chapter 13- 2 bros
Thank you so much for 8k reads!!! This is incredible I love you guys. Sorry this chapter has taken so long x It's really cute but uhhhhhhhhhhh wait for it...
Evan was staying at Connors house on Friday night, they drove to Evans from school. Connor forgot to bring his overnight bag to school, so he dropped Evan at the door and said he'd go home quickly and get it. A quick kiss goodbye and a promise to see each other in 20 minutes, "maybe less," Connor said "If I run a couple red lights." Kissing the other boy quickly, he turned the car back on and pulled out of the driveway and went home.
"S-she can't d-do that!" Evan pleads into the phone "We had p-plans!"
"I know baby," Connor said sadly "but it's her birthday."
"Yeah, your auntie's birthday. You d-don't even like her!"
"Honey, I know. I'm not the one you have to convince. If it was up to me, I'd already be at your house, on your bed... you know what I'd be doing?"
Evan blushed "What?"
"Sleeping." Connor said, smiling.
"I hate you." Evan said, jokingly.
"You love me." Connor said, without thinking. Both boys fell silent at the use of the word. Evan didn't know what to say. "I miss you already."
Evan sighed "I miss you too. I'm just gonna be bored tonight."
"Me too. Maybe you should hang out with Jared? Get fucking stoned or something."
"What?" He said, feigning innocence "I'm serious. Call Jared and see what he's doing tonight. I'm not gonna be much use to you, Mum takes my phone while we're out at restaurants."
"Ugh..." Evan exclaimed, annoyed "Fine. But if you get a drunk booty call at 3 am then don't blame me."
"I'm counting on it. I'll speak to you tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay. Have fun."
"Will do."
"Goodbye Evan.
"Goodbye dear Connor."
"Wait! Evan?"
"I... uh.... have a good night."
"Yeah. You too babe."
"Okay. Bye."
Both boys waited silently.
"Hang up."
"Right. Miss you. Bye."
The phone beeped in Evans ear, signaling that Connor's 'no you hang up' routine had finished. 4pm, and he was about to make plans for the night.
Two hours later, Evan got to Jareds house. The Kleinmans were out for the weekend and had left the alcohol cabinet keys on the top of the cabinet itself. "What's the point in locking it if they're just going to do that? They want me to drink it, Evan, thats the only answer. The illusion of parenting." Jareds rant continued as he grabbed two glasses, pouring vodka into them. About three shots each, topped up with soda water. Jared brought the glass over to where Evan was sitting at the kitchen counter.
"Cheers." Jared said, raising his glass. He didn't even wait for Evan to clink the glasses together before downing it as though it were water. He was already onto making his second glass when Evan sniffed his and took a sip, almost spitting it straight back out again. Jared laughed "You've gotta be quick, princess." He said, drinking his second glass. Evan looked into it and threw it back closing his eyes as he drank. "Go hansen!" Jared laughed. Evan gulped it all down, opening his eyes and laughing too. "That was fucking disgusting." Evan said, wide eyed. "More please bartender."
"Anything for a pretty girl like you." Jared joked, pouring Evan another glass.
Four hours later, the boys were wasted, when Jared had an idea. "I'll light it, you just inhale it." Evan stared down at the bong in his hand, stained glass, rainbow. "Don't you want to suck something thats almost as gay as you are?" Evan glared up at him "Oh right, Connor." Evan punched jared in the arm and lifted the lip of the bong to his mouth, hand wavering from the alcohol. Jared lit the conepiece as Evan inhaled deeply. After a second, Evan pulled away, coughing. Smoke continued to pour out of the top "You're wasting it!" Jared yelled, forcing his mouth onto it, still in Evans hands. Evan laughed and Jared blew smoke in his face.
3 am, witching hour. As Jared's favourite show says, 'Nothing good happens after 3 am'. The two boys sat on Jareds bed, a bottle of gin inbetween them. They had been sitting and talking for hours, after drunkenly watching youtube videos. It had gotten quiet. Evan checked his phone. He was thankful, in that moment, for the fingerprint unlock on his phone, because he was sure his drunk brain wouldn't be able to type his password. Nothing from Connor, he put his phone back away and turned to Jared, who was drinking from the bottle. "You m-might wanna slow d-down there Jared." Jared put the bottle down and looked up at Evan. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Shoot." Evan replied, smiling.
"Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" Evan was taken aback. "I mean, cause, we're best friends, right? Isn't that the kind of thing you tell your best friend?"
"I... y-yeah I guess it is."
"Yeah. Because.. because I would've told you if I was gay."
"I know. I thought you already.... I still like girls, I th-think. I don't even know if I am. "
"I am."
"I'm gay." Evan laughed, he knew.
"Good for you Jared." Jared laughed and looked down at the bottle, his expression unreadable. He put the bottle on the floor and shuffled forwards. Evan looked at him as he did, not really sure of what was happening.
"I've had a really nice night tonight."
"Oh! Yeah.. Me too." Evan smiled and Jared looked at his hands.
" I..... Evan?"
"Yeah Jared?" Evan said, leaning forward slightly, trying to catch Jareds eye. Jared looked up into Evans eyes and moved towards him quickly. His hand reaching for Evans hair and pulling him closer, their lips colliding.
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