~Third Person's POV~
"Ugh" Jace groans for at least the seventh time all morning, as he pulls up his pants
"Jace, Katsuki, please stay home" Izuku insisted as Katsuki slumped against the wall, head lolled to the side weakly.
"Need.....to get......to school" Katsuki mumbled holding his pounding head as he slowly got up.
"No you don't" Izuku said picking him up and laying him on the bed
"Yes......I do..." The blonde groaned out before screamingly as hot white pain flashed through his lower back "f🤗"
"Please Katsuki, please both of you just stay home" Izuku pleaded pushing the former down onto the bed
"No.....instincts say......go with......alpha" Katsuki and Jace mumble weakly in unison
"You two can make a nest of my clothes and stuff" Izuku insisted in a pleading manner, not liking how pained Kare no akachan looked (his babies)
"No.....need......to leave..... with al....pha" Katsuki whimpered gripping his alpha's shoulders
"Ahh!" Jace cried as the same pain that struck Katsuki in his lower back hit him making his knees buckle under him
"Jace!" The greenette yelled running over to him "Jesus Christ, please just stay home"
"Can't....must...stay.....with alpha" The blue haired boy said using the wall to pull himself back to his feet
"How about if I stay home" Izuku suggested desperately
"No.....alpha.....must leave too...." Katsuki mumbled standing on trembling legs. He and Jace grabbed their bags and slowly crawled out of the room.
Izuku sighed and followed suit "Are you two sure about this?" He asked as they sat, weakly slumped on the seats of Izuku's truck.
"Yeah we're fine" Katsuki said stretching as though he'd been sitting idly with nothing to do.
"Yeah, we should be good for the rest of the day" Jace said grinning like usual. As much as he and Katsuki tried to seem fine, Izuku could not only feel their pain but also see it in their eyes.
The greenette sighed once more and drove off to school. "Morning brats" Aizawa greeted going back to normal after the whole 'pregnant Uraraka' incident
"Good morning Mr Aizawa sir" The class - including the two pain filled boys - greeted back lazily
"Today, I feel like I'm going to drop dead" Aizawa said monotonously "so do whatever the hell you want to, just don't make too much noise or destruction"
"Yes sir" the class replied. The often sleep deprived male sat in a corner in his banana yellow sleeping bag and began to snooze, not really giving a f🤗 what his students did for the moment.
Katsuki immediately got up and went to snuggle into Jace, hoping the blue headed male could cure his ailment with his soothing touch and scent, but with no such luck. He paid no attention to those who were about their own business.
"Stupid Shindou, Stupid baby, stupid parents, stupid Japan, stupid world, stupid galaxy, stupid universe, stupid multiverse" Uraraka grumbled to herself as she sat in a corner cradling her stomach. She initially had absolutely no problem with having the baby, infact, she was excited. But her parents wanted nothing to do with a pregnant daughter, especially when their business was leaning on the edge of failing.
Katsuki whimpered gripping Jace's shirt as pain flashed through his lower back once more. "What's happening to us?" He asked looking up at his Royal Beta with worry plain as day on his flawless delicate face and fear coating his crimson eyes in a deep blood red color.
"I don't know sweetheart, I don't know" the bluenette sighed hugging his Royal Omega closer, trying to sooth the worried male
".....I'm scared" The blonde admitted hesitantly. He was terrified, he's felt pain before, but his back felt like someone was pulling his spine out, and his head felt like someone was hammering concrete nails into it. He'd never felt anything so painful, but his instincts told him to stay with his alpha because something was going to happen, he felt it in his gut.
Finally it was time for class. Halfway to their classroom the two remembered that they had English. With Present Mic. And a skull splitting headache. "Izuku" Jace called out softly knowing that the alpha male would still hear him.
"Yeah" he answered looking back at his soon-to-be future husbands.
"We'll sit this one out" Katsuki said hugging Jace closer
"I'm coming with you" Izuku said frowning. The other two nodded knowing the older male wouldn't leave them alone. They all left to the Cherry Blossom garden after telling the Bakusquad to tell Mic that they wouldn't be attending and why. "Guys lets just please go home"
"No Izuku" Jace said shaking his head "we need to stay here, I'm not entirely sure why as of now but I know we need to be here, at school"
Izuku sighed once more "I'm not going to be able to change your minds am I?" He asked rhetorically shaking his head
"Nope" Katsuki said smiling softly "besides, I have a feeling we'll be fine soon"
"Whatever your instincts tell you I guess" Izuku breathed out in defeat and a hint of annoyance.
