"Take Charge of the Numbers"
Previously on Survivor...
On Fuego, Nadine felt betrayed by her alliance member George who did not vote with her at the last Tribal Council. In the Agua camp, Gil and Jake made a pact to stick together. At Tierra, Hal was continuing to be jealous of Lorraine and Jasmine's connection. A new twist forced Agua and Tierra to attend Tribal Council separately. Sticking to their pact, Gil and Jake got Sherman to vote out Shirley. Lorraine decided to turn on Hal, believing that he was from a rival alliance. Tonight, the tribes merge.
9 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Day 19
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The Agua, Fuego, and Tierra tribes arrive at their mats)
Jeff: This would usually be a challenge. However, since there are nine of you left, that could only mean one thing. It's time to drop your buffs. We are merged!
(The castaways erupt in cheer and excitement, as Jeff brings out a tray of buffs)
Jeff: Here are your new buffs.
(The camera focuses on Ahmed, unwrapping his new purple buff)
Ahmed: Cool.
Jeff: You are all officially one tribe. You will be living on Fuego beach, so everyone can now officially spent time on the new island.
Lorraine: Yay!
(The castaways head back to camp. The camera focuses on Sherman)
Sherman (CON): Even though I was too much of a coward to go to rocks, I need to take charge of my alliance and take charge of the numbers.
Day 19
(Jovial music plays as the nine newly merged castaways arrive at the Fuego beach)
Finn: Welcome to our camp!
Jasmine: Wow, this is nice!
Nadine: Yeah, we worked hard to build this camp.
Gil: I can see.
George: Look, guys, there's food!
(Everyone arrives to a table containing all sorts of food including bread, fruit, salad, champagne, beer, and crackers. The camera shows Jake munching on a baguette, Nadine eating salad, and George drinking loads of champagne. The camera focuses on Lorraine's happy expression)
Lorraine (CON): The merge feast may be all fun and games, but when it's time for strategy to set in, you better know I have a plan. I'm gonna see if I can swing some people to my side later.
(Lorraine, Sherman, and Nadine gather by the well)
Nadine: We need to get the numbers. How do we do that?
Sherman: Gil and Jake can join us. Easy.
Lorraine: They're kind of the swing votes, though.
Sherman: Exactly. We need to pull it off by just bonding with them.
(Sherman approaches Gil and Jake)
Sherman: How's it going?
Gil: Great. Everybody's been getting to know each other.
Jake: Are we still on for an alliance?
Sherman: Totally.
Gil: Okay.
Gil (CON): New bonds will form, and old bonds will break. I'm not too sure about Sherman coming with us. Something fishy is going on.
Jake: We could pull Finn in as well.
Sherman: Sure!
(Finn, Ahmed, and Jasmine hang out by the hammock)
Ahmed: I have to admit, I'm kinda scared for the next Immunity challenge.
Jasmine: Me too, but I signed up to be here.
Finn: And there are so many possible alliance combinations.
Jasmine: I know.
(Jake arrives)
Jake: Can I talk with Finn for a minute?
Ahmed: Sure.
(Jake pulls Finn aside)
Finn: What is it?
Jake: Sherman's proposing an alliance with you, me, Gil, Lorraine, and Nadine.
Finn: Sure. I'd be good with that.
Jake: Excellent!
Finn (CON): Things change quickly in this game. You can never get too comfortable in an alliance, so I need to be wary of other people.
(Sherman returns to Nadine)
Sherman: We got everyone on board!
Nadine: Okay, let's do this.
Night 19
(George is the only one of the nine Fuaguerra castaways not sleeping. He pulls out a wine bottle and starts chugging it. Sherman wakes up)
Sherman: George, what are you doing?
George: Drinking.
Sherman: Try not to drink too much, okay? Make sure to go to sleep soon.
(Sherman goes back to sleep)
George (CON): I've never had this much fun in my life! Because of the merge feast, I can do whatever I damn please!
Day 20
(Jasmine and Ahmed lay down on the beach, glancing at the sunrise)
Jasmine: It's so pretty.
