chapter 11- talking about all of our feelings and shit
Ok so this is really short so I'm sorry, I haven't had much time to write recently but I really needed to update so here you go! Thanks for being patient x
The boys both changed their pants and went back to sitting on Evans bed, the door wide open. Evan didnt want to tell Connor how much he hated having it closed, when he was alone. It made him feel trapped.
The two of them sat on the bed, Evan at the head and Connor facing him, further down.
"We need to talk." Evan said, taking a deep breath.
"Okay.." Connor said, scared of what was coming.
"How do you feel about me?"
"I said before, I really like you."
"That was in the moment. I j-just wanted to make sure." Connor took Evans hands in his own.
"You can be sure. I like you a lot Evan. In all the ways there is. As a friend, romantically, sexually."
"Connor!" Evan laughed
"Its true! Am I the only one that that just happened to? Because I'm pretty sure that was at least a little bit sexual." Evan blushed, hearing Connor speak so blatantly. "But either way, I really hope you feel the same way."
"I've liked you since we were kids. You were my first kiss. I just don't want to ruin it."
"You made me realize I was gay. When you... When we kissed, my eyes were opened. You were the pretty boy who I wanted to be friends with, and then after that, I realized I wanted to be your friend in a way that I didn't want to be anyone else's."
"That's... Uh.... That's really sweet. Me too." The boys smiled and looked at each other fondly.
"I'm scared of commitment Evan. There's no secret about that. But, if you'd have me, I'd really like to try and have something with you." Connor said quietly.
"And if it doesn't work?"
"Then it doesn't work. But I really want to give us a go." Evan stared into Connors eyes, searching for any sign of mockery.
"I'd.... I'd like that." Evan says, smiling.
"Really!?" Connor asks excitedly. Evan nods and Connor kisses him happily.
Connor pulls away for a second.
"So, will you be my boyfriend?" Evan smiles and replies "Yes." He gets engulfed in a hug before even finishing the word.
"You make me happy Evan." Connor says into Evans shoulder "So much happier than I was." He holds the other boy tight, and lets the memories of darker times melt away. It's just them, happy together. He hopes that it'll stay that way.
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