"I Have a Little Work to Do"
Previously on Survivor...
A tribe switch took place that left the three new tribes fairly even. On the new Tierra tribe, Fiona and Jasmine were at odds. However, at Agua, everyone was getting along just fine, while Fuego had George go nuts. At the Immunity challenge, Fuego and Agua pulled out wins, sending Tierra to Tribal Council. Knowing that they were the swing votes, Hal and Lorraine debated who to vote out. In the end, the chaotic Fiona was sent packing.
12 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Night 12
(The Tierra tribe returns to camp and sets their torches down)
Jasmine: Thank you guys, so, so much.
Lorraine: No problem. It was a fairly easy decision.
Hal (CON): So we decided to spare Jasmine and get rid of Fiona. This is great! Me and Lorraine still have the majority vote.
(Jasmine walks off by herself)
Jasmine: I am so f*cked... What am I gonna do?
Jasmine (CON): I was so dumb for trusting Lorraine and Hal! I should have just gotten one of them out! Then I wouldn't be in this position...
Day 13
Reward Challenge
(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The Agua and Fuego tribes walk in and stand on their mats. They look over as the Tierra tribe enters)
Jeff: Agua and Fuego, getting your first look at the new Tierra tribe. Fiona voted out at the last Tribal Council.
(This garners no reaction from anyone)
Jeff: You guys ready for the next reward challenge?
Castaways: Yeah!
Jeff: You will all have to pull on a rope on a balance beam to suspend a disc. Then, you will stack blocks spelling "REWARD" on the disc while pulling on the rope. If anybody falls off their balance beam or their block stack falls, they must start over. The first two tribes to finish their stack win; first place gets a grill, steaks, chicken kabobs, and spices. Second place gets chicken kabobs. Worth playing for?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: Fuego, you have two extra members. Who's sitting out?
Luke: I'll sit out this time, Jeff.
Finn: Well, then, I guess I'll sit too.
Jeff: And Agua has one extra member. Who is sitting out from you guys?
Sherman: I'll do it!
Jeff: Sherman, Luke, and Finn all sitting out. Let's get started.
(Agua, Fuego, and Tierra are all in their positions)
Jeff: On your mark... get set... go.
1. For Tierra, Lorraine stacks the 'D' slowly. George stacks the 'D' and 'R' rather quickly, and Nadine is a bit frustrated for his carelessness. Shirley, Gil, and Jake each stack one block, but two of their pieces quickly fall once Jake loses his balance.
2. Lorraine and Hal continue to stack blocks for Tierra, with Jasmine partaking in minimal work. Ahmed and Nadine stack three more blocks for Fuego at a slower pace. Gil stacks two more blocks for Agua, going very slowly.
3. Suddenly, Fuego drops all of its blocks because of their unequal distribution. They quickly make up work, placing three blocks quickly. Agua's approach is slow but steady, however Hal puts the last piece for Tierra.
4. Fuego manages to barely beat Agua when Ahmed places their last piece.
Jeff: Tierra and Fuego win reward!
(Tierra and Fuego cheer, while Gil looks very disappointed)
Jeff: Congratulations to the winning tribes. Your rewards will be waiting for you back at camp. As for Agua, I've got nothing for you. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, I'll see you later.
Shirley (CON): Gil messed us up in that reward challenge! Who cares if we have the Asian connection, this is Shirley's world and everyone else is just living in it.
Day 13
Agua - Post-Reward
Gil: Sorry, guys. That was all my fault.
Sherman: It's okay. We'll win next time.
(The tribe sits in the shelter)
Jake: So I was thinking that we could stick together, and become an alliance.
Sherman: I'm down for that.
Shirley: Sure.
Jake: Going into the merge, everyone needs numbers. We have four. We just need to win the next two immunities.
Shirley: I can bring in Lorraine and Nadine if they get that far. That makes six.
Gil: Perfect.
Sherman (CON): Jake is talking about alliances in the merge, which tells me that Jake is thinking way too far ahead. Little does he or Gil know that Shirley, Nadine, Lorraine, and I already have an alliance.
Jake: Agua strong forever, then.
(Foreboding music plays as the four put their hands over each other)
Day 13
Tierra - Post-Reward
(Jovial music plays as Lorraine, Hal, and Jasmine come to camp to see a large feast as part of their reward)
Jasmine: Wow!
Lorraine: Come on! Let's dig in!
(The three eat their food, while conversating)
Hal: No one here's a vegetarian, right?
Jasmine: Nope!
Lorraine: If I were, that would be a shame.
