"My Claim to Fame"
Previously on Survivor...
Jasmine struggled with deciding who to align with. After Gil almost won Immunity despite receiving the disadvantage from George won at the reward challenge, Jasmine decided to side with Ahmed and George and vote out Gil despite not having the best relationship with Ahmed and George. Now we're down to four sims.
Jasmine. Starting off as the weakest link on the Agua tribe, Jasmine made several key choices throughout the game while simultaneously staying under the radar and not on people's threat lists. Can she make it to the end unscathed or will she be targeted for being a goat?
Ahmed. Ahmed managed to bounce from alliance to alliance. With his close ally George on his side, Ahmed's competition prowess combined with having a protective circle at all times got him to the final four. Can he pull out two last victories?
George. George quickly changed from a player that no one took seriously to someone that had a lot of power in the game. Will people continue to ignore his threat status or will his opponents come for him?
Lorraine. Lorraine has befriended many in the game, but her true loyalties lied to two people who were previously voted out. Can the others realize that she had no trouble staying in the game after her allies were voted out?
4 are left. Who will win?
Night 33
(The four castaways set their torches on the nearby trees)
Ahmed: Who should we go for next, George?
George: It's obvious. Lorraine. She's the only one left.
Ahmed (CON): Now that Lorraine has Jasmine wrapped around her finger, it's imperative that she goes home as soon as possible.
George: We got this.
(The camera then pans to Lorraine and Jasmine lying on the beach)
Jasmine: Um, I'm sorry.
Lorraine: For what?
Jasmine: I could've made a big move. But I didn't.
Lorraine: Gil was a threat too. Don't beat yourself up about it. At least we're together.
Jasmine (CON): I can't stand having enemies in this game. If I voted out George, Ahmed would want to get me out so badly.
Jasmine: Yeah.
(The camera cuts to Ahmed and Jasmine next to each other in the shelter)
Ahmed: Are you with us?
Jasmine: I mean, if Lorraine doesn't win Immunity, yeah. It's just that I'm kind of scared now that- I'm not the best at winning competitions.
Ahmed: Yeah, I know. It's gonna be fine. You're okay.
Jasmine: Can I have a hug?
Ahmed: Sure.
Ahmed (CON): Now I know that Jasmine trusts me, and that's a good feeling. Meanwhile, Lorraine and me are at odds.
(Jasmine and Ahmed hug for a long time, when George sneakily spies on them)
George (CON): Ahmed better not be getting to close to Jasmine. He's loyal to me and no one else.
Day 34
(The final four sit around the campfire, in the morning)
Lorraine: So, George, what made you become a firefighter?
George: Um, this is really hard for me to talk about, but my mom... passed away from third-degree burns on her body. I'm trying not to cry.
Ahmed: It's fine.
Lorraine: I'm so sorry.
George: I really want to help other people because of that.
Lorraine (CON): If George tells the jury that sentence again, I'm going to lose the game if I'm sitting next to him. He needs to go.
Ahmed: So, has anyone thought about fire-making recently?
(Jasmine's eyebrows raise)
Jasmine: I mean, we don't know what's gonna happen. I think people have to tie to have that happen.
George: It's probably going to happen. I don't know, that's just my guess.
Lorraine: What do you mean by 'probably'?
Ahmed: We're going against each other.
Lorraine: I guess.
Ahmed: No reward for you guys. Sorry.
Jasmine: It's okay.
George: I already apologized. Jeff just made me pick. If it was up to me, I'd pick all of you.
Ahmed: I'm going fishing.
(Ahmed goes out to the ocean with Jasmine's fishing rod)
Ahmed: Here we go.
(Back at camp, Lorraine, Jasmine, and George are practicing fire-making. George exceeds with running to grab small sticks and he gets the fire started quite quickly)
Lorraine: Wow, George. You're a natural.
Jasmine: Yeah, I'm getting a bit scared. Can I have a turn?
George: Sure.
