"Everything is Unknown"
Previously on Survivor...
After Sherman was voted out, instead of sticking to the plan, Jasmine wanted to break away from her alliance and vote with Nadine instead. Ahmed and George feared that Nadine was taking too much time away from Jasmine. However, Jasmine, Nadine, and Lorraine decided to form an alliance to protect themselves. When Lorraine second-guessed her decision, Nadine was voted out at Tribal Council.
5 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Night 30
(The five members of Fuaguerra head back to camp and set their torches down)
Lorraine: I'm so sorry, Jasmine.
Jasmine: It's okay! We're still friends. You did what you had to.
Lorraine *whispering*: You want Gil out?
Jasmine *whispering*: They're not gonna let me, probably.
Lorraine (CON): It's so obvious to me that Jasmine is being controlled by Ahmed and George. Hopefully she'll make decisions for herself eventually.
(Ahmed and George lay on the beach)
Ahmed: Gil or Lorraine? Who's it gonna be?
George: I have no clue. Jasmine might not be with us anymore.
Ahmed: We're sticking together, right?
George: Totally.
(Gil approaches Lorraine)
Lorraine *whispering*: Gil, are you interested in voting out one of the guys?
Gil: I don't know yet. Maybe. Probably not.
Lorraine: That's okay. Take your time to decide.
Gil (CON): Jasmine is a wild card, which means that she has a good relationship with everyone on this tribe. None of us know who she's voting with, and that gives me anxiety.
(Ahmed, George, and Jasmine talk in the shelter)
George: We good?
Jasmine: Yeah.
Ahmed: Okay. That better be true.
Jasmine: It is.
Jasmine (CON): In reality, I don't know who I'm going to go with. Everything is unknown at this point.
Day 31
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The castaways walk in and stand on their mat)
Jeff: You guys ready to get to your final reward challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: For today's challenge, you're going to take this question booklet to a private area and fill it out. Then you'll have to guess what the majority answered for each question. Every time you get a question right, you can chop somebody else's rope. Once all three of your ropes are chopped, your dummy will fall into the fire and you'll be out of the challenge. Last person standing wins reward. Want to know what you're playing for?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: The winning castaway will be taken a boat ride around the ocean, to see some beautiful scenery, before you'll be dropped off to a private area, where you will enjoy a sweet feast. There's apple pie and brownies, and you'll wash it down with some ice cold milk. In addition, the winning castaway will receive an advantage in the upcoming immunity challenge.
(The castaways begin to get excited)
Jeff: Alright, find somewhere private to fill out the questionnaire and then we'll get started.
(There is a time skip. The castaways are standing in the challenge area)
Jeff: Alright, this challenge is officially on.
1. The first question was, "Who is most likely to be able to survive on an island by themselves?" Everyone correctly answered Gil. Lorraine and Jasmine chopped Gil's rope, and Ahmed and George chopped Lorraine's rope. Gil chopped Jasmine's rope.
2. The second question was, "Who is the most annoying person here?" Jasmine wrote down Gil and Lorraine wrote down George. However, the majority wrote down Jasmine. Jasmine was hurt to be deemed the most annoying, but she deduced that she acted as such during the early days of the game. Gil chopped Jasmine's rope again, George chopped Lorraine's rope, eliminating her from the competition, and Ahmed chopped Gil's rope, eliminating him from the competition.
3. The third question was, "Who mistakenly thinks they are running the game?" Jasmine and Ahmed wrote down Gil, while George wrote down Lorraine. Gil was the correct answer. Jasmine chopped Ahmed's rope and George chopped Jasmine's rope, eliminating her from the competition.
4. The fourth question was, "Who is most likely to waste the million dollars?" Ahmed and George both answered correctly, so they cut each other's ropes. George had two ropes remaining at that point and Ahmed had one.
5. The fifth question was, "Who would you most like to invite for dinner after the game is over?" Ahmed guessed Gil while George guessed Lorraine. The correct answer was Lorraine, which means George won reward.
Jeff: George wins reward!
(George hugs Lorraine, Jasmine, Gil, and Ahmed as they return to their mat as George stands near Jeff)
Jeff: George, come up and receive your advantage.
(Jeff hands George a sealed envelope)
Jeff: You may discuss the contents of this envelope if you would like with another player. You've won a nice reward, and you can pick one other person to share this reward with.
George: So sorry. I pick Ahmed.
Ahmed: Thanks so much!
(Ahmed stands with George)
Jeff: Okay. George, Ahmed, you two are in for a very pleasant afternoon. Head on out that way, the boat is waiting for you.
(Ahmed and George skip out of the scene)
Jeff: Lorraine, Gil, Jasmine, I've got nothing for you. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, and I'll see you soon.
(The defeated castaways walk to camp)
Jasmine (CON): They called me annoying! But I need to stick with my alliance to Ahmed and George or else I could be going home.
Day 31
Fuaguerra – Post-Reward
(The camera focuses on George and Ahmed traveling on a boat, led by a local tour guide. They arrive at a small shack, and get off the boat)
(George runs to the shack)
George: Let's get inside, come on!
