"My Game is Saved"
Previously on Survivor...
16 new sim players were divided into two tribes.
The Agua tribe consisted of small groups, in which one (Ahmed, Patty, and Fiona) blindsided an under performer in challenges.
Tierra had one player immediately being marked an outcast due to her outrageous behavior, but Sherman had his sights set on the guys of the tribe.
15 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Night 3
Agua - Post-Tribal
(The Agua tribe returns to camp and puts their torches down. Finn immediately sets Jake aside)
Finn: Did you vote for Odessa?
Jake: Honestly? Yeah.
Finn: Why?
Jake: Patty told me to.
Finn: The plan was Jasmine...
Finn (CON): I'm so livid that Jake didn't listen. Patty needs to go home for our alliance's sake.
(Gil approaches Jake and Finn)
Gil: So it's three against three against one. We need to swing Jasmine somehow.
Jake: It'll be easy. We'll just say that Patty and her crew can't be trusted because they voted out her friend.
Gil: I'll go.
(Gil finds Jasmine sitting by the beach, laying down)
Gil: Hey.
Jasmine: Hello.
Gil: I want to get rid of Patty. She cannot be trusted.
Jasmine: Me too.
Jasmine (CON): Yay! I'm so glad I'm with Gil, Jake, and Finn now, even if they almost voted me out. We need to get out that conniving girl. And maybe her minions. My game is saved!
Day 4
Reward Challenge
(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The Tierra tribe walks in and stands on their mat. They look over as the Agua tribe enters)
Jeff: Tierra, getting your first look at the new Agua tribe. Odessa voted out at the last Tribal Council.
Lorraine: Wow.
Jeff: You guys ready for the next reward challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: For today's challenge, we'll be going in rounds. One tribe member will sit on a platform at one end of the field. The other member will race to grab a rope and run it back to the starting line, spinning the tribe member on the platform. When the tribe member is back at the start line, the dizzy member will get off the platform and, while dizzy, try to cross the balance beam and get to the finish line before the member of the other tribe. The first person to cross the finish line wins a point for their tribe. The first tribe to three wins reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?
Castaways: Yeah!
Jeff: The winning tribe gets a complete box of fishing gear. This will be all you need to catch some fish and get some protein in your belly. Worth playing for?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: Tierra, you have two extra members. Who's sitting out?
June: I don't wanna do the challenge.
Shirley: Can I sit?
Hal: Sure.
Jeff: Agua, you have one extra member. Who's sitting out?
Jasmine: I'll sit out!
Jeff: June, Shirley, and Jasmine, take a spot on the bench. Everyone else, I'll give you a moment to strategize, and we'll get started.
Round 1 is Patty (platform) and Ahmed (runner) vs. Lorraine (platform) and George (runner). Ahmed is slightly faster than George at running, but Patty hesitates getting up and trying the balance beam. Lorraine walks on the balance beam, but falls just before she reaches the end. However, Patty is just in the middle of the beam when Lorraine finishes, winning a point for Tierra.
Round 2 is Finn (platform) and Fiona (runner) vs. Nadine (platform) and Sherman (runner). Fiona is very fast at the running portion of the challenge, and Finn is very dizzy, but gets up quickly. Sherman and Nadine are slow to start the balance beam. Finn gets off not far into the balance beam, but as soon as Nadine even arrives there, Finn finishes the course. Tierra and Agua are tied 1-1.
Round 3 is Gil (platform) and Jake (runner) vs. Luke (platform) and Hal (runner). Jake and Hal finish at around the same time, and Luke stands up immediately and starts walking on the beam. He is able to beat Gil on his first try, winning reward for Tierra.
Jeff: Tierra wins reward!
(Tierra cheers and hugs Luke, except June. There is a cutback to the mats)
Jeff: Tierra, congratulations on the win! Come get your fishing gear.
(Luke retrieves the fishing gear for the tribe)
Jeff: Head on out and enjoy your reward.
