5: Betrayal
Picture of Conor above. ^^^
Harper's Pov
It's been a week since Conor's party and I've gotta admit, it did me some good.
*flashback 1*
As we arrive at Conor's party I already hear the loud music coming from the house and see some teenagers passed out outside on the grass.
As we enter the house I see Conor approaching us.
"Hey girls, glad you came!"
He says in an enthusiastic tone.
"Well, we had to come after you invited us,"
Ella says
"Yeah, well enjoy yourselves and by the way, you look good,"
He says but I have the feeling it's only directed to Julia.
I look at my side where Julia is standing and see a slight blush creep on her face.
I laugh to myself grab Ella's hand and say...
"Well, we just need to use the restroom you guys have fun!"
"Oh, I'll come t—"
Julia tries to say but I'm already gone with Ella.
"Oh my god they looked so cute together!"
Ella squeals
"Yeah, I know and the way they were looking at each other, it was so adorable."
"Yeah, and –oh your brothers here,"
Ella says
I look to where she's looking and indeed my brother's here
"Yeah, he likes party's,"
I tell her
When Ella doesn't answer I look to the side where she's standing and see she's still looking at my brother.
I try calling out to her but she doesn't answer
when she doesn't answer again I snap my fingers in front of her face and that snaps her out of her thoughts.
She says looking at me with innocent eyes
"Is there something I need to know?"
I ask with a slight smirk on my face
"Uhh, n-no, why would you think that?"
She asks getting nervous
"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you."
"Mad at me, what do you mean?"
She asks avoiding eye contact
"Oh come on, you kinda make it really obvious you like him."
"Is it that obvious?"
"It's very obvious."
"And, you're like, not mad at all?"
I say not popping the p
"Urmm, well, what does he think of me?"
"Well, he doesn't really like you that way,"
"What, why not? Did I do something wrong? Does he like someone else?
Does he think I'm ugl—"
She starts to say but I immediately cut her off
"Woah, calm down Ells I was just kidding. What happened to the confident Ella I know. You never cared about what people thought about you."
"I'm sorry I just– I really like him."
"I knew it! No need to be scared he really likes you too. Your the most beautiful girl to ever come into his life. All he ever does is talk about you.
"Really, urmm, what does he say?"
"Just the usual, did you see Ella today she looked amazing, that new dress Ella wore today it really suits her, man that boy was looking at her like she was his prey, I'll need to break his neck!"
The last part makes Ella giggle.
"What, he really says that."
"Yeah right."
"You don't believe me?
Okay then, hey Ethan!"
I shout
"Oh my God Harper he's coming!"
"Yeah, I just called him."
"What! Why would you do that!?"
"Oh come on, I know you wanted to talk to him."
As Ella's about to say something Ethan arrives.
"Hey guys, I didn't know you were coming."
"Yeah well we weren't but then Conor invited us so we decided to come,"
I explain
"Cool, well I'm just gonna go get something to drink you wanna come?"
"Oh, no I need to be somewhere but Ella can go."
"Can you?"
Ethan asks Ella
"Sure, now I've gotta get going bye!"
I answer for Ella and run away from them as quickly as I can
As I'm running I bump into someone.
"Oh, I'm so sorry,"
I apologise
"Hey, I know you!"
A girl says
'Great' I think
Ofcourse someone would recognise me.
I'm there one and only freak. Who could forget me?
"Really, well I don't think I know you,"
I say
"Oh, no, you don't know me.
I mean, we didn't really meet before."
"Oh, umm, how do you know me then?"
I ask and immediately regret it because
I know what the answer is going to be
"Oh, you don't know?
You're the girl that sang in that music lesson right? The one were Brittany was gonna sing?"
She asks
"Uh, yeah."
I say kinda confused
"Well someone recorded it and posted it on youtube."
'Oh, no' I think
I knew I should've said no.
They're all gonna laugh at me know.
I've made a total fool out of myself.
"I've gotta admit you're good at it,"
The girl says
Wait, what?
"You thought I was good?"
I ask comletely shocked
"Good, are you kidding me everyone thought you were great!
It probably has over a hundred likes right now!"
She says calmly while I'm here freaking out
"Well, I have to go nice meeting you,"
She says before walking away.
As she's gone I just stand there eyes wide from shock.
'They actually liked my singing' I think
Suddenly I see someone pointing at me and I think I've just made a fool out of myself until I hear them talk.
"Hey, that's the girl from the video right?"
A boy asks
"Oh my god yeah,"
A girl answers him
"I wish I could sing like her,"
Another girl says and soon everyone's talking to me or about me
A crowd starts to form and I feel kinda happy. Normally I don't like getting too much attention but I guess it's not so bad after all.
As I'm talking to someone I catch Brittany's eye and see her and some of the populars around her like Leah and Eric giving me dirty looks.
I just ignore them and focus on the people talking to me.
*End of flashback 1*
I didn't think I would say this but I actually enjoyed the party.
Not really what came after.
*flashback 2*
After a couple of hours of partying I got tired and went to look for Ella and Julia.
Now after about 10 minutes of searching I finally find them.
"Hey guys,"
I greet
As they look up at me huge smiles spread across their faces.
"I've gotta tell you something!"
They both shout together
I say a little confused
They both start talking at the same time so I don't get what they're saying except for the last part.
"He kissed me!!"
They shout in unison.
I ask
"Conor kissed me!"
Julia says
"And Ethan kissed me!"
Ella says
That's the only word that leaves my mouth
"I'm so happy for you guys!"
I say after I get out of my little moment of shock
"Thank you soooo much!"
They say
"For what?"
I ask
"If it wasn't for you then I would have never stayed with Conor and he would have never kissed me,"
Julia says
"Yeah, and I never would've went with Ethan to get that drink,"
Ella says
"You are the best bestfriend ever!"
They say before engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.
Julia says after releasing me from the hug
"we decided to do something for you as well."
"What did you guys do?"
I ask getting kinda nervous
Ella starts
"we asked permission from your parents and they agreed so we... appliedyouforauditionatthexfactor"
I ask not understanding a thing she said
"Ugh, Ella you are SUCH a pussy cat," Julia says to Ella
"No, I'm not!"
Ella argues but is cut off when Julia starts talking to me.
"Harper, I know you won't take this well at first but later on you'll learn it was worth it."
"Just say what you want to say."
"Harper, we applied you for audition at the X-factor."
"You what?!"
*end of flashback 2*
Yes guys, that is how I faced betrayal.
So what did you think??
I know it was mostly flashbacks (it was just flashbacks) and I'm really really sorry for that.
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Love hz
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