Jealous kitten
~Jace's POV~
It was only Monday and I had woken up to an empty bed. I could here Katsuki in the shower, but I had no idea where Izuku was. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth.
By the time I was finished, Katsuki also finished and left the shower "Morning Jace!" He said happily smiling
"Morning Katsuki" I said undressing. He left the bathroom while I took my shower. I got out of the shower and got dressed in one of Izuku's blue hoodies, (I don't know why they're so comfortable), and a pink shorts.
I walked over to his office hoping he would be there. Luckily he was. I walked behind him to see him opening an email from Dr Kurapika
Good morning Izuku, sorry to bother you so early but I needed to get this to you as soon as possible. Not because it's life threatening but because my wife is practically murdering the back of my head because apparently I'm stressing myself out.
So first I'm going to explain a couple terms. Betas. Betas are basically your everyday human with some exceptions. One is that they have a very weak scent, they have one but their glands do not produce it as heavily as alphas or omegas. They cannot reproduce with omegas or become pregnant from alphas. But Jace is an exception, he is more an alpha compared to most, so he has the ability to impregnate omegas. He would be classified as a Royal Beta
Alpha. The Alphas are the more aggressive ones out of everyone. They are the larger and stronger ones, the dominate ones in bed. They are the males or females pumped full of testosterone. This would be you considering you're the most dominant of the three. I'm getting to the reason why this is relevant.
Omegas are the softer and more gentle of these roles. They are the nurturing parents who raise their children and they are the only ones in here who can get pregnant besides Beta females. The female Omegas use their systems as normal, getting pregnant that way and then nurturing the child like they should. Though Katsuki has a more dominant aura thus making it obvious he's a royal omega.
These are very rare thus making their heats stronger than that of an average omega. "Heats" are a biological thing that Omegas go through and during a heat an Omega will self lubricate (usually referred to as “Slick”) in order to prepare to take an Alphas knot. Though in this case both you and your Royal beta (Jace) have knots. These normally last for one week of every two months. (A/N; in my book at least)
You are probably wondering what a knot could be in such a case. A “Knot” is kind of like a bulb type thing in an Alpha's penis that swells when they are aroused and keeps them locked inside their Omega during sex to increase chances of getting the Omega pregnant, this is called “Knotting”. So this would happen to you and Jace during sex with Katsuki.
You can also knot Jace, though, he will not get pregnant. Normal alphas Can't so that means you are a, you guessed it, a royal alpha. A little more information on knotting, when it comes to you and Jace, is that as long as it's not Katsuki that has made Jace aroused he will not produce a knot. You on the other hand will still produce a knot whether it's Katsuki or Jace that makes you aroused. Knots also take a while to deflate and is often painful when being removed from Omega or Royal Beta.
Another thing and heats. During heat, the omega will release certain hormones into his scent. The hormones the Omega releases help the Alpha to become more aroused to attend to their heats. Also along with these hormones that are actually referred to as "Pheromones" are released into the air around them the omegas will be overly sexual to secure the chance of the alpha or Royal Beta attending to their heat.
Though luckily, no one but you and Jace have the capacity to smell and be affected by these pheromones. So there's no need to worry about other alphas or betas going attempting to knot Katsuki in heat.
Though Katsuki will not be able to get pregnant, his body had only adapted to the ears and cottontail. His reproductive system stays the same.
Then there are Omega Periods.Omega females haveno issue with their menstruation apart from the normal cramping, but Omega males have a slight issue since their birth canals are lumped together with their alimentary canals so they tend to have more severe cramps that expel their menstrual discharge along with their egested waste. Omega Periods have the same pattern as a normal females period; one week of every month.
So if there should be a change in the future and Katsuki is then able to have children, his Omega Periods will begin.
Then there's a Nest. A nest is basically a place an omega feels comfortable in for heats. For the most part, it's blankets and pillows that they use to create a comfortable area to spend their heats. They tend to bring things that smell good to them as well to make them feel more protected as well, meaning things that have their dominant's scent. So he'll most likely be found in a nest of your and Jace's clothes and other things that have your distinct scents.
Now for the reason why this is explanation is necessary. Because of the quirk that turned him into a bunny, his second gender was not only revealed but also activated. So he'll be having his omega Periods, (if he can have children in the future), his heats and making his nests when either you or Jace are not around or you are not able to attend to his heat. So in conclusion, his heats are the only things you should be worried about right now.
Hope you have a good day
Dr Kurapika
"Good morning Jace" Izuku said closing the email once he finished reading it.