(Jasmine takes the lighter from George and despite numerous failures shown in a montage, Jasmine manages to get a small fire started with flames that nearly grow as high as George's)
Lorraine: Great job!
Jasmine: Thanks!
(The camera pans back to Ahmed showing it the tuna fish he caught. Ahmed walks back to the tribe)
Ahmed: Look what I caught!
George: Oh, my God. Let me cook that.
Lorraine: We'll all cook it.
Ahmed: Okay, I have a knife.
(There is a time skip to where the final four are eating their portions of the tuna fish)
Jasmine: Thanks a lot, Ahmed.
Ahmed: You're welcome.
George (CON): Ahmed is generous. He could be a threat to win this whole thing. I need to get rid of him at the final three. That's gonna be my claim to fame.
Day 35
(Dramatic music plays as the final four head into their penultimate Immunity challenge)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The final four stand on their mat)
Jeff: Are you ready for today's extremely important Immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: Lorraine, I need to take that.
(Lorraine hands Jeff the Immunity necklace, before kissing it goodbye)
Jeff: Immunity is once again back up for grabs for one of the last times. For today's challenge, you'll be using a long metal rod to maneuver a small wooden bowl through a structure. The structure is on a spring, so if you touch it while you're maneuvering, you'll topple it and your bowls will fall, making you have to start again. The first person to stack all ten bowls will win immunity and guarantee themselves a spot at Final Tribal Council. We'll draw for spots and then we'll get started.
1. George starts off quickly with two bowls on top in the first five minutes, followed by Ahmed with one bowl two minutes later. Lorraine takes a slow-but-steady approach, while Jasmine clearly struggles. Fifteen minutes into the challenge, George is at four bowls, Ahmed and Lorraine are at three because Ahmed messed up several times, and Jasmine has one bowl.
2. Despite always bumping the structure, George gets to six bowls. Ahmed accidentally touches the structure, and frustrated, he starts all over. Lorraine again catches up successfully maneuvering her fifth bowl. Motivated by her previous challenge failures, Jasmine starts to catch up in speed and accuracy with three bowls.
3. George is close to touching the structure, but lands his seventh bowl, tying with Lorraine. When George attempts to complete the challenge very fast, he loses three of his bowls. Ahmed keeps struggling with only having four bowls on his structure. Jasmine gets into a groove and tops her fifth bowl.
4. An hour into this challenge, Lorraine is the clear leader with nine bowls. When she gets too overconfident and goes quickly, she loses two of her bowls. Ahmed and George begin to tire out, while Jasmine perseveres with six bowls on top of her structure.
5. When Lorraine and Jasmine eventually tie with nine bowls each thanks to Jasmine's sudden quickness and accuracy, Jasmine loses her focus and loses one bowl. Lorraine uses the opportunity to catch up and land her tenth bowl, winning herself Immunity.
Jeff: Lorraine wins Immunity and a spot in the final three!
Lorraine: Oh, my God.
(Jasmine, Ahmed, and George each hug Lorraine)
Jasmine: Good job.
(Lorraine stands with Jeff as the other three stand on the tribe mat)
Jeff: Lorraine, you're guaranteed a spot in the final three and you will live to see Day 38. As for the rest of you, after 34 tough days, someone's million dollar dream is going to fall just short. You have the rest of the day and tomorrow to vote someone out. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. I'll see you tomorrow.
Ahmed (CON): Now that my alliance is forced to turn on each other, I have to make a big decision that will impact my game - for good.
Day 35
(The final four return to camp. Lorraine sets the necklace on a tree branch)
George: Congrats, Lorraine. That was hard.
Lorraine: Thank you. I tried my best.
George (CON): Lorraine's the type of player that will do anything and say anything to get ahead. It's a good thing for her that she has Immunity.
(The camera shows Jasmine laying on the beach, while Lorraine approaches her)
Lorraine: Don't lay in the sun for too long. You're gonna get a sunburn.
(Jasmine sits up)
Lorraine: Don't worry, okay? We're together no matter what.
Jasmine: Thanks.
Lorraine: No problem.