Ahmed: I'm coming.
(As they arrive inside, Ahmed immediately sees brownies, and steals the whole plate)
George: But there's apple pie.
(George and Ahmed sit on the bench and share the apple pie)
George: Let's open this thing.
When Jeff calls for your advantage, present this to him, along with your selection. You are free to make this decision yourself or discuss it with whoever you see fit.
Ahmed: Holy crap. You have to do Gil.
George: I don't know. He's gonna be hard to beat no matter what. He was made for this show.
Ahmed: He might not want to work with us.
Ahmed (CON): Gil and Jasmine could easily flip on me and George and vote one of us out. Gil or Lorraine need to go and Jasmine has to be with us.
George: I'm going to select...
(The camera then pans to Gil, Jasmine, and Lorraine as they head from the well back to camp)
Lorraine: I'm on board to get rid of George.
Jasmine: We could do that.
Gil: You don't know yet, Jasmine, don't you?
Jasmine: Yeah, I have no idea who I'll go with at the end of the day.
Lorraine (CON): Jasmine is not a strong competitor in this game. I don't think anyone would benefit from taking her out.
Jasmine: George wants you out, Lorraine.
Gil: Him and Ahmed both, actually.
Lorraine: That doesn't bother me too much.
(When Gil, Lorraine, and Jasmine return to camp, George and Ahmed also come in from the shore)
Ahmed: Hey, guys.
Gil: Finally.
(Everyone sits in the shelter)
George: Jasmine, do you wanna go for a walk?
Jasmine: Okay.
George: Ahmed.
(Ahmed, George, and Jasmine walk to the beach, leaving Lorraine and Gil in the shelter)
Gil: What are they doing?
Lorraine: I think they're talking about the advantage that George won.
Gil: Oh, crap.
(The camera focuses on the beach, as George, Ahmed, and Jasmine talk)
George: So this is the advantage.
Jasmine: Oh, yeah, that thing.
(George shows Jasmine the writing)
Jasmine: Oh, my God.
Jasmine (CON): This advantage is so powerful. But I can't believe they have all the power in the game! Ugh, it's just that... I have to vote with them. But I don't want to.
Ahmed: We're going to use it on...
Day 32
(The camera switches to night, and then back to morning. Lorraine and Jasmine walk to the well)
Lorraine: Um, I hate to ask this, but, what was the advantage? Do you feel comfortable telling me?
Jasmine: Oh, uh, promise me that you won't tell George and Ahmed you know.
Lorraine: I promise.
Jasmine: Basically, it's an advantage where George can give someone a disadvantage in the Immunity challenge.
Lorraine: That's huge! I wonder who he's going to use it on.
Jasmine: Oh, yeah, me too.
Lorraine (CON): Now that Jasmine's told me a secret, maybe our bond will be strengthened and she can vote with me at this next Tribal.
(George and Ahmed sit in the shelter)
Ahmed: You know who to give the disadvantage to.
George: Yep. It's a good thing Lorraine and Gil don't know about it.
(Gil approaches Lorraine and Jasmine on the beach)
Gil: So, Jasmine, are we all set? We should get rid of George if he doesn't win Immunity.
Lorraine: I think we're in big trouble, Gil.
Gil: Why?
Jasmine: The advantage that George got means he has the power to give someone a huge setback in the Immunity challenge.
Gil: I knew it.
Jasmine: Honestly, I need to think about it some more.
Gil (CON): Jasmine is not a proactive player. So what if Ahmed won't like her moving forward? It's a game, and you need to be willing to take risks.
Day 33
(Dramatic music plays as the castaways head into their next Immunity challenge)
Jeff: Come on in, guys!
(The five castaways stand on their mat)
Jeff: Are you ready for today's Immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yes!
Jeff: Ahmed, I'm taking that.
(Ahmed hands Jeff the Immunity necklace)
Jeff: Immunity is once again back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you'll race through a giant obstacle course, with six different stations, collecting a bag of puzzle pieces at each one. Once you have all six bags, you'll use the pieces to solve a puzzle. First person to solve their puzzle wins Immunity and is guaranteed a one in four shot at winning the game. We'll draw for spots and then we'll get started. In addition, George, at the reward challenge you won a challenge advantage. Please take it out and read it to the tribe.
George: (George takes out the note from his pocket) It says, "you may select one castaway to receive a disadvantage in today's Immunity challenge."
(Lorraine pretends to be shocked)
Jeff: Who have you decided to give this disadvantage to?
George: I've decided that Gil will get this. Sorry.
Jeff: (Jeff walks over to Gil and hands him another note) Here's your disadvantage. Take it out and read it to the entire tribe.
Gil: (Gil opens the note) "You will start the obstacle course two minutes later than everyone else."
Jeff: That's a pretty big disadvantage. How does that make you feel?
Gil: I'll try my best.
Jeff: Okay, we'll draw for spots and then we'll get started. For immunity and a one in four shot at a million dollars, this challenge is on.
1. Within the first minute, George and Ahmed prove to be fast runners, finding their first bags quickly. Two minutes pass, and when Gil enters, George has two bags, Ahmed and Lorraine have one, and Gil and Jasmine haven't found any bags yet.
