So there you were- eighth period, art class. You went from loving this class to death to hating it with a burning passion. All because of one girl. She was nice and all, but she made you feel like dirt.
"Okay, we're going to be drawing animals today. Yes, pretty normal, but these aren't normal animals. They're mashup animals that you make up. Yes, you have to use your imaGINaTION!" Mr. Morrison announces, making an invisible rainbow in the air. You smile. You've always been pretty good at this kind of stuff. You look over at Patrick, your best friend, and nod at him with a determined face. He silently laughs, and returns the determined face. The art teacher tells you to begin, and you begin brainstorming. A cat mashup, maybe? Or a monkey? Eh. Hm...
You sketch down a few things, and look back at Patrick to see if he's started yet. He has a lost expression much like everyone else. Except for that one girl. Except for Antoinette. The girl who seems to be good at anything art: sculpting, painting, drawing, anything. She absolutely bosses it. She's hard at work already on her canvas. She seems to draw effortlessly. Simply give her a pencil, and she'll draw a masterpiece.
You push your glasses up your nose, and begin cautiously sketching your focamp; your cat, fox, and vampire mix. On the draft it's really cute, but you're scared it won't turn out like the draft. You finish the sketch, and begin shading. You look over at Antoinette. She's already painting. You curse under your breath, and receive a look from Jack Barakat, your table partner. You quietly apologize, and he just laughs.
"I've said much worse, sister." He says, pushing up your glasses for you. You blush, and return to your focamp. You've always thought that Jack has a crush on you, but he can't ever compete with Patrick. Yes, you have a crush on your best friend, but he doesn't like you back. Ever since you've met you liked him, but he's always just treated you like one of the boys.
After a full class period of sweating over your focamp, quietly cursing, and Jack laughing at you, it's finally finished. Patrick and Jack complement it, and you complement theirs; a pigaffe and a squidacow. Mr. Morrison tells everyone that they have to present theirs in front of the class and tell what they are a mashup of and its name. You decided to name yours Declan, because that just seems cute.
When it's your turn, you go up to the front of the class, giving a thumbs up to Patrick and Jack on the way.
"Mine is a focamp; a fox, a cat, and a vampire. Its name is Declan." Mr. Morrison and the class applauds, Hayley and Ash screaming that "it's so cute!"
Oh, so I can actually draw well. I didn't expect that. You thought. It's true; you always thought that your drawings looked horrible, and so you kept them hidden. You loved art class at first because everyone could draw freely without being judged. It was nice to actually believe in your drawing skills.
But then it was Antoinette's turn.
She prances up to the front of the room, and unveils her drawing.
All your confidence is thrown out the window.
Her painting is a masterpiece; every shadow perfect, every line the perfect angle.
"It's a bearaleatapus. A bear, turtle, cat, and octopus. I named it Jayy Von." She says, beaming. You cover your mouth, laughing, and turn to Jack. He's laughing with his face buried in his hands. Jayy Von is Antoinette's boyfriend, also the lead singer of a band, well, not so loved. Blood On The Dance Floor. You hear snickers from around the room, but Antoinette is oblivious. You still feel drained of confidence, but with that name, it's kinda better.
After class, Patrick grabs your hand.
"Are you okay? You looked sad after Antoinette's presentation."
"Yeah, it's just- just I feel proud of what I drew, but then she comes along and, well, makes me feel bad about it. I know, I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it."
"Okay, I'm going to tell you something..." He says, looking into your eyes. You've never really studied his eyes. They're kinda blue-ish green. They're really pretty, and you get lost in them the entire time he is talking.
"...Got it?" He finishes, tilting his head a little. It's really cute.
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Got it." You reply, still lost in his eyes. He smiles a little, and leans in. He kisses you softly, and your heart starts to race. It's like floating on a cloud. You feel weightless, and like you're in a dream. You never thought that Patrick likes you more than, you know, a friend. But obviously not. You were there, kissing in a hallway, with no one around. It was wonderful. He pulls away to breathe, and you smile at him.
"So, want me to repeat what I just said?" He asks.
"Gladly- after another kiss." You say, and you kiss again in the hallway, experiencing the same weightlessness as before. You wanted to stay like that forever.
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