Chapter 2
**This chapter includes themes of depression and drug use, plus some swearing**
I climbed out of my room, through my window, and up to the roof of our house. I took out a cigarette and my lighter, then sat there thinking about the guy running the You Will Be Found blog. I was thinking about how nice and caring he was. It felt weird.
Two days have passed and we've already sent over fifty emails back and forth. E is great. He's actually helpful. Sometimes, he's kind of shy and nervous, which I can tell even through a screen.
At school, I went into the computer lab because no one's ever in there. I'm alone at school, which is nice because I can make the music in my earbuds loud as fuck. I can also look up whatever I want on the computer. Nothing inappropriate, necessarily.
I went to throw away my candy bar wrapper, when I noticed something printing. I threw the wrapper away, then walked to the printer to see what was happening. Wait. Evan Hansen is in here?? During my unofficial alone time?? What's he printing?
Dear Evan Hansen,
Today is going to be an amazing day and here's why because today all you have to do is just be yourself but also confident, that's important, like easy to talk to, approachable, but mostly be yourself, like that's #1, be yourself. Just be true to yourself.
What the hell? He's even anxious and shy in writing. How does he do that? What else is there? Why is he so concerned about his hands being sweaty?'s not gonna be like that time where you had the perfect chance to introduce yourself to Zoe Murphy after her jazz band concert last year and you waited afterwards just to talk to her...
...pretend to be super casual like you didn't even know her name and she would introduce herself and you would be like "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, Chloe, you said your name was Chloe?"
...and you would be like "Well so you see I thought you said Chloe because I'm just very busy with other stuff right now"...
Is he talking about my sister? Zoe Murphy! What the fuck? What is this, some kind of sex letter?!
Why would someone think my therapy letter is a sex letter? Jared said that and it's not. I don't write sex letters. I never have. What even is a sex lette-
I grabbed the warm page, fresh from the printer and made my way over to Evan. He saw me and flinched, even though I'm still at least ten feet away. The principal walked in and gave me a warning glare. Better be nice about this then.
"Hey. Evan, right?"
"Y-Yeah. I'm Evan. Con- you're Connor?"
"Yeah. So I found this in the printer. 'Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be an amazin-'"
"Oh no. Can I have that back? It's kind of p-personal." He turned red.
In my head, I screamed at him, asking why he was writing weird shit about my sister. In reality, I handed him the paper semi-calmly. The principal nodded at me and walked out of the lab.
"So you know Zoe? You wrote about her in your stupid letter! What were you even doing? You knew I was in here, right? You wanted to make me freak out by writing creepy shit about Zoe, huh," I growled. "You wanted to tell everyone that I'm a freak, huh?! I'm not a freak. You're a fucking frea-"
Evan sniffled. Is he crying? His head is down, he isn't moving, except his hands are shaking and squeezing the letter. I relaxed my shoulders and said, "Dude, whatever. I uh.. What happened to your arm?"
He sniffled again and sighed. He raised his plain white cast up and looked at it. "I fell out of a tree."
I looked at him, waiting for the rest of the story. I guess that was it. "Oh. Has anyone signed it?"
"Why are you being so nice right now?" He immediately regretted saying that, I could tell. I'm not sure why I'm all calm, actually. Usually I'd be smoking behind the science building by now.
"Not sure. I.. I'm probably high. Can I sign your cast though?"
"S-Sure." He held out his arm and a sharpie he got from his pocket. That meant he had it ready for anyone who wanted to sign it, right? I actually feel bad. He wanted people to talk to him and sign, but no one did.
I opened the marker and write my name in the biggest letters I could. My name now takes up that entire half of the cast.
"Wow, great, thanks," he said sarcastically. Instead of retorting or cursing, I gave a slight nod and headed outside.
Hehe I used the real letter script thing for the Dear Evan Hansen letter. The dialogue here isn't from the show, but I did base it off of specific scenes/actual lines. Mostly because my script book is in a moving box.
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