Yes, I literally did get an A++++++. Picture is attached. Great quality picture, I know.
Cuddles YOU GOT AN A++++++
It's been 3 months since you and Andy broke up. He ended it; something about needing to work out instead of make out. Not exactly sure. But as soon as he broke up with you, you went to your long-time best friend Pete. You guys have known each other since kindergarten. He comforted you, and made you feel better. Then a month later he decided to ask you out. You agreed, but it had to be a secret. Andy would get really upset, and when Andy's upset, Patrick's upset, and when Patrick's upset, Joe is upset. And we don't want to upset anyone. You've kept it a secret for two months. Here's to two more!
Pete texts you:
Hey, love. Would you like to see a movie or something? xoxo Pete
You reply:
Yeah, sure! Now?
He replies almost immediately:
Yes. I'll come pick you up!
You set your phone down. This could end terribly. Ten minutes later, you hear Pete drive in front of your house. You walk out the door, and get into his car.
"Hey, baby." He greets.
"Hi!" You reply.
Pete asks, "So...a movie?"
"I guess." You shrug, and Pete drives down the street. You arrive at the movie theater in less than 10 minutes, and get out of the car. You intertwine fingers and walk into the theater.
"I'll buy the tickets, if you'll get the popcorn and drinks?" Pete suggests.
"Okay, size preference?" You ask.
"Nope!" He replies.
Today you felt really defiant so you wore Pete's Clandestine Industries jacket. As you stood in line, you wrapped the sleeves of the jacket around your hands like Patrick does. When it is finally your turn, you order a popcorn and two drinks. You're having a bit of a hard time holding the snacks, so you run into somebody.
"Oh- sorry!" You exclaim, flicking your eyes up to the person. You have a split second of eye contact, and he seems to recognize you. You try to act like you don't know who he is.
"Y/N?" He asks. You sigh quietly.
"Hi Patrick."
"I didn't expect to see you here! Do you need help?" He asks.
"No, it's okay, I got it." You quietly say, glancing over to where Pete is hidden, watching. Suddenly a person rushes past you, knocking everything out of your hands. That's not even the worst part. Patrick recognized the Clandestine jacket.
"Oh," he laughs nervously, "did Pete give you his jacket? That's kinda weird, he loves that jacket." Patrick's eyes fill with suspicion. "Why did he give you his jacket? Y/N, is there something going on?" You stay silent, not trusting yourself to talk. You glance over at Pete, and he looks at you like he wants to help, but he can't. Finally Pete gives up, and rushes over to you. He wraps his arms around you, and kisses you softly. He looks over at Patrick. He's standing there, jaw dropped.
"You okay?" Pete asks you.
"Yes." You answer, trembling. Pete takes your hand, and walks towards the door. He holds it for you, and you both walk out. When you get into the car, Pete turns to you.
"Y/N, are you sure you're okay? You're shaking like crazy!"
You answer, "I'm just really cold..." But he doesn't believe you.
"When we get to your house, can I come in?"
"Always." And with that, Pete pulls out if the parking lot, and drives down the street. When you get home, as promised, Pete gets out and follows you in. You set your wallet and phone down on the table, and he does the same. You plop down on the couch. Pete follows you, and wraps his arms around you. You lean back on him, and he plays with your hair.
"I love you, Pete. No rule from Patrick or Andy, or even Joe, is going to stop me."
"I love you more. And I'm glad that you're starting to think that way." You sit up and turn around.
"You can't love me more than I love you!"
"Oh yes I can! I love you way more!" He says, kissing your nose.
"No," you whine, "that's impossible!" He replies to you with a soft kiss. "Pete..." You sigh.
"Yes, baby?"
"What is Patrick gonna do?"
"I don't know, but I don't care. He can deal." You relax again, but this time you play with his hair. His takes your other hand, and kisses it. He then kisses up your arm, reaches your lips and kisses you passionately. You giggle, and say, "I love you." He replies simply with another kiss, and you lean on his shoulder and close your eyes. Pete replies, "I love you, too. But I totally love you more."
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