"I Can Vote For Whoever I Want"
Previously on Survivor...
The Agua, Fuego, and Tierra tribes merged. Right away, Sherman, Lorraine, Nadine, Finn, Gil, and Jake vowed to stick together. However, after Jake narrowly lost the first individual Immunity challenge to Lorraine, Sherman, Nadine, and Lorraine were concerned about what would happen if Jake stayed in the game any longer. When news was out to the remaining three castaways, Jake was voted out in a blindside.
8 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Night 21
Fuaguerra - Post-Tribal
(The Fuaguerra castaways set their torches down)
Gil: What the hell, Sherman.
Sherman: What? He was a physical threat. You've seen him compete before the merge.
Finn: But we had a deal. A promise is a promise.
Lorraine (CON): Gil and Finn are reasonably upset after what happened last night. But sometimes you have to play a little. Because that's the game!
Nadine: We're sorry. This is just something that we had to do.
Ahmed: I don't know about that.
Sherman: Well, we saved your ass.
Jasmine: And mine. So thank you.
Gil: Ugh!
Finn (CON): So I can't trust Nadine, Lorraine, or Sherman anymore. What I need to do is get the outsiders on my side.
(Finn walks up to George laying on the sand)
Finn: Can I ask you a question?
George: Sure.
Finn: Do you trust them?
George: Um, I guess. I don't know.
Finn: Don't. They're troublemakers.
George (CON): Rule number one of Survivor: don't tell people what to do! I can vote for whoever I want. Including you!
Day 22
Reward Challenge
(Shots over the competition ground is shown, along with dramatic music in the background)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The Fuaguerra castaways enter)
Jeff: Are you guys ready to get to your first individual reward challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: Today's challenge will be played in two rounds. In the first round you'll walk along a balance beam collecting bags of puzzle pieces. You must untie one bag at a time and walk to the end, where you must go again until you have untied and collected three bags of puzzle pieces. The first three people to get their bags will advance to the second round. In round two you will use the puzzle pieces inside your bags to solve an anchor shaped puzzle. The first to solve their puzzle wins reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?
Castaways: Yeah!
Jeff: The winner will receive a trip to a new island, along with a warm shower, beef, and champagne. Worth playing for?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: We'll draw for spots, and then we'll get started.
1. Ahmed and George are the fastest across the beam, while Nadine, Finn, and Gil are right behind them. Lorraine, Sherman, and Jasmine each fall once.
2. Ahmed has already untied two bags, while George, Gil, and Sherman have untied one. Lorraine, Nadine, Finn, and Jasmine are in the process of untying their first bags.
3. Ahmed finishes untying his bags while traveling across the beam, thus advancing to round two. Gil is close to untying his third bag, but falls while on the balance beam. George completes his bags and makes quick work of the beam. For the third spot in the second round, it is between Gil and Sherman. Gil barely makes it across the beam first, advancing him to the second round.
4. Ahmed, George, and Gil compete in the final round. George is solving the puzzle at a noticeably slower rate than the other two, and Ahmed is going as fast as possible. Meanwhile, Gil is constantly rearranging pieces.
5. Ahmed and Gil find themselves not making much progress, which means George is almost finished with the puzzle. George completes the puzzle first.
Jeff: George wins reward!
(Everyone congratulates George as the eight castaways return to their mat)
Jeff: A well-deserved reward. However, George, now you must choose two other castaways to enjoy your trip with.
(The other seven nervously look at George)
George: Oh, man, this is hard. I choose Jasmine and Ahmed.
(Ahmed and Jasmine cheer and join George when they all walk to where Jeff is standing)
Jeff: All right. George, Ahmed, and Jasmine, you three will head off on a helicopter to a picnic.
Ahmed: All right!
Jeff: Finn, Lorraine, Sherman, Nadine, and Gil, I got nothing for ya. Head back to camp.
(Everyone leaves for where they need to be)
Sherman (CON): Since George, Jasmine, and Ahmed are on the outs, they might be banding together. And I can't have that happen, so I need to pull two of them on to my side.
Day 22
Fuaguerra - Post-Reward
(Finn, Lorraine, Nadine, Sherman, and Gil return to camp)
Nadine: That was tough.
Gil: It sure was.
(The five gather around the fire)
Lorraine: Okay, so it's obvious that the five of us aren't best friends. But could those three be plotting something?
Gil: I have no idea.
Finn: Yes. I have a sneaking suspicion.
Sherman: It's 'cause they're outsiders. They need to band together. I don't blame them, but come on. Something needs to be done.
Finn: Agreed.
