Chapter 4
The train whistled loudly in the background, drowning out the laughter and chatter of the students at the platform. Sirius fixed the buttons on his jacket and walked up to the platform dragging his trunk behind him.
A new term was starting at Hogwarts; his second year.
He met his friends at the platform and seeing them spread a great smile on his face. They always had that effect on him as they were the only people in his life he felt quite at ease with.
The only people that made him feel like family.
'These are my brothers,' he thought, 'and I'm lucky to have them. After all. there comes a time when blood relations simply lose their worth. Such a time for me has come.'
At that, he couldn't help but turn to look at his timid little brother, dressed properly in the Hogwarts Robes, bidding his parents goodbye.
Ah, how he wished perfect little Regulus could understand all that he had at such a young age. How he wished Reg would look beyond what his prejudiced family instructed.
Soon after, his eyes got caught by his brother's comrade.
Arielle Carrow. As expected.
However, she was a totally different case. Arielle was a rebel in the making. And the thought of it made him feel content somehow. Intrigued, even, by the doors of opportunities it had opened for him. Knowing there was another one undergoing quite the same as he was.
The fact of not being stuck alone in a crisis.
She caught his glance, and smiled politely, then looked away to tell Reg something.
"Oi, Sirius, train's leaving in five. You coming, or not?" He was shaken out of his reverie when James Potter yelled at him.
Realizing that he had possibly zoned out for the previous ten minutes, he grabbed his stuff and hurried along with his friends to climb onto the express.
They found themselves in the last compartment, which thankfully was empty. It was the same compartment they had met each other last year on that very day. And it had been a catastrophe of events, to say the least.
"Hey, James, remember the fiasco last year?" Sirius asked with mischief dancing in his eyes.
"You mean the fiasco that resulted in us two meeting each other?" He remarked, hazel eyes alight with the same playful glow dancing in Sirius's.
"Yeah, the fiasco which brought two little devils together and somehow got me and Peter tangled among too," Remus Lupin stated lifting his head from the book he had been reading.
"Aw, we aren't that bad Rem," Sirius playfully shoved him.
"Exactly," Peter joined in, "you aren't little devils but still cook up the worst of stunts. I mean, who puts dungbombs in cauldrons, Siri?"
"I do," he replied confidently, placing his feet on top of the seat across him, "if you want to be remembered, make a statement. That's my motto. And statements can't be made from normal stuff. You have to think out of the blue."
Remus sighed and closed the book, "I reckon you would be more remembered in school if you paid a tiny bit of attention to your homework."
"Homework is such a waste of time," he shrugged.
"Hear, hear," James and Peter raised their wands in agreement while Remus simply shook his head.
"I have no idea what you lot are going to do in your OWLs," he stated.
"We'll see about it when the time comes or else, you're always gonna be there for tutoring," James spoke then suddenly as if struck by an idea, he turned to face Sirius, "Guess what, I'm trying out for Quidditch this year."
His face, too, broke into a wide grin, "Great, count me in too."
"Bet we'd get selected."
"Anything you say."
"Based on the flying lessons you took last year, I'd say it's a flat 80% chance for your selection."
"In simple words, Remus agrees that we will definitely make it."
They were interrupted as the compartment door slid open, revealing the trolley witch, "Would you like some sweets from the trolley, dears? Pumpkin Pasties? Cauldron Cupcakes? Chocolate frogs?"
"A couple of all you have in here, Ma'am," James spoke, "and a few more of your mince pies. They are delicious."
He threw a bag of Bertie Bott's Beans to Sirius, a Chocolate Frogs one to Peter, and the mince pies to Remus keeping one for himself as well.
"Good day, children, have a nice journey," the witch strolled off to the other compartments.
"Guess today's going to be an unlucky day," Sirius remarked after she had gone, "the first bean was a vomit-flavored one. I was more of expecting a cherry."
"No unlucky days for us, mate," James replied, "I believe if bad luck befalls us, we will still manage to make the most of it."
"We will blow up the bad luck like Sirius blew up the apothecary," Peter added at which all four of them laughed.
"When will you stop mentioning the apothecary episode, Pete?" Remus asked.
"The second I find another massive blowout to refer to as a great stunt," he replied.
"That probably means the second we would step a foot out of the compartment," Remus stated.
"You treat us like we spell trouble all over, don't you?" Sirius asked humorously.
"You both do spell trouble all over."
"Tough luck, because you're going to be in for a lot too," James pointed out then winked at Sirius who knew exactly what his friend was implying.
Hogwarts better watch out. The troublemakers were on their way.
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