"Thank the Survivor Gods"
Previously on Survivor...
On the Agua tribe, Jasmine seemed like the next immediate target, however Gil, Jake, and Finn began to distrust Patty. On Tierra, June was getting more and more out of control. But Shirley, Nadine, Sherman, and Lorraine still had a plan to vote out Hal, a physical threat.
Even though the dominant tribe Tierra won their second Reward challenge, they still managed to lose the Immuntity challenge by one puzzle piece. The men, with the help of June, decided to target Shirley at the next Tribal Council, viewing her as a mental threat. But, there was a deadlocked tie at Tribal Council, and it was June that was rocked out of the game.
14 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Night 6
Tierra - Post-Tribal
(The Tierra tribe returns to camp and sets their torches down)
Nadine: That was crazy.
George: Yeah, I know.
Lorraine (CON): At tribal, there was a deadlock tie, and June ended up being gone. Which means that there is a clear majority consisting of me, Shirley, Sherman, and Nadine. Thank the Survivor gods!
(Luke, George, and Hal gather together)
Hal: We are so screwed.
Luke: I know. This is terrible.
George: There aren't any idols this season, right?
Luke: We just need to win the next immunity.
Day 7
Reward Challenge
(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The Agua tribe walks in and stands on their mat. They look over as the Tierra tribe enters)
Jeff: Agua, getting your first look at the new Tierra tribe. June voted out at the last Tribal Council.
Fiona *whispering*: That was foolish of them.
Jeff: Are you guys ready to get to today's reward challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: For today's challenge, you'll start with two tribe members racing out to get a set of poles. You'll use the poles to transport a buoy over a balance beam, using the buoy to release a boat. With the boat released, you'll pull yourself back to shore. From there, you'll assemble a slingshot and use the buoy to knock over three targets. The first tribe to do so wins reward. One important rule: the people who go out to get the poles can't shoot for the targets. Wanna know what you're playing for?
Castaways: Yeah!
Jeff: Hamburgers with soft drinks are on the line. Yummy! I'll give you a minute to strategize and we'll get started.
1. Ahmed and Fiona (Agua) and Luke and Shirley (Tierra) swim out for the poles. Ahmed and Fiona have a slight lead over Luke and Shirley, with Shirley lagging a little bit. Luckily for Tierra, Luke and Shirley barely make it through the balance beam before Ahmed and Fiona, making the tribes even. Though, Shirley and Luke pull themselves a bit faster to shore than Ahmed and Fiona, giving Tierra the edge.
2. Gil assembles the slingshot for Agua, and Sherman does so for Tierra. Gil finishes assembling the slingshot rather quickly, so Patty seizes the opportunity to try the slingshot.
3. Hal starts attempting to hit the targets once Sherman is done. He hits a target with his first shot. Five minutes later, he hits another.
4. Patty switches out with Finn, who is determined to do better. Finn scores his first target.
5. Hal comes up short numerous times, so he switches out with George. Finn hits his second target for Agua.
6. George hits the third and final target for Tierra a minute after Tierra switches out.
Jeff: Tierra wins reward!
(The Tierra tribe jumps up in celebration)
Jeff: Your food will be waiting for you back at camp. Enjoy.
(The Tierra tribe members leave)
Jeff: Agua, a familiar story. No food or reward for you guys. Head back to camp and I'll see you at the next challenge.
Patty (CON): We haven't won a single reward since we came out here. I want off this tribe so badly.
Day 7
Agua - Post-Reward
Finn: This really sucks, man.
Ahmed: Yeah.
Gil: Tell me about it.
(Patty, Ahmed, and Fiona gather near the hammock)
Patty: I'm sick of this game.
Ahmed: What?
Patty: I know I'm the next person gone. I just know it.
Fiona: Oh, I wouldn't be that pessimistic.
Ahmed: We'll get Jasmine out of here soon enough. It will happen soon, I promise.
Fiona (CON): Patty's worried about going home, so Ahmed and I are basically telling her what she needs to hear. But if she's gone, I might be gone too. Because I don't really do a lot around here. Can't go before the merge!
Patty: I'm going up to them.
(Patty walks up to Finn and Jake)
Patty: Hey, guys.
Finn: Hello there.
Patty: So I just spoke with Jasmine, and it looks like she wants to vote you out, Finn.
Finn: No, she doesn't. That's a lie.
Patty: She does, all right. She's still vengeful about the Odessa vote.
Jake (CON): Patty isn't being very convincing. I get that her game's on the line, but we all know that Jasmine is angry at her, not Finn.
Jake: Well, she can't be trusted.
Patty: Exactly.
Finn: So let's vote her out then at the next Tribal Council.
