Oh Hell No
~Katsuki's POV~
"Gnnnn" I groaned waking up to a pomeranian puppy on my face staring at me
I was wondering when you'd wake up. I've been slapping your face for fifteen minutes straight!
"You what!?" I yelled at the dog making it yelp in surprise. By the color of the collar it was Cloudia "why the f🤗 would you do that!?"
"Arf-arf-arf!" She barked at me angrily
Because you wouldn't f🤗ing wake up!
"That doesn't mean you should hit me you damn dog!" I yelled at her again not hearing the door open
"ARF-ARF-ARF!" She barked again
I tried licking your hand! I tried poking your hand! I tried barking but you just wouldn't wake up! You're an annoying pomeranian replica!
"Why you!-" I was cut off by the feeling of the sheets being dragged off me and the the cold air biting my legs since I slept without pants. I hissed and sat up seeing Izuku with the sheets in hand and an unamused look on his face "what?"
"Take a bath, get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast" he said throwing the sheets in my face and walked out. It landed on Cloudia making it hard for her to move. I contemplated taking it off her or letting her suffer.
I decided against it and took it off her since I knew Izuku would have my head for her. "Arf!"
Thank you! Bye!
She hopped off the bed and left. I sighed and got up going to the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before undressing and bathing. I got out of the shower looking in the mirror, glancing at the few hickeys and bite marks spread over my chest and stomach.
It's been two weeks since Izuku, Jace and I have been together and living here. The extras in class have been asking why I'm not staying in the dorms anymore but I don't say anything. They still don't know that I'm with Izuku and Jace yet. I asked them to keep things on the down low for now.
A week ago Jace said he forgot to tell me something. At first I thought he forgot to tell me something relating to Izuku's Vampiric tendencies but it wasn't even close.
Apparently after Christmas Eve, Ocha-Round Face was cheating on me with Four Eyes. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.
The fact that Four Eyes would do that was surprising. As for Round Face, not so much. We both knew our relationship wasn't going to last anyway so we never really got too attached to each other.
I dried off, put on my boxers and took up one of my sweat pants but unsurprisingly it couldn't pass my ass. Lately my pants can't go up; they either get stuck at my ass or my thighs.
I blame it on Izuku feeding me too much. No matter how much I work out, the size of my thighs and ass don't go down. I sighed and threw my sweat pants in the pile of pants that can no longer fit in the corner of the room.
Reluctantly, I took out one of Jace's mini skirt which oddly enough, fit me. I also put on Izuku's red hoodie, the sleeves reach the tips of my fingers making it really comfortable.
I went downstairs seeing Izuku latched onto Jace's neck, his moans filling the silence in the kitchen along with Cloudia, Claude and the puppies running around. "Couldn't you wait a little?" I asked grumpily sitting on the chair beside the island watching the two.
"N-no" Izuku said before licking the bite on Jace's neck instantly healing him.
"Morning Princess" Jace said kissing my head
"Morning Daddy" I grumbled resting my head on the table
"I'll be right back, don't eat all the food!" He said dragging Izuku back upstairs. I looked at the five books on the island; four looked old and the other looked brand new.
I took up the old looking ones and looked through the first one. I passed all the songs I already knew before I saw one I didn't
"......and perfect and human are we,
Show and tell,
I'm on display for all you f🤗ers to see........"
The song seemed kinda dark so I went passed it also, then realized that it was the last song in the book. I checked all the others finding only two songs I didn't know
".....got heart tattoo on your chest,
But there's nothing inside,
Thought I told you,
Too cool for love tipically ain't my type......."
".......I want you to ruin my life,
You to ruin my life,
You to ruin my life,
I want you to ruin my nights,
You to ruin my nights,
Yeah all of my nights yeah......"
In the new looking book I only saw three songs before Izuku came back and took it from me; This one he was going to do a duet with some girl named 'Kelsie' also featuring 'Lexi'- ".......So join me in this bed,
That I'm in,
Push up on me and sweat darling,....." I don't like this one. Nope. Not at all.
