𝙽𝙰 - 27 - 𝙽𝙰
"what the hell?!"
"her father is a fucking policeman..." jaemin pulled onto his hair. "i'm sure they tracked my phone..."
"which means that they have your location." donghyuck continued. "break the phone."
"break the phone and throw it the furthest away."
jaemin got out of the car, throwing the phone on the floor and stepping onto his with all his force. then, he picked the few pieces up, walking to the edge of the cliffs before throwing it as far as he could.
"okay, now let's sleep. i'll drive us away tomorrow morning." donghyuck declared.
"no, we should leave now." jaemin protested.
"jaemin, it's late at night. the patrols will only start tomorrow morning. and it took us a few days to get there, so before they arrive here, we still have a bit of time."
jaemin nodded, climbing in the car and lying onto the soft mattress, next to donghyuck.
"where will we go?"
"i'm not sure..." donghyuck said. "the best would be the 'fallen forest'. only demons can enter."
"i am not a demon, donghyuck."
"but you're with me." donghyuck told immediately, looking at the human dead in the eye.
the two boys looked at each other for long seconds, taking in every detail of the other's face.
"i'm scared..." jaemin mumbled.
"i am too." donghyuck sighed. "but don't worry. as long as i am with you, everything will go well for you..."
jaemin woke up feeling the bed moving slightly.
he opened his eyes, feeling unusually cold.
donghyuck wasn't next to him, and before he could think about where the demon could be, he was sent rolling to the other side of the mattress.
this could only mean one thing: they were driving somewhere.
jaemin kneeled on the bed, crawling towards the driver's seat.
donghyuck was there, concentrated on the road in front of him, one of his hands on the gear box.
"how long have you been driving...?" jaemin asked tiredly, catching the attention of the demon.
"hello baby." donghyuck smiled. "a bit more than an hour. we still have a long road ahead. come and sit next to me, nana."
jaemin obliged, yawning before escalading the seat and sitting next to donghyuck.
he fastened his seatbelt, yawning cutely again.
"how was your sleep?" donghyuck asked, glancing at his human.
"good... but cold at the end..." he pouted, making donghyuck place his hand on jaemin's thigh.
"aww, baby... i'm sorry. i wanted to make sure we'd leave the 'life diving board' early."
"it's okay..."
donghyuck kept driving for a few hours, not talking much with the human next to him who was dozing off and threatening to fall asleep again.
just like the previous days, donghyuck hummed the different songs that the radio played, offering the perfect lullaby for jaemin to fall asleep.
and the human did.
jaemin closed his eyes, one of his hands making its way to donghyuck's soft one that was still caressing his thigh.
he intertwined their fingers and soon fell in a deep slumber, with his head resting against the seatbelt.
he was woken up after what felt like a few minutes, but was in reality 3 hours.
"huh...?" the human opened his eyes slowly.
"i'm having a small break." donghyuck chuckled at jaemin's confused face. "do you want to have a walk with me?"
jaemin nodded his head, looking like a lost puppy.
donghyuck walked out of the car, going to jaemin's side to open the door for him and help him getting down.
jaemin lazily stood up, wrapping his arms around donghyuck's neck as soon as he was out of the car.
donghyuck voluntarily wrapped his own hands around the boy's waist, pulling his body closer in a tight hug.
"i love you..." jaemin mumbled in the crook of donghyuck's neck.
"i love you too, baby." donghyuck replied before dropping a peck on jaemin's pouty lips.
donghyuck and jaemin kissed chastely for a few seconds, slowly moving their lips against each other's, but never involving too much tongue or teeth.
it was sweet. it was pure. it was innocent.
just like jaemin's personality.
"let's go?" donghyuck asked after they parted.
jaemin nodded, intertwining his and the demon's hand before walking side by side in the empty nature.
they were surrounded by cliffs and hills on which trees had grown for decades, creating a cosy duvet over the bare mountains. a beautiful view.
it felt so far away from the busy cities, full of cars and pollution.
here, the air was pure and clean. you could feel the slightest breeze revitalizing your soul.
speaking of which, the air was a bit too cold for jaemin's liking.