Jasmine: This is great! Thanks, guys.
Hal: No problem.
Jasmine (CON): We're all just getting along, having a good time. I almost forgot about my position. I have a little work to do.
Jasmine *whispers*: Lorraine, can I have a word with you?
Lorraine: Yeah?
Jasmine: Privately.
Lorraine: Okay...
(Lorraine and Jasmine proceed further into the camp)
Jasmine: We should have an all-girls alliance.
Lorraine: I'm in.
Jasmine: Really?
Lorraine: Totally.
Jasmine: Awesome!
Lorraine (CON): This alliance makes it practically impossible that I'm going home. Heck yeah!
Day 13
Fuego - Post-Reward
Luke: Good work, guys.
Nadine: Thanks.
(Ahmed and Finn enjoy their reward separately)
Finn: What are we gonna do?
Ahmed: Don't know.
Finn: We need the numbers. George has to be with us.
(Ahmed comes up to George while Luke and Nadine are off talking)
Ahmed: Hey. Did you notice that Luke and Nadine have been getting a little close lately? Maybe too close?
George: Yes, definitely.
Ahmed: I think that's a problem. One of them needs to go.
George: I want Nadine. I'm in an alliance with Luke.
Ahmed: Okay... I guess that could work.
George (CON): Oh, my God! I can't believe I was that stupid! I just revealed my alliance. This is not good.
Day 14
(Hal is shown secretly observing Lorraine and Jasmine talking)
Hal (CON): Lorraine's been talking with Jasmine for the longest time. Jasmine's such a slacker. She didn't even do anything in the challenge, which is why she needs to go.
(Lorraine returns to Hal while Jasmine tends to Tierra's fire)
Hal: The plan's still her, right?
Lorraine: Of course. Nothing has changed.
(Lorraine chuckles)
Lorraine: Don't get all paranoid on me.
Lorraine (CON): This game is about connecting with people and strategy. Getting close with people to vote them out later is simply my strategy.
(The camera focuses on Jasmine, sadly tending to the fire, sitting on a log)
Jasmine: I've never felt so depressed... I feel like the game hates me or something. This is so annoying. Ugh!
Day 14
(The camera centers in on Luke and Nadine by the well)
Luke: This is great. We're three strong.
(Nadine watches George as he approaches them)
Nadine: Who do you want out first?
George: Ahmed.
Luke: Why him?
George: Because he wants you out, Luke.
Luke: Do they both want me out?
George: Ahmed personally came up to me and told me that.
Nadine: Okay, great. We know what to do.
George (CON): Nadine and Luke are super tight. That's gonna work against them eventually, but I want to stick together.
Day 14
(Shirley, Sherman, Gil, and Jake all take turns fishing using Jasmine's fishing rod. It is Shirley's turn)
Shirley: Okay, there's no way I'm gonna do this.
Jake: Just put it in!
Shirley: Fine.
(Shirley puts the fishing rod in the water. A montage of her face is shown for ten minutes. She is frustrated)
Shirley: How do you make a living out of this?
Gil: It takes patience. Clearly you don't have any.
Shirley: Well, I'm in medical school. I have patience, trust me.
Jake: What?
Shirley: Um, nothing.
Shirley (CON): Oh, no! How could I be this stupid? I just revealed that to everyone! No, no, no!
Sherman: That's okay. You can try again tomorrow.
Day 15
Immunity Challenge
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The castaways line up on their mats)
Jeff: Are you guys ready for your next Immunity challenge?
Everyone: Yes!
(The challenge demo is shown at a wide-angle shot)
Jeff: For today's challenge, you will work together to throw six coconuts in a basket. Once you have done that, a scale will tip, releasing three two-digit numbers. One tribe member will then use the numbers to solve a combination lock and unlock a slingshot. You will then use the slingshot to launch sandbags at targets. The first two tribes to hit all five of their targets will win Immunity. Fuego, you have two extra members. Who's sitting out?
Nadine: I'll sit.
Ahmed: I will sit out for this one, Jeff.
Jeff: And Agua, you have one extra member.
Gil: I'll sit out.
Jeff: Okay, then. I'll give you a minute to strategize, and we'll get started.
(Time skip to when everyone is at their places)
Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!
1. Luke manages to throw two coconuts for Fuego, Hal throws three coconuts for Tierra, and Jake throws only one coconut for Agua. He switches out with Sherman, who scores two coconuts for Agua.