Patty (CON): Yay! These men seem to be falling for my master plan of trickery!
(Meanwhile, Jasmine goes up to the ocean)
Jasmine *to the camera*: I made a fishing rod, as you can see here. I'm going to try and catch some fish, now.
Jasmine (CON): I feel like I've been severely underestimated in this game and I want to catch some food for my tribe mates.
(Jasmine places her fishing rod in the water. She waits for a few minutes, and finally a small fish takes the bait)
Jasmine: Yes! Oh, my God, yes!
(Jasmine takes the fish out of the fishing rod)
Jasmine: Oh, no. It's only enough for one person. I can't share this. I don't want to.
Jasmine (CON): So I catch this fish, but I can't share this minnow! I'm going to have to cook it when everyone is asleep.
Night 7
(Jasmine cooks the fish with the pot and proceeds to put it into her mouth)
Jasmine (CON): This tastes so good! But I can't tell anyone.
Day 8
Shirley: Hamburgers! Yes! Let's go!
Hal: We're going to win the next Immunity challenge. We're so good at challenges.
(The seven members of Tierra sit down around camp to eat their hamburgers and drink their sodas)
Lorraine: These are good!
Nadine: Yeah, I know.
Sherman (CON): Tierra is just killing these reward challenges! I had so much fun eating that I almost forgot about our majority. Hal needs to go.
Nadine: Good job, Luke.
Luke: Thank you.
Luke (CON): Out of the four, I think Nadine would be the easiest to sway. We're the two older people on this tribe besides Lorraine, so I'll see if I can get her alone.
(After the Tierra tribe finishes eating, Nadine, Sherman, Lorraine, and Shirley talk by the well, until Luke finds them)
Luke: Can I speak to Nadine alone, please?
Sherman: Uh, sure?
Shirley: Go right ahead...
(Shirley, Lorraine, and Sherman reluctantly leave)
Nadine: What is it?
Luke: I can tell you have kids.
Nadine: I do. I have a wonderful daughter and a son, who I'm currently teaching how to walk.
Luke: I have two boys. We're into fishing and farming.
Nadine: Oh, cool! My family is Gypsy, which means we roam around a lot. I may be the only Russian contestant on this season...
Luke (CON): I'm bonding with Nadine, in order to obtain her trust. This is going to be an absolute cakewalk.
Nadine: That was a nice conversation!
Luke: It was, indeed.
Nadine (CON): I really bonded with Luke more than anyone else out here. Nevertheless, I need to stick to my guns and get rid of Hal.
(The camera focuses on Sherman, Shirley, and Lorraine)
Lorraine: What do you think they're talking about?
Shirley: I don't know. I hate not knowing.
Shirley (CON): Luke is probably trying to get Nadine to vote with his alliance, which is quite pathetic. He is not going to swing her over.
Sherman: It's fine. We have four votes. Calm down.
Lorraine: I hope everything will be okay.
Day 9
Immunity Challenge
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The castaways line up on their mats)
Jeff: Are you guys ready for your next Immunity Challenge?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: Agua, we need the immunity idol.
Fiona: Ugh, fine.
(Fiona hands over the tribal immunity idol to Jeff, as he smiles at Fiona)
(The challenge demo is shown at a wide-angle shot)
Jeff: For today's challenge, you'll begin by swimming out to a bamboo cage, retrieving a chest that's under the water inside the cage. You can't climb into the cage until everyone from your tribe has reached it. Once you manage to get inside you have to release the cage and take it back to shore. From there, you'll move the chest along a track and onto a platform by using grappling hooks. The first tribe to get their chest on the platform wins immunity and is safe from Tribal Council. Losers, Tribal Council where someone will be the third person voted out of this game. Let's get started.
(The castaways are awaiting Jeff's signal)
Jeff: For immunity, survivors ready? Go!
1. The stronger swimmers for Tierra are Luke, Hal, Shirley, George, with Sherman a bit behind them. Lorraine and Nadine straggle behind them. On Agua, everyone is swimming a bit faster, but Patty is severely lagging behind.
2. Agua gets to the cage first, and Lorraine and Nadine manage to pick up the pace, however Agua does have a decent lead on Tierra. Jake releases the cage for Agua and George for Tierra, and George finishes faster. Tierra continues to make up ground in carrying their chest back to shore, but Nadine struggles a bit. Agua has all of its members holding the chest, but their lead has slightly diminished.
3. Agua barely reaches the shore faster than Tierra, but they have trouble getting the chest onto the platform, with the chest being carried mostly by Gil. Tierra manages to do this about a minute faster than Agua, giving them an advantage. The men do most of the heavy lifting of the chests for both tribes.