"Hi" I replied softly
"Did you sleep well?" He asked opening a document labeled "Villain Attack".
"Yeah" I said playing with the green collar around his neck. "Since when did you start wearing collars?"
"Since you and Katsuki decided to gang up on me" he said "they feel oddly comfortable"
I chuckled and went downstairs to see Katsuki making waffles. He made two plates before he and I ate in silence. It wasn't normally like this but since yesterday I still have this wired emotion running through me and I don't want to start talking and things go downhill.
Katsuki apparently sees this and says nothing, thankfully. After breakfast he went upstairs while I got some snacks since I was going to watch a movie.
After picking out the movie and and snacks, I went up to Izuku's office since I knew he wouldn't stay somewhere by himself.
I opened the door to see both of them cuddling while Izuku worked making that emotion flash through me again "uhm, Katsuki, I'm going to watch some movies, wanna come?" I asked fiddling with my fingers
"Uhm, no thanks" he replied snuggling closer to Izuku instead making that emotion flash through me again but stronger
"Okay then" I said through clenched teeth "if you change your mind I'm in the theater room"
I went back downstairs and continued with my movie and snacks wondering why I felt this way. Suddenly it hit me like a truck load of bricks; I was Jealous. I tried to find logical reasons as to why being jealous was unecessary and uncalled for but there were none.
So i did what any other jealous kitten would do.
Crazy lads
Hey guys!
Alien Queen:
Lightning McDunce:
Rock Fortress:
Can I asked you guys a favour?
Sure what's up
Rock Fortress:
Lightning McDunce:
Alien Queen:
Can you guys take Katsuki out. Y'know have a little Bakusquad time!
You guys haven't gotten the chance to hangout nowadays so why not
Rock Fortress:
That's so manly of you bro!
Lightning McDunce;
Yeah, we kinda miss Bakubro
Alien Queen:
I hate to say it, but I miss him too
Don't tell him this is my doing tho!😉
Alien Queen:
Your secret's safe with us!😉
Lightning McDunce:
Rock Fortress:
I smirked and deleted the chat history, then slowly went upstairs. By the time I got there Katsuki was getting dressed
"Where are you going" I asked fiending incognizance
"The extras want me to go out with them" he explained rolling his eyes "So I'm going, especially because I have nothing better to do"
~You could've joined me while I watched movies, but no!~
"Oh okay" I said crawling onto the bed "have fun then"
"Yeah okay" he said kissing my cheek and then left. I smiled and got up to get dressed.
I smiled at my outfit and nodded in approval. I slowly walked over to Izuku's office seeing him pack up his stuff. I went to the KA room and spoke. In my mind of course.
Izuku, could you come to the KA room please. I have a surprise for you~
I got comfortable on the bed as my ears twitched in the direction of his footsteps. My tail wrapped around my waist in anticipation. He entered the room and closed the door behind him.
He got on the bed and crawled over to me, pressing his lips against mine gently "why hello there my jealous little kitten" he said. I furrowed my brows not understanding what he meant. He chuckled at this but continued to kiss my nipples making me moan.
"Izuku!" I mewled gripping his back as his tongue continued toying with my nipples and his fingers with my hole.
"What a jealous little kitten you are" he mumbled against my chest leaving a trail of wet kisses behind as he ascended my neck "getting the Bakusquad to drag him out of the house so you could have me"
"What are you- ahah~ f-f-ahh~ -talking a-about?" I asked fiending innocence
~How did he know it was my idea?!~
"Hmmm, you still act innocent even though you know I know" he said spreading my legs in the air, moving down to my hole
"I don't know what you're talking abou- oh my god!" I cried, he had shoved his tongue in my hole and decided to play with my insides
"And still, you lie" he said pulling his tongue out before pressing it against my rim
"Izuku! I don't kno- ahhh~! f🤗~! gnn~" I tried to say but was cut off by a string of moans. He chuckled and pulled open a drawer in the bed platform picking up a bottle of lube, leaving me a panting moaning mess.
He pulled off his pants enough for his cock to spring free, then slicked it with the lube. I clenched my hole in anticipation, he then picked me up and made me face the glass.
Staring back at me in the glass was desperately jealous male who just wanted his daddy's attention. Me.
I whimpered as he pressed his tip against my hole but didn't go in "admit it Baby Boy" he said pulling me back by my hair
"I don't know what you're t-talking about!" I said trying to impale myself on his dick but he pulled away.
