Sign language is in italics!
The next morning, Adam woke up to the sound of his alarm going off, but when he tried to move he realized he was stuck under his two lovers. Tim was cradling his arm like a newborn baby whereas Austin just lay starfish style sprawled over the entire bed and everybody in it.
Without moving too much Adam tried to reach his phone to turn the alarm off, but as soon as he had shuffled away too much, something or rather somebody else moved. Adam let out a broken yelp as Tim dragged his arm back but at the same time, the motion woke Austin, who lazily groped around for the annoying noise.
Before Austin could accidentally push something from the nightstand, Adam ripped his hand free from Tim and turned the alarm off.
However, before Adam could finally free himself fully and shove his lovers away, Austin settled back onto him. The skinny man wrapped an arm around Adam's waist and lightly kissed the nearest spot of free skin he could find before he lay his head down again. Adam could only watch in fascination as Austin fell asleep again and Tim, who must've felt lonely in his sleep, scooted over and cuddled closer to them.
Mornings like these Adam didn't exactly love, but the warmth and comfort Tim and Austin provided made up for that. Just as Adam had accepted his fate and was ready to wait for either Tim or Austin to wake up, Tim's 'alarm' started and literally shook the entire bed. A broken sigh left Adam's throat as he reached out and held the lamp on their nightstand still so it wouldn't fall down.
"Why can't he have one of these nice and calming light alarms?" Austin groaned against Adam's chest before he tried to cover his ears up and wait for the bedquake to end. "No, no. Timmy needs that violent alarm or otherwise he is unable to get out of bed."
Adam smiled at Austin's sour mood and hugged his skinny body closer. Thankfully the bed stopped to shake soon afterward as the alarm set itself to snooze. Adam then watched Tim groggily get up and turn that machine off. He then marched over to Adam and gave him a quick kiss before he turned a complaining Austin over and gave the skinny one a kiss as well.
Eventually, Austin's whining stopped and he slid from Adam's body, who then had never hurried so much to get out of bed in his entire life.
Adam ran past Tim to the bathroom and locked the door behind himself before he started to breathe again. He loved both Tim and Austin dearly, but even Adam's bladder could only hold so much for so long when somebody lay atop of it.
After he finished his morning routine, Adam stepped out of the bathroom and was greeted by an amazing smell. Like a puppy did he follow the smell to the kitchen where Tim stood in front of their stove and was making fresh pancakes.
But before Adam reached the table something out of the corner of his eyes caught his attention. Slowly, he crept over to the window and drew the curtain slightly back, just so he could see their front yard. Two girls were climbing over their fence while one already stood in their garden and was lifting her shirt over her head.
With a slightly disgusted expression, Adam let go of the curtain and got his phone out to text their security guard, who thankfully lived close by. When he looked up from his phone he saw Tim giving him a curious glance.
"Austin's fans are crazy," he signed and Tim didn't look any bit more enlightened than before. "There are some in our front yard. Again."
"Man, what happened to private space these days," Tim then asked out loud just as Austin came into the room.
"And why do they undress for a blind man?" Adam added and waited for Tim to repeat that out loud so Austin could hear him.
"Ah, pancakes and crazy fans in the morning," Austin smiled, but embarrassment filled his voice. "Maybe make a few more pancakes for the security guard?"
A frown formed across Adam's features before he translated what Austin had said to Tim. "We don't have time for that," he then added.
Both Austin and Adam sat down, but the later kept on watching Tim.
"Oh right," Tim breathed out as if he had just remembered something and started to give Adam and Austin each a full plate before he sat down with one as well. "We have an interview in like two hours."
"Better be quick then," Austin said obviously only then remembering the interview as well and Adam translated it after he had shoved the first spoonful of pancake into his mouth. Of course, Tim agreed wholeheartedly, but he as well was busy with his breakfast already.
They ate in silence until loud noises from the garden interrupted them. Initially, Tim was confused by Austin and Adam's reaction, but in the end, none of them stood up to witness the security guard getting rid of their unwanted guests.
Instead after they finished Austin went for the shower, Tim got dressed and Adam tried to fix his hair up in a ponytail, but he failed miserably. He hadn't started to wear his hair like that long ago so he had very little experience with it and then had to ask Austin to help him. Austin, as blind as he was, was much better in terms of fixing hair in different styles than any of them would've thought originally.
Once they were all done and ready to go out, they left their house and locked the door in case other fans decided to stop by as well.
Adam then got into the driver's seat. He waited patiently as Tim got in next to him and Austin got in the back seat.
When they drove off Adam caught a glimpse of another fan wanting to climb their fence, but the security guard, who had called some of his friends, dragged her down again.
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