Finn (CON): Ahmed, Jasmine, and George are just numbers for Gil and I so we can use them to get rid of Sherman. I'm not worried about them in the slightest!
(Finn and Gil head off to the well)
Lorraine: Okay, do you guys think Finn and Gil are targeting us right now?
Nadine: Definitely. That's not good.
Sherman: It'll be fine. We know to stick together.
(The camera focuses on Finn and Gil near the well)
Finn: I think we can get George to vote with us.
Gil: It doesn't matter. We need to have all of them.
Finn: I know.
(The camera shifts to a helicopter overlooking rural Mexico. Jasmine, Ahmed, and George are in the helicopter)
Jasmine: Did you know that I've never been in a helicopter before?
Ahmed: Me neither. Thanks, George.
George: You're very welcome. So we officially have an alliance?
Jasmine: Totally!
Ahmed: I can see everything here. Wow...
(The three arrive to an outdoor picnic with beef and champagne)
Jasmine: Yay. Champagne!
George: Okay, so let's talk. Who do you guys want out?
Ahmed: Either Finn, Gil, or Sherman. Finn and Gil are tight and Sherman seems the most threatening of the Tierra trio.
George: Sherman is really scary. He wouldn't be here still without the girls.
Jasmine: Agreed. We need to get two people on our side at least.
George (CON): The game is really coming down to it. I need to make the best decisions that benefit my personal game.
(Jasmine, George, and Ahmed arrive back to camp)
Finn: Look who's back.
Lorraine: Hey, guys!
Ahmed: Hello, hello.
Day 23
(A nighttime scene quickly cuts to the next day. Finn, George, and Gil are tending the fire until Finn and Gil go off by themselves)
George: It's been thirty minutes...
(George spies on Finn and Gil from behind a tree)
Finn: So we're going to use George, Jasmine, and Ahmed as numbers. And once we're at the final five, we'll get George to vote with us, and then we'll make sure he doesn't win final immunity.
Gil: Uh-huh.
(George gasps)
George (CON): Well, now I know their whole plan. And things are not going to go according to their plan. I'll make sure of it!
(Lorraine, Nadine, Sherman, and Jasmine hang out by the hammock)
Lorraine: I trust you, Jasmine. We need your vote for the upcoming Tribal.
Jasmine: Thanks. I trust you guys, too. And sure we'll vote together.
Sherman: So we want Finn or Gil out. They're probably super mad at us.
Jasmine: Understandable.
Nadine: And we need at least five votes. We already have four.
Jasmine (CON): Me, Ahmed, and George are kind of like free agents. We can go with whoever we want, so I need to think long and hard about the decision of who to vote with even if I trust Lorraine.
(George approaches the group)
George: So I just heard Finn talking about how he wants to use me, you, Jasmine, and Ahmed as numbers for them.
Sherman: Figures.
Jasmine: That little b*tch. I've been at odds with Finn since the beginning. Okay, now I know for sure who to trust.
(Ahmed, Finn, and Gil are at the well)
Gil: So are you with us?
Ahmed: Yeah, I guess.
Finn: Okay, good.
(Finn, Ahmed, and Gil return to camp)
Finn: We're back.
Night 23
(The eight castaways are all sleeping until George wakes up. He taps Ahmed on the shoulder)
George *whispering*: Ahmed, wake up.
Ahmed *whispering*: What?
George *whispering*: I just wanted to let you know that Finn and Gil want me as a number to get rid of you and Jasmine at the final five.
Ahmed *whispering*: I knew it.
George *whispering*: Okay, go back to bed.
Day 24
Immunity Challenge
(Dramatic music plays as the castaways head into their next Immunity challenge)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The eight castaways stand on their mat)
Jeff: Are you guys ready for today's Immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: First thing's first, Lorraine, you gotta give it here.
(Lorraine hands Jeff the Immunity necklace)
Lorraine: Aw, man!
(Jeff chuckles)
Jeff: Once again, Immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you will climb a ladder and go down a cargo net and then through a series of obstacles, where you'll untie a bag containing sandbags. You'll then attempt to land the sandbags in a basket, which will drop a ladder. On the second level, you'll use a ball and rope to pull down the second ladder. On the third level, you'll solve a cog puzzle. First to solve their puzzle wins immunity and a one in seven shot at winning the game. We'll draw for spots and then we'll get started.
1. Right out of the gate, Ahmed is in the lead, followed by Gil and Sherman, while Nadine is struggling. Ahmed begins to slow down when Gil catches up to him while they are both going through the obstacles. Gil is the first to untie his bag, quickly followed by Ahmed, and a few minutes later George.
