Chapter 4: Playing with Fire
"Your family, everyone of them is like the bloody Targaryens."
"What is this about?" Rosie paces back and forth in the farmhouse kitchen. "And why couldn't I be told over the phone?"
"Sit down Rosie. You're making me dizzy!" Jim barks as he sits opposite, clasping onto the handle of his coffee mug.
"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Like you said, Beth sounded fine on the phone. It's most likely wedding related. Perhaps the cake... or maybe something to do with the flowers." Molly suggests.
"Well we will soon find out." Jim says, as he gets up from his seat and sees the familiar black car pulling up the driveway...
The black VW polo grinds to a halt in front of the white painted farmhouse. Jasper looks at the house through the window. The place always filled him with bittersweet memories, no matter how many times he paid his uncle and Molly a visit. This time he felt no different. "Why did you make us come all the way out here for this Beth? We could have just gone to mum's."
"You know why." Beth looks at Jasper's profile, still staring straight ahead. "Your family, everyone of them is like the bloody Targaryens. Full of fire, you included. I don't want to get roasted. Molly is the peacemaker; her skills are second to none. She is the dragon whisperer."
"You obviously don't know her that well." Jasper huffs. "She is evil in other ways. Did you know she denied me homemade apple pie once for punching her brother?"
"You punched her brother? I thought you guys were supposed to be friends." She says with a half laugh. "What the hell did he do?"
"He touched my...." Jasper's mind suddenly catches up with his mouth. "Uhh, he touched possessions." Jasper looks at Beth with a guilty smile.
"Like I said... Targaryen." She raises an eyebrow.
"Let's just get this over with." Jasper sighs as he undoes the seatbelt and gets out of the car, with Beth a few moments behind. The crunch of gravel beneath their feet felt ominous as if they were somehow walking towards their peril. A baby before a wedding.... It wasn't the end of the world, surely!
Jim opens the door for the pair as they approach. "What's up lad? You've got these women on the edge of their seats here." He laughs lightly as he lets both of them in, leaving the door on the latch.
"Don't over exaggerate Jim!" Molly scowls at her partner, before smiling sweetly at her guests. "Can I get you both a drink?"
"I'll have water." Beth requests as she finds somewhere to sit, picking a wise spot close to where Molly was and far away from Jasper's blood relatives.
"I'm fine." Jasper says as he follows Beth to where she was sitting. He looks at his mother from across the table. He could tell her mind was full of questions and scenarios by the look she was giving him. He had seen it enough times over the years. Like her tongue was going to unravel from her mouth at any moment, otherwise she would burst.
A glass of water is placed in front of Beth. She grabs the vessel and takes the water to her lips, just enough to wet them. As she lowers the glass, she reaches towards Jasper's hand, resting on the table. He looks at her and she at him as their hands take a hold. "Are you ready?" She speaks softly to him as if they are the only ones in the room.
He nods, accompanied with a smile as he looks at the three people staring back at him with baited breath. "We're going to have a baby." Time seems to slow down as Jasper takes in the reactions. Molly instantly puts her hands to her mouth to stifle the gasp of excitable shock, his uncle lets a small smile show on his face, whereas his mother reaches across the table and smacks his arm. "Ow! What was that for?" He rubs the area which had just been under attack.
"You made me worried." She says, sounding a little annoyed. "I thought you were calling off the wedding." She sits back on her seat, her attention now turning to Beth. She graces her with a warm smile. "That's wonderful news sweetheart." She reaches forwards once again, with Jasper wondering if Beth was going to get a slap too but instead receives an affectionate pat, causing him to frown with annoyance.
Thankfully Molly clocks the one sided treatment being dished out and hurries around the table to give Jasper a hug. "Sweetie, congratulations." She plants a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks Molly." He beams, before looking back in the direction of his Uncle. But it wasn't his uncle who had caught his eye. No, it was the much older, but still recognisable face of the male standing in the open doorway of the farmhouse. The male pulls at the strap of his oversized backpack, causing the hanging keyrings on the zipper to create a small jingle. Just enough to cause everyone else to turn their head and see what the unfamiliar sound was.
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