Ahmed: I know.
Jasmine: We're at the halfway point. I've been counting.
Ahmed: Oh, really?
Jasmine: Yeah.
(A short pause)
Ahmed: Do you sense that we're at the bottom?
Jasmine: Huh?
Ahmed: It just seems like it to me.
Jasmine: Probably. Hold on.
(Jasmine walks off and approaches Lorraine tending to the fire)
Jasmine: Listen, I know we haven't been the best of friends, but I just wanted to thank you for saving me.
Lorraine: Oh, no worries! I just had to make the decision that was best for my game.
Jasmine: So are we good? Can we stick together?
Lorraine: Absolutely.
Lorraine (CON): I need to be friendly and open to Jasmine, because I need as many people on my side as possible.
(In the outer wilderness, George is running around like a maniac)
Gil: Hey, has anyone seen George?
Jake: He took off for some reason? Apparently Sherman said he got drunk.
Nadine: That's unfortunate.
(Gil and Jake walk over to Finn, who is fishing)
Jake: Hey.
Finn: Good day.
Gil: So it's us to the end, right? No matter what happens?
Jake: Exactly.
Finn: Final three!
Gil: Final three.
(Finn, Gil, and Jake unite hands)
(George is shown roaming around in the wilderness)
George: I'm a beast! Ain't nothing gonna kill me! Not those chickens! I'm-a eat you!
Day 21
Immunity Challenge
(Dramatic music plays as the castaways head into their next Immunity challenge)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The castaways arrive at their new purple mat)
Jeff: Individual Immunity is up for grabs. Tribal Immunity is no more. Today's challenge will be played in three rounds. In the first round, you must swing a ring onto a hook. The first five to do this move on to the second round, where you must navigate your way through a rope course to reach the end post. The first three to do this move on to the final round, where you will roll three balls up a ramp to get them to sit on the ledge. The first person to get all three balls on the ledge wins immunity and is guaranteed a one in eight shot at winning this game. We'll draw for spots and then we'll get started.
1. Ahmed is able to get the ring on the hook the fastest on his second try. Lorraine and Nadine closely follow two minutes later and therefore move on to round two. Gil barely misses on his fourth try. Five minutes have passed and Jake has gotten his ring in. After a few close calls, Gil manages to place the ring in the hook and finally advances to round two.
2. Ahmed, Lorraine, Nadine, Gil, and Jake compete in round two. Jake is leading the pack while traversing through the ropes course, with Ahmed following close behind. Nadine, Gil, and Lorraine are moving at about the same pace. However, Ahmed is able to surpass an exhausted Jake, who didn't pace himself and advances to the final round. Lorraine catches up, motivated, while Jake and Lorraine finish at about the same time and move on to the final round.
3. Ahmed, Jake, and Lorraine battle for the win in the final round. Jake is quick and skillful when rolling one of his balls, succeeding. However, for Ahmed and Lorraine, it takes them five minutes each to get one on the ramp. As soon as Jake scores his second ball, Lorraine just misses but tries again shortly after and succeeds. When Jake is having trouble after constantly attempting to succeed, Lorraine pulls out with a narrow win.
Jeff: Lorraine wins individual Immunity!
(Lorraine looks up at the sky and mouths a 'thank you'. She is received hugs by all of her tribe mates)
(Timeskip to when the castaways are standing on their tribe mat)
Jeff: Lorraine, the Immunity idol is yours. Safe from the vote, and cannot be voted out. You have a one in eight chance of winning this game. I can't say the same for the rest of you. Twenty-one days, and one of you will be the eighth person voted out of this game and the first member of the jury. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, see you guys at tribal.
Sherman (CON): Jake is a true competitor. I'm starting to rethink promising to keep him around.
Day 21
George: Yeah, Lorraine!
Lorraine: Thanks.
(Lorraine hangs the immunity idol on a tree)
Lorraine (CON): So I won Immunity! Barely, but still a win in my book. But this Tribal I need to figure out where my true loyalties lie.