Jeff: As for the Agua tribe, nothing for you again. Grab your stuff, and head back to camp.
Day 4
Tierra - Post-Reward
(Luke has come back with fish for the whole tribe to enjoy. Everyone eats together)
George: Thanks, Luke.
Nadine: Much appreciative.
Nadine (CON): Luke was so kind and generous, with winning us the challenge and all. And he even fished for us. My alliance can't get rid of him.
Hal: This tribe is great.
Sherman: Yeah.
June: I have something to tell you guys.
Lorraine: What?
June: I have an idol.
Shirley: Really?
Luke: Show it to us.
June: No.
Shirley (CON): This idiot says she has an idol, but she refuses to show it to us. You never tell your entire tribe that you have an idol. She's so ridiculous.
Nadine: So... you don't have an idol, then.
June: I do have an idol!
George: Then show us!
(June runs away from the group)
Lorraine: What is the matter with her?
Shirley: I don't know.
Sherman (CON): Even though June is a wild card and a crazy person, I have my sights set on either George or Hal. I'm leaning Hal, because he is a huge physical threat.
(Sherman, Nadine, Lorraine, and Shirley gather near the well)
Sherman: Can we get out Hal next tribal council?
Shirley: Eh, I want that waste of space out, though.
Lorraine: We can get her next time.
Nadine: We can do it. We'll try to appeal to June. Sherman, you can go up to her.
Sherman: Ugh, fine.
(Sherman finds June building a sand castle)
Sherman: Hey, June. Whatcha doin'?
June: Building a sand castle, dummy.
Sherman: Can you vote Hal if we lose the next challenge?
June: Sure.
Sherman: Really?
June: Whatever. Now go away.
Sherman: Bye.
(Sherman finds the three women)
Sherman: She agreed!
Nadine: Perfect.
(Back at the center of camp, Luke, George, and Hal suspect something is going on with Sherman, Lorraine, Nadine, and Shirley)
George: They're in an alliance.
Luke: Probably.
Hal: Do you think June's with us?
George: Yeah.
George (CON): If June votes with us at our next Tribal Council, that makes four votes, forcing a tie. We need that to happen.
Day 5
(The Agua tribe wakes up after a day of little food. They are not very well energized)
Patty: Hi, Fiona.
Fiona: Hey.
Fiona (CON): Patty's public enemy number one here, because she orchestrated the plan to vote out Odessa. I want to disassociate myself from her so I don't get myself voted out.
Patty: Who's our next target?
Fiona: I was thinking Finn. He should go because he's not that useful.
Patty: Me too.
(Ahmed walks over to them)
Ahmed: You know, they're all pretty mad at us that we did what we did.
Patty: We can get Jasmine. She hates Finn.
Fiona: Not anymore, I don't think.
Patty: Oh, well.
(Patty goes to grab water from the well. She breaks down crying once she reaches it)
Patty *crying* (CON): I just wanted to make a move in this game... and it just made me a target! Why? Why did this happen to me? I'm going home. Oh my God...
(The camera shifts to Finn, Jake and Gil)
Gil: I'm gonna see if I can kill some animals around here.
Finn: Good luck.
(Gil wanders around the camp, looking for an animal to cook)
Gil (CON): I promised myself I would be a provider around camp. So I'm going to try if no one else will.
(After a thirty second montage of Gil looking for an animal, he finds a chicken. He tries to capture it, and he brings it back to camp just in time)
Jasmine: Put it in the cage!
Jake: Come on!
Patty: Yay!
Ahmed (CON): Gil is a lifesaver. We're not necessarily a winning tribe, but this is a sure win for us.
Fiona: Good job, Gil!
Day 6
Immunity Challenge
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The castaways line up on their mats)
Jeff: Are you guys ready for your next Immunity Challenge?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: Luke, I'm gonna need the idol.
(Luke hands over the tribal immunity idol to Jeff)
Luke: We'll get it back.
