"You Gotta Dress to Impress"
(A camera shows two vehicles driving through one of rural Mexico's roads to the tribe mats of the season. Jeff Probst is in a separate vehicle)
Jeff: We are riding through rural Mexico, where no villagers have come to exist. Sixteen sims will be marooned here, for the adventure of their lifetime.
(The camera zooms in on a young man with black, neat hair wearing a white buttoned shirt)
Sherman (CON): Getting to play this game is gonna be so fun. I get to lie, cheat, and steal with people I don't even know. I need to win this for my mother, or else she is going to kill me.
(The camera changes to a light brunette younger woman wearing a colorful dress, with her hair in braids)
Odessa (CON): Hi, I'm Odessa! I hope I don't flop socially because I consider myself to be a charming person! I just wanna say hello to all my friends and family back home! Oh, who am I kidding, I have no friends.
Jeff: They will need to battle the elements and each other, otherwise they will be voted out.
(The camera focuses in on a man with dark skin who wears a light blue t-shirt)
Jake (CON): I am Indian, even though I have an American name. I'm gonna be such an asset to my tribe because I'm superior at fishing, and I'll do well in the challenges. Time to win!
(Lastly, the camera closes in on an Asian young woman wearing a serious expression)
Shirley (CON): I'm a medical student, but of course I'm not going to tell them that. I need to do well in order to prove to my sister that I'm better than her. I don't lose.
Jeff: In the end, only one person will emerge victorious. 39 days, 16 people, 1 Survivor!
(Time skip to when the castaways are released from the vehicles and gather to meet Jeff in front of them)
Jeff: Welcome to Sims Survivor!
(The castaways clap and cheer.)
Jeff: So, you have already been divided into two tribes. The first tribe, Agua, consists of Patty, Finn, Jake, Odessa, Fiona, Gil, Jasmine, and Ahmed.
(Agua steps onto their mat, as the camera focuses on a blonde young woman)
Fiona (CON): I'm glad this is a back-to-basics season after all. No twists are going to stop me from controlling the game!
Jeff: The next tribe, which is Tierra, has Sherman, Hal, Lorraine, George, Nadine, Shirley, Luke, and June.
(Tierra proceeds to their mat)
Jeff: Woman who looks all dressed up, what's your name?
Lorraine (smiles): Lorraine.
Jeff: Why are you dressed this way? It's Survivor!
Lorraine: I don't know, haha.
Lorraine (CON): I don't even care how I dress. Survivor is a social game, and you gotta dress to impress!
Jeff: You're funny. I like you. All right, everyone, here are the maps to your new homes. There will be bags of rice and a machete waiting for you at camp. Have a nice trek!
Day 1
(The Tierra tribe has just finished the trek to their camp. An older man with a cowboy hat and short hair is focused on)
Luke: So we need to start building a shelter before nightfall.
Hal: Yeah.
Luke (CON): I decided to take charge of my tribe with building the shelter first. It needs to get done.
Nadine: Girls on palm fronds, guys will help with the heavy lifting?
George: Let's do it.
Hal (CON): I consider myself pretty muscular, so I should be fine before the merge. No one is going to want to vote me out anytime soon.
(The women go off to weave palm fronds, leaving the guys to build most of the shelter)
Nadine: I know how do this, girls. Step aside and watch and learn.
(Nadine shows Lorraine, Shirley, and June how to go about this skill)
Nadine: Now you try.
June: No!
Nadine: Excuse me?
June: This is boring!
Shirley: June, your name is? We need your help. We'll do it together, okay, sweetie?
June: Don't call me that, stupid b*tch!
Lorraine: Whoa! Calm down!
Lorraine (CON): Nadine was showing us girls how to weave palm fronds to help with the shelter, and this crazy woman, June, didn't want to do her share. What is she, two?
(June walks off)
Nadine: What the hell was that?
Shirley (CON): I've never seen a more stupid person in my entire life. She shouldn't be on this show.
(Meanwhile, the camera shifts to the guys)
Hal: Making progress, guys.
