Before? Baby bakugo, not quite (Chapter 3)
"I understand that you both, apparently, have great voices. Are you ready to have a solo?" After class was over, Miss Midnight had Jiro and Kat stay to practice the solos.
"Yeah, I've always been a fan of music. I remember my parents wanted to take me to see the play Hamilton, but I was too young." Jiro, the known musician of the class, said.
Kat just 'tch'ed like always. He wasn't a big fan of others hearing him sing, much less, people he knows.
Let's take a journey to see why (8 years ago when Kat was 8)
"Old Hag, where are we going?" Katsuki sat in the backseat as his mother took him to a friend's house.
"We're going to see Kyotoku and Mika. They are going to teach you how to use your god damn voice!" Mitsuki yells at her son.
Red painted over his cheeks when his mother spoke of his biggest insecurity and biggest secret. "You said you would forget about that, old hag."
They pull up to a house with a little girl with purple hair and wire-like earlobes. She stood there waiting alone and welcomed the Bakugos into her house.
"You must be Kyoka Jiro, right? This is my son Katsuki Bakugo, you two are the same age. Can I please speak to your parents?" Mitsuki put on her friendliest face she could.
"Yeah, they are right over here." Kyoka leads the two into the living room where a couch and two chairs surrounded a coffee table. "So Katsuki, do you enjoy singing?"
"N-no. The Old Hag just thought it'd be a good idea to expand my knowledge and skill set. It's not like I want to be here, she's forcing me." Kat stuttered out.
"Ah you must be Katsuki, it's nice to meet you." Mika Jiro extended her hand for him. He took it despite not wanting to. "Would you like to sing for us?" And Katsuki clears his throat and began:
I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through
We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
His voice rang throughout the household as it caught everyone off guard. The pitch was spot on and the words were spoken with precision and without an accent in sight. They flowed out of his mouth like a river of emotions pouring out after a dam was broken down. His voice, while rough usually, was angelic and soft, confusing everyone.
"What a nice voice. My husband and I are actually musicians and we want to help you with your voice and help you sing better."
Katsuki continued to go to the Jiro household for voice lessons every week. He didn't grow too close with Kyoka though.
When the entrance exams started, Katsuki was scared that Kyoka would expose his secret. Although he wouldn't tell anyone, he was petrified.
"If you tell anyone about my voice I will blow your face off, Jiro." She knew it was an empty threat, but still kept his secret.
Now back in the present, Jiro had just finished singing a section of the song Burn.
"Bakugo, it is your turn. Can you sing You'll Be Back?" Midnight asked after applauding for Jiro.
"Do I have to?" Kat really did not like to be heard.
"If you want a good grade on this assignment, yes."
You say
The price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay
You cry
In your tea which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by
Why so sad?
Remember we made an arrangement when you went away
Now you're making me mad
Remember, despite our estrangement, I'm your man...
You'll be back, soon you'll see
You'll remember you belong to me
You'll be back, time will tell
You'll remember that I served you well
Oceans rise, empires fall
We have seen each other through it all
And when push comes to shove
I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!
Midnight was stunned by his voice. "I- Bakugo when did you learn to sing like that?"
"None of your damn business. Now can I go?" Kat was annoyed he had to sing, and not only that he sang in front of his teacher.
"Uh, yeah. Just try to memorize the song, we'll be singing the other song for class tomorrow." Midnight was trying to regain a train of thought. It's like his voice was entrancing them into a dream like state where she never wanted to leave.
Kat wasted no time and left as the room with a slam of the door. Bolting our through the halls he looked like a normal teenager who is pissed off. While storming off he dropped two of his notebooks but didn't even bother picking them up. If anyone knew what's good for them, they wouldn't touch them since they are his. He continues out to get to the bus before it leaves.
Apart from Kat, there weren't many people in the school this afternoon, but one of them was Shoya.
He stayed behind because he started to sing. He ran into the bathroom and stayed there until it was over. When he was done singing, he walked out and noticed an angry blond rushing out. Dropping a few of his things, Shoya decided to be nice and pick them up. He knew they were Bakugo's but he also knew a secret that no one else knew. He knew who his soulmate was, and they had no clue who he was.
A bit shorter, but I figured why not have this great one sided relationship? Not much going on with me, other than crying a sh*t ton of tears.
Don't be like me and HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!
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