"You forget Baby~ I've imprinted on the entire house, I know who's in here, where in the house they are and exactly what they're doing" he making my eyes widen "Now admit it or no cock for you"
"Okay fine!" I yelled making him tug my hair a little more "fine! I admit it! I'm jealous okay!"
"Why baby?" He asked massaging my head
"Because your always with Katsuki" I explained pathetically "you're both so f🤗ing close I feel like a second choice and not your actual boyfriend sometimes. Both your quirks are so overpowered I feel useless compared to you. I miss my Daddy alright! Miss having you wrap your arms around me like I'm your baby, I miss you singing me to sleep and I miss you f 🤗 ing me!"
"But baby I do do those things" he said caressing my hips
"But you do them more with Katsuki than you do me" I explained shaking my head "when it comes to Katsuki it's like you'd lay down your life, but when it's me it's like you use me as a human shield to protect you and Katsuki"
"Baby, I would never" he said sounding as hurt as he looked in the mirror. He sighed "what makes you think that?"
"Well lately, you've been babying Katsuki so much, I feel like an outsider in this relationship" I said sadly
" feel I'm not giving you the loving you deserve?" He asked seriously making me worry slightly
"K-kinda" I stuttered
"Okay..." He trailer off leaning closer to my ear as his eyes darkened so much you could bearly see his pupuil, much less to see that they were dilated "......then daddy's gonna love you and this body of yours until you beg me to stop~"
He slammed his cock inside me knocking the air out "f🤗~! f🤗~! f🤗~! Hagn~! Hah~! Fwah~!" I mewled gripping the sheets and arching my back allowing him to go deeper "Fas-ter~! Fwah~! F-f🤗~! Fast-er~! Hahgn~! Ah-hah~! Mgh~! Nahggn~!"
"W-want me to- shit~! Want me to go faster?" He growled in my ear making me shudder
"Yes yes yes! Please daddy! f🤗~! f🤗~! f🤗~! Hagn~! Hah~! Fwah~!" I begged. He complied to to poin where I wss pressed up tightly against the glass gahn~! Nahgn~! Ha-ahh~! Naa~! Ughah~! Nagmn~!"
"Damnit baby, so tight!" He groaned
"Hgn~! Hah~! Fwah~! Mngn~!"I keened cumming all over the bed. He must've been at it for about half an hour until it something didn't feel normal. Izuku's cock felt......swollen-ish.
Almost immediately i remembered the email from Dr Kurapika this morning; he's knotting me. Somehow, the revelation made my insides much more sensitive to his brutal thrusts. Finally he stopped inside me completing the knot.
"Good boy" He panted "you were a very good boy" he then laid us on our sides still connected to me and combed through my hair gently making me fall asleep. When I woke up I was in a pink sweater and black panties with some black and pink striped socks, also Izuku was no where to be found.
I went downstairs to see him and Katsuki cooking. Katsuki walked over to me and pulled me over to the living room. He pushed me onto the couch and got on my lap, then roughly pressed his lips against mine "Master told me about what happened today" he said pulling away making me groan.
"Look, I'm so-" he covered my mouth cutting off my sentence
"Don't apologize" he said shaking his head "your jealousy is justified, Izuku has been a little more overprotective of me lately and you deserve more attention"
"So what are you trying to say?" I asked a little confused
"Izuku and I are going to treat you like the royalty you are from now on" he explained "you deserve the best for giving your best"
I felt tears prickle my eyes flowed down my cheeks only to be wiped away by Katsuki.
"that's not really necess-" he cut me off once more but this time with his lips
"You won't change our minds, so don't even try" he mumbled against my lips
"I love you Bun-Bun" I said cupping his cheeks
"I love you too you jealous kitten" he said smiling. I chuckled hugged him "also Sage invited us over tomorrow"
"Good to know" I said playing with his wagging cottontail. After dinner Katsuki immediately went to sleep but Izuku didn't (as usual).
So I got dressed again;
(The scrunchy is for his tail)
Then blindfolded him dragging him to the KA room. I pushed him onto the bed and took off the blindfold.
I felt his eyes roaming my body making me tuck my tail between my legs. He chuckled sexily "come here my little jealous kitten"
I happily crawled onto the bed and let his please my body.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
"Happy birthday Katsuki" Izuku said slipping a pink flower behind Katsuki's ear
"happy birthday baby" Jace then said kissing his cheek
"Thank you" the birthday baby said blushing madly from the attention given
Hope you had an amazing day!
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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