14: Tuesday
Harper's Pov
I shut off the alarm on my phone and see it's 7:00 am.
"Hmm, it's tuesday nothing special
Let's skip,"
I mutter to myself
Right when I close my eyes I remember something and my eyes widen.
"It's tuesday!"
I shout and jump out of my bed
I sprint to the bathroom. Brush my teeth and take a VERY quick shower, then put on some clothes.
When I'm completely ready I sprint down the stairs and to Ethan's car where he's already waiting.
I shout as I enter the car
"Woah, what's the rush sis?"
Ethan asks while starting the car
"It's tuesday!"
I say with a big smile on my face
"Uhmm, so?
What's so special?"
He asks
"You don't know, the merge!"
I say
"Oh, I forgot,"
Ethan says but then asks
"Why are you exactly happy?"
"Because Rock High's transferring and I have a friend there Mackenzie and the best part is that Bren-"
I quickly stop myself
Oh, shit
"You were gonna say Brendan weren't you?"
Ethan asks
"Uhmm, well, I-"
"Don't worry sis. He's a nice guy"
He says
"What, but that day you-"
"Yes, that day I hated him but then I thought about it and he turned out to be a good guy. I mean he thought I was your boyfriend and that I was tryna control you so he stood up for you. That's what made me change my mind about him,"
He explains
"Ethan I love you!"
I shout and jump on top of Ethan
"Woah, I'm still driving you psychopath!"
"Did you just call me psychopath?
"You should learn to respect your elders Harper!"
"Elders, you are literally 2 minutes older than me!"
I scoff
"2 minutes is a whole 120 seconds. That's a big number,"
He exclaims
"120 is a big number for an idiot like you!"
The whole ride we continued arguing.
I don't know how but somehow we ended up arguing if aliens were real or not. Weird, I know
Right as I step out of the car everyone stops what they're doing and starts staring at me.
I can even hear a pin dropping.
I'm getting kinda nervous so I speed walk to my locker.
As I'm speedwalking the principal announces that everyone has to go to the hall. I'm kinda confused because they said the transfer was after lunch.
Maybe they changed the timing.
I think to myself and make my way to the hall
When I arrive I see it's already crowded.
I try to search for my friends and then see my favorite redhead Julia and walk to her.
"Hey guys,"
I say
Ella and Julia say at the same time and then laugh
"You know what this gathering is about?"
I ask
"Nah, I guess something to do with the transfer,"
Ella says
"Wasn't that supposed to be after lunch?"
I ask
"Yeah, well maybe he just wants to tell us that we should make Rock High feel welcome and that we should behave and blah blah blah,"
Julia answers me
"Yeah, I guess that's it,"
I say still not sure because of the feeling in my stomach
"Settle down everyone,"
The loud voice of our principal says
"You might all be wondering why you are here today since Rock High will be transferring after lunch.
Just to tell you I want you to make them feel welcome here and please behave,"
He says
"Told ya,"
Julia says from behind me
"But there is a much more important reason you have been called here tonight. And that reason is one of our students."
"Looks like someone really pissed him off,"
I mutter to myself
"It is an honor to say that one of our student's has reached the live shows of the very famous singing competition The X-factor."
Wait, what?
"I'm sure that this student will have an amazing future and will inspire future generations to follow their dreams.
Our very own Harper Woodsen!"
My eyes are wide with shock. I look around and everyone is watching me. Everyone's clapping and smiling.
"Harper we would all like to tell you how proud we are to have a student like you at our school. I am sure that one day you will be a great inspiration for the younger generations. Everyone please put your hands together for Harper Woodsen!"
I can't help but smile as everyone claps for me. Everyone is smiling at me and it's the best feeling ever. Suddenly I hear a loud scoff and see it was Brittany. She and alot of other populars give me disgusted and annoyed looks but I just ignore them as the principal continues.
"Now I would like to ask all of you to be on your best behavior and to make the students from Rock High feel welcome here. Considering this is a new school for them I would like you guys to help them settle down here. Thank you for your attention."
Lunch time is over and now it's transfer time. The principal said that all the Rock High students will first get lectured in the hall about this school and its rules.
That's what's happening right now. As minutes pass I grow more and more impatient. I just can't wait to see Mackenzie and Brendan
When the bell rings I literally jump out of my seat, grab all my things and sprint to my locker.
When I arrive all of my friends are already there.
"Woah, I thought I was fast,"
I mutter to myself
"Hey, you ready?"
Ella asks
"Did you not see that I just came here?"
I ask
"Oh, sorry I'm just excited,"
She says
"Don't worry it's okay,"
I tell her
"Yeah, well shouldn't you be the one that's excited I mean you'll get to meet lover boy,"
Julia says smirking
"Ugh, how many times have I told you I'm not only excited because of Brendan, also because of Mackenzie."
"So you admit that you are partly excited because of Brendan?"
Conor says
"Okay, that's it stop interrogating my sister,"
Ethan comes to the rescue
"Thanks bro,"
I say
"Your welcome,"
He answers
"Now come on lover boy's waiting."
"You too?!"
I shout
As response everyone just laughs
"You are the worst friends EVER!"
I say
"Aww, but you like this cute little face don't you. I mean your bestfriend here loves it"
Conor says pointing at his face and then winking at Julia.
"Oh, shut up!"
Julia says
"Let's go!"
I say and we head towards the hall
When we arrive there the hall is already full. One half is taken by Rock High students and the other by Westview students.
"Welcome everyone,"
I hear our principal say
"I hope that our students will do their very best to make you feel welcome.
I am very happy to announce that from now on there is no Rock High and also no Westview but there is just one"
"Rockview High!"
(Crappy name I know)
With that all the students start mixing up and socialising with the other school's students.
I keep looking around to find Brendan or Mackenzie but I just can't find them.
As I'm doing so I feel a strong grip on my waist and turn around to see Brendan hugging me from behind
I say
"Hi, I missed you,"
He says
"Seriously, we met like 2 days ago,"
I say smiling
"2 days is 48 hours, that is 2880 minutes and-"
"Okay stop, your acting just like Ethan,"
I say
"Well, Eth-"
Brendan starts but is cut off
Mackenzie says
"Mac, hi!"
I say while hugging her
"I'm so happy we're in the same school now!"
She squeels
"Me too, let me introduce you to my friends!"
I say and pull her in my friends' direction
I shout and and everyone turns around their gazes immediately averting to the girl beside me.
"This is Mackenzie, the friend I told you about,"
I say and Mackenzie nervously waves at them
"Mackenzie this is Julia, Ella, Conor and my twin brother Ethan"
I say and everyone exchanges hi's and nice to meet you's
As they're doing so I can't help but look at Brittany who is talking to this girl.
She looks very familiar.
I try my best to remember and then it comes to me.
That girl is Thea Brown.
Who's seat I "stole" and who gave me the most dirty glare EVER.
Oh, shit!
What did you think?
Any ideas for who should play Thea?
Pleaseeeee tell me
Should I bother writing this book?
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Love hz
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