Sherman: Yup.
George (CON): Me, Hal, and Luke seem like three strong people. We could be a big force in the game. Sherman could be a number, even though he isn't really "one of the guys".
Luke: We should form an all-male alliance.
George: That's what I was thinking!
Sherman (CON): *rolls eyes* These ridiculous men. They think forming an alliance Day 1 is going to get them to the final three. But guess what? I'm telling the women!
*The screen now focuses in on the Agua tribe*
Day 1
(The Agua tribe arrives at camp)
Odessa: Okay, guys! So let's do some introductions! I'm Odessa, I'm unemployed, and I'm single!
Jasmine (CON): HAHAHAHA! Odessa is so funny! "And I'm single" HAHAHAHA! I want to work with her so bad!
Gil: Okay, then? I'm Gil and I'm a fisherman.
Jake (CON): I'm also a fisherman. That could be a bonding point for the both of us, if he's not lying, that is.
Ahmed: My name is Ahmed, and I'm looking for a good time and the adventure out here.
Patty: Cool.
(The camera leans in on a African-American older man)
Finn (CON): I want to work with other older men. I feel that there is some bias in regards to age with some players in this game and I want to break through that archetype.
(The tribe breaks into groups. Jasmine, a dark-skinned young woman walks up to Odessa)
Jasmine: Hi! I'm Jasmine.
Odessa: I know!
Jasmine: You're hilarious. I think we're like the same person.
Odessa: Really?
Jasmine: *whispering* Can we work together?
Odessa: Um, sure.
Odessa (CON): This game is moving too fast for me. Like, this girl comes up to me and she goes, "Let's start an alliance!", and I was like, fine, sure, whatever. As long as I don't go home first. That's what I keep telling myself.
(Finn, Gil, and Jake begin working on the shelter)
Finn: I like to garden, and you two like to fish? Awesome. This tribe will do really well, I have a good feeling.
Gil: Yeah, me too.
Gil (CON): The stereotype of Asian men and women becoming doctors and lawyers has always been there. I broke through this trope and now I fish, full-time. I don't make much, but I enjoy myself. That's what matters.
Jake: Final three?
Finn: Totally.
Gil: Let's keep this secret.
(Patty, Ahmed, and Fiona chat in camp)
Ahmed: I live in a two bedroom apartment with my best friend, and I've lived there for such a long time. My parents are probably so disappointed in me.
(Patty laughs)
Patty: You are so funny, Ahmed.
Fiona (CON): It seems to me that me and Patty are competing for Ahmed's attention. That's ridiculous. I personally came to win, not to find a boyfriend. If that's what Patty wants to do, then, oh well. I bet her Chinese parents will want to disown her after the show.
Ahmed: I've never thought of myself as such.
Patty: And he's humble!
Patty (CON): Who does this b*tch Fiona think she is by interrupting time with my man? Just leave already!
Day 2
(The entire tribe except June lays in the shelter after a hard day's work)
George: We did it, guys!
Lorraine: We sure did.
Hal: Where's June?
Shirley: She might've gone to look for an idol.
(The camera focuses in on June, looking endlessly in the camp for something)
June (CON): I'm looking for an idol so I can prove to these nasty poopy heads that I'm the baddest b*tch alive! *cackles*
(Montage of June wearing herself out looking for the tribe's idol)
(Back to the shelter)
Sherman *whispering*: Nadine, Lorraine, Shirley, can I talk to you guys for a minute?
Nadine: What's going on?
Sherman: Let's go.
(The four privately walk somewhere within the camp)
Shirley: What?
Sherman: The guys are thinking of making an all-male alliance.
Nadine: Really?
Sherman: Yes. They were talking about it when I was gathering wood.
Lorraine: Holy crap.
Nadine: We have four. We could get June, too.
Shirley: How about we go for June first, and then we'll go for the three men. Four is bigger than three.
Sherman: Excellent.
Lorraine: Let's do it.
(The camera switches back to George, Luke, and Hal)
Luke: Why did those four just wander off?
