Shoya this morning (Chapter 4)
We are going to follow Shoya this morning because he's my oc and I felt like writing out his morning.
At around 5:30 am Shoya woke up panting and sweating. His alarm was set to go off in an hour or so, so he didn't even bother trying to go back to sleep. He just lied awake staring at his ceiling.
Deciding to get ready for school, he does his normal routine. Get dressed, go to the bathroom, brush his teeth, look in the mirror and see a blank figure standing behind him, go to the kitchen to eat-
He spits out his toothpasty spit and looks at himself in the mirror. His blond hair falling at the sides of his face. His cheekbones sticking out like normal, and his chin pointing out like always. His nose was sporting a few new shades of red from his sunburn but nothing too bad. His blue eyes had a bit of a bag under them from his continuous loss of sleep. Then there was a smudge on the mirror, but when he tried to wipe it off it wouldn't come off.
He looks behind him and sees a large white mass about the height of a human standing outside the bathroom door. Unmoving and not phased by his staring Shoya took a careful step towards it. He reached out his hand to touch it when it turned around.
"Oh good morning Shoya. Glad to see you're awake!" His roommate, Kendall, turned around with a blanket on her head. Her frazzled brown hair messily strewn across her caramel skin.
"Jesus Christ, Kendall. You almost gave me a heart attack." His heart was, in fact, beating rapidly from being frightened.
"Kendall stop walking around in a blanket. It's annoying." Kendall's twin brother, Blake, walked into the hallway wearing no shirt but a pair of plaid sleep pants. Shoya could not deny the fact that he was hot, but that is just weird to think about. For one, they weren't soulmates, two Blake is straight, and three, not his type. Blake was a twig like Shoya. His tan skin was pale compared to his sisters because he stays inside so much. His black hair was curled into a bun on the back of his head.
Kendall ignored her brother, like always, and continued down the hallway to the small kitchen. Shoya followed right behind her and Blake... Blake just went back to his room to sleep some more.
"What's for breakfast, I'm starving." Kendall melted into one of the stools at the kitchen island.
"Says the one who ate half the food I made last night," Shoya smirks at her and starts laughing when she pouts. "Eggs and toast. Scrambled sound good?" He asks turning to the fridge.
"Um I'll go with sunny side up today. And a touch of basil too!" Shoya shakes his head slightly laughing at her.
"The person who can't cook for shit loves food. Kind of ironic, right?"
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh at me all you want, but don't insult how much food I eat. It's healthy. Unlike you, I'm not a stick that could break easily." She was right, her body held the slightest hint of a chub. But if you tell her that she might just have to drown you. "Hey are you okay this morning? You have darker bags under your eyes than usual."
"I'm fine. I just woke up too early from a nightmare."
"Really? What about?"
He cracks three eggs onto the pan and starts explaining. "The normal. Mom on the floor covered in blood. Dad leaving with blood on his shirt. Then the one person standing there. Black ski mask, a bloody knife, wicked grin." He's been having the same nightmare at least once a month since his mom died two years ago.
She takes a deep breath in and out then speaks, "I don't know why I ask anymore, it's always the same."
"Well I wish it wasn't the same. I'm getting worse grades because of it."
"Are they getting more frequent?"
Shoya goes silent for a moment trying to think of if they were getting more frequent. "Yeah, I guess they are. I've had more than 2 this month and it's only the 20th."
She gets up from her seat and jumps into a hug with him. Her head barely reaching up to his chest. The touch was much appreciated by Shoya, he had been feeling a bit at a loss of affection recently. But he figured that was common for people who meet their soulmates.
The smell of burning eggs caught their attention and Shoya immediately pushed her away from the hug. "Shit!" He quickly turned off the stove and moved the pan to a different burner. "I hope you're okay with slightly crispy instead." He chuckled a little and sent her a kind smile.
"Wow you can't even cook properly anymore, we need to tell someone about how forgetful you've become."
"Forgetful? Oh shoot!" He quickly looks at the time and bolts to his room in the apartment. He quickly grabs his books and shoves them in his bag, making sure that the notebook belonging to Katsuki was in there. He then comes back into a confused Kendall. "You can put the eggs on a plate, right?"
"Yes, but you never leave for school this early. What's going on?"
"School project, we were told to show up a bit early. We have to sing songs from the musical Hamilton."
"And you leaving this early has nothing to do with that extra notebook I saw in your room?" She clearly didn't realize how creepy it sounded.
"Why the hell were you in my room? Wait, don't answer that. I have to get to school. Love you bye!" He waves to his roommate and bolts out the door bringing his bike with him.
He ran out of the apartment and started down the stairs to the street. He hopped up on his bike and started the long ride to school.
And while he's riding there, I thought I might explain a few things.
So Shoya goes by his first name if you hadn't noticed. And there is a reason for that. That specific information will be explained further into the book.
Shoya also lives with two other people. These were strangers, just they were strangers about two years ago. They have grown into a small family and they care for each other. Blake and Kendall are twins who attend a local community college. They needed a place to stay and the apartment was just a bit pricy so they needed a roommate. Along came this small boy who was looking for someone to comfort him, and so they rent an apartment together. 'Love you' is in a sibling sense, don't look into it.
Kendall and Blake are getting oc chapters in that book. It explains their quirks as well.
Now when Shoya gets to UA
Hitoshi Shinso and Shihai Kuroiro we're chatting while waiting for Shoya to get there. When he slowly got off his bike the two greeted him.
"Good morning," Shoya says as he grabs the handles of the bike to walk it the rest of the way.
Hitoshi simply nodded and Shihai pretentiously says, "Why is it a good morning? The clouds are of a deeper gray than usual and the trees are singing a song of sorrow. Sounds like not a very good morning to me."
"It's too early in the morning to hear you go on rants about how the trees sing." Hitoshi yawns and looks at Shoya. "Sleep at all? Your eyes are bloodshot."
"Look who's talking. Are the bags under your eyes permanently there?"
"Probably." His short answers were an automatic response for trying to get the other person to talk and keep the conversation going. Part of his cleverness Shoya deducted.
The three of them met by chance while applying for the hero program at UA. Shoya had saved Hitoshi in a hilarious way of turning himself into a refrigerator to block an attack from a robot. Shihai had joined in the fun by making a ridiculous comment about how Shoya's block was ultimately useless because it didn't wound the robot in any way. (It did get him saving points though) And since they all got into UA, they have stayed friends. Eating lunch together and walking up to school together.
"Hey is it true that your class is performing songs from Hamilton?" Hitoshi added after his ploy for a response failed.
"Yeah it is. Katsuki Bakugo is getting a solo too. It surprised the shit out of everyone."
"Bakugo... can sing? The explosion obsessed man-child who can't control his temper enough to receive an award, is signing a solo?" Hitoshi explained so kindly.
"Ease up on him a bit. He's not a bad guy."
"Your only saying that because you think he's cute."
"No I don't. And besides," he checked the watch on his wrist really quickly while moving to trust the hair out of his face. "It's about time I start singing."
"That soulmate of yours really does like routine." And in a few seconds Shoya begins to sing under his breath. "He seems a little late today. I wonder what happened." Shihai points out as his white hair blows off of his dark forehead.
"Who knows?" Shoya knew who was late but he didn't feel like then was the time to tell his friends. After all, he still had a whole day ahead of him.
So I made another chapter! Yay!?
This is long because I wanted to explain a few things. Please comment who I should write about next chapter. It can be any character I've mentioned thus far. And it's officially the longest chapter I've ever written on Wattpad! Damn 1625 words.
Shout out to fadinghavok because why not?
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