Chapter 14
You know what I love? Flowers. Okay, not exactly the flowers themselves, but the ease of putting a bouquet together. It makes sense to me. Disperse the colors while complementing one another at the same time, all while mixing the perfect variation of sizes to fill the space but not overpower the one beside it.
There's an art to it, a formula that just clicks into place as I reach for another peony. Sliding it beside the spike-shaped delphinium to create a bit of that balance, I take a step back to admire my work and look for gaps that may need to be filled.
The bell on the door chimes and a bit of that warmth surrounds me as Cam's bright smile flashes across the room. He's sauntering over in all his confident glory as he plucks a sunflower from one of the bulk buckets. He reaches for a few daisies, squeezing them together before he's approaching the front counter and holding them out. "For you," he beams.
"Wow," I exclaim, ignoring the way my chest is thudding with exaggerated bliss. "How thoughtful of you."
"Hey," he drops his gaze, "I would have brought them beforehand but you happen to work at the only flower shop in town."
I can't fight the smile that creeps along my face or the blossom of heat that's flooding my cheeks as I digest the sincerity in his voice.
"Sunflowers?" I question, reaching out and taking the small bundle from his hand.
"Yeah. They're your favorite, right?"
I can feel the furrow of my brow, but before I can ask the question, he's reaching out a hand, running his fingers gently down the bridge of my nose until I soften my confused gaze.
"You always draw them on the side of your notebook. And you have a pillow in your room covered in them. I kinda just took an educated guess. Am I in the ballpark?"
The sweet, innocent sparkle to his eyes has me taking a breath. "Yeah." I smile, dropping my gaze to the bundle of sunflowers and pausing to inhale their floral scent. It brings a beam of light to my chest, flooding my system in memories full of tender joy. "They were actually my mom's favorite. I guess somewhere along the way they became mine, too."
"I didn't know that."
"Yeah. She said they were the simplest form of joy. And if there were any flower to represent happiness, it was the sunflower."
"Your mom really did love flowers, didn't she?"
"She did. But I think more than that was just being here, having a place that was hers, surrounded by the things she loved. And I don't know, but there is a calm to it all."
"To flowers?" he questions, the confusion clear across his crumbled brow.
"Not just the flowers. Come here..." I gesture, waving him behind the counter. "It would be a lot easier to show you."
He doesn't hesitate as he shuffles along the counter's edge, making his way around and joining alongside me.
"Pick a flower," I pronounce, waving my hand at the wide variety scattered across the counter.
He looks from me to the counter, his eyes hopping from each and every flower before he runs a hand through his hair. "Any flower?"
"Yes. It's often easier to start with the largest one, the one you want to be a focal point and then build around that. Or if you prefer to work with a certain color scheme then I'd go with the flower that speaks to that the most and then build to complement it."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he laments, dropping his hands and offering me a helpless smile.
I can't help but return that very smile, taking a small step closer and reaching out along the various flowers. "Just pick the one that speaks to you the most."
He looks back in front of him, his hand hovers over a few before he drops it on a simple white rose, lifting it up and holding it out in front of him. "This one."
"A rose?"
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
"Oh, so now we're quoting Shakespeare?"
"I was going to go with every rose has its thorn, but the moment called for—"
"Tragic death?" I cut him off.
"Romeo and Juliet is not a story of tragic death. I mean, yeah, they die...tragically, but it's the beauty of their love that transcends forbidden family feud that's at the peak of it all."
"Wow. Camden Beck is a diehard romantic. Who would have thought?"
"Not a diehard romantic. I just like to read. Specifically, I like to read all the books in my mom's collection. Kind of makes it feel like I have something to connect with her on."
My eyes catch his, the familiar glow sparking behind them, the one that shines in a shade I know all too well. Like a moth to flame.
I drop my gaze to the flowers in front of us, my hands trail over the sunflowers he just handed me then make their way over to the bouquet I was working on as he came in. I come here a lot. Working on arrangements and finding peace within the mundane task of it all. It's not something that makes me happy out of passion, it makes me happy because it brings me closer to her.
When my eyes connect back with his, there's a knowing glint in them. It's the one he has every time he seems to see past the veil. "Yeah," I whisper, clearing my throat before continuing. "I get that. I think it's a lot of the reason I'm always here."
He looks around, scanning the tiny shop before he reaches for a few orange and yellow chrysanthemums. "I want to add these. And some greenery. I think it needs it to blend everything together."
I can't help but smile, letting the moment blanket us both. "I couldn't agree more." I reach for a few options, scattering the various greenery in front of him and letting him choose what feels right.
We don't say too much after that, the two of us lost in the tranquility of it all. Working to create something magnificent out of something ordinary.
"Okay, I have to admit that was actually pretty fun," Cam says as he reaches for my hand.