Jasmine: I kind of want George out.
Lorraine: We can make that happen.
Jasmine (CON): After I lost Immunity, I was really nervous, but now I have Lorraine on my side so I think I'll be fine.
(Meanwhile, Ahmed is shown making fire. He eventually succeeds, after trying for thirty minutes, shown in a montage. Jasmine approaches him)
Jasmine: Hi, Ahmed.
Ahmed: Hello again.
Jasmine: How do you feel about voting out George?
(Ahmed bites his lip)
Ahmed: I just... don't want to. He's my closest ally.
Jasmine: He's a strong survivalist, though.
Ahmed (CON): I don't want to be alone in the final three. I also don't want to go home.
(Jasmine leaves, defeated when George enters the scene)
George: We have to stick together no matter what.
Ahmed: Exactly.
Day 36
(The sun sets as the final four head off to Tribal Council)
Tribal Council A:
(The Fuaguerra tribe walks in)
(Fuaguerra takes their seats)
Jeff: Let's get things started. Lorraine, you are in the final three, which means you have the most power in the game. Do you want to have people make fire or vote someone out immediately?
Lorraine: To be honest, Jeff? I recognize both George and Ahmed to be really big threats and I'm sticking with Jasmine.
(George rolls his eyes)
George: She's basically taking you to the end, Jasmine, because she knows that you have a small chance of winning.
Jasmine: What?
Lorraine: That's not what it is at all!
Ahmed: I think we're all threats in one way or another.
Lorraine: I agree.
Jeff: Okay, are we ready to vote?
Jasmine: Let's just get it over with.
Jeff: Ahmed, you're up.
(A montage of all of the Fuaguerra castaways voting occurs. Ahmed's is shown)
Ahmed voted for Jasmine
Ahmed: I could beat you, but you need to leave.
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
That's one vote George.
(George nods)
We're tied. One vote George, one vote Jasmine.
That's two votes Jasmine, one vote George, one vote left.
(Jasmine turns to Lorraine)
Jeff: We have a tie.
Jasmine: Phew.
Jeff: Here's what's going to happen: George and Jasmine. You'll compete in a fire-making duel. The first castaway to make a fire tall enough to break the rope and raise their flag wins the final spot in Day 37. You guys can take your stations and we'll get started.
(George and Jasmine take their positions)
Jeff: For a spot in the final three... begin.
1. Jasmine struggles with making a spark at first, while George manages to start a small fire, but it eventually goes out after lack of proper attention. When Jasmine finally gets the slightest flame, it dies down as well.
2. When George finally makes another flame after ten minutes, he keeps adding on to it, acting quickly, while Jasmine continues to struggle. However, when Jasmine hopes to catch up to George with her flame which eventually grows, it is too late as George's fire burns through the rope first.
Jeff: George wins the duel and lives to see Day 37! Jasmine, you will become the thirteenth person voted out and the sixth member of our jury. You need to bring me your torch.
(Jasmine hugs each of her tribe mates, as she starts to cry. She grabs her torch, heads over to Jeff, and Jeff snuffs Jasmine's torch)
Jeff: Jasmine, the tribe has spoken.
(Jasmine turns to Lorraine, Ahmed and George and waves)
Jasmine: Good luck.
Lorraine: Bye.
Jeff: You guys have made it. But only two of you will face the jury and the possibility of becoming the Sole Survivor. Grab your torches, head back to camp. Goodnight.
Final Words A:
Jasmine: This has been the adventure of a lifetime. I proved to myself that I had the capacity to make it far despite a rough start to my journey.
Night 36
(The final three make their way back to camp and set their torches down)
Lorraine: Nice work, George.
George: Thank you.
George (CON): Lorraine is always complimenting me and trying to get on my good side. She's going to do that to Ahmed. I know she will.
Ahmed: Well, I want to rest up before the big Immunity challenge tomorrow.
Lorraine: That's a good idea.