"you're shivering, nana..." donghyuck noticed, caressing jaemin's nape with the back of his hand.
"it's cold..." the human mumbled.
"let me go grab a sweater for you."
the demon snapped his fingers vanishing into thin air as jaemin wrapped his arms around his body to gain a bit of warmth.
he continued walking, looking at his surroundings and getting amazed by the beautiful natural scenery.
it was so peaceful.
well, it could have been...
"what is such a beautiful human doing here...?" a low voice spoke, startling jaemin.
the boy turned around, a lump in his throat forming at the sight of two red glowing orbs.
a demon was standing in front of him.
a demon he could see.
and this demon wasn't donghyuck.
"are you lost?" the creature asked, approaching the shy boy, making him take a step backwards. "do you need help for something?"
jaemin shook his head as no, walking backwards without looking behind him.
the demon was scaring him.
they all did.
except donghyuck.
he loved donghyuck.
he would never get scared of donghyuck.
"don't be scared, beautiful..." the demon smirked as jaemin continued walking backwards in fear. "i'm not going to hurt you..."
"of course, not."
jaemin recognized donghyuck's voice behind him, making him sigh in relief and turn around quickly to run to his demon.
"go away, demon. i saw this little human first." the unknown demon growled at donghyuck.
"this human is mine." donghyuck spat, his brows furrowing and his arm wrapping around jaemin's waist protectively. "don't you dare approaching him."
"or what?" the older demon's smirk widened. "are you going to teach me a lesson?"
the scary demon laughed evilly, making jaemin tremble in fear.
donghyuck handed jaemin the sweated he was holding, whispering to the human to wear the piece of clothing.
"leave this human to me or we'll have to fight." the mad demon said.
"i'm ready to fight." donghyuck replied in a voice that sent shivers down jaemin's spine.
jaemin looked at the two demons approaching each other, their eyes glowing redder than ever.
"this human was on our territory. he's ours." the older demon growled.
"this human is mine. i brought it on your territory. you have no right to call him yours." donghyuck spat back.
"i could call my fellow demons and get you killed, kid."
donghyuck smirked, a light chuckle escaping his rosy lips. "you could. and i would kill all of you with my powers before you could approach me."
the demon facing donghyuck made a confused face.
"be careful who you're talking with..." donghyuck said, pulling his right sleeve up to reveal his bare forearm. "i'm not a fallen."
these words were enough for the older demon to chicken out and run away.
donghyuck smirked once again before turning around and looking at jaemin looking like a cute baby into one of donghyuck's sweaters. it was one of his favourites.
a large and black one, with the word 'SINNERS' written in blood red letters.
"are you okay?" donghyuck asked, cupping the human's cheek to check for any injury on the boy's flawless face.
"he didn't touch me..." jaemin replied, giving donghyuck's cheek a light peck.
"good." donghyuck smiled. "i would have killed him."
jaemin grinned, feeling his heart accelerating in his chest at donghyuck's possessiveness.
it made him feel loved and desired.
it felt so good...
"hyuck...?" jaemin called the demon.
"yes baby?" donghyuck replied, taking jaemin's hand in his own and pulling him towards their car.
"why could i see this demon...?" jaemin asked.
"well..." donghyuck thought for a few seconds. "that's because he's a fallen demon."
"what is that?"
"fallen demons are demons who disrespected the rules and are getting deprived of their demon powers." donghyuck explained slowly.
"but..." jaemin hesitated. "he... he had the eyes..."
"yeah... their eyes are the only thing they keep from their demon life." donghyuck added. "that and a red tattoo on their right arm that appears when they lose their powers."
jaemin stopped in his tracks after a few seconds of silence.
donghyuck faced him, asking him what was bothering him.
"t-the demon who k-killed my p-parents..." jaemin stuttered. "h-he was a fallen..."
"i know baby." donghyuck embraced him in a comforting hug. "that's why we're going to the fallen forest. to find him and kill him..."
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