March 13th
Dear diary,
You will never believe what happened today. I got in trouble at school for playing a prank that I didn't even do! I about to leave class when my teacher asked my and my step sister Sienna to stay behind. So I did. Apparently someone had superglued Mr. Harrison's desk drawers closed or something like that this morning.
"I swear I didn't do it." I told him. He looked at me with a disappointed look on his face. I could tell he wanted to believe me.
"Follow me." The two of us followed him to the principals office. In there I knew there was security tapes. I thought they only used those for bigger problems than a bad prank. He made us watch a tape from 7:56 in the morning which was right before school starts.
A girl wearing a backpack her hoodie pulled over her head so we couldn't see her face was creeping into the empty room. She proceeded to pour glue on desk's drawers.
"They make glue strong enough to keep a drawer closed shut tight?" I asked. Mr. Harrison nodded.
"There are only three students in the entire school who wear that style of backpack with that type of hoodie and that is you two and your sister Erika. Seeing as Erika wasn't even here. Your mother dropped her off at third period after her doctor's appointment so that means it was probably one of you two. I couldn't get into my desk for the rest of the day!" He started to ramble on.
If only the security tapes had been in color. My backpack is green and my hoodie is blue where as everything Sienna owns is some shade of purple or pink. I'm actually surprised that the tapes are in black and white. I mean isn't that pretty old school? My obsession with anything remotely related to photography made me want to ask more about the choice of video but I decided against it.
"Anyway to make a long story short, my mother never really completely forgave me for that little incident."
Wait what? What does that have to do with anything? Wow he can sure go on.
"Anyway which one of you did it." Mr. Harrison finally got to the point.
Sienna frowned. "That sounds absolutely horrible, Mr. Harrison. I'm so sorry about what you had to go through. I'll help you clean it up if you want. But I assure you that I would never do anything like that. I was in the library this morning."
I had been in the library doing some photo editing for the year book this morning and I definitely didn't remember seeing her there.
"What about you, Miss Zimmerman? What were you doing this morning?"
"I was also in the library working on the year book."
Sienna snorted. "I don't remember seeing you there!" Why did she want me to get in trouble so bad? We are supposed to be family.
"Likely story. Seeing as Miss Grayson's record is clean and yours is full of pranks and misdeeds-"
"Those are all from Freshman year!"
"They are still on your permanent record. Plus you have dried glue on your pants-"
"From Art class!"
"Stop raising your voice at me. Miss Zimmerman, you have detention tomorrow before school. You're going to unstick my desk's drawers. Miss Grayson I expect you to inform your mother of her prank."
Sienna smiled. "Of course."
I glared. She probably set me up. I didn't think she would do something like that but it looks like she did. Detention wasn't to bad. I could handle detention but I what my step mother had in store was far worse.
"Ella, I thought you put that childish behavior behind you two years ago! You're grounded. No friends over, no video games, no camera, no spring formal." Bella hissed. I could tell my stepmother was disappointed but no one would believe I didn't do it. I mean it was pretty obvious I didn't. My freshman pranks were way better than that and if I'm going to come out of retirement then it's going to be for something amazing not mediocre. Only Erika stood by me. She's Sienna's fraternal twin and my best friend. She knew I was innocent.
"I know you didn't do it."
"Really? You believe me?" I asked.
"Of course. Our pranks from freshman year were way better than glue in the drawer. But what are we going to do to prove your innocent?" She was also my partner in crime.
"Being grounded isn't so bad." I told her.
"Except for the no camera rule."
"I don't need my camera with me all the time." She raised an eyebrow.
"What? I don't!"
"Sure I believe you. What about the dance?" Erika asked.
"What about it?"
"You can't go."
"So what?" I replied.
"We've been waiting for this for weeks!" Erika groaned.
"You've been waiting for this for weeks." I corrected her. I wasn't going to admit that I wanted to go.
"I need my wing woman there with me of course. And don't forget Landon's going to be there."
Landon has been my secret crush since 3rd grade and he was also the most popular boy in school. My face went bright red.
"I'm sorry, Erika, but I'm not breaking the rules to go to some party."
Well that's it!
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