Lorraine (CON): Tomorrow, especially, will be a big decider of my fate in this game. I need to convince Ahmed that George was a huge help to Tierra in the challenges, that he must've done something right to be the last remaining of the three men, that he's an awesome survivalist.
(The camera shows Ahmed going to sleep in the shelter)
Ahmed (CON): That final Immunity is mine and I'm not gonna let anyone get in my way when it comes to winning that million.
Day 37
(As the sun rises, the final three start to wake up, nearly at the same time)
George: Day 37, here we come!
Ahmed (CON): I don't need to do extensive physical work today. I need to win this next Immunity.
(Ahmed swims in the ocean. Lorraine spots him and joins him)
Lorraine: So, I know I'm officially on the outs.
Ahmed: Do you want to get rid of George?
Lorraine: He was really good in the challenges before the merge.
Ahmed: We all are good at the challenges. He's good at fire making too.
Ahmed (CON): I don't know who Lorraine's fooling at this point. This is getting ridiculous.
(Later, Ahmed and George are near the fire)
George: You better promise me that we're taking each other to the end.
Ahmed: At this point, I don't know. About anything anymore.
George: Trust yourself to make the right choice.
George (CON): If I can't trust Ahmed, I need to trust myself. That's the only way I'll win.
(Dramatic music plays as the final three head into their final Immunity challenge)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The three castaways stand on their mat)
Jeff: Are you ready for the final Immunity challenge of your 39-day adventure?
Lorraine: As ready as I'll ever be.
George: Heck yeah!
Jeff: Lorraine, give it here.
(Sighing, Lorraine hands Jeff the Immunity necklace)
Jeff: For the last time, Immunity is up for grabs. For today's challenge, each of you will hold on to an Immunity idol while standing on a small log. The person who lasts the longest wins Immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final two.
1. The castaways are fine for the first hour; however, George keeps changing position, and Lorraine sometimes does too. Ahmed remains in place. At some point, all three complain about their hands hurting. The pain is only about to get worse.
2. Two hours later, George looks at Ahmed and trusts that he will win, as he looks the most steady and has complained the least about the pain, compared to Lorraine. George takes his hands off of the idol, as he wishes Ahmed luck.
3. Another three hours pass, and both Ahmed and Lorraine have misery shown on their faces. They look like they are about to cry. Now they both complain about the pain for a long time. Both of them let go at similar times. Lorraine lets go first, winning Ahmed Immunity.
Jeff: Ahmed wins Immunity!
(Ahmed drops to the ground and then hugs Lorraine and George)
(The final three return to their mat)
Jeff: Ahmed, you have a guaranteed spot in the final two. You must take one person there. The other Survivor will fall just short of Day 39 and the Final Tribal Council. The fateful Tribal Council will take place tomorrow, on Day 38. Are you ready?
Ahmed: I've considered both options.
Jeff: With that, you guys should rest up for today because tomorrow just might be the biggest day of your lives for one of you. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.
Lorraine (CON): I hope I've done enough to secure my spot in this game. God is on my side.
Day 37
(The final three return to camp)
Lorraine: Ahmed, can I steal you for a sec?
Ahmed: Uh... yeah, sure, George, you'll have your turn. Give me ten minutes.
George: Fair enough.
(George watches as Lorraine and Ahmed head off to the beach)
George (CON): As long as I have my ten minutes, I'm going to be fine. I'll say what I need to in order to ensure I get to Day 39.
(The camera now focuses on Lorraine and Ahmed sitting on the beach)
Lorraine: See how quickly George trusted you?
Ahmed: I know.
Lorraine: This is your opportunity.
Ahmed: Okay. I'm gonna think some more.
(The camera then shows George and Ahmed talking)
George: We got this far, so don't mess this up for us now, okay?
Ahmed: Yeah, I know Lorraine is a social threat. That's why she's still here.
George: Good.
Ahmed (CON): I'm not too confident about my chances of winning. George and Lorraine are both threats in their own ways.
Day 38
(The sun sets as the final three head off to Tribal Council)
Tribal Council B:
(The Fuaguerra tribe walks in)
(Fuaguerra takes their seats)
Jeff: So, Ahmed, who do you think you're gonna base your decision off of tonight?