Soon the bell rang, it's shrill noise echoing around the school. Luckily for Jace and Katsuki, the Cherry Blossom garden was a little far from the school building so it didn't hurt their heads as much as it would've if they were any closer.
"I'll go get you two some lunch" Izuku said getting up. He walked off back to the school before using his vampire speed to get to the cafeteria faster.
After several minutes, Izuku still had not returned. Worried, Katsuki and Jace got up and left. Halfway to their destination, Jace stopped "what's wrong?" Katsuki asked forrowing his brows
"I think I forgot my phone in homeroom" the animal based quirk user said slightly panicked
"Go get it, I'll be fine" Katsuki said shaking his head at his dominant
"Okay, I'll trust you on that" Jace said kissing his bunny's cheek, the latter's cottontail wagging at the action.
Katsuki smiled brightly and continued to try to find Izuku. When the cafeteria was finally in sight, Katsuki saw Izuku talking to another girl- or perhaps, the other way around. Izuku on the other hand seemed annoyed, the girl must have noticed this because the next thing she caused her her life.
She hopped up and grabbed Izuku by his shirt collar, pressing her lips tightly against his. Shocked, the nineteenth OFA user tried to - gently yet quickly - pry the female off his body.
This only seemed to spurr her on, she wrapped her arms around Izuku neck making the male try even desperately to remove the female from his body.
Katsuki laughed lowly at the the encounter. To others he may seem to be heartbroken and hiding the way he felt, but that was far from the "This is what you get for trying to steal my alpha" the blonde said, a knife - sharper than anything else on this retched earth - materializing in his hand
Eijiro saw Izuku and began walking over to his best friend in pity, but he was too late. Katsuki threw the knife with deadly precision making it lodge in the skull of the female who tried to steal his alpha. The blonde screamed and fell to his knees as a flaming red pentagram formed beneath his feet, the same happening to his Beta just in their homeroom class but blue.
Izuku quickly ran over to Katsuki but was thrown back by the force of the invisible magnetic field, and was sent through the wall of the cafeteria leading outside. The pentagrams glowed brightly obstructing everyone's view of the two males in pain.
Suddenly a pair of wings each extended from the bright glows of the pentagrams.
Finally the glow of both pentagrams dim but don't go away. Everyone un their vicinity gasped, botg males had wing that resembled that of a fallen angel's, two small horns replacing their animalistic ears while their originals came back and the sharp point tail of a true demon.
Both boys walked away from the are they were previously in, mini pentagrams popping up with each step but disappearing soon after their feet are lifted. The both met up halfway and raised their hands, a black torii gate with red insides faded into existence.
(Ignore the red on the outsides)
They walked through and the others watched as the gate slowly faded out of existence, while on the other side, Jace and Katsuki looked at their new home.
Stepping into the small boat provided, they were escorted to their private dwelling quarters.
"It's so big" Katsuki commented as he stepped out of the boat. He grinned and ran inside intended to check out the whole place before Izuku got there.
"Why hello Katsuki" Christen, Hisashi's father and Izuku's grandfather greeted "whatever brings you here?"
"Izuku's gonna be the next demon lord" Katsuki explained walking over to the balcony where his grandfather in-law stood, watching the eternal burn if the souls beneath him
"I see, looking forward to seeing him then" Christen replied smiling. As wonderful as it was there, it wasn't the same back in the overworld.
A glowing green pentagram had frormed right under Izuku, as his pained screams filled the silence of the usually quiet school. His claws elongated and his horns emerged. His fangs got longer and his tail ripped through his pants to free itself.
Then, two obsidian wings sprouted from his back making his screams louder. The glow of the pentagram then changed his clothes to something more comfortable.
(The monocle isn't on my Izuku, just the outfit and the horns)
Panting, he slowly got up the same time the pentagram's glow dimmed. The torii gate that Katsuki and Jace had left it popped up once more giving Izuku his way to hell, his way home.
Izuku stepped in and was taken to a dark room where Jace and Katsuki awaited his arrival. He licked his fangs and smirked.
He then went along and played hide n' seek with his little demons until they were tired and went to bed.
~I'm glad I don't have to do that again. Turning is painful~ Izuku thought before letting sleep claim him
Demon Izuku, is sexy Izuku. Prove me wrong.
Also info I just looked up: Most female rabbits enter a first heat cycle at around four months of age. After this, the rabbit never leaves heat. There will be times that she is more sexually active than others. A rabbit can breed at any time, but this is most likely to happen between March and September.
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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