2. Two more coconuts are in for Fuego, thanks to Luke. Tierra needs one more coconut, and Hal is unable to throw the last one in. Jasmine thinks she can do it, and struggles. Hal switches back in. Sherman scores two more coconuts for Agua.
3. Luke scores the final coconut for Fuego, and George is on the combination lock. Hal quickly scores the last coconut for Tierra, and Lorraine works on the lock. Sherman eventually scores the final coconut for Agua.
4. Sherman makes very quick work with Agua's combination lock, while George is making little progress. Lorraine is getting the hang of it, however Sherman overtakes her and gets the lock open. Jake throws his first four sandbags for Agua, and hits two. Lorraine gets the lock free for Tierra.
5. Hal throws sandbags for Tierra, hitting one on his first try. His subsequent five tries are all failures. George switches out with Finn, who is determined he can unlock the sandbags. Meanwhile, Jake hits another sandbag.
6. Hal hits two more sandbags for the Tierra tribe. Finn is still working to unlock the combination lock. Since everybody is not making much progress, Jake finally hits the remaining two sandbags for Agua.
Jeff: Agua wins Immunity!
7. Hal hits the final two sandbags for Tierra, while Fuego has not even gotten to the sandbag part yet.
Jeff: Tierra also wins Immunity!
(Agua and Tierra jump up and down, while a look of misery crosses Finn's face. Jasmine has tears of joy)
Jeff: Agua and Tierra, tribal Immunity is yours. You guys can head back to camp. However, Fuego, for you it is a different story. The five of you will decide who will be the fifth person voted out of this game. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, and I'll see you tonight at Tribal.
Nadine (CON): It's clear that Finn struggled during the Immunity challenge. He needs to go.
Day 15
(Luke and Nadine are together, in the shelter)
Nadine: Finn needs to go home tonight, in my opinion.
Luke: Definitely.
Nadine: Tell me more about your two sons.
(George, Ahmed, and Finn are on the beach)
Finn: Just look at them. They're just too close.
George: I'm still voting with them.
Ahmed: You are?
George: Yep.
Finn: Understandable.
(George approaches them)
George (CON): I come up to Nadine and Luke, and I don't even get noticed by them! This is insane!
Nadine: Vote Finn.
George: Got it.
(The camera focuses back to Ahmed and Finn)
Ahmed: Luke was so good in the challenge.
Finn: I know. But seriously, it's close to the merge. We need to make a big move.
Ahmed (CON): If this move pulls off, we might be safe 'till merge. It's time to strike.
(The sun sets as the Fuego tribe, with their torches, make their way to Tribal Council)
Luke (CON): As long as everything goes according to plan, I should be fine. The plan is staying the plan.
Tribal Council:
(Fuego walks in)
(Fuego takes their seats)
Jeff: Welcome to your first Tribal Council of being Fuego. Let's get this discussion started. The challenge turned from a slight lead to an absolute blowout for you guys, unfortunately.
Luke: Yep.
Jeff: Who's to blame?
Nadine: George was honest and said he couldn't do it, so that's where Finn came in. But he couldn't do it either.
Jeff: So you're blaming Finn?
Nadine: Never said that. I'm just saying. None of us were good enough.
Finn: I agree.
Jeff: Okay, so let's talk about the make-up here. Three original Tierra with two original Agua. Is tonight an easy vote?
Luke: It should be.
Finn: But we've been campaigning to stay here ever since the switch. Ahmed and I will turn this game on its head.
Jeff: Overconfident or not, someone is going home. You're never one hundred percent safe in this game. So are we ready to vote?
George: Yes.
Ahmed: Definitely. Let's do this thing.
Jeff: All right. Nadine, you're up.
(Montage of all of the Fuego players casting their votes. George's is not shown, but is not montaged)
George: This is what I have to do.
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
(Finn doesn't look shocked)
(Luke nods, understanding)
That's one vote Finn, one vote Luke.
That's two votes Finn.
That's two votes Finn, two votes Luke, one vote left.
Fifth person voted out of Sims Survivor: Mexico:
Jeff: You need to bring me your torch.
(Luke chuckles in surprise, and Nadine gives a furious expression to George)
(Luke grabs his torch and brings it to Jeff)
Jeff: Luke, the tribe has spoken.
Luke: Oh, my God.
(Luke walks off in fury, as Finn celebrates)
Jeff: Anyone can take control of this ever-changing game. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
Luke: This experience was an adventure. I thought this game was all about trusting people. Turns out there are some people you just can't trust.
Luke (3): Ahmed, George, Finn
Finn (2): Luke and Nadine
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