Ahmed: Lorraine is more of a social and strategic threat. She managed to become friends with the other side, and members of our tribe. Meanwhile, George tricked everyone into thinking he was some big drunk idiot who didn't know the game. He was actually a key voting and challenge asset to Fuego and Tierra before the merge and somehow no one voted him out after the merge. In fact, it's surprising that the popular crew went down one by one: Jake, Finn, Sherman, Nadine, and then Gil. It's crazy that those two lasted this long, to be honest.
Lorraine: Well said, Ahmed.
George: In fact, I'm a bit surprised, too. Lorraine, you've been feeding Ahmed information.
Lorraine: Well, yeah, because I want to stay.
George: Fair. I think the points Ahmed made were accurate.
Jeff: So, Ahmed, this is your prize for your hands being the most damaged. It's a blessing and a curse. You have to choose who you will take with you to the final two. Are you ready?
Ahmed: Yes. Although I like both of you, it is a game and this will come down to who I think is going to win.
Jeff: Okay. Ahmed, whenever you're ready.
(Ahmed steps up to vote)
Ahmed: I'm so sorry. I had to do this. I can't believe you weren't voted out sooner.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the vote is read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the vote.
Fourteenth and final person voted out and the seventh and final member of our jury...
(Both George and Lorraine look anxious)
Jeff: You need to bring me your torch.
(George hugs Ahmed for at least a minute while both of them are teary-eyed. George shakes hands with Lorraine)
George: It's been an honor playing with you guys.
Lorraine: Likewise.
Ahmed: No, I enjoyed playing with you more. Bye.
(George gets up and grabs his torch)
(George hands his torch to Jeff)
Jeff: George, the tribe has spoken.
George: Good luck, both of you.
(George walks off as Lorraine and Ahmed both wave)
Jeff: You guys have made it. The final two. You will have to prove your case to the seven Jury members, who have watched all of the filmed Tribal Councils. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words B:
George: I need to learn to not trust people as easily! That's the biggest lesson I can take away from all this but in my opinion it wasn't about the win. It was about surviving.
Day 39
(The camera transitions through several nature shots before showing Ahmed and Lorraine sitting by the fire)
Ahmed: We did it.
Lorraine: I know. It's crazy. Thank you so much for taking me.
Ahmed: No problem. I was scared of George. That's why I did it.
Lorraine (CON): Getting here was pure social game. Wasn't any sob story, wasn't a fluke, wasn't a quit or a medical evacuation. I need to tell the jury that or else I might not win. But my story was that my parents came from Mexico and had humble beginnings in America. I was so excited to be on the show. I wanted to make my parents proud. I hope I still do.
(The camera focuses on Ahmed trying to catch fish while underwater)
Ahmed (CON): I always had people to protect me in this game, and in real life too. Back in Syria, there were these bad men. Right before one of them was about to shoot me, my mom jumped in front of me and her leg was shot. She turned out okay, but I was a stupid kid. I'm not that anymore now that I've survived thirty-nine days.
(Lorraine approaches Ahmed)
Lorraine: Ahmed! Food!
(The two see their feast at camp, which contains pancake mix, eggs, bacon, and bread)
Ahmed: I'm going to cook it.
Lorraine: All right.
(The final two sit by the beach as they eat)
Ahmed: Do you think people are going to be impressed by my move?
Lorraine: I don't know. They might be shocked that I didn't just stick with Nadine and Sherman. I made bonds with people on Agua, too.
Ahmed: Good luck.
Lorraine: You too. It's going to be hard, but we'll make it through. I can't believe we're leaving this place.
Ahmed: Goodbye, Mexico!
(As the final two turn away and walk down the path to Tribal Council. The camera pans one last, long shot of the forest, then the beach and waves, and finally, the now deserted shelter, before the camera fades away)
Final Tribal Council:
(The final two walk into Tribal Council and sit down)
Jeff: We'll now bring in our Jury for the very first time: Jake, Finn, Sherman, Nadine, Gil, Jasmine, and George voted out at the last Tribal Council.