This one I'm kinda okay with, but he's still duetting with 'Kelsie' "......And I'm thinkin',
Damn if these wall could talk,
Well they be like
Shit is crazy right
I ain't your baby no more......."
And this one I didn't really see much of it, just the first part "if I woke up without you,
I don't know what I would do,
Thought I could be single forever 'til I met you....."
"Hey! I was reading that!" I yelled trying to get the book back
"I know" he said refusing to give me the book. "I'm not finished with most of them and I don't want you to read a specific one because it's for you"
"Who's Kelsie?" I asked ignoring his previous statement. Lately I've realized that I've also been getting really possessive of Izuku. I was really close to killing a guy.
I apologised to Izuku but he just kissed me and told me it was normal for me to feel that way. I didn't understand until he told me it was an after effect of having him feed from me
"Just a girl I sing with, nothing more okay Princess?" He asked caressing my cheek
"Mhm" I hummed wrapping my arms around his waist burying my face in his chest
"Come on now, we have a busy day ahead of us" he said combing my hair with his fingers
"Hurry up ya' damn extras!" I yelled at the group of idiots who call themselves my friends including Round face.
They claimed that they got tickets to Izuku's concert and wanted me to come. I was going to go anyway but they didn't need to know that.
No matter how much I said 'no' they kept begging as usual so I gave in. So here I am outside the dormitory waiting for the assholes to hurry up and get dressed.
"We're coming!" Pink Alian yelled running out in a little black dress and thigh high heals. Behind her was Latino-Bitch wearing a simple t-shirt, jeans and a converse, it was too dark to see the color, them there was Lightning McDunce who wore a pikachu hoodie, jeans shorts and Crocks, while Shitty Hair wore a Crimson Riot hoodie black jeans and Crocks.
I got a call so I never saw what Kirby was wearing, not that I cared
"Hey, it's Ace Izuku sent me to pick you up 'kay?"
"Whatever, just hurry up I've waited long enough" I grumbled in annoyance
"You're always so grumpy"
"Oi! Shut the hell up and hurry the hell up!" I yelled making Latino-Bitch look at me
"Yeah yeah whatever I'm coming"
"Tch" I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket
"Aren't we gonna go?" Pinky asked pulling her dress down
"Somebody's picking us up" I said fanning away the mosquito who decided to bother me. It came back so I exploded it instead
Three minutes later Ace came with the limo making me roll my eyes. He came out and opened the door, I got in immediately while the others stood there gaping in awe "you assholes coming or not?"
"Coming..." Pinky said getting in "......a limo?"
"Ignore it" I said taking my phone out of my pocket as it vibrates with a message
"Ignore it?" She repeated but I ignored her
Hey Princess, your mom's here
What?! Why?!
She gave Izuku a package with your name on it then went back into the crowd
I can still see her
Oh God, don't open it
You don't need to worry about that, she told us to opening it on your birthday
Early birthday presents are bad coming from the Old Hag
Talk later?
shoved my phone in my pocket just as the ca-limo moved off, "so..." Shitty Hair trailed off
"How'd you pull it off?" Round Face asked
"How'd I pull what off?" I asked raising an eyebrow
"This" she said gesturing to the limo
"The driver's a friend of mine" I said rolling my eyes
"A friend of yours?" Soy Sauce Face repeated suspiciously
"Kirishima, Kaminari aren't you guys curious?" Pinky asked
"Nope" Pikachu said shaking his head
"The driver's also a friend of ours" Shitty Hair said shrugging
"How do we not know this?" Latino-Bitch asked
"Because my boss wants to keep things quiet for a while" Ace answered
"Who's your boss?" Pinky asked
"That's for me to know and you to find out" he answered
"Hey Ace can you turn on the radio please" Shitty Hair asked
"Sure" soon 'Break up with your girlfriend' was heard
"This is my favorite song!" Kirby and Pinky squealed making me whince
"Just don't sing" I said rolling my eyes again
"Ugh, fine" they said. Finally we arrived at Dagobah Municipal Beach. We all filed out of the limo walking over to the barricade
"Hey Kirishima, Kaminari" the guard said letting the two through "oh, Bakugou, you're here"
"Yeah, would you mind" I said nodding to the gate
"Uh sure" he said opening it. I stepped inside "do you have a pass?"