(Somewhere in camp, Gil, Finn, Jake, Lorraine, Sherman, and Nadine stand in a circle)
Jake: So are we together?
Nadine: Surely.
Sherman: One hundred-percent.
Gil: Okay, good. So who do we target first?
Finn: I was thinking Jasmine. We've had history together.
Lorraine: What did she do?
Finn: She was just on the wrong side of the numbers. An easy vote.
Sherman: Okay, let's do her.
Gil: Okay, perfect.
(The group disperses)
(The camera focuses on Nadine, Lorraine, and Sherman relaxing by the hammock)
Nadine *whispering*: They have no idea!
Sherman *whispering*: Lorraine, your win couldn't have come at a more perfect time. We need to get him out.
Lorraine *whispering*: I can't believe we're actually doing this. It doesn't seem right.
Sherman *whispering*: Nothing in this game is right. So what if they feel bad? At least we're still in the game.
Lorraine: Do you want me to go talk to Jasmine and Ahmed about it? Even George?
Sherman: George is such a wildcard. I don't know if he's even calmed down yet.
Nadine: I hope he has.
Lorraine: I'll go.
(Lorraine finds Jasmine)
Lorraine: Hey, girl.
Jasmine: Hi.
Lorraine: So don't tell anyone, but me, Sherman, and Nadine are voting Jake. We need at least two more.
Jasmine: Okay.
Lorraine: So...
Jasmine (CON): I just got lucky! Lorraine's extending an olive branch to me. To me! Of all the people in this game, she chose me. I need to stick with her to the end because she's keeping me in the loop.
(Jasmine and Ahmed chat while at the fire)
Jasmine: Lorraine wants to vote Jake.
Ahmed: Huh, yeah, I can see why.
Jasmine: I agree. He's a huge physical threat. Always has been.
Ahmed: I'll have to think about it.
Ahmed (CON): Woah! I know Jake was on my opposing side since the early days. But I don't know about this decision. Jesus... it might come back to haunt me.
(The nine castaways grab their torches and leave for Tribal Council as the sun sets)
Tribal Council:
(The Fuaguerra tribe walks in)
(Fuaguerra takes their seats)
Jeff: Welcome to your first Tribal Council as a merged tribe. Gil, how has the merge switched up tribal dynamics?
Gil: Well, my alliance of Finn and Jake is still holding strong. We combined with other people to make a super alliance. Let's hope it works out.
Jeff: Jasmine, does that scare you that you might not be in the 'popular crew'?
Jasmine: I mean, kind of. There's always a risk that the people at the bottom go home. I hope I'm not one of those people.
Jeff: So it's settled then? There's a clear majority?
Ahmed: Maybe. Or maybe not. Maybe some people have tricks up their sleeves.
(Sherman looks surprised)
Jeff: I just can't wait. This is gonna be crazy. Lorraine, you better be glad that you have your necklace.
Lorraine: I am indeed.
Jeff: All right! Are we ready to vote?
Jake: Yeah.
George: Yup.
Finn: Yes.
Jeff: Okay. Nadine, you're up.
(Montage of all of the Fuaguerra players casting their votes. Jake's is shown)
Jake voted for Jasmine
Jake: Sorry.
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
That's two votes Jasmine.
(Jasmine bites her lip)
That's three votes Jasmine, one vote Jake.
That's two votes Jake.
We're tied. Three votes Jake, three votes Jasmine.
That's four votes Jake.
(Jake looks shocked)
Eighth person voted out and the first member of our jury...
Jeff: That's enough. You need to bring me your torch.
(Jake slowly grabs his torch and meets Jeff, while giving a dirty look to Sherman)
Jeff: Jake, the tribe has spoken.
(Jake angrily leaves)
Jeff: Well, miracles for one is another's demise. Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
Jake: I got blindsided! I guess the lesson is to never trust someone like Sherman, because bad things can and will happen.
Jake (6): Lorraine, Nadine, Sherman, Ahmed, George, Jasmine
Jasmine (3): Gil, Finn, and Jake
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