We're making our way down Main Street where the restaurant is only a few doors down from the flower shop. As planned after the whole Brittney questioning the validity of our relationship thing, we are slated to make a couple-appearance at Mel's Diner where his teammates are gathered.
"I wouldn't have pegged you for a flower guy, but I also would have never pegged you for Shakespeare."
"Looks like there's a lot you don't know about me."
It's strange to think that. For how close we were when we were younger, and how often he stays at my house. And yet, it feels a lot like this is the first time I'm truly seeing the boy standing beside me. "Yeah," I say quietly. "It would seem so."
He pulls open the door to Mel's, letting me enter first as he follows behind. His friends are already stuffed into the corner booth, the space looking awfully cozy. But as we take another few steps in their direction, I catch Adam and Brittney snuggled together in the booth opposite his friends. It's in the direct line of sight, as in, no avoiding the canoodling fest playing out in front of us.
They don't seem to notice we've entered, in fact, I don't know if they'd even notice a tsunami hitting the place. Adam's arm is wrapped around her shoulder, her face buried in his neck as he leans into her. He never enjoyed the whole PDA thing. He always claimed it made others uncomfortable. And yet, it seems to be all they do at each and every turn, further solidifying the fact that everything we had was just...nothing.
I can feel Cam's hand tighten in mine, the unspoken acknowledgment that he's here, that he sees what I see and the reminder that according to appearances, it shouldn't bother me one bit that my ex and my best friend are all over one another.
I let my eyes leave the love fest in the corner, slowly traveling over to Cam's as he raises our clasped hands to his mouth and places a kiss against the back of my hand. There's a gentleness that caresses my chest, a calm and warmth that's beginning to feel sparkly when it comes to Cam.
"Beck!" Apollo yells, standing from his stool as he sends it knocking to the ground with full over dramatic arms raised out from side to side. "I thought you two might have ditched us."
His loud display has everyone in attendance turning their gaze to us, including the couple snuggled cozily in the adjacent booth. I can feel their stare peering at us both as he ushers me toward his group of friends.
"Sorry we're late," Cam apologizes as we approach the table. There's one spot left at the corner of the booth.
Cam turns, surely scanning the nearby tables for an extra seat. But the glare burning a hole in the side of my head has me pulling him closer. When his eyes meet mine, I whisper, "We can share."
He doesn't hesitate, plopping down in the booth and pulling me into his lap. One arm snakes around my waist, holding me into place as the other slides along my thigh.
"You guys came just in time to settle a bit of a conundrum," Gio says, leaning forward from the other end of the table.
"I'm afraid to ask," Cam says, his breath tickling the exposed skin along my neck. The way it sends goosebumps down my arms has me wishing I would have worn my hair down.
Stop reacting to everything Camden.
Gio continues, "Apollo here thinks he could outswim a shark if he ever needed to."
"Okay," Apollo jumps in, holding out a hand. "I didn't say outswim, I just said I could defend myself. You know, punch it in the nose and swim away. Like, if you get big and loud for a cougar, you scare them off. Show some dominance to a shark, and I could scare it off. No doubt."
Cam's forehead falls to my shoulder, and I can feel him shaking it back and forth in disbelief.
"This is all assuming you saw the shark coming," I jump in. Cam raises his head, but he doesn't pull away. Instead, his chin rests along my shoulder. "They attack from below. If they wanted you for lunch, you wouldn't see them coming."
"See!" Gio shouts, slamming a hand on the table before falling back in his seat.
Apollo relents before he's shifting to some other ridiculous concept that has half the table laughing. It's oddly comforting hanging out with Cam's friends. I can still remember my first time joining them at the lunch table. That nervous feeling buzzing around me, the fear that they would know this was all fake.
But being here, listening to them ramble on about nothing feels a bit like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. Except the movement from the corner of my eye still has me on edge as I glance over against my better judgment. Brittney is sliding her fingers through Adam's hair, leaning in close to whisper something in his ear.
That drop in my gut grows stronger, reminding me that my place at this table—despite how normal it feels—isn't actually real. I don't belong here. But before I can spiral, Cam's fingers begin drawing slow circles along my leg beneath the table.
I leave the scene to my left, turning my attention back to the table. Cam's eyes are set on his friends, his attention captured by whatever story Apollo is telling now. But the way his fingers gently slide along my exposed thigh has a wave of heat taking over.
I happen to like the way his fingers trail my skin, slowly making their way higher before dragging back toward my knee. It's all tingles and goosebumps and everything it shouldn't be. Because all of this is a ruse. One big show for all in attendance, and apparently, my heart is lost in the mix.
We're not supposed to be feeling. Get it together.
I shift a bit within his lap, the subtle movement causes his hand to fall still along my thigh. I breathe out a small wave of relief as I settle into his lap.
I disappear into the rest of the conversation, into the good food and laughter. I know Adam and Brittney are just a table away, but feeling Cam's arms around me and the lighthearted fun of his friends feels a lot like we're in our own world.
