Same Thing, Different Day
That's what I imagine Harry's fiancé to look like
After the encounter in the restaurant past night , Louis hoped to never see those green eyes he once were in love with again , but of course his wishes were denied when the restaurants door chime rang in his ear making him look up and see those eyes that healed his heart just to leave a bigger one staring right at him.
"What are you doing here?!" Harry snarled
"Um last time I checked I work here,why are you here?"Louis asked eyebrows raised.
"I'm here because I'm looking for a certain person I used to know.... we were boy-best friends but we lost touch when I left and I want talk to him and I herd he came here a lot." Harry said,rolling his eyes.
"Wow, is he really that stupid? Of course I'm always here because I work here duh, but why did he say we were best friends when we were clearly dating? This is not the Harry I used to know. Fame has changed him." Louis thought.
"Hello?!" Harry snapped
"Sorry,um what does he look like?"
"He's really short-"
"I'm not that small,for fucks sake I'm 5'9!!!!" The pint-sized man interrupted with his thoughts,
"He's very curvy,has a sassy attitude, and has blue eyes..." Harry continues trailing off in realization.
"Wait a minute....Louis?!" The tall man exclaimed in shock.
"Who?" Louis said hoping that his ex lover would leave the subject alone and look for him some where else, but just Louis,luck a coworker of his called his name.
"Louis how do you print a receipt again?" The coworker called.
The curly headed man smirked raising an eyebrow at the shorter lad. Louis ignored the coworker in hopes she would just call on someone else. "She wasn't talking to me there's a guy here named Louis here,maybe he's the guy you're looking for? Anyway,if your Louis does drop by I'll be sure to tell him you were looking for him."
But of course, the lady continued to ask Louis what to do,and when she realized he was ignoring her she walked up to him and asked how to work the cash register completely ignoring the signs Louis was giving her to shut up. "Louis did you not hear me? How do you work this dang cash register?!"
Sighing in defeat Louis turned away from Harry feeling his eyes burning into his back, and looked at the lady,
"All you have to do is click print receipt." Louis said quite annoyed, with the woman.
"Oh ok thanks!" The coworker said and was about to skip off when she saw Harry out of the corner of her eye. "OH MY GOD ITS HARRY STYLES, OH MY-UM CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH PLEASE?!"
Chuckling the popstar nodded yes and recived sqealing and a bunch of thanks you's in return, he quckly signed her paper and turned back to Louis, who was looking at the girl amazed of how ignorant she was to like an asshole like Harry.
The green eyed mans smile quickly faded and turned back into a scowl "Why did you lie to me?" Harry mumbled, this time he was the one avoiding Louis eyes.
"I think we both know the answer to that Harry." Louis snapped, wishing he would just go away.
"I thought you would be happy to see me Lou...." Harry tried knowing deep down that was a lie.
"Oh yeah of course I would be happy to see my boyfriend- wait ex boyfriend who didn't even break up with me and instead got engaged to someone else, and then comes back but only to make out in front of me, and snap at me when I tell him to stop!" Louis sassed not able to hold it in any longer.
"Louis I-" Harry starts but is interrupted by his fiancée bursting through the diners doors.
"Hazzy baby lets go, the paparazzi just found out where we were and are coming." She pleaded, knowing that she'd get her way, truth be told she didn't like how long her soon-to-be husband and Louis were talking.
With on last glance at Louis,Harry heads out the door with his future bride leading the way, leaving Louis for the second time, broken.
So Harry finally knows that the waiter is Louis. :)
How do you think he feels?
What do you think he was going to say?
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