(The Jury walk in and sit down)
Jeff: Ahmed, Lorraine, welcome to Final Tribal Council. The two of you have gone as far as you can go in this game. Tonight is the night that you will be held accountable for your actions as the power now shifts from you, to the Jury, seven sims that played the game with you and were voted out, either indirectly or directly, by you. Tonight, it is your job to convince them that you are the one deserving of the title of Sole Simvivor and the million dollar prize. You'll each get a chance to make an opening statement, then the Jury will individually receive the chance to make a statement or ask you questions. The Jury will then cast their million dollar votes. We'll begin with your opening statements. Lorraine, you're up first.
Lorraine: Hello, everyone! I'm going to begin by saying that I tried my best to form an alliance in the early days of the game. I made bonds with Nadine, Shirley, and Sherman and we continued like that until they were all voted out. After the swap hit, I made sure both Jasmine and Hal trusted me. Hal was already distrusting of Jasmine and that made Jasmine uncomfortable. I voted out Hal instead of Jasmine because he was part of the rival alliance on my original tribe. Jasmine had less allies at the time.
(Jasmine nods)
Lorraine: It's that type of social awareness that allowed me to make the merge. Then, I immediately landed into the majority using the bonds I created in the early stages. After Sherman unsuccessfully tried to gain Gil's vote at seven, I sat down with Gil and he started to trust me after we talked for a while. I did a lot of behind-the-scenes work that didn't get me voted out. For example, Nadine was sent to the Jury because she made it no secret that she was close with the other side, Jasmine in this instance. Only George and Ahmed wanted to target me after the merge and it is because of my sneaky social game play that allowed me to get the least number of votes as possible. Thank you.
Jeff: Ahmed, you're next.
Ahmed: Although I played a more under-the-radar game, my strategy definitely was to get to know people on Agua and not be in people's bad books. However, after the first Tribal Council, I managed to avoid making waves along with Fiona and we both voted out Patty. You can never make yourself stand out in the early stages of the game, and that's what I think I excelled at not doing. I never really was trying to be a great challenge performer, and I didn't play too hard. After the swap placed me in a dangerous position, I managed to get George on my side so that I would be protected. We then managed to get Jasmine and Gil in order to vote out Sherman. I was never the majority's target because I didn't do a lot to piss people off. I did everything in my power to make Gil come to my side. I won reward and I took Lorraine and Sherman just so my alliance would have more time with Gil. I voted out George because he was a threat who made it to the final three. I hope you consider voting for my strategic game.
Jeff: Okay, we've heard from all the finalists, let's get started on the speeches. I'll give you a moment to take everything in and we'll get things underway.
Jake's Speech:
Jeff: Jake, you're up first.
Jake: Okay, guys. First of all, congratulations. I have a question for Ahmed.
Ahmed: Go ahead.
Jake: Nadine and Finn were in the majority when we first merged, and they were in your swapped tribe. Did you make an effort to talk to them in order to make sure you weren't going home no matter what? If so, how?
Ahmed: I had no idea that six was gonna form. The reason Luke was voted out was because he and Nadine had a close relationship and he was strong in the challenges. In fact, I barely got a chance to talk to Nadine before the merge. As for Finn, we never had that close of a bond and we worked together strategically to gain George on our side. It just seemed like the six of you were always together for those few days and kind of clique-y, so that's why I was surprised when Lorraine's group voted you guys out.
Jake: Lorraine, explain your reasoning for deciding to go along with the plan to vote me out.
Lorraine: Jake, I recognized you as a threat to my game because you almost beat me in the first individual Immunity challenge. I figured that you, Gil, and Finn had a really strong relationship and I wanted to break that up as soon as possible. Thirdly, Jake was not on my tribe, Tierra, so I didn't know much about him. It wasn't anything personal, it was clearly strategy.
Jake: Okay, thank you. I'm satisfied.
