Disappointments, heartaches and betrayal
You are receiving many troubles. We did not want anyone among you to turn away from Christ because of that. You already know that we who are believers must receive troubles like that. 1 Thessalonians 3:3 (EASY)
Nobody loves to be in pain. Sometimes we go through very tough experiences and painful as they are, we are not supposed to dwell on them. A traumatic experience can make you end your relationship with God. You'd be amazed to discover that the reason people leave the church is centered around relationships. When somebody hurts you, it's hard to focus on God. In our most vulnerable state, we become easy targets. It's easy for the enemy to get us. You see my friends, the devil does not like good relationships. That's why in the garden, he caused Adam and Eve to fall. He hates to see trust in relationships. He hates to see us become accountable for one another. He hates anything that makes us build each other up. And that's why he also hates the single believer. When you are single, you'll have all the reasons to believe you are not fulfilled. All the reasons. At a certain age, it hits harder and perhaps at a higher volume.
Was Jesus wrong for choosing His disciples?
One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. 13 At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles. Here are their names: Simon (whom he named Peter), Andrew (Peter's brother), James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,15 Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon (who was called the zealot),16 Judas (son of James), Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).- Luke 6:12-16 (NLT)
Jesus had many disciples. They weren't just 12. They were more. And Most of them left him. If Jesus was truly a man, then it should mean he also felt pain. I like to show the human side of Jesus because a lot of times, we do not really believe. Sometimes we think that Jesus was able to defeat the devil only as the son of God. Of course, Jesus is the son of God. But he defeated the devil as a man. Jesus also had to face what we face. Let's take a look at what our savior says:
The flesh cannot be trusted
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." - Mathew 6:41 (NKJV)
Do you think Jesus spoke metaphorically when He mentioned that the flesh was weak? Jesus must have known to speak like this. I understand why He always prayed. To be like Jesus is not an easy thing. The flesh wants sex. The flesh wants food all the time. The flesh wants sleep. The flesh wants to watch porn. The flesh wants to masturbate and to experience all kinds of sexual experiences. The bible says, "Watch and pray." So how do we fight the flesh? Easy! In fellowship with God. But when we rush our time with God and always wanting to watch Netflix, how could we ever win? Jesus has wisdom. When you study about Jesus, you'll realize that most times when he left his disciples, he went to pray. You cannot conquer sexual addictions by going to therapy. There's nothing wrong with it. I advise people to do it. But a lot of issues are spiritual. To overcome a spiritual thing, you need to be a spiritual person. It requires prayer. It requires deep studying of the word of God. How do you think Jesus could demand devils to come out of people? He learned how to fellowship with His Father.
Why did Jesus' disciples betray Him if He is the one who chose them?
Jesus answered them, "Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?" - John 6:70(NKJV)
So, Jesus prays right? He prays all night right? And He chooses 12 disciples to be Apostles. But He also knew that somebody would betray Him and yet, He never mistreated anyone. He loved His disciples. Do you see why we needed to learn about the different types of love? It all adds up now. Because of learning about Agape, we have some understanding of why Jesus did what He did and why He operated in the way that He did. Did He really know who was going to betray Him? Of course! He knew. But let's confirm what I am writing with Scripture. Let's find out if Jesus really loved his disciples despite being betrayed and abandoned by them.
It was nearly time for the PassoverFestival. Jesus knew that he would soon leave this world and to go to the Father. He had always loved those who were his own people in the world. He continued to love them to the end. - John 13:1 (EASY)
Jesus is really amazing! As I write, I am so excited! He is amazing. The bible says, "He had always loved those who were his own people in the world" Ahh! That part is beautiful. You could read it again. Jesus had always loved. Let's read the next part. "He continued to love them unto the end." Hmm. Interesting. So Jesus has one guy that sells Him for 30 pieces of silver, another guy that denies Him three times and one who always seemed to doubt Him. But the Scriptures say, "He continued to love them to the end."
Everything that happened in the life of Jesus happened to fulfill the scriptures. Everything. Everything really happens for a reason.
Somebody betrayed me, now what?
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. - James 5:13 (NKJV)
What the Bible is saying here is quite simple. Well, almost simple. If you are troubled about anything whatsoever. Pray about. If somebody broke your heart. Pray about it. If somebody hurt you. Pray about it. If you lost your best friend. Pray about it. If something happened between you and your friend. Pray about it.
Something a little practical?
I had a very good friend. I knew her through another person. Now we knew about each other because my friend needed counselling. So I was shocked. I don't counsel people. But She wanted somebody that could help her grow in God. So I was excited about it and started sharing Jesus with her. We talked a lot of times in the week and I received family issues and a whole lot of stuff I cannot share here, but after some time, through prayer and a constant study of the word of God, healing began. oh, you should have been there! I had been talking to somebody I never met on the phone for a couple of months, so she thought it was a good idea to meet. Which I thought was great as well. But then I kept postponing plans and eventually I did see her but only for a short while because I was preparing to leave the country.
A few days after, I left for Botswana. I sat at the airport a couple of hours before receiving disturbing news on the phone. It was a few minutes before boarding. I was excited. I am always excited to travel and to meet new people and see a few new places. I was seated waiting to be called on but instead I received a sad message where I was accused of having sex with this friend I had been sharing the word of God with.
What did I do?
Honestly, I was mad. I was upset and I didn't enjoy my flight. This happened in 2015. Back then, I didn't know the scriptures as much, but I did know some. Though I didn't know that scripture above, I prayed when I got home. I was really discouraged. I was in pain. I felt betrayed. But I did pray. And the one thing I asked God to do was to heal me. I had never felt such kind of anger before in my entire life. You see readers, I escaped many forms of addictions and so to be accused in such a manner was very heartbreaking. In my other life, I could have easily done that. I was sad because I really couldn't believe that I would be accused of having sex with somebody I met only once and somebody I preached the word of God to constantly.
All things work together for our Good
So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. - Romans 8:28 (TPT)
Do you really believe that everything works to your advantage? Whether you were rejected or shamed or embarrassed by somebody, in Christ, it works out for good. If you had asked me in 2015 that I believed that, I wouldn't have been so confident about it. The enemy always wants to ruin good relationships. Even if you have had many breakups, It doesn't change the fact that God wants you to be in a good relationship. First with Him, and then yourself and after that, with other people. Why? Because the amount of love you give is a reflection of how much you love yourself. If you haven't learned how to love you, it's gonna be hard to love another person. Your experiences shouldn't make you hard or bitter, but it should rather want you to have a better relationship with God.
Note: Hey readers! Thank you for reading! I want to pray for you today. Father, heal us of our broken hearts and let us radiate your presence in all relationships. May we be filled up with your love and your Spirit as we move on. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen! God bless you for reading! Thank you again! Shalom.
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