Sign language is in italics!
Bright lights shone down onto a lone couple and illuminated the otherwise dark place.
A young woman with long blond hair stared up at the man in front of her. She seemingly was fighting the tears as she took half a step back and crossed her arms. The expression on her face was a mix of anger and a deep rooted sadness, however, hope shone in her eyes.
"You promised, Henry!" She called out to the man, but instead of looking at him she brushed loose strands of hair out of her face. "I thought you loved me."
The man stayed silent.
His blue eyes pierced right through her, but he didn't open his mouth. Instead, his gaze softened as he tried to get her to look at him. His hands came up to cradle her cheeks, but she shook him off and refused to even acknowledge his presence. Out of frustration, he pushed his hands into his blonde hair, which messed up his perfectly made ponytail.
Only when a broken sound escaped his throat did the woman look at him. Pure wonder was all over her face and for a moment neither one moved. She looked as if she was intensely listening to something, but the place was quiet.
When the first tear rolled down her cheek and a whispered "Oh Henry," escaped her, the man pressed their lips together. Carefully at first, as if he would hurt her with too much contact they moved against each other until the man wrapped his arms around her waist.
As soon as they broke free a ringing could be heard and the man's arms fell slack against his sides.
"Cut!" A voice yelled and finally the woman relaxed visibly. "Adam, Ericha, you guys did an amazing job."
The man, Adam, waved toward where he knew the voice came from and slowly walked away from the set. He walked towards the director, but Adam's face lightened up when he saw his manager and brother, Chris, stand next to him.
"You were awesome," his brother signed and Adam couldn't help but smile. The director, however, didn't pay attention to them and was staring at the little screen right in front of him.
"You're not mute," Adam answered his brother, but he wasn't offended. "You know you can talk to me."
In fact, Adam truly was the only one in his entire family whose vocal chords for some reason were crippled. Although Chris wasn't the only family member that had bothered to learn sign language for him, Chris was the only one that wanted to communicate with him fully that way and Adam was thankful for that.
"Adam, honey," the director said suddenly and waited then until Adam paid attention to him. "I think this is it. We're done with your scenes."
A wide smile spread over Adam's face as Chris started to clap. He then watched as the director stood up and waved the entire film crew over to them.
"Everybody, gather around!" the director shouted with a huge smile on his face. "It's a wrap for Adam Rupp on 'Speak Up'! Our male lead is done with all his scenes, you guys better give him a very noisy goodbye!"
Loud cheers erupted from the crowd around them. A few people were clapping and whistling because Adam truly was a very famous person nowadays and they loved working with him. Even though he couldn't speak, he was a well-respected actor and had a new album coming up with his band. Yet, it was well-known that Adam had gotten a name along two other disabled people.
One was Tim Foust, a deaf man with an incredibly deep voice and the other one was Austin Brown, who was born blind but was blessed with angelic looks. The trio had gotten popular overnight, but very few people knew that all three of them were in a polyamorous relationship.
Adam happily joined with the clapping before he quickly signed his thanks. "Everybody, I'm so grateful to have been able to spend this time with you. Thank you!" Chris translated and the cheers just got louder and louder. Only when the crowd calmed down did Adam wave them goodbye and left the set.
He was all alone when he got into his car and drove home because Chris still had to sort out a few things as his manager.
The trio lived a bit outside of town, but still in an area where people had security systems and as he drove through the streets he made sure nobody followed him. Well, so far nobody had ever followed him, but because a few crazy fans had found out where he lived, he was always careful.
Once Adam arrived and got out of the car, he slowly made his way over to their front door. The front door already held a few hints that disabled people lived in that house, but these were small details nobody ever noticed.
Adam then entered his home, threw his shoes off and went to the living room. He could already hear Austin saying something to Tim, but once he got closer to them, Austin's voice had subsided and Tim was staring at his phone.
"No, they really don't rhyme," Austin told the phone and waited for his words to get translated to text so that Tim could read it. It appeared like they were arranging a song, which always was a challenge, but somehow, in the end, it always worked out.
Both men were sitting around their dining table and had loose paper laying all over it. However, right in front of Tim was their laptop with the handy function to read typed text out loud.
On silent soles did Adam creep to Austin and draped his arms over the skinnier man's shoulders. He then pressed a kiss to the top of Austin's head, before he intertwined one of his hands with one of Tim's.
"Look who is back," Tim said and gave Adam a dazzling smile.
"Who? I can't see. Stranger, you have to speak up," Austin joked and leaned into Adam's touch.
Tim stares at Austin's lips and Adam knew he was trying to find out what his lover had just said. To help him, Adam decided to show him not to worry about it, which is why he pressed a kiss to Tim's lips.
He then freed his hand and took both of Austin's in his. That way Adam could sign and Austin then guessed by the movements what Adam wanted to say. Of course, he could just let Tim translate it, but Adam didn't feel like letting go of his skinny lover.
"I. Got. Done. Sooner. Than I thought," Austin slowly guessed and when Adam held his thumb up Austin laughed. "I am. Free. For. The week."
"Sweet," Tim interjected and Austin nodded in agreement before he brought Adam's hand to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss on it.
Of course, their relationship was not exactly normal, but none of them minded and outside of the people allowed into their home nobody knew about it.
Their only problem sometimes was the communication.
Tim could read lips but not perfectly so he often relied on Adam translating everything or technology doing that job.
Austin could neither write normal letters nor was he able to see Adam's signs so he often relied on Tim saying out loud what Adam signed or the computer reading typed in things out.
Still with these problems and their different methods of solving them, these three had managed to hold a healthy relationship for more than three years already.
OT3, you guys!! It's happening!!!
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