George: To look for June?
Luke: Nah, June's a lost cause.
Hal: I wonder why.
George: They must have an alliance.
Luke: Good thing we're stronger than them.
George (CON): If we lose immunity, those four could get rid of one of us. That's not good.
Day 2
(Ahmed is shown trying to make fire with flint, with his tribe mates watching him and supporting him. Finally, he is shown to make the littlest spark, and everyone gathers sticks to keep it going)
Gil: Let's go! Get moving!
(The fire eventually grows)
Jasmine: Wow! Good job, Ahmed!
Ahmed: Thanks.
Ahmed (CON): Well, I did it. I made fire with flint. This is exactly what I wanted to do and I did it, at last.
(The tribe is shown cooking a chicken that Gil found earlier. Jake and Fiona do the most work)
Finn (CON): This tribe in particular is awesome. Can't wait to win the first immunity challenge!
Day 3
Immunity Challenge
(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The castaways line up on their mats)
Jeff: Are you guys ready for your first ever Immunity challenge?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: All right. Here's how this challenge works. Six members of each tribe will race across a series of sand hills and into a river to retrieve a raft with puzzle planks tied to it. When all six members of the tribe return to shore with the raft, the puzzle planks will be untied and taken back to the start line. The two remaining tribe members will assemble the planks into a staircase. Once all of the tribe was at the top of the staircase, the remaining two tribe members will work together to navigate a peg through a table maze, which will release the tribe's flag to win and immunity. Your reward is some blankets to make camp living comfortable.
Jeff: I'll give you a minute to strategize, and we'll get started.
(All contestants are ready for the challenge)
Jeff: Survivors ready... go!
1. The castaways on Agua who ran were Patty, Jake, Odessa, Fiona, Gil, and Ahmed. The castaways on Tierra who ran were Hal, Lorraine, George, Nadine, Luke, and June.
2. Odessa struggled with running across the sand hills, thus giving Tierra a speed advantage.
3. Agua and Tierra were neck-and-neck when it came to returning to shore. Luke led Tierra while essentially everyone pulled equal weight on the Agua tribe. Agua barely returned to shore first, and Finn and Jasmine started working on the puzzle.
4. Once Tierra returned to shore, Shirley and Sherman made up for lost time by completing the puzzle at a bit of a quicker rate.
5. In the end, Tierra won being three pieces faster than Agua.
Jeff: Tierra wins reward and immunity!
(Tierra all cheers)
(Time skip to when all the castaways stand on their mats)
Jeff: Congratulations, Tierra, you have won the first immunity challenge of the season. Come get your blankets! However, Agua, one of you will be the first person voted out of Sims Survivor: Mexico. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, and see you at tribal tonight.
Jake (CON): Jasmine didn't really help with the puzzle. That proves that she's not an asset to our tribe. We need her out of here.
Day 3
Odessa: Good effort, everyone.
Gil: Yeah. We all put in our best work, but unfortunately it just wasn't enough.
Jasmine: Odessa, I need to talk to you.
Odessa: Huh?
(Jasmine pulls Odessa aside)
Finn: So we can all agree, it's Jasmine?
Patty: She's so annoying!
Jake: I know.
Gil (CON): Jake, Finn, and I have to all be voting for the same person. That person has to be Jasmine.
(The camera focuses in on Odessa and Jasmine)
Odessa: What is it?
Jasmine: I think I'm being targeted.
Odessa: Because you weren't good in the challenge?
Jasmine: Yeah.
Odessa: I wasn't either. Let's go talk to Ahmed, Fiona, and Patty and see what they think, because we need numbers.
(Odessa and Jasmine approach Fiona, Patty, and Ahmed, who have gathered by the well)
Jasmine: Hi, guys.
Odessa: Did you know that Finn, Gil, and Jake have been hanging out with each other?
Fiona: Yeah...
Odessa: We should get one of them out.
Ahmed: I'm down. Let's do Finn.
Patty: Okay, let's do it, then.
