Prologue (1) - Connor Murphy
Connor Murphy had always been different. It became evident just how much when he was very young and nobody knew quite what to do when he would throw chairs at the other kids when they upset him instead of crying like any other 6 year old would, or when he started swearing at his mother consistently at the age of 8.
His parents tried at first; they really did. They would ask why he was feeling or what provokes him. They would keep hide the sharp objects they wound he was using to harm himself with at the age of thirteen. They would get him out the house and on days out when he was having a particularly bad day.
But, after a while, it stopped,
They finally had enough of his abusive nature towards Zoe and his never ending cycle of getting high and them getting the backlash of it. So, they gave up. Let him do as he pleased and let him deal with the consequences.
In hindsight, they were probably trying to do what was best for their son. Tring to show him that others didn't have to put up with his issues. That not anybody would have the patience they used to have around him, but it wasn't really the way to handle it. Especially with his every deteriorating mental health.
So, Connor learnt to live with the loneliness of his life and started to fade into the background of everyone lives. Became that mist that everyone was scared to drive around in fear of it causing them to crash. However, mist fades and people forget until a few weeks later when the fog makes and reappearance and scares everyone once again.
He wanted to be seen again, but he didn't know how.
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