(The challenge demo is shown at a wide-angle shot)
Jeff: Like that confidence. For today's challenge you will run out into the jungle two at a time and collect heavy wooden chests. There are three of them, each one further along the path than the last. When you have your chest you will bring it back here and place it on one of the podiums you see over there. Once you have all three chests the remaining person will run deep into the jungle and collect five keys, and then they will race back and open the chests - any four members will then use the puzzle pieces inside to solve the puzzle. The first tribe to solve their puzzle and have their entire tribe on the mat wins immunity, safe from the vote at Tribal Council tonight. Losers, nothing but a date with me at Tribal Council where one of you will be the second person voted out of this game. Tierra, you have one extra member. Who's gonna sit out?
June: I can't do this challenge. Sorry not sorry b*tches.
Jeff: Language, June. Take a spot on the sit-out bench.
(Shirley's eyes roll)
Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!
1. Patty and Fiona are the first running pair for Agua and George and Sherman are the first running pair for Tierra. George helps with the heavy lifting the most, giving Tierra an edge. Fiona and Patty struggle to carry the chest back to the podium, but manage to do it, however not before Shirley and Nadine set off.
2. Gil and Ahmed are the second running pair for Agua and Shirley and Nadine are the second running pair for Tierra. They reach the chest at about the same time, but Gil and Ahmed gain a lead on Tierra.
3. Finn and Jasmine are the third running pair for Agua and Luke and Hal are the third running pair for Tierra. Luke and Hal reach the chest way before Finn and Jasmine, and have no problem carrying it back to the podium. Lorraine runs out to find the five keys needed to open the chests.
4. Once Finn and Jasmine return to the podium, Jake tries his hardest to search for the keys. Lorraine has already found two. However, Jake finds two more keys, and Lorraine has not been making much progress. Jake returns with the five keys while Lorraine is still looking for two more.
5. Jake manages to open one on his first try, but struggles to open the other two for a long time. Lorraine returns with five keys and works on opening the chests. After plenty of time, Lorraine opens all of the chests first, and Shirley, Sherman, Nadine, and Luke work on solving the puzzle.
6. Miraculously, Jake opens the two chests when Tierra has four pieces in the puzzle. Ahmed, Gil, Fiona, and Patty begin to mix pieces together.
7. Tierra takes control of the puzzle, but they have trouble fitting the last two pieces in. Agua is consistently making up ground.
8. Eventually, Agua wins Immunity by one piece.
Jeff: Agua wins Immunity!
(The Agua tribe embrace in a group hug. Some of them are crying)
(Time skip to when all the castaways stand on their mats)
Jeff: Congratulations, Agua, you have won your first immunity challenge. Unfortunately, Tierra, one of you will be the second person voted out of this game. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, and see you at tribal.
George (CON): June sitting out again does not play right with me. But something's telling me one of the girls have got to go.
Day 6
June: We lost by one piece!
Lorraine: I know.
June: Stupid.
Sherman: You didn't help. So...
June: Shut up.
Luke (CON): June is getting more out of control each passing day. There's no telling who she's going to vote for.
(Luke, George, and Hal talk to each other privately)
Hal: Who are we gonna go for?
Luke: I think we need to go for the leader.
George: And that's who?
Luke: Shirley.
Hal: She seems smart. Too smart. Sherman's not the leader, he's one of the guys.
Luke: We need to plant a seed in June's mind. I'll go talk to her.
(Luke finds June)
Luke: June. I need to talk to you.
June: What do you want?
Luke: Vote out Shirley. She doesn't like you.
June: I don't like her.
Luke: Good. So let's get her out. We have the numbers.
June: Yay!
June (CON): I can't wait to see Shirley go home. She's going to be so sad. And I'll be so happy. Time to put her out of her misery.
(George walks up to them)
George: We need to stay strong. We don't know what the tiebreaker is.
Luke: Yeah.
(Sherman, Nadine, Lorraine, and Shirley gather near the shelter)
Shirley: We're getting out Hal.
Nadine: I know, it's gonna be so awesome.
