𝙽𝙰 - 4 - 𝙽𝙰
jaemin was currently in the bus.
the third one to be exact.
this only meant one thing: he would be home in less than 15 minutes.
as usual, the place was crowded, and jaemin found himself holding the handles dangling from the ceiling, just like a day before – and just like any other day.
the man next to him was whispering things to his angel.
and this made jaemin's mind wander to his own demon.
he pictured him and his sassiness, standing in the dark alley.
he remembered the events of the day before.
the murder.
the demon appearing.
his powers.
and jaemin's weakness.
he hated this demon.
he hated all of them, actually.
he hated their red eyes.
he hated their powers.
he hated everything about them.
"guryong village, terminus. please walk down carefully."
the same mecanic voice as usual startled jaemin.
he looked around, seeing the relieved looks of people, looking forward to get home and kiss their family.
but jaemin didn't have a family anymore.
jaemin got back to an empty and cold house.
jaemin had no one to kiss.
and no one to kiss him.
soon, jaemin was alone in the dark alleys of the dangerous district of seoul.
but he walked there confidently.
he wasn't scared of anyone.
it's the others who were scared of him.
if only they knew who he was...
"i'm kind of touched." a voice made jaemin lift his head. "you were thinking about me."
jaemin's fists tightened at the view of a cocky demon leaning against a broken street lamp.
couldn't he leave jaemin alone?
"fuck off." jaemin spat, walking past the demon without giving him a glance.
"huh... what about no?"
jaemin ignored the demon as he sped up.
he needed to get home quickly.
there, he had knives and sharp objects.
there, he would be able to get rid of him.
"i am a demon. you can't kill me like that."
jaemin looked into the boy's glowing red eyes, holding himself back.
how could this fucking demon know what jaemin was planning to do?
"more than being a demon, i am YOUR demon, meaning i know everything you do and everything you think about."
jaemin clenched his jaw, fighting against his will to turn around and start walking towards his house.
this demon was a pain in the ass.
"go away." jaemin said.
"huh... i still won't."
"yes, you will."
jaemin rolled his eyes, not caring about the demon's stubbornness.
he was 100% that NA would have snapped at the demon, and that he would have tried everything to kill him.
but let's be realist, jaemin knew he stood no chance against the demon.
so, he just kept walking, not letting the NA in him overpowering the reserved boy jaemin was.
he reached his house faster than he expected, which was a relief for the boy.
he slammed the door shut behind his back, right to the demon's face.
he appeared inside in a snap of fingers anyway.
"thank you for this warm welcome." he sassed.
"you're not welcome here." jaemin replied, throwing his schoolbag on a chair before washing his hands.
"i know."
the demon jumped on jaemin's bed, messing the covers that had been neatly tucked in by jaemin this morning.
"get out of my bed." jaemin spat, glaring at donghyuck who was having his best time rolling on the bed.
"it's comfy..." the demon replied, and a second after, a knife got planted on jaemin's pillow, just a centimetre away from his face.
donghyuck gasped and looked at jaemin.
the human was standing in front of the kitchen counter – which was a few meters away since jaemin's house was a one-roomed one – and he had a couple of knives in his left hand, while he was making one spin between his right-hand fingers.
he had thrown this knife.
it seemed that his NA part was gaining power over his body.
he just wanted that demon dead.
or at least out.
"get. out." jaemin stated, threatening to throw another knife.
"no need to be violent..."
the demon stood up, rearranging the covers so that jaemin doesn't try to kill him again.
"and this knife?" donghyuck asked, pulling the knife out of the pillow, making feathers fly around the room.
jaemin didn't answer.
instead, he walked to the demon and grabbed the knife, pulling it from donghyuck's not so strong grasp.
"leave my house and never come here again." jaemin said, placing the knives back in their drawer.
"why are you this stubborn- "
"YOU ARE THE ONE BEING STUBBORN!" jaemin turned around, shouting at the demon.
his fists were clenched.
his brows were furrowed.
his heart was beating erratically.
the NA in him was begging to come out.
"jaemin, i told you that- "
"I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" jaemin screamed even louder.
"you have to trust me."
"i am not any demon. i am your demon."
jaemin's hand sneaked behind his back, reaching the drawer that he had closed a few seconds before to pick a knife.
as he was about to throw it donghyuck's way, an invisible force prevented him to do so.
he knew what was happening.
and this was infuriating him even more.
donghyuck didn't answer.
instead, he did a strange hand motion, making jaemin fly around the room and crash against the front door.
in another hand motion, jaemin got pinned to the bed, making another wreath of feathers leave the pillow that had previously been stabbed.
donghyuck approached him with brows furrowed.
it was the first time that jaemin saw the demon without his annoying smirk.
he looked angry.
"listen to me, weak human." he spoke, venom laced to his honey voice. "i didn't ask to be the demon of a stubborn ass human. we don't choose our human. and i wanted someone cute, with a warm heart and a shy persona. i never asked to get a two-faced human, half lonely, half-serial killer!"
jaemin would have loved to snap at him.
he would have loved to yell and let out all his frustration.
but sadly, he couldn't.
it was as if the words were stuck in his throat.
was it because the demon had cursed him again?
or was it his own body refusing to cope?
he didn't know.
but he felt weak, and he hated that.
"we're both unhappy with what we have, but we can't do anything about it." donghyuck continued. "so, you'll have to learn to accept me and to trust me. i know what's best for you."
jaemin internally snorted.
nobody knew what was best for jaemin.
not even himself.
"i'll let you think about this matter alone." donghyuck told in a much calmer voice. "call me when you'll be decided."
jaemin thought he was done with him.
he thought the demon would disappear.
but sadly, he pronounced a last sentence that made his blood boil even more...
"oh, and... i'll make sure to make your life a living hell..."
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