2. Fifteen minutes later, George has four bags, Ahmed has three, Lorraine is slowing down with only two, while Gil is catching up quickly with two bags found. Jasmine has only one bag.
3. When George starts to use the pieces to solve the puzzle, Lorraine makes quick work with four bags collected. Ahmed has only collected one more bag, making him and Lorraine tied. Gil's fast running also makes a tie between Lorraine, Gil, and Ahmed. Jasmine is stuck at two bags.
4. When George is a quarter way done with the puzzle, Lorraine finishes collecting her bags, with Gil very close behind. Ahmed has just collected his fifth bag. Jasmine catches up with four bags.
5. Lorraine and George are now around the same point in the puzzle, when George starts to get confused and Lorraine figures out the puzzle rather quickly. Gil is now a quarter way done with the puzzle while Ahmed just starts the puzzle. Jasmine now is frantically looking for her final bag.
6. Gil starts to get a rhythm with the puzzle, while George continues to struggle. However, Lorraine rarely hesitates with placing pieces. Ahmed is now a quarter way done with the puzzle when Jasmine starts the puzzle.
7. At this point, Lorraine and Gil are the only ones making huge progress with the puzzle. When Gil realizes he made a mistake, this allows Lorraine to place her remaining pieces correctly, earning her the win.
Jeff: Lorraine wins Immunity!
(Everyone hugs and congratulates Lorraine)
(Timeskip to when the castaways are standing on their tribe mat. Jeff places the Immunity necklace over Lorraine's neck)
Jeff: Lorraine, you've guaranteed yourself a one in four chance at winning this game. After 33 days, one of you will be the twelfth person voted out of this game and the fifth member of the jury. Don't let it be you. You guys can head back to camp. I'll see you at Tribal.
George (CON): I know Gil knew about the advantage. And I need to find out who told him.
Day 33
(The five castaways return to camp)
Jasmine: Congrats, Lorraine!
Lorraine: Thanks.
George: Jasmine, can I talk to you in private?
Jasmine: Um, sure.
(George and Jasmine walk towards the beach)
George: I noticed Gil didn't look shocked when Jeff revealed that I had the power to make someone have a disadvantage.
Jasmine: So?
George: Did you tell him?
Jasmine *sighs*: Yeah. Sorry.
George: Why?
Jasmine: Does it matter?
George: I can't really trust you to keep a secret.
Jasmine: Oh.
Jasmine (CON): Maybe I shouldn't vote with George and Ahmed. But at the same time, Gil could win this game. I just don't know what to do anymore.
(Lorraine and Gil lay in the shelter)
Gil: She better vote with us.
Lorraine: Who, Jasmine? I don't know. We have to talk with her first.
(Jasmine arrives and sits by Lorraine and Gil)
Jasmine: Hey. Um, George knows that I told you guys.
Lorraine: That's okay.
Jasmine: No, he seems really mad.
Gil: Okay. So are you on board?
Jasmine: I-I guess. I don't know...
(Gil sighs)
(The camera focuses on George and Ahmed getting ready for Tribal)
George: Jasmine told them.
Ahmed: Great. But we know who to vote out.
George: Mhm-hm.
George (CON): As much as I don't want to trust Jasmine, I know she's going to vote for Gil. Positive.
(The sun sets as the final five head off to Tribal Council)
Tribal Council:
(The Fuaguerra tribe walks in)
(Fuaguerra takes their seats)
Jeff: So, where do things stand right now?
Lorraine: Ahmed and George are on one side and Gil and I are on the other. Jasmine is probably the deciding vote.
George: Correct. And she better go with us.
Jasmine: What do you mean 'better?
George: It would be a smart decision.
Ahmed: I'd say there's a number of threat still in the game right now.
Jeff: And, Gil, were you one of those threats? George used his disadvantage on you.
Gil: I see why someone would label me as such. I'm fine with that.
Ahmed: We're all threats to each other. There can only be one winner.
Jasmine: I'm struggling, Jeff, because I don't know who to go with.
George: It's easy.
Jasmine: No...
Jeff: We have to vote now. Ahmed, you're up.
(A montage of all of the Fuaguerra castaways voting occurs)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff returns with the urn)
Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First vote:
That's one vote Gil.
(Gil nods)
That's two votes Gil.
(George sighs)
That's two votes Gil, one vote George.
We're tied. Two votes Gil, two votes George, one vote left.
(Everyone looks anxious)
Twelfth person voted out and the fifth member of our jury:
Jeff: You need to bring me your torch.
(Gil nods)
Gil: Thanks, guys, for everything.
Ahmed: Bye, Gil.
(Gil gets up and grabs his torch)
(Gil hands his torch to Jeff)
Jeff: Gil, the tribe has spoken.
(Gil walks off)
Jeff: Time will tell if the person that just left tonight was actually threat to your games. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, good night.
Final Words:
Gil: I hope I've made a name for myself in my hometown and proved to everyone that I could have won this game.
Gil (3): Ahmed, George, Jasmine
George (2): Gil and Lorraine
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