Jeff: Finn, you're next.
Finn's Speech:
Finn: This question is for Lorraine. You bonded with everyone in the game, except for George and Ahmed. Why did you barely talk to them?
Lorraine: I only talked to people that best benefited my strategy. For example, I built a relationship with Jasmine so that Sherman, Nadine, and I would have an extra number. George and Ahmed are big guys that I thought would be winning every challenge at early post-merge, so I perceived them as threats that needed to be taken down eventually. The dynamic between the two sides - the majority and the outsiders - was kind of a rivalry.
Finn: I see. Ahmed, why did you vote out George? He was your closest ally in the game and Lorraine was on the other side.
Ahmed: You might not agree with this, but I saw George as a goofy kind of player.
(George and Jake nod)
Ahmed: He was excellent in the challenges before the merge and I just felt like I had more of a chance with Lorraine because it's Tierra vs. Agua. We're more different from each other and I didn't want to test my luck with George, a player who I thought was somewhat similar to me in terms of game play. The fact that he wasn't really targeted until the final four was really upsetting to me, and he's the one that set up the alliance between me, him, and Jasmine. He's the one that caught you and Gil talking about using my alliance as numbers.
Finn: Fair enough. Okay, I'm satisfied.
Jeff: It's Sherman's turn.
Sherman's Speech:
Sherman: Hey, guys. I just wanted to know what each of your biggest regrets in the game were.
Lorraine: I should've voted out Jasmine just before the merge instead of Hal. I'm sorry, Jasmine, but without you George and Ahmed probably would not have made it this far.
Ahmed: Patty was a really close friend of mine and we got to know each other very well. Sure, she was erratic but she was someone you would like to call a friend to beat. Looking back on it, I should've actively tried to avoid her elimination.
Sherman: Okay! Thanks for the honesty.
Jeff: Nadine is next.
Nadine's Jury Speech:
Nadine: My speech is going to be a bit different. It's more of a test, kind of. I want each of you to describe positive aspects of each other's game play. In other words, tell me why the other person deserves to win?
Ahmed: Lorraine had an awesome mix of social and strategic game, and made social bonds with the other side. She didn't just stick to her little alliance. She's made it clear she wants to be here and she knows the players of this season very well, both game-wise and personal-wise.
Lorraine: Those were some very kind words, Ahmed! I think Ahmed never made any negative waves while in the game, and the only reason I wanted him out because he took me on that reward instead of his allies and I knew that something was up, which is a testament to his amazing strategic game. The sides were fighting at the time, and he was never targeted because he's truly a generous and caring human being.
Nadine: Wow! You guys are smart. I'll let you guys move on to the next speech.
Jeff: Thank you, Nadine. Now we have Gil.
Gil's Jury Speech:
Gil: I'm happy to see both of you here. I know I was kind of in the middle in the last third of the game, but my question is going to be the opposite of Nadine's. Now tell me, why does the other person not deserve to win?
(Nadine sighs)
Lorraine: So there's a bad side to everything too. In my humble opinion, the decision that Ahmed made to evict George was horrible. That could've made George vote bitterly if the jury decided that Ahmed didn't perform well enough in the jury questioning. Again, like Jake brought up, you must've not talked with Finn enough or else you might've been in that majority alliance.
Ahmed: Lorraine only talked with the people who either could be or were on her side. You claim to be doing behind-the-scenes work, but George, Jasmine, and I didn't see that at all. You have a way of sweet-talking people so that they'll do what you want, and vote how you want and we actually were observing you and considering voting you out. But we never did.
Gil: I like these answers. I got everything I needed.
Jeff: Moving on to Jasmine.
Jasmine's Jury Speech:
Jasmine: Hey, guys. I have a question and I want you two to answer honestly, okay?
(The two nod)
Jasmine: What do you know about any members of the jury personally?
Ahmed: George has opened up about his experience as a firefighter and the fact that his mom passed away. He visits his dad at the senior center every weekend. Finn has four kids and Gil is a fisherman with a pregnant wife. Nadine's a vegetarian because of her daughter.