As the table is cleared, we make our way out to the front. The night air is cold against my skin, my decision to wear shorts suddenly feels a lot like a mistake. Shivering, Cam steps forward, removing his coat and placing it over my shoulders.
"You don't have to do that," I quickly say.
He shrugs, reaching out to run his hands up and down my arms to add a bit of warmth. "Don't worry about it."
His eyes catch mine, and that gentle shade of green falls over me. I wish I could revel in the way his eyes dance among the night sky, I wish it were enough to keep me rooted in place. But the movement within the restaurant catches my eye and suddenly I'm staring back at Adam and Brittney again. They're walking hand in hand, smiling at each other as they make their way to the front.
God, why do they still get to me? Tonight was fun. It shouldn't matter that they're together. And yet, they're getting closer. They're giggling and touching and in mere seconds they'll be walking outside, shoving it in my face that my friendship was more of a burden to their happiness than anything else.
Without thinking, my eyes fly back to Cam. A desperation floods my chest as I let the next words fly from my mouth. "Cam, kiss me."
"I need you to kiss me."
"But you said—"
"I know what I said. But you were right. No one is going to believe us if we aren't ever kissing. And right now..." My eyes flash to the window then quickly back to him. "I need you to kiss me."
His gaze falls over my shoulder, the realization of why I'm asking him to break one of my rules falls over him. He shifts, his eyes searching mine for the briefest moment. Those emerald orbs of his are bouncing rapidly back and forth between mine before he's taking two steps forward. His chest collides with mine and his hand slides along my cheek as he presses me up against the wall behind me.
My heart is spinning in circles within my chest, pounding in my eardrums. He leans in, his breath warm on my lips as I inhale the sweet scent of lemonade. But his lips don't meet mine.
Instead, he turns his head, bringing his mouth to my ear as he whispers, "I made you a promise." His words tickle my neck as he slowly presses his lips below my ear. "No kissing. But there are plenty of other ways to make them believe."
His fingers slip from my cheek, slowly sliding down and pausing at the base of my neck, the softest grip clings to my throat as he pushes into me.
"Cam," I breathe out on a wave that's far too close to a moan. But damn does he feel good against me.
The small rumble in his throat is quickly swallowed as he breathes a heavy exhale down my neck. "Tell me to stop."
"Don't," I quickly fight, even though I know damn well how dangerous this line we're dancing around is. But god if it doesn't feel sinisterly good to have his lips grazing my neck as he pushes me up against this wall. "Keep going."
He nods against my cheek as he lowers his head, finding the small spot where my neck meets my shoulder and gently grazes his lips there, the heat of his breath trickles along my collar bone.
"Okay lovebirds!" one of his teammates hollers over. But Cam doesn't pull away. His grip holds against me, the soft shade of his eyes fall along mine as he keeps me in place. "We're heading to the bonfire. You guys in?"
"Or do you have other plans?" another voice cuts in, all innuendo and playful demeanor fully intact.
Cam's breaths are heavy, falling perfectly along my lips as he keeps us held together, his eyes jumping between mine, searching for an answer. Before I can respond, his hand slips from my neck and he turns to face his friends. "I'm going to take her home. Maybe another time."
"Yep," Apollo says with an obnoxious wink. "You two have fun!"
It's not Apollo's cheesy grin or Gio's hidden smile that has me squirming, though. It's the person standing behind them. Adam. His eyes are set on me, a fire behind them I've never seen before. Is it anger? Why would he be mad?
"He never thought he'd lose you," Cam says, bringing my gaze flying back to his.
"Adam. He didn't think he'd lose you."
"And getting caught hooking up with my best friend didn't give that away?"
"You lost him in that scenario, Kenze." He laces his fingers between my own, pulling gently to lift me off of the wall. "He got to move on thinking you would be on the sidelines. He never stopped to think that might mean you move on, too."
"That's ridiculous."
"It is. But that look on his face right now...he's just realized he actually lost you. For good."
I take a step and fall in beside Cam, our hands still linked as we begin walking back to his car. "Why does he even care? He's happy with Brittney."
"You really have to ask that question?"
I hesitate, taking in the words he's presenting me with. When it comes down to it, Adam is the one who screwed everything up. He chose her. Not me. "He shouldn't be upset."
Cam pauses, pulling us both to a stop. His eyes find mine, holding me in place as a breath pulls between his lips. His hand raises, the slow and steady motion holding the air still between us. Gently, he brushes a few loose strands behind my ear. The night frozen in a peaceful quiet. The world wrapped within the moment.
"After what he gave up," he states with his eyes still locked on mine, "he most definitely should be."
His hand falls back into mine, our steps linked in pace as we head back to his car. No more words are shared, no more explanations are spoken. It's just the two of us, the quiet streets, and the sudden skip of my heart.
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