Wooyoung looked around for seonghwa the next day, but couldn't seem to find him anywhere. He came to two conclusions—either seonghwa was sick, or he was ignoring him because it should never be this hard to find someone.
The boy groaned as he walked into the dance studio, yunho waved his arms with a big smile on his face and wooyoung grumbled over.
"what's wrong?" he questioned as wooyoung sat down on the floor next to him. "have you seen seonghwa?"
Yunho thought for a moment, then raised his eyebrows. "actually no? i haven't seen him all day.."
Wooyoung sighed in defeat, they continued talking until a familiar loud clap made its way around the room, "hello class!!"
Wooyoung walked slowly back to his dorm after class had finished, was it something i did? i remember us holding hands so what's wrong now?.....
This was honestly ruining his confidence—seonghwa wouldn't just disappear without reason, he was responsible.
He unlocked the dorm, a cigarette smell making its way into his nose. "san, it stinks and why weren't you at class?" wooyoung sighed as he took off his shoes.
San laid on his bed—eyes closed with a cigarette in between his fingers. "i didn't feel like going" he spoke after blowing out some smoke.
Wooyoung made his way over to sans bed, standing in front of it for a moment. San opened his eyes to meet wooyoung gaze—eyebrows raised. "what"
Wooyoung crossed his arms, "i want to try one, i'm so stressed" he groaned, taking it upon himself to sit on sans bed.
San quirked his head to the side with a smile, "here have what's left of this one" he said, passing the cancer stick to the smaller.
"ew no, give me a new one—i don't want your mouth germs" wooyoung said with a sour face.
He glared but soon took the half smoked cigarette from sans fingers. "whatever, so what do i do?"
San couldn't help but laugh, he finally sat up so he was beside wooyoung. "i'll just do it for you, when i say inhale, inhale—and when i say exhale, exhale"
Wooyoung nodded silently as san took the cigarette back. He held the back of wooyoungs neck and put the stick to his mouth, "open"
wooyoung parted his lips just enough for san, "now, inhale" he instructed—his tight hold on the boys neck never ceasing.
Wooyoung complied, doing a small inhale—he had the urge to cough but decided to wait until san said exhale.
san waited for a moment before he said the next instruction, enjoying the pained expression on wooyoungs face.
"alright, exhale"
Wooyoung blew out the smoke going into a coughing fit, san laughed and patted his back—placing the cigarette back in between his own lips.
"you're cute"
"shut—up" he spoke between coughs.
"here how about this" san said as wooyoungs coughing calmed down. The boy raised his eyebrows, trying his best to focus on san rather than choking.
"i'll blow it into your mouth" san spoke, taking another inhale of the cigarette.
Wooyoung stared in disbelief, but the idea didn't seem to bother him. He shrugged his shoulders and turned so he was fully face to face with san, "do it"
Sans hand made its way over to wooyoungs chin, he smiled as he opened the boys mouth slowly—making eye contact.
It was a little sexual, but wooyoung was too stuck up in the moment to care.
San took an inhale, still making intense eye contact with wooyoung. He leaned in—just so their mouths were inches apart, and with a smile, he exhaled the smoke into wooyoungs mouth.
His lips lingered around the boys for a second before pulling away, he closed wooyoungs mouth and put out the cigarette.
"like it?"
Wooyoung blinked—as if he was being snapped out of a daze.
A/n: muahahahhahaha, tell me how you liked it!! love you
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