Family Day Pt. 1
The last thing I remembered was heading to the conservatory. I feel different, but I can't place what exactly was different. Luckily, it was finally Family Day here at Neverland Academy. I met up with my father at the gate. "You look well, Kai. Been enjoying your time here at the academy ?"
I grinned as I hugged him. "I even made wonderful friends, Dad. You'll have to meet them another time..." My father chuckled as I smiled even wider. My father ruffled my hair. My father assessed me as to see I have no scares when he froze. "카이아, 이게 뭐예요? 손목에 있는 마크가 뭐예요?" (What is this, Kai ah ? What is this marking on your wrist ?)
I looked at my arm when I gasped in shock. When did I get this ? "I-- I don't know--" My father looked absolutely disgusted as he could see I too had no idea. This is when Jiwoo hyung walked up. I took one look at him finding the same marking. "My apologies, Mr. Huening. I am Kai' Temperament & Combat 101 teacher. I look out for him & his friends. We all bear the symbol."
My father glared at Jiwoo. "What does this vile mark mean ? Why does my son bear this mark ?" Jiwoo smiled as he gestured to his marking. "그것은 형제애를 상징합니다, 휴닝 씨. 그것은 단순히 우리 모두가 공유하는 유대감의 표시일 뿐입니다." (It symbolizes brotherhood, Mr. Huening. It is simply a gesture of the bond we all share.)
My father considered this for a bit before letting it go seemingly. "I'll overlook this transgression, Professor Song... Brand my son again & you shall see I will not be as polite." Jiwoo simply nodded before walking away.
I could see it. The terror in my father' eyes as he sat me down on a bench with him. What didn't I know ? "What is it, Dad ? What don't I know ?" My father sighed as his eyes barely filled with tears. "You've heard the stories, haven't you ? Of the dark mage ?" My thoughts immediately went to Taehyun hyung. However, I can't tell my father this. I fear he'd forbid me from being friends with him.
"I haven't. Who is it ? What does this have to do with anything ?" My father grabbed my hand as he held back tears. The memories coming back to him. "그의 이름은 심도환이었습니다... 그는 이 학원 카이를 거의 파괴할 뻔한 암흑 마법사였습니다. 어둠의 마법에 이끌린 미친 살인자죠..." (His name was Sim Do-Hwan... He was a dark mage who nearly destroyed this academy, Kai. A insane killer driven by his dark magic...)
Again my thoughts drifted to Taehyun. "And ? Why are you so terrified by my marking ?" My father sighed once more as he continued. "Markings like those weren't always associated with brotherhood, Kai. Once they were considered distinguishable marks of a dark mage or a clan full of them."
"You were a student with him, weren't you ? You saw him, didn't you ?" My father simply nodded before silence over overcame us before the bell had rung signaling that visitors needed to leave. We said our goodbyes when I called out to my father once more. "Yes, Kai ah ?"
I mustered what little courage I had I asked a singular question, "심도환 씨에게 애인이 있었나요? 심도환 씨가 모든 걸 털어놓은 사람이요?" (Did Sim Do-Hwan have a lover ? Someone who he told everything to ?) The look my father gave me in return said it all before he crossed to the other side of the gate...
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