4. Jasmine takes charge of the grappling hooks for Agua once their chest is on the platform. On her third try she manages to get one of them. For Tierra, Sherman gives it a go and hooks the first one in before Jasmine.
5. Not confident in herself, Jasmine decides to switch out with Gil, who hooks in the second grappling hook for Agua. Sherman quickly grasps the final two grappling hooks for Tierra, winning them immunity.
Jeff: Tierra wins Immunity!
(Tierra all cheers in triumph)
(Time skip to when all the castaways stand on their mats)
Jeff: Congrats, Tierra. Come get the idol!
(Lorraine retrieves the idol from Jeff)
(The Tierra tribe leaves)
Jeff: For you, Agua, one of you will be the third person voted out of this game. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, and see you at tribal tonight.
Gil (CON): I think it's clear who needs to go home, and it's not me.
Day 9
Finn: Well, we did our best.
Jake (CON): This tribe has got to be the most losing-est tribe ever. I don't know why we only ever won one challenge. But what Patty told me I need to say to Jasmine so that she's on board with Patty being voted off.
(Jake comes up to Jasmine)
Jake: So Patty came up to Finn, saying that you want Finn out.
Jasmine: That lying scoundrel. Let's get her out of here!
Jake: I know. This plan cannot be ruined.
(Jasmine confronts Patty)
Jasmine: Did you spread a rumor about me?
Patty: No. I would never.
Jasmine: Jake said that you said to Finn that I want him out. Is that true?
Patty: Yeah.
Jasmine: Why would you say such a thing?
Patty: Because you do.
Jasmine: No, I don't! Are you blind? I want you out, silly!
Patty: Everyone does. I'll be right back.
Jasmine: Where are you going?
(The other six members of Agua watch Patty as she runs off, far away from the center of camp. The camera focuses on Patty constructing something)
Patty (CON) *showing her construction*: I'm making a fake idol. It's made out of twigs, stones, and I intertwined it to make it look real. This is what I spent time practicing for before I came on the show.
(Patty arrives back to the camp)
Patty: Guys, I found the idol.
(Patty flaunts the idol in front of her tribe mates)
Ahmed: Wow. Good for you, I guess.
Gil: It's fake.
Patty: No, it's not.
Gil: You're such a liar.
Gil (CON): Patty is stupid. You don't do this. She is so done.
Fiona: The sun is setting, guys.
(Night time comes and the seven members of Agua grab their torches and head to their second Tribal Council. Dramatic music is playing in the background)
Tribal Council:
(Agua walks in)
(Agua takes their seats)
Jeff: Welcome back. Let's start our discussion. Ahmed, what was the mood coming back to Tribal Council?
Ahmed: The mood was that it sucks that we lost, but this tribe just needs to keep moving forward.
Jeff: Does that mean you guys are a cohesive tribe?
Fiona: I mean, we try, but it clearly hasn't worked out.
Jeff: I see. But will it be difficult to vote someone out tonight?
Finn: Absolutely not. Everyone knows who's going home tonight.
Jeff: Well, that was a very bold claim to make-
Patty: Yes. Yes, it was. At least I have an idol.
Jeff: Did you just reveal that you have a Hidden Immunity Idol?
Patty: Yes. I made one. It should count.
Jeff: No immunity idols allowed this season.
Patty: Oh, come on!
Jasmine: Calm down, girl.
Patty: They might as well just vote me out already.
Jeff: Don't give up so easily, Patty.
Patty: Well, I know I have Ahmed's vote... if you know what I mean.
Ahmed: Oh, well, okay.
Patty: He's my boyfriend. Back off, Fiona.
Fiona: Whatever.
Jeff: So is there a clear six to one majority?
Jake: Yes.
Jasmine: Duh.
Fiona: Okay, sure.
Patty: Fiona!
Fiona: What?
Jeff: Let's do a tally. 3 against Patty already. Ahmed?
Ahmed: Sorry.
Jeff: Gil?
Gil: Yup.
Jeff: And, just to clarify, Finn?
Finn: Bye, Patty.
Jeff: We don't even need to vote. Patty, you need to bring me your torch.
Patty: Ugh, fine. I'm not giving you my idol, Jeff.
(Patty takes her torch and Jeff snuffs it)
Jeff: Patty, the tribe has spoken. Time for you to go.
(Patty walks out with a grin)
Jeff: Some votes are just too easy to mess up. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
Patty: I got the full Sims Survivor experience. I made an idol, I won immunity, I made friends (and made enemies), but most of all, I got to show my family that I've survived nine days out here. My mom probably wouldn't last an hour.
Patty (6): Jake, Fiona, Jasmine, Gil, Ahmed, Finn
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