Chapter 11: Insecurity
"Honey, just forget about the man for a minute."
She takes in her appearance. Her head trying to take in all the angles, with the mirror in Cara's hands, showcasing the back. Her blonde hair had been decorated with the finest of tiny fake flowers of red and cream, with the odd curl cascading over her shoulders. "So, what do you think?"
Beth emits a weak smile. "Do you think Jas will like it? It's not too much is it?" She says, catching Cara's look of confusion.
"Honey, just forget about the man for a minute. it's your hair. What do you think?" Cara asks again.
Beth focuses intently on her reflection. "Maybe more loose curls down the front?" She wonders, not even sure what she even wanted herself.
Cara takes a comb and with the pointy handle, begins to pull down the odd strand. "Maybe you could have a few more curls, but not too many as you'll end up looking like a spaniel."
Beth forces a chuckle at the mild humour as she again takes in her own reflection. "So, do you think Jasper will like it or not?"
Cara slams the comb rather forcibly onto the dressing table. She swings Beth's chair around enough for her to take her friend by the hand. "Come on, come sit." Is all she says as Beth is dragged towards the sofa. Cara then gets comfy next to Beth. "What's up?"
Beth laughs nervously at the suggestion that there was anything wrong. "What do you mean? I'm fine!" She insists, but Cara doesn't seem convinced.
"Honey, I get that you love Jasper, that you want to be attractive for him, he is a stunner, but recently you have seemed a little, well." Cara bites on her lips, wondering if she should say it.
"I'm a little...what?" Beth questions with curiosity.
"Needy?" Cara pulls a face as if she was afraid to say the word.
"Needy." Beth frowns at the notion. "Just because I want my hair to look nice for him doesn't mean I'm needy."
"I know that Beth, but just recently, you seem to be leaving yourself out of the equation. Jasper is a great guy, don't get me wrong, but he's not a god. He's a human like the rest of us. You've been bending over backwards for him since that fallout a couple of months ago. If I remember correctly, it takes two to have an argument."
"I'm pregnant." Beth suddenly says, looking at Cara, trying to anticipate her reaction.
"What? Oh....ohhh! Congratulations!" Cara puts her hands to her cheeks. "That explains a lot! So you most definitely made up." She grins. She takes Beth's hands in hers. "I assume Jasper knows."
"Of course he knows." Beth says with amusement.
"So he must know your body will change a bit. Don't worry about it. If he is a decent human being, which I hope he is, he will love you all the more because you have both created a little life. You're going to be the mother of yours and his child." Cara's eyes look down to Beth's tummy.
"I know." Beth says, forcing a smile.
Beth heads through the door of their apartment from Cara's with her blonde newly curled hair tied up in a high ponytail, the small flowers now absent. She stands momentarily, looking at Jasper texting away on his phone, followed by the odd smirk. The tv quietly playing in the background seemed to quieten her steps as he was unaware she had even entered.
"Hey." She says, grabbing his attention as she takes a step towards the couch.
Jasper looks up a little surprised to see her standing there. "Oh hey. I didn't hear you come in." He puts his phone face down on the cushion next to him. He notices the waves in her usually straight hair. "Your hair looks nice."
Beth subconsciously touches a loose strand by her shoulder. "This isn't the actual look. You will have to wait for the big day for that, but I'm glad you like it." She now sits by Jasper before asking. "And you're fitting?"
"Yeah it went fine. But make the most of it because that look is definitely not me. It's for you." Jasper replies. He looks at Beth with a warm smile. It makes her feel rather special and causes her to question.
"Your mood has changed since being in the car earlier."
Jasper moves in a little closer to her, he leans forwards and presses a soft kiss on her cheek. "Maybe you were right."
She pulls back with a smile, gazing into his warm brown eyes. "Right about what?"
"Tom." Jasper grins. "You were right to invite him. I shouldn't avoid awkward situations. I should face them and make them right."
Beth glances at Jasper's phone. "Is that who you were texting just now?"
"Mmhm?" He grins. "We talked and we are going to spend a bit of time together. He needs help with decorating an old family home. He asked me to help, and I said yes."
"Before the wedding?" Beth is quick to respond. "Do you have time for that?"
Jasper laughs. "You have already told me all I need to do is turn up. I don't need my nails done or whatever pre-wedding shit you get up to."
Beth looks at Jasper as if assessing the situation. She felt conflicted. It was good to see him happy, she and him were again on good terms, after their small falling out in the car, but deep down she felt the root of his happiness in that moment wasn't because of her. It was because of Thomas. It causes her to wonder, what did this guy have over Jasper that she didn't? She adjusts her sitting position. Her heart quickens in its beats as she dares to ask. "Jas..."
"Mm?" He replies, seemingly still in his state of whatever contentment he was basking in.
"What exactly is your relationship with Thomas?"
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