hand up to squeeze his skin underneath his jaw. "I don't know...it's just seems like I'm gain-.."
"Jungkook's just really self conscience about himself, pa." Minnie said as she was climbing up onto the counter to reach the soup mugs. "He doesn't see the amazingness that everyone else sees."
Minwoo placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungkook, there's no reason for you to be self conscience about yourself. You're a good looking young man, and are certainly not fat." He patted his shoulder. "I would know." He cupped the side of his mouth and continued in a whisper. "Trust me, why do you think I wear these slimming black tshirts all the time?" He pulled back and made a disgusted face at himself.
Jungkook gave a slight smile. "Thank you, sir.."
Minnie hopped off of the counter and handed the cups to Minwoo who began filling them with the stew. "Yeah, we know good looking people when we see them, and you'd still be good looking if you had a little junk in the trunk. Hell if I were you, I wouldn't even need a boyfriend or girlfriend. I would just sit in front of the mirror and admire myself all day long." She says, causing a pink tint to creept over Jungkook's cheeks.
Minwoo places the lids over the mugs. "That reminds me, Jungkook. Have you found yourself a boyfriend yet?"
Jungkook shook his head 'no.' "Not really...to be honest, the thought of being in a relationship again kind of scares me." He says, causing the two to fall silent for a few moments.
Minnie finally chimes in. "That guy was a fucking dickhead and I hope he rots in hell."
"He'll get his comeuppance, don't worry." Minwoo said and patted Jungkook on the back. "So, don't worry about finding a relationship right now, Jungkook. You have your whole life ahead of you to find someone who will love and care for you, just the way a sweetheart like you deserves."
"And I think I know just the person who will do just that!" Minnie smiles widely.
Jungkook waves his hand side to side. "Oh? And who is that?" Minwoo asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh no one really...just the guy that JUNGKOOK HAS A HUMONGOUS CRUSH ON BUT WON'T ADMIT IT!" She stomped her foot in frustration.
"Oh, so little Jungkook has a crush now??" A voice says coming from behind them, causing the three to all turn around.
Minnie's second dad, Heejoon, takes off his gun holster belt and sets it on the table. "Dad!! I missed you!" Minnie says and runs over to hug him tightly. She was always happy to see her father come home after a long day, as it was never guaranteed, in his line of work anyways, that he would return safely.
"Hello, hello. I missed you too, sweetie." He smiles and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
"Welcome home, dear. I made your favorite." Minwoo says and gives his husband a kiss on the lips.
Jungkook rubbed the side of his arm, forcing an awkward smile as he stood back and watched the small family showing their affection. The teen admired how closely bonded the three were, and not to mention the love they had for one another...but there was always something else alongside that admiration--an almost painful, stinging sensation in his heart that only seemed to be getting worse with each visit.
After looking over at Jungkook and noticing his smile had disappeared, Heejoon let go of the two and walked over to the teen. "Nice to see you again, Jungkook." He held his arms out.
Jungkook looked up from the ground towards the older standing in front of him. "O-oh hello, sir. Likewise." He gave him a hug.
"GROUPHUG!" Minnie drags Minwoo alongside her over to Jungkook, throwing her arms around him--Minwoo doing the same.
A half smile crept over Jungkook's squished face that was up against the tall one--Minnie squeezing him from behind.
After the 4 all let go, Heejoon patted Jungkook's head. "So what was this about a crush I was hearing?"
"Oh, I don't hav-"
"Jungkookie likes this bad boy from school!" She pinched Jungkook's cheeks.
"A bad boy, eh?" Minwoo placed one hand on Heejoon's back and the other on his stomach. "That's what attracted me to this one. He was a self-proclaimed bad boy, but turns out he was just a big teddy bear." He chuckled.
"I hung out with all the 'bad boys' back when I was in highschool, and let me tell you that was a mistake. I realized all of them were complete dickheads." Heejoon
said and pointed towards Jungkook. "So, you watch out for those bad boys, you hear? I don't want to have to arrest any other boyfriend of yours."
"You won't have to, sir. I promised myself I wouldn't allow anything like that to happen again. I've been a lot more picky about who I hang out with."
"Yeah, and the boy he likes isn't a bad bad boy...he's like...a good bad boy, if that makes any sense." Minnie says and slurps up a spoonful of stew. "He's nice from what I can tell."
"Ah, ah, ah." Minwoo gently bops her on the arm and points towards the soup mugs. "You have your own right there."
Minnie dropped the spoon back into the pot. "Oh shit, yeah, that reminds me! Yoongi and the others are probably waiting for us, so we should probably get going." She shoves the blankets into Jungkook's arms and picks up the soup mugs.
"You two be careful, alright? There's a lot of drunks who stumble around at this time of the night."