Sherman: We'll have the numbers going into the merge, don't worry.
Lorraine (CON): I'm literally shaking with excitement. Could we pull this off?
Sherman: It's time for tribal.
Sherman (CON): I've never seen a vote this easy. Taking control of the game has to do with saying one thing. And I am the person that said it.
(Night time comes and the eight members of Tierra grab their torches and head to Tribal Council. Haunting music is playing in the background)
Tribal Council:
(Tierra walks into Tribal Council)
Jeff: I need all of you to grab a torch, dip it in, and get fire. This is a ritual at Tribal Council, because in this game, fire represents your life, and if your fire's gone, so are you.
(Tierra sits down)
Jeff: So. One piece away. Was anyone frustrated?
Shirley: I know June definitely was. Even though she didn't even compete.
Jeff: Wow, that is ironic. And everyone else was kind of like, "Oh, this is what we're doing now." Are you guys actually excited to come to tribal?
George: I don't believe so. We just have clear ideas of who we're targeting.
Jeff: Oh, okay. So this tribe is highly divided then?
Hal: Definitely.
Jeff: I'm about to ask you, as a tribe, a very controversial question. Are you guys ready?
Everyone: Sure.
Jeff: Who is the most outcasted person in this tribe?
Shirley: That would have to be this maniac right here.
Jeff: You're referring to?
Shirley: June.
Jeff: Very straightforward nature. June, any objections? She just called you a maniac. How does that feel?
June: I don't care about Shirley. She can go to hell as much as I care.
Jeff: All right, then. What does the rest of the tribe have to say about June?
Hal: She's lazy. She usually just wanders off and plays with the sand a bit, and then comes to insult every one of us.
Sherman: Okay, but we have our alliances, and June is not going to be an unanimous vote. I promise everyone that.
Jeff: So everything set in stone then. I think we are ready to vote. George, you're up.
(Montage of all of the Tierra players casting their votes. Luke's is shown)
Luke voted for Shirley
Luke: Goodbye, queen bee.
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
That's two votes Shirley.
(Hal looks surprised)
We're tied. That's two votes Hal, two votes Shirley.
We're tied again. Three votes Hal, three votes Shirley.
Four votes Shirley, three votes Hal, one vote left.
(Shirley looks displeased)
We're tied. Here's how this is going to work. Everyone except Hal and Shirley will cast their votes. If there is still a tie, the six of you will draw rocks. Whoever draws the red rock is out of the game.
(Disappointed faces plague the tribe)
(A montage of voting is shown. No votes have been revealed to the audience)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
That's two votes Hal.
That's three votes Hal.
(Hal looks shocked and turns to his alliance members. They don't say a word)
Three votes Hal, two votes Shirley, one vote left...
We have a deadlock tie.
(Jeff brings out the bag of rocks)
Hal and Shirley are officially safe at this point. The rest of you will draw for your life in this game. If the rock is blue, you are safe. If the rock is red, you are the second person voted out of the game.
(Rocks are passed out to George, Luke, Nadine, June, Lorraine, and Sherman)
Jeff: 1, 2, 3... reveal.
(June is revealed to have the red rock)
Jeff: June, you need to bring me your torch.
(Nadine has her mouth hanging open in shock. Sherman thanks God, while June looks overjoyed to be leaving)
(June puts down her torch)
June: Just do it already!
Jeff: June, the tribe has spoken. Time for you to go.
(Jeff snuffs June's torch)
Jeff: Time for you to go.
Jeff: In all honesty, this game is unpredictable. A risk might have paid off for some people, but for others, their lives are in jeopardy. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
June: I'm so glad I'm out of the prison! I don't get to see any of those horrendous people ever again, and I get to go home to my horrible husband who doesn't love me! I'm so lucky!
Hal (4): Lorraine, Sherman, Shirley, Nadine
Shirley (4): Hal, Luke, George, June
Hal (3): Lorraine, Sherman, Nadine
Shirley (3): Luke, George, June
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