Fiona (CON): Those three are actually a big part of our tribe. We're going to lose the next few challenges if one of them goes home, I guarantee.
(Odessa and Jasmine leave)
Patty: Odessa really surprised me in the challenge. She's the reason why we lost.
Ahmed: You think?
Fiona: Maybe. I'm not sure what to think anymore. Jasmine seems even more useless.
Ahmed: We should just stick to the original plan if that's the case.
Patty (CON): I don't want to lose the next challenge, so us as a tribe need to make the right decision.
(Night time comes and the eight members of Agua grab their torches and head to Tribal Council. Flute music is playing in the background)
Tribal Council:
(Agua walks into Tribal Council)
Jeff: I need all of you to grab a torch, dip it in, and get fire. This is a ritual at Tribal Council, because in this game, fire represents your life, and if your fire's gone, so are you.
(Agua sits down)
Jeff: Okay. So, about the challenge, Odessa, do you feel like there was someone to blame for the loss?
Odessa: No. I don't believe there was, Jeff. We all tried our hardest.
Patty *snickers*: Stop lying, Odessa. The under performers were you and Jasmine, and you know that very well.
Odessa *shocked*: Well, all right, then.
Jeff: Wow, Patty. How blunt of you.
Patty: Yeah.
Jeff: And Jasmine, do you agree with Patty?
Jasmine: Frankly, yes. I could have done better. I just think that... (as Jasmine is talking, Fiona whispers "Odessa" in Jake's ear)
Jeff: I observe that maybe there is some cracks in this tribe, or separations. Gil, tell me more about that.
Gil: Well, you have me, Finn, and Jake, the ones who love the outdoors. And then you have the younger people.
Jeff: So it's five against three?
Gil: Not necessarily. I hope to God I'm not going home.
Jeff: Finn, will this be an easy decision? It seems like you guys are very cohesive and efficient and camp tasks.
Finn: No, I don't think it will be. It will come down to who benefits our tribe the least and doesn't belong in this cutthroat game.
Jeff: Do each of you know who you're voting for? Let's start with Patty.
Patty: Yes.
Jeff: Gil?
Gil: Yeah, but not 100%.
Jeff: Odessa?
Odessa: Yes, Jeff.
Jeff: Finn?
Finn: Hell yeah!
Jeff: Excited. Jasmine?
Jasmine: Definitely.
Jeff: A range of answers. I think you guys are ready to vote. Jake, you're up.
(Montage of all of the Agua players casting their votes. Finn's is shown)
Finn voted for Jasmine
Finn: You don't deserve to be here, honey.
(Jasmine's vote is shown)
Jasmine voted for Finn
Jasmine: This is the only way I get to stay safe. Sorry.
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
That's two votes Jasmine.
We're tied. Two votes Jasmine, two votes Finn.
We're tied again. Two votes Finn, two votes Jasmine, two votes Odessa.
(Odessa's mouth is hanging open. Patty has a big smile on her face)
That's three votes Odessa, two votes Jasmine, two votes Finn.
Odessa: You have got to be kidding me.
First person voted out of Sims Survivor: Mexico:
Jeff: You need to bring me your torch.
Odessa: Bye, guys. Have a nice rest of your 39-day adventure.
(Odessa stands and hugs Jasmine, and gets her torch)
Odessa *whispering to Jasmine*: Don't trust them.
Jasmine: I might have to.
(Odessa puts down her torch, looking saddened)
Jeff: Odessa, the tribe has spoken. Time for you to go.
(Jeff snuffs Odessa's torch)
Jeff: Time for you to go. Making a big move this early in the game takes guts. And this is a gutsy yet divided tribe. Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
Odessa: This has been an amazing experience, however short it was. Patty, Fiona, and Ahmed have been playing the game too hard so far, but four was all it took. I'm cheering on my girl, Jasmine to at least make the merge!
Odessa (4): Patty, Fiona, Ahmed, Jake
Finn (2): Jasmine and Odessa
Jasmine (2): Finn and Gil
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