"Don't worry, dad. I have my mace. And Yoongi's house isn't that far."
"Alright...remember to keep your phone on at all times and call me if you need anything."
"I will, I will." Minnie gave her parents a quick kiss in the cheek and hurried out of the kitchen. "Come on, Jungkook!"
Before Jungkook stepped out, he looked back over towards Minwoo. "Thank you again for letting Kyu stay here. If he wakes up while we're gone, just call my cell and I'll talk him back to sleep."
"Don't worry about that, I can handle that little cutie." He waved his hand. "You two go and have fun."
Jungkook gave the two a bow and hurried out of the kitchen after Minnie called him for a second time.
After they heard the front door open and shut, Minwoo let out a sigh and crossed his arms.
"What's wrong, honey?" Heejoon asked as he wrapped his arms around the worried one.
Minwoo picked at his nails and frowned a bit. "Have you noticed that Jungkook has seemed a bit...sadder lately?"
"He seemed neutral to me."
"I don't know...it just seems like there is something off about him...do you suppose everything is going well at home for him? I mean...don't you think it's a bit strange he brought Kyu over here?"
"Jungkook feels comfortable with us. He would tell us if something was wrong." He kissed the side of Minwoo's neck, causing him to instantly relax. "And as for Kyu, maybe Yunseok was gone, so he needed someone to look after him."
Minwoo let's out a sigh. "Yeah...I suppose you're right." He smiled. "Ready to eat now?"
"I've been ready."
Minnie and Jungkook were walking down the sidewalk towards their destination, Jungkook still tightly holding onto the blankets and Minnie still holding the cups of soup.
"So..." Minnie starts to say and looks over and up at the taller one. "Are you and Yoongi going to share that blanket like last time?"
"I don't know...if he says he's cold, I suppose I'll be nice and let him use it."
Minnie let out a sigh. "Kookie, why are you so stubborn?"
Jungkook glances over at the teen. "What do you mean?"
"Why can't you just admit that you like him?"
"Minnie, even if I did like him, what would be the point of admitting it? It's not like him and I would ever be together. Yoongi doesn't seem like the relationship type."
"How do you know?? You've never even given him the chance to show you."
"Well...even if he is, I just don't feel like getting involved with anyone right now...I like being alone."
"Yeah right. No one likes being alone, Jungkook. So don't give me that shit."
Jungkook sighed. He knew his friend was right, but he wasn't about to admit it.
Minnie stops in the middle of the side walk and grabs his arm, stopping him. "Just tell me, Jungkook...what is it that you're so afraid of? Rejection?"
Jungkook shook his head 'no.'
"Partially...but that's not the entire reason.." He shook his head. "Let's just stop talking about relationships, ok? It makes me uncomfortable."
Minnie moved her hand down to Jungkook's hand and squeezed it. "Jungkook...you can't let your experience with your first boyfriend ruin relationships for you as a whole." She caressed the top of his hand with her thumb. "What he did to you was wrong, but...not every person is like that. There are good guys out there...guys who would treat you like a king. You just have to give them the opportunity."
"I know, Minnie...and thank you. I just...I guess it's just hard for me to get out of this mindset.."
Minnie threw her arm around him and gave him a big squeeze. "It's ok, Kookie. I shouldn't be pressuring you into doing something you don't feel comfortable doing quite yet. The right guy will come around when the time is right, I just know it."
Jungkool squeezed her back. "Thanks for trying to help me open up, Minnie. You're the greatest friend anyone could ever have."
"Just doing my job." She patted his back and the two released from their embrace. "And if anyone else hurts you, I'll shove my pair of five inch heels so far up their ass they won't be able to walk for a month." Jungkook said the last part a long with her.
Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. "You tell me that like once a week."
"I just want you to know that I'm not messing around."
"I know. Now let's get going before the others start blowing up our phones."
"Good idea." Minnie took his hand and the two hurried down the side walk, holding the soup close to her so she didn't spill any.
Jungkook slowed down when Minnie abruptly turned into the forest that they were walking by. "Hey, where you going?? Isn't Yoongi's house this way?" He says and points forwards.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Yoongi told me to meet him through here. I just couldn't say anything because my parents were right there. They would have never allowed us to come if they had known where we were really going."
Jungkook stood there for a few moments, looking up at the towering trees. "I don't know..." He peered inside the dark forest. "It's really dark.."
"What, you scared that monsters are lurking around or something?" Minnie says with a smirk.
"It's not monsters I'm afraid of...creepy humans are far more scary...considering they're actually real and very likely to be in there."
"Oh come on, scaredy cat. I'll protect you." She reached forward and snatched Jungkook's hand, quickly pulling him along behind her.
