Chapter 11
Their first year at Hogwarts was almost coming to an end. The day wasn't far when the students would board the Hogwarts Express and head back home. The exams had been conducted and the results were announced as well. The Sommers twins, Arielle and Regulus had all achieved good grades.
After all, their hard work and extra study lessons in the library had surely paid off.
However, Arielle's usually cheerful demeanor seemed to dull with every passing day. It seemed as if the closer the day came for them to finally leave for the Summer Break, the worse her mood got.
Regulus understood the reason for it very well. At Hogwarts, she had her freedom and could do whatever she wanted in any way she desired. But back at home, she would not have the same independence.
Arielle was the kind of girl who loved being free and living life on her terms. She hated having to follow strict rules and regulations and so far, all she knew of her family was that they were a stern lot with rules for everything.
The only highlight for her in going home was reconciling with her twin siblings; Alecto and Amycus. The three of them were close and Arielle had received their letters and written to them frequently throughout the year.
"What are you reading?" Regulus asked when he saw her curled up in a corner of the Slytherin common room on her favorite window seat.
"Nothing, just some letters," she replied, looking up at him and scooting over to make room for him. "Alecto says she missed me a lot and wishes I return home soon."
"And what about Amycus?"
She shrugged, "He's not so expressive. But I know he'll be glad to have me back too. However, Mum and Dad would prefer me to stay here for the Summer Break as well."
"I don't think that's possible, all students have to return for the term break."
She nodded, lips puckering into a slight frown, "I know, or else I wouldn't be going back at all."
He noticed the slight bitterness in her voice, "Elle, is everything alright?"
"Yeah," she sighed softly, "I just love it here so much. It's hard to think of going back."
"You could come visit us anytime you want," he suggested, "I'm sure your parents would let you come to our place, right?"
"If they don't, then me and Sirius will come and get you ourselves," he made one last attempt to cheer her up but to no avail. She slumped deeper in the chair, her eyes narrowed as if deep in thought.
"Reg, don't you ever get bored always trying to brighten up my mood and putting up with all my nonsense?"
He shook his head and burst out laughing, "Goodness sake, Arielle, what did you have for breakfast? Why are you asking such stupid questions?"
"It's not stupid, I just want to know."
"Of course, I'm never bored of you. We've been best friends for so long now, if I won't do all I can for you then who else will?" Then suddenly as if he had remembered something, he added as an afterthought, "Siri might be your friend too but don't count on him to be this caring. He won't spend this long cheering you up because his attention span is shorter than a teaspoon."
His remark seemed to have done the trick because a smile spread on Arielle's face as she sat up and hugged him, "oh Reg, what did I ever do to deserve such a friend like you?"
He patted her head affectionately, smiling himself, "You did nothing that I know of. It's just that you happen to be very lucky."
On the second last day of school, Arielle and her friends arranged a sort of farewell picnic on the school grounds. There were not many people just Regulus, Arielle, Martha and David, a few Slytherins, Sirius Black, and of course, his gang of Marauders.
Regulus had not been so pleased to hear that the Marauders were joining their group too. But since Arielle had already invited everyone, he could do nothing about it.
The party was one memorable event though. Peter and Remus had brought a lot of the kitchen delicacies, courtesy of the house elves, James and Sirius livened up the mood with their jokes and David got acquainted with a few Slytherins over a conversation on Quidditch which was soon joined in by James as well.
Arielle seemed much better than the day before since she was surrounded by the sort of company she enjoyed. She knew it was her last day of fun for the next two months, so she wanted to make the most of it.
She was well aware that back at home, neither would she have the liberty she wanted, nor would she be able to stray from her mother's preset rules. The only highlight for her was meeting her twin siblings again.
Alecto and Amycus were the only people in her family she truly enjoyed being with. Since the three of them had never received parental love, they compromised by staying together and having each other's backs.
She was roused out of her thoughts when Sirius approached her. The party had almost finished by then and the whole group was packing up.
"It was a great idea of you to arrange a picnic," he remarked, a soft smile dancing on his face, "I had a great time today."
"I did too," she replied, "the rest of the students would be thanking me as well since I kept you guys from causing havoc through your pranks for one day."
A low rumble of laughter escaped him, "Oh I see. You sure did the whole school a favor. But don't be too pleased with yourself, we do have a massive plan for tomorrow."
"And when will you execute your massive plan of hazards?"
"After the House Cup has been awarded. I don't want to ruin Gryffindor's chance of winning this year so it will be safer to execute it when the teachers can't deduct any house points," he added with a mischievous wink.
Arielle shook her head, silently smiling, "God have mercy on us then. Just make sure your prank doesn't ruin my day."
He dipped his head in a bow lifting his non-existent hat in the same gesture which had always made her laugh before, "Your wish is my command. Besides it's a fun prank and entirely harmless, I guarantee you. Nothing that will spoil Your Majesty's day."
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