Chapter 6
Sirius overslept on the first day of classes. He was woken up when a rather flustered Remus came searching for him in the dorms.
"Get up, sleepyhead, you missed breakfast," Remus shook him carefully hoping that he would not be annoyed by that.
Sirius only turned over in his bed hugging the pillow closer to himself, "sod off, Rem."
"Sirius, it's bloody nine in the morning. Breakfast's over and the first class is Potions. You can not just sleep the whole day!"
He mumbled inaudibly from between the pillows and blankets, "lemmesleepyoubuzzkill."
Remus face-palmed in frustration then did the only thing he could think of, "Aguamenti!"
"HOLY FREAKING BLUDGERS!" Sirius sat up in alarm, "Somebody call Dumbledore, Hogwarts is flooding!"
Remus couldn't help but laugh; his expression was certainly priceless.
Assessing the situation, Sirius pushed his now wet hair back from his face and turned at him with a glare on his face.
He shrugged, "what now?"
Sirius scowled, "For your kind information, you just ruined my favorite night dress."
"Pajamas, you mean," he corrected him while drying up the bed and Sirius with a blow-dry charm.
"No! It's my night dress. My absolute favorite one. And you spilled water on it!"
Remus stifled an urge to laugh, "Stop being such a drama queen. You're late for class."
"Oh Lord, have mercy! I'm late on my first day? Such a misfortune," he replied in a high-pitched voice while rolling his eyes sarcastically.
"Get dressed and come down, I don't want to be late as well."
"Of course, Mummy, you needn't worry!" Sirius called after him as he stepped out of the dorms still shaking his head in amusement. To Rem, Sirius was always a great source of entertainment.
Since he had missed breakfast, Sirius sped down to the dungeons for the potions lesson, his robes flying behind him and his buttons rather messily done.
On reaching the classroom, he found out that he was barely five minutes late and chances of him getting house points docked off were minimal.
Professor Slughorn, however, was gaping at him as if he had just done something unbelievably repulsive. Instead, it was just that Siri's state was rather messy with his robes dropping to one side, tie loosely dangling from the neck, and black unruly hair standing up in all directions.
Sirius took in the Potions Professor's shock and a smirk crept up to his face, "I know I'm rather hot stuff, Professor, but you may stop making it too obvious now." He then paused for a dramatic effect and resumed with a wink, "makes others uncomfortable, y'know."
"Ten points from Gryffindor for such disrespectful behavior, Mister Black," Slughorn spoke up finally after registering what had just come out of the mouth of the teenager standing in front of him who at the moment was smirking devilishly.
From the corner of his eye, Sirius could easily see Remus doing a facepalm and rolling his eyes wearily.
"Such a pleasure, Professor," Sirius strutted inside the classroom taking his seat beside Remus, still smirking.
"Was that absolutely necessary, Sirius?" he asked as Sirius leaned back in his chair rocking it back and forth slightly, in his usual classroom behavior.
"Yup. And by the way, Rem, you had said that class already got started and also that I was fifteen minutes late, which clearly wasn't the case from as far as I can tell by now."
"I said that so you would get up," Remus answered while copying down what the Professor was saying about Asphodels.
"You lied," Sirius remarked petulantly, clearly refusing to do any work in class.
"Mr Black, you may go and sit with Miss Danvers. I see that I will have to change your seating arrangement since it is having quite an adverse effect on your studies," Slughorn spoke.
Sighing dramatically, Sirius grabbed his stuff and then made his way to the Ravenclaw Slughorn had gestured to, knowing that it wouldn't be any use to bicker about it. But he made a mental note of swapping seats back once Slughorn wouldn't be noticing.
"Now today, we will be studying the effects of moonstone." Professor Slughorn began the lecture. Sirius saw Remus taking notes and he frowned visibly.
"Bookworm," he muttered under his breath.
"Did you say something?" the Ravenclaw he was sitting with spoke.
"No, nothing," he was caught off guard but quickly masked it giving her a flashy smile, "Sirius Black."
"Megan Danvers," she replied in acknowledgment.
Slughorn droned on as usual about the moonstones and the whole class, except for Remus and a few Ravenclaws, was dozing off.
"Can you lend me your notes after this class?" Sirius asked his partner.
"Sure, but I won't be so generous next time," she replied with a slight smile.
It was near evening and the Marauders were up to their pranks as usual. They had decided to build a swamp in one of the most used corridors, just for the fun of seeing Filch's irritation afterward.
They hadn't yet set up the swamp and the rest of the Marauders had gone off to fetch the required stuff from their dorm while Sirius was on the lookout, just checking over to see if the coast was clear when he bumped into someone.
"Crap! Now of all times," the person he had bumped into, cursed under her breath as the pile of books fell from her hands and was now scattered on the floor.
Seeing her, his eyes sparked in recognition and amusement. "Hello to you too, Miss Arielle."
She looked up and was met by the familiar pair of stormy grey eyes, "uh... Hi?"
He bent down helping her to pick up her books, "and about the unexpected crash... You see, I was a bit busy with other things so I didn't quite see you coming."
"That's okay, you don't have to pick them up, I'll do it myself."
"Oh no, allow me," the characteristic smirk was visible on his face as he dipped his head in the gentlemanly bow.
She couldn't help but smile at that, "Always the gentleman, aren't you?"
"Born and bred like one," he replied picking up the whole pile. But she refused and took half of it herself.
On the way to the Slytherin Common Room, she spoke, "Sirius, do you really don't mind me being a Slytherin?"
He was a bit startled, "Ah well... To be honest, I was a bit disappointed at first. But now that I think about it, you being a Slytherin is a good thing." Then he added as an interjection, "for you, of course."
"I don't exactly get that?"
He smiled and this time it wasn't a smirk but was strangely genuine, "this way you won't have to go through all I have faced. You will still have family, and friends and will not be discriminated against to the extent I have suffered."
She was taken aback at the severity of his words, "Sirius..."
He quickly shook her concern away, "Well there you are, now I don't think the other Slytherins would approve of me accompanying you further. So guess that's it." He handed her the pile, "See you."
She nodded, "Thanks."
He disappeared down the other side of the dungeons while she was still standing at the entrance pondering over his words.
Sirius was different. Extremely different from all the other people she had met. There was something in him that made him distinct from Regulus as well.
Despite both of them being brothers, there was a great difference in their nature and the way both of them affected her.
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