The teens walked side by side, leaves and branches crunching underneath their sneakers as they made their way deeper and deeper into the forest. Jungkook had wrapped one of the blankets around himself, as the crisp fall breeze had picked up quite a bit since they first stepped into the forest--plus, the blanket had made the teen feel more at ease, as the silence and darkness was always one of his biggest fears.
Minnie on the other hand was quite a trooper, and didn't seem much affect by the abrupt change in weather--despite her only wearing a pair of booty shorts and a thin hoodie. It didn't surprise Jungkook much though, as she had always been the tough one in their friendship, ever since he could remember--which was sort of ironic considering how small and adorable she looked with her big brown eyes, and naturally pink tinted cheeks. Her girly girl appearance didn't necessarily match her strong and brave personality--a personality that Jungkook had always dreamed of having ever since childhood. Some could even speculate that he was jealous of her because of it, but of course, he had never came out and admitted it.
"Ughhhh, where the fuck are they." Minnie muttered whilst looking down at her cellphone. "The reception is shit out here and I can't see his location anymore."
Jungkook squinted a bit after noticing a flickering light coming from the far end of the forest. "I think I see a light down there."
"Where??" Minnie looks up and towards the direction Jungkook was pointing.
"Oh yeah! That looks like a flick of a fire. That must be them. Come on! I'm freezing my tits off!" She grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him towards the flickering light.
As the teens came up to the small area that was cleared from all the shrubbery, Minnie went running up to the bonfire in the middle--sticking both of her hands out in front of her.
Jungkook rubbed the side of his arm and cautiously walked up beside her. "Um, where are they..?"
Minnie looked around, having not really noticed, since, the bonfire had really excited her. "Hmm...I don't know. Maybe they went looking for more firewood. Because.." She glanced around at all the empty beer cans and junk food wrappers. "It looks to me like they've been here. A for awhile, at that."
"All five of them? I highly doubt that...they knew we were coming, so why would they all leave? You would think at least one of them would stay to tell us where the others went."
"Hmm. I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." She plops down onto her butt.
"But...what if this is someone else's hangout??"
"Then we'll leave when they come back. Now sit your butt down and relax, scaredy cat."
"No..! We should just leave and call them again when you get better reception. What if the people who were here are murderers!" He swallows his saliva. "W-what if this is a...trap..."
"Earth to Kookie, are you listening to yourself?? Geez I never realized how much of a paranoid little shit you were!"
Jungkook leaned down and grabbed onto her arm. "B-but it makes sense! What if this bonfire is just a lure for unsuspecting victims!"
Minnie looked up at the teen with a blank face. "Peep eating murderers?" She pointed over to the package of pink colored bunny-shaped marshmallows lying on the ground nearby. "Ooo so scary."
Minnie yanked the fearful teen down onto his knees. "Trust me, we'll be fine. If worse comes to worse and murderers do return, I'll just turn my bottle of mace into a flamethrower and burn their asses to a crisp."
Jungkook reluctantly moved his legs out from underneath himself and sat down properly. "...if we get murdered tonight, my soul is gonna kick your soul's ass straight down to hell." He put his hands out to warm.
"Here's your medication, so make sure and take ALL of it this time, ok? Remember, it's good for you.
I've prepared meals for you that are in the fridge. If you need a knife for anything, I've left a package of plastic ones for you. Don't bother looking for the real ones, as I've hidden them somewhere you won't find. And if you need someone to talk to, Mrs. Lee is next door and is always in need for company.
I should be home around 2pm tomorrow, so stay out of trouble until then.
P.S. I spoke to Mr. Ahn and he says he would like to speak to you tomorrow morning, and wants to get you started as soon as possible. So, make sure and wake up early if you want to start on Monday.
See you soon."
Taehyung set the note down on the table and looked over at the small paper cup that was sitting atop of it. He places his hand down next to the cup and continues to stare down at it.
Don't take them.
Don't take them.
They're poisonous to us.
He finally blinks a few times after several moments. "This isn't about us. It's about him. Just like it's always been." He picked up the cup and headed into the bathroom.
Without us, he wouldn't be him. He needs us.
"We're all supposed to be here for Taehyung and Taehyung only. Therefore it is our duty to make sure he is happy and healthy."
Those wretched things prevent us from protecting him.
As he was filling up another paper cup with water, his left arm swung around and smacked the cup out of his hand--causing it to fly across the room.
He looked over at all the droplets of water that had splashed against the mirror, counter and floor-- his eyes landing on the tipped over cup that was laying near the tub.
"Now was that really necessary?"
He reached up for another cup and began filling it again, but his left hand turned off the cold water and pulled the 'hot' handle as far as it could go. He rolls his eyes and turned the cold water on again, but his other hand turned it off once more.
"Are you really going to do this?"
