June 29
Dear Sara,
I don't even know where to start. There has been some major misunderstanding here and I think I know what's behind it. Or who's behind it, more accurately.
Let me say first of all, I am so sorry for the letter you received previously. I never intended to send it, and I'm fucking trying to figure out how you got it in the first place. I know I need to explain this, so I hope you are actually reading this and haven't just tossed it in the waste.
I spent days getting through your last letters, and yes there were five NOT six. I swear that's all I had. My complication, the model you suspected, my girlfriend, found me reading them one day and she was upset by it. To be honest, she was really freaking out that I had some letter writing thing going on with a fan. So to calm her down, as she was breathing down my neck, I wrote that reply. I did put it in an envelope and address it so she would think that I would actually send that type of cold response. But I put it on my desk and forgot about it. My mom may have sent it for me, I'm not sure.
Then time passed and I wasn't able to write. Too busy, too preoccupied, and I kept waiting for you to write, thinking that you would because I had told you I would be thankful to get them while I still was unable to write to you. But I never got anything. I have no idea what you meant by the last letter I received being one telling me you were done writing. I've never seen one stating anything like that. I would have been gutted if I had, honestly. Writing with you has always been soothing for me, peaceful. Although now it's anything but.
I intend to remedy that. This is no assistant doing the dirty work of some pampered celebrity. This is me, my true soul on paper. And you're the only one who's seen it.
No matter what you think, or what you've read, I'm not giving up. I wouldn't do that to you, not knowing all that you've gone through.
More sincerely than you can imagine,
The plot thickens...haha! I couldn't resist. Will Sara believe him? Or does Zayn now have an enormous mountain to climb? Time will tell...
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