2. Ahmed is the first to land his sandbags in his basket, followed by Gil and shortly after Sherman. However, Gil pulls the second ladder down first before anyone else.
3. Once everyone is working on the puzzle, Gil and Ahmed look to be in the lead. However, when Ahmed thinks he solved the puzzle, it turns out that he had it wrong. Gil seizes this opportunity to eventually solve the puzzle correctly.
Jeff: Gil wins Immunity!
Gil: Okay. Yes!
(Timeskip to when the castaways are standing on their tribe mat. Jeff places the Immunity necklace over Gil's neck)
Jeff: Gil, you now have individual Immunity. Safe from the vote, and cannot be voted out. You have a one in seven chance of winning this game. And for the rest of you? Twenty-four days into the game, and one of you will be the ninth person voted out and the second member of the jury. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, see you guys at tribal.
Sherman (CON): With Gil winning Immunity, the person going home has just become more obvious than ever.
Day 24
(The eight members of Fuaguerra return to camp. Gil hangs his Immunity necklace on a tree)
Finn: Great effort, Gil.
Gil: Thank you.
(George, Jasmine, and Ahmed gather near the well)
Jasmine: I feel like we should do Sherman instead.
George: What? No! We already talked about this.
Ahmed: Yeah, we need to break up Finn and Gil.
George: Give me a good reason to vote off Sherman.
Jasmine: He's the leader of his alliance.
Ahmed: He's a strategic threat. But Finn wants to get me and you (points to Jasmine) out.
Ahmed (CON): There's two solid cases to vote for both Finn and Sherman. But I think it is best to vote for who is the worst for my game.
(Ahmed, George, and Jasmine relax with Lorraine, Nadine, and Sherman in the shelter)
Lorraine: So we're all voting Finn?
George: Yes.
Nadine: Okay.
Sherman: I don't want there to be any surprises come Tribal Council.
(Finn, Gil, George, Ahmed, and Jasmine talk while on a walk together)
Finn: So we're all doing Sherman, right?
Jasmine: Right.
Ahmed: I just want Tribal to come already.
George (CON): Deceiving is a necessary part of the game. It's time to do just that.
(The eight castaways grab their torches and head off to Tribal Council as the sun sets)
Tribal Council:
(The Fuaguerra tribe walks in)
(Fuaguerra takes their seats)
Jeff: Welcome to Tribal. Gil, what is the feeling for you coming in here?
Gil: Well, I know I feel safe, but maybe my allies aren't.
Jeff: Who are you talking about?
Gil: Finn. Maybe some people are going to be coming after him.
(Lorraine rolls her eyes)
Jeff: Is Gil referring to you, Lorraine?
Sherman: Looks like Gil's still butthurt about his friend that was voted out last Tribal. That's all.
Jeff: So there's still heightened tension and animosity between a few people on this tribe.
Jasmine: There is. And it's not just a few people. It's basically the whole tribe.
George: And I know what Finn and Gil been plottin'.
Finn: Excuse me?
George: I heard you talking to Gil, saying that you were going to use me as a number to get to final three.
Finn: That is such a lie.
Ahmed: I believe him. Seems very realistic to me.
Sherman: You've must've been out with Gil like a hundred times.
Jeff: And that's the thing. In this game, you can never distinguish the truth from lies. Okay. Are we ready to vote?
George: Ready as ever. Bring it on.
Lorraine: Let's just get it over with.
Nadine: As ready as we'll ever be.
Jeff: All right. Nadine, you're up.
(A montage of all of the Fuaguerra castaways voting occurs. Gil's is shown)
Gil voted for Sherman
Gil: You deserve to leave.
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
(Sherman nods)
(Finn shows no reaction)
That's one vote Sherman, one vote Finn.
That's two votes Sherman.
(Finn shakes his head)
We're tied. Two votes Sherman, two votes Finn.
That's three votes Finn, two votes Sherman.
That's four votes Finn.
(Finn looks down)
Ninth person voted out and the second member of the jury...
Jeff: Five, that's enough, you need to bring me your torch.
(Finn gets up, hugs Gil, and brings Jeff his torch)
Jeff: Finn, the tribe is spoken.
(Finn turns to his tribe mates)
Finn: Good luck, everyone.
Lorraine: Bye, Finn.
(Finn leaves)
Jeff: Well, sometimes you need to watch your mouth. Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
Finn: I really had a good time and made friendships that will last forever. I hope I made my family and my kids proud.
Finn (6): Sherman, Nadine, Lorraine, Ahmed, Jasmine, George
Sherman (2): Finn and Gil
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