I'm not letting you put that poison into us.
As he was reaching for the pills, his left hand grabbed his right hand--preventing him from doing so.
"Knock it off right now. You're acting like a child!"
His left arm held his right arm underneath it tightly.
"Fine, if you want to play this way." He leaned down towards the pills on the counter with his mouth open.
Before he was able to get his mouth around them, his left hand came up and covered his mouth--pushing back on his face. He let out indecipherable mumbles as he was trying to pry his left hand away from his mouth.
As he was struggling to get his hand away, his left hand finally releases but makes a mad dart towards the pills--successfully grabbing ahold of them.
"Wait.." He held his right hand out in a defensive position as his left hand held the pills over the nearby toilet. "Please. Don't. Taehyung really needs those and he won't be able to get any until Ms. Hyerin comes back."
I don't understand how you are willing to put these things into us. And you call yourself the protector. Pshh.
His eyes followed the pills as they fell into the bowl, seeming as though the world slowed down around him as they were falling. He blinks when he hears the plinks of the pills hitting the water.
He stepped up to the bowl and stared down into it, watching the three pills floating in circles around the top after his left hand had pulled the handle on the toilet.
Heh heh...bye bye. His left hand waved at pills that had completely flushed down the toilet.
"Oh, shut up." He rolls his eyes and smacks his left arm down.
Taehyung stood there in front of the toilet for a few moments, feeling a bit of confusion.
"O-ow.." He rubbed the reddened part of his arm that was stinging in pain from the previous slap.
After taking a few moments to gather his bearings, Taehyung shakes his head and heads out of the bathroom--shutting the light off behind him.
He goes over to his nightstand that held a brand new edition of his favorite comic book series and slipped it out of it's pristine plastic packaging. He pulls the string on the light atop of his nightstand and plopped down into his bed, getting snuggled up in the covers.
Before opening it, he whispers a 'thank you' and gives the cover a quick kiss--a feeling of childlike excitement rushed over him as he flipped to the first page.
(long) a/n
hiya guys! sorry for this boring chapter, I promise it will get better and more interesting soon, I just am kind of struggling to get out of these first few 'introduction' type chapters. But anyways, if you couldn't already tell, YEP our sweet Tae has DID. (PLEASE REFER TO "WHAT IS DID + EXPLAINING TAEHYUNG'S ALTERS PART IF YOU ARE CONFUSED) </3 And I just wanted to let you guys know, if you didn't see the pre ff disclaimers, that I HAVE NO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH THIS MENTAL ILLNESS. ALL of my knowledge comes from what I've researched, so if anything is inconsistent with real life DID, I fully apologize and do not want people to think I am just being inconsiderate and am writing it the way 'I think it would be' because, believe it or not, I've done quite a bit of online research on this; like all the different types of alters, the symptoms, the causes, all that kind of stuff. but, if I miss something, or portray it in a non realistic way, I am so sorry and mean no offense to anyone. I truly understand this is a serious illness. and if I happen to write some goofy parts , like I did in this chapter, once again, i understand it is a serious illness and I do not mean to make light of it. it is just that I love to express my humorous side, especially through writing.
Also, wanted to say sorry for the delayed update, I just have not been very confident in my writing lately, and just hated everything I was doing and decided to just take a step away from writing for a bit. hope you understand.
there's a few more things I wanted to mention, and the first being, I wanted to give a humongous thanks to Bunny-Kooks for giving my story a little shoutout (is that the right term? idk ><) in one of her stories! It seriously made me soooo happy and made my day♡♡♡ I wanted to get this chapter out quick to return the favor, but as you can see...it didn't turn out that way. BUT it's finally here, and I cannot stress to you guys enough that you NEED to go check her story out 'Teach Me'. It's a TopTae ff and omg is it STEAMY. Like..
I'm only about half way in, but the drama is already kicking up and guys just let me tell you...you're gonna screech a lot. SO GO CHECK IT OUT, OK???
♡♡ILY Bunny-Kooks♡♡
Second, THANKS SerendipitousOwl for the bedtime song for the beginning, it's so freaking ADORABLEEEE AND YOU NEED TO RECORD THAT TOO JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH THE POEMS. 🍕🍕
lastly, THANKS FOR 8K READS JAHEIWWHWHVAHAAH ILY YOU ALLLL. IT MEANS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH TO SEE PEOPLE ARE STICKING WITH THIS LIKE.. I wasn't sure people were gonna be interested, because one, this type of story isn't for everyone, and two, I don't really have much experience with writing full on darker topics like this, so I just wasn't sure how people would like it from an inexperienced writer like me...but apparently some of ya'll do and ughh I can't thank you enough...so JUST TAKE MY HEART ♡
hehe until next time, peace friends ✌
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