Chapter 7
Evan Hansen. Evan Hansen?! It makes sense, I suppose, but wow. What if it's just a coincidence, though? E can't really be Evan.
Wait, am I that guy who he says picks on him and doesn't like him, then? I'm such an idiot. And I said I'd beat that guy up. I looked at the cigarette in my hand. Close enough.
I was standing against the tree behind the science building. I threw down my cigarette and stepped on it. On the cement, of course. I don't need to be charged for arson again. Even though that one time, it was some kid named Rich that set a fire and burned down the house. (whaoaoa)
I heard rustling in the leaves that were scattered in the grass. I looked and saw a blue shirt. nOPe not right this second. I spun around and started climbing up the tree and onto a branch no more than ten feet in the air.
Evan stood against the tree exactly as I had been not ten seconds ago. He pulled out his phone and searched for tumblr. When he was prompted to log in, he typed "" into the email line. Oh my god.
He typed his password and posted something. The text was too tiny from up here. I decided I would test this "E is Evan" theory. I opened my gmail and sent an email with a picture of kittens to "E." E loves kittens. He said once that if there were a kitten stuck in a tree, he'd climb it and claim the kitten as his own.
Just as I suspected. He opened the notification and giggled at the kittens cuddling each other. I will admit it's kind of cute. Maybe. Not like super cute. Stop that.
He started replying, so I quickly turned my ringer off.
E is Evan! Evan is E! I feel like I almost knew that the whole time. I can't tell him I know, obviously. He likes the anonymity and privacy. Plus he would have an anxiety attack or something.
However, I need answers. I want to /know/ him you know?
"Jared, why aren't you with your friends?"
"So you hate me, huh Hansen?" He 'playfully' shoved me.
"No. Just wondering. Why do you hang out with me so much now?"
He sighed. Here comes a long, drawn out Jared story. "I like hanging out with you. You're like my actual friend."
Okay, not so long and drawn out. That's weird. "Oh."
"You're actually nice to me."
"Oh," I repeated.
"I mean Jake Dillinger, the major fuckboy, and Rich Goranski, the kid who set that fire last year, are fine, but I don't feel like they actually like me. You know?"
Jared. I understand completely. 100% I know. "Yeah."
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh shit, Evan, was that a subtle way of implying you feel all sad and shit when I'm around?"
I said nothing.
He continued. "I'm so fucking sorry, bruh. Truth is you're the best friend I have. I don't like feeling, I don't know, small or nervous, so I walk around with that 'fake it til you make it' philosophy running through my mind, hoping someone will get me and be chill, but it doesn't work. It never really has."
That confidence and swagger-stuff is fake? I can't even fake it. I just have nothing.
"Earth to Evannnn," he said, waving his hand in my face.
"Oh uh sorry. Yeah, I get it. Thanks?"
"No problem, Ev. Wanna hang at my house after school? I promise I won't be a dick."
"Sure." That sounds uninterested and stupid on the outside, but Jared knows I'm actually beaming.
YESSZS sweet Evan and Jared stuff
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