Lorraine: The George thing? He told us and you about it. I didn't know about the senior center part, though. I know that Sherman grew up with a single mom and he wants to be in the military. Nadine's into music and she's recorded in a studio before. You recently moved to a new place just before you came on the show and you don't really want to go back there because her friends are all back in the country. Also Jake is married.
Jasmine: Correct! Thanks, guys.
Jeff: And now on to our final juror, George.
George's Jury Speech:
George: Unlike the others, I already know one-hundred percent who I'm voting for. Which is why the questions I'm going to ask are going to be really low-quality.
(Ahmed shrugs as Lorraine raises her eyebrows)
George: Lorraine, this one is for you. Why did you form an alliance with Sherman, who turned out to be a player greedy for votes?
Lorraine: The Gil incident? He wanted to go after the men at first, and I thought, 'Well, I'm bonding with Nadine and Shirley, so why not?'. You can't just reject opportunities for alliances. You don't do that in this game.
George: Well said. Ahmed, why did you let Lorraine get in your head about the reasons to vote me out?
Ahmed: What? I listened to the sound logic that Lorraine provided me with, and I thought this would be a major power move that would earn me votes. I can't believe you eavesdropped into our conversation. Realize that all three of us are threats.
George: Sorry.
Jeff: And with that, concludes the jury questioning. Okay, Jury. You've now had a chance to address the finalists, so now it's time to vote. I'll remind you all that you are voting for a winner. For the final time this season, it is time to vote. Jake, you're up first.
(A montage of all of the Jurors voting occurs. Jasmine's and George's is shown)
Jasmine voted for Lorraine
Jasmine: I was so dumb for not voting you out. You deserve this.
George voted for Ahmed
George: I admire your strength and strategy.
Jeff: I'll go get the votes.
(Jeff leaves and returns a short time later with the urn)
Jeff: Well, it has been a long, tough, thirty-nine days out here. I know you're dying for me to read these votes now, but you'll have to wait until we get back to the States. See you there.
(Jeff leaves with the votes)
(The camera reopens at the live studio audience in Los Angeles as Jeff reappears with the voting urn, met with a loud applause. The camera pans over to the two finalists, who have gotten all dressed up for Finale Night)
Jeff: I would call that a successful first season for Sims Survivor. The season was full of strategy and a rivalry between alliances. Ahmed, Lorraine, one of you is about to win it all. Lorraine, what do you think of your chances of winning?
Lorraine: I don't know. Hopefully at least two votes?
(The Jury laugh)
Jeff: What about you, Ahmed?
Ahmed: It's gonna be really close. That's my prediction.
Jeff: Okay, let's read the votes. Remember, guys, you want to see your name on these parchments. There are seven votes in here. It takes four to win. For the last time, I'll read the votes!
First vote...
That's one vote Ahmed!
(Small applause is heard as Ahmed breathes a sigh of relief)
One vote each for Ahmed and Lorraine.
(Small applause is heard once again)
(Ahmed starts to smile)
That's two votes Ahmed, one vote Lorraine.
We're tied with two votes Ahmed, and two votes Lorraine. Three votes left...
(Ahmed and Lorraine hold hands)
That's three votes Lorraine, two votes Ahmed.
(Lorraine's mouth drops open)
Winner of Sims Survivor: Mexico...
(Lorraine gives Ahmed a big hug and starts to shake in shock. She is met with large applause and goes to meet her family and her boyfriend, Oscar. They all huddle around her in celebration as Jeff hands her the one million simoleon check)
Jeff: This inaugural season of Sims Survivor has come to a close, and thanks so much for taking part in the castaways' journey this season!
Votes A:
George (2): Jasmine and Lorraine
Jasmine (2): Ahmed and George
Votes B:
George (1): Ahmed
Jury Voting:
Jake: Ahmed
Finn: Lorraine
Sherman: Lorraine
Nadine: Lorraine
Gil: Lorraine
Jasmine: Lorraine
George: Ahmed
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