As usual, my head was buried in a book, reading my homework last minute. I have no idea why, but it's always been hard for me to study at home. I had started going to the library after school a few times a week. That way I at least got some of my homework done.
My eyes ripped off the words in my book and landed on my phone as the screen lit up, indicating a text from Jimin.
I smiled and unlocked my phone, ready to reply.
A bump to my table almost made me drop my phone, but I got ahold on it. Without looking away from my phone I already knew who it was. Out of the corner of my eye I recognized the chains that was always hanging from Seung's pants.
I hadn't seen that dude at all since I got home and back to school. I thought he transferred schools, until I heard someone gossip about how he was studying in Japan. If that really was the case, then why would he already be home? He could've stayed a little longer in my opinion...
"Well... If it isn't Min Haru." He said with a nasty grin.
I said nothing but kept my eyes fixed on my phone screen.
"Lost your voice?"
I kept ignoring him, focused on replying to Jimin's text, but of course Seung wouldn't let me slide.
"I'm gone for 3 months and you don't recognize me anymore?" He teased, faking a gasp. I still ignored him.
I enjoyed you not being here actually
"Haru." He said and placed a hand on my thigh.
I got up from the chair with jerk.
Don't fucking touch me you jerk
Without saying anything, I grabbed my bag and went to another seat.
As he sat down a few tables away, I breathed out and turned on my phone again to answer Jimin.
Jimin: Your bed feels so lonely... I'm so bored, please entertain me😖
Me: Just be glad you aren't in school with all these jocks right now
Jimin: School? I'm too old for that shit. You're just a tiny baby.
Me: Shut up, I've already noticed the grey hairs growing on your head.
Me: What are you doing anyway?
Jimin: I don't have any grey hairs!
Jimin: And I'm bored, I'm not doing anything
Jimin: I kinda want to say I miss you, but you just called me old.
Me: YOU called yourself old. I just agreed.
Jimin: I hate that I still miss you even now that you're really annoying.
Me: Jimin, it's been like 1 hour since you saw me?
Jimin: Exactly...😪
Me: You'll see me in a few hours❤️ Just stay in my room. I get home before my parents so you should be fine.
Jimin: I'll be waiting then😚
Jimin: Call me at lunch time?
"Morning everyone, stop chatting, find your books and turn to page seventy-two." The teacher announced as he entered the classroom.
I'll just finish this last text...
"Haru. Class has started." The teacher eyed me and I quickly put my phone away.
After I got back from the tour and had been absent in school for a month, the teacher had been even tougher on me than before. I had even gotten detention a few times, just by looking out the window, because 'when you're looking out the window you're not paying attention to class' - And with you he meant me and me only.
Only ten minutes into the class, I cautiously grabbed my phone again after its vibrations from my back pocket had driven me insane.
I placed it between my legs under my desk, glancing up every now and then as if I was paying attention to class and not to get caught.
Jimin: Haru?
Jimin: Ohh... your class has started?
Jimin: Hsdioasks
Jimin: sjhejwoaslk
Jimin: jdhowal
Jimin: swjmijs
Me: Jimin stop it!!
Me: Yes, I'll call you at lunch okay!?
Jimin: 🥰
"Haru! Detention!" The teacher said.
Without even noticing it, he was standing in front of my desk, while the whole class was giggling at my obliviousness.
He reached his arm out, "Your phone."
Thank you Jimin.
I unwillingly handed the teacher my phone with a grunt and he went back to his desk and continued the lesson.
That, just until Seung interrupted, "Teacher, I was the one texting with Haru."
No, ew, never!
The class turned their attention to Seung and then to me.
"What the hell, I would never text you."
"Babe don't lie." Seung winked at me making me want to gag.
"I'm not fucking lying I-"
"Haru language! Seung, you get detention as well. Now get quiet and please let me continue my class!" The teacher cut me off and I sat down with a thud.
Detention with Seung?? Jimin I'mma kill you
The school bell rang and people rushed out of the class and into the open. If I was jealous? Pfff noooo. Not even the slightest bit...
Okay, yes I was VERY jealous. And mad.
I was just now about to find out how detention wasn't usually that bad... cause usually, it was just me. Now that jock, Seung, was there too.
I sneaked in one of my airpods and hid it with my hair as I usually did.
Thank you god for blessing me with long hair
I always listened to music or podcasts in detention. That way the time went by so much faster. And the teacher never caught me.
The teacher smacked his hand on his desk, to get our attention as he got up from his chair.
"I have to grab some papers from the printer. If I hear you guys talking, or if I see a phone, you'll stay for an additional hour!" His eyes mostly shot at me. That's how I felt at least.
I shrugged and went back to looking out the window, listening to the podcast Paper Ghosts. Since the tour with BTS and travelling through many countries, I got even more motivated to learn English and I had listened to this podcast since.
I noticed Seung get up from his chair and squatting down next to me.
You're not gonna get my attention jerk
Just as the thought crossed my mind, his hand slipped on my thigh again and he got my attention.
"Don't touch me!" I scoffed and shove his hand away.
"Why not?" He smirked, making my stomach turn. In a bad way of course.
He might've been used to girls melting at his touch, but babe that's not me.
I scoffed and turned to look out the window again, but his hand landed on my thigh again.
"I have a boyfriend Lee." I spoke and again shoved his hand away.
He started laughing mockingly, making my cheeks heat in anger.
"No you don't." He chuckled.
"Actually, I do, so keep your hands to yourself and go back to your seat."
He didn't move a tiny bit and I almost prayed for the teacher to come back, even though it would mean another hour of detention.
"Who then? Prove it." He perked his eyebrow at me, clearly not believing that I would have a boyfriend. I actually don't blame him... Soomin was my only friend as far as he knew.
"I don't have to prove anything to you!" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"See! You don't have a boyfriend, stop lying." He said cockily.
I was about to blow up in his face, showing him pictures of Jimin, proving to him that someone actually loved me, but I caught myself and took a deep breath.
You can't tell anyone!
"Seung! Get back to your seat!" The teacher showed up in the doorframe, "One more hour of detention to the two of you!"
Great... I guess I kinda asked for it
I snorted, crossing my arms and looked out the window. But a small, complacent smile crept onto my face, proud that I didn't blow up in his face.
Ayo, how are you guys doing? How's your day been? Good? Bad? Super fricking boring like mine?
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