"Uh no but we're with him" I heard walking over to the stage
"Sage!" I called the guitarist
"Hmm, oh hey Baku" he said stooping infront of me
"The Old Hag still here?" I asked
"Nah man she left" he said his heterochromic (blue/purple) eyes flickering over to the crowd
"Good" I said walking over to Shitty Hair and Pikachu seeing the rest of the idiots behind the barricade
"How could you leave us like that?" Round Face asked frustratedly
"Oh dear, did I make the Kirby lookalike sad? Too bad" I said rolling my eyes making Shitty Hair and Pikachu laugh
"AND NOW THE CROWD FAVORITE! DEEEEEEEEEEEKIRUUUUUUUUUU!" the announcer yelled making me cringe. Izuku walked on stage wearing a black leather jacket, a red tank top, black leggings, timberlands and his black rimmed glasses
"Is it me, or does he look like Deku" Pink Cheeks said tapping her chin
~No shit sherlock~
"Hey everyone!" He said into the mic
"Hi/Hey Dekiru!" The crowd yelled back
"I know this is my concert and all but I'd like that ash blonde to get on stage please" he said the lights stopping on me immediately
"Oh hell no" I mumbled not moving knowing he heard me
"Oh my gosh, Baku-go" Pinky said pushing
"alright alright, whatever" I said walking over to the stage grabbing Izuku's hand and pulling myself up
"I want you to sing a song for me" he said grinning
"Nope" I said shaking my head
"Hey guys! Should he sing?!" He asked the crowd
"Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!" Shitty Hair and Pikachu chanted, the crowed joining in shortly after
"Well you heard 'em" Izuku said shrugging
"Fine whatever" I said sighing.
"You singing that song you wrote for me" he wispered in my ear before giving me the mic
"What?! No!" I wisper-yelled
"Pwease" he begged giving those cute ass puppy dog eyes
"Ugh, fine" I said groaning
"Hit it guys!" He said before jogging off stage leaving me with the band and crowd
(I know you're all tierd but work with me will you. You don't have to listen to it since you all probably know it by heart)
In the middle of the song Jace came out singing with me. At the end he kissed my cheek making me blush a little. I glared at him, my lips twitching to smile
"Okay what'd you guys think of the song?" Izuku asked pulling me back as I tried to escape
"It was Awesome/relatable/cute/sweet!" They yelled
"Good, 'cause he wrote it" Izuku said wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer
"Can I ask a question?!" Pinky asked
"Sure Pinky" Izuku said
"Uh- how do you know Bakugou?" She asked
"Well he's my boyfriend" Izuku said kissing my cheek making the crowd erupt in cheers and cat calls
"Huh?!" The idiots' (including Shitty Hair and Pikachu) jaws dropped not believing what they heard
"And to prove that I'm going to sing a little song for you" he said turning to me smiling and holding my hand
After he sang the last note he pressed his lips onto mine. Immediately I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck and gripped his hair. The crowd cheered even more, some even going as far as throwing roses up here.
Where they got them? I couldn't tell. "I love you Izuku" I mumbled against his lips
"Love you too Princess" he said pecking my lips "Jace is waiting for you in my dressing room"
"Okay" I said before walking off stage the same time he began singing 'Better When I'm Dancing'
I walked into the dressing room seeing Jace holding up a red skirt and a blue hoodi. I unpinned Deku's pants and they immediately fell off me.
My pants couldn't fit, his were too big and Jace's were too small. I stepped out of the pants and took off the shirt I was wearing putting on the outfit Jace gave me before sitting in his lap.
He began combing my hair with his fingers in a soothing manner making me fall asleep in his arms.
Sorry I'm so late with this chapter but school's been a pain since it started. Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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