Let me do this, please.
Simon's POV
"So, long, little buddy..."
"What was that, Aniki?"
I hurried and got Lagann off of Gurren, and hopped out of Lagann. The canopy to Gurren seemed to open on my unconscious will. What I saw next, terrorized me.
In the cockpit of Gurren, was a Tattooed, Well-built man who goes by the name of Kamina, the leader of the once Team Gurren; now Team Dai-Gurren, or as I like to call him, my Aniki.
His body was limp and leaned forward towards the floor, while his arms were tangled around the handles controlling the gunmen.
On his face was a trail of blood, and a peaceful smile. As for his front torso, a giant hole leaking out blood by the second. The hole of which was caused by one of the four generals of the Spiral King, the now deceased Thimylph the Raging Flame.
I could only think of one thing to say at the time, or rather shout.
Yoko's POV
While we were all cheering, where was a loud yell that sounded like it came from the Dai-Gunzan, not only that, but it sounded like Simon yelling, Aniki.
We all started to run towards the Gunman, with me breaking first, only to be stopped, by a sight none of us wanted to see.
There was Simon, kneeling on the ground. In his arms, a silhouette of a person was made out of it. But it wasn't any person. It was Kamina.
He a hole in his stomach leaking out blood, and a small smile on his face. I ran over to Simon, putting a hand on his shoulder, hoping for what I saw wasn't true. Hoping that he was still alive.
He looked back up to me, with a hint of guilt in his eyes, while shaking his head to tell me what the worst has come.
Kamina Giha, the leader of Team Dai-Gurren, the love of my life, was dead.
I clutched my face as tears started to run down my cheeks. Everyone had an expression similar, even Kittan.
Dayakka and Kidd came over and pried Kamina away while Simon was still holding onto him.
Both POV's
Even though we had won, it still felt like a loss for Team Dai-Gurren.
Timeskip: 5 and a half days later
Simon's POV.
It has been 132 hours since that day. No one will talk to me nor even look at me. If they did, it would be to punch me in the face or to tell me that I'm a coward. They all hate me, but I don't blame them though, for I deserve it.
I let him die before my eyes. If only I could've got that thought out of my head, he still would be with us. But, it didn't. And he chose to snap me out of it, and doing so, had got him killed.
I heard a few voices in the hallway.
"He's a wimp."
"He let him die."
None of them shook me except for one.
"I wish he would be gone. That way we wouldn't have to worry about him being in our way anymore."
So that was how she felt about me. That was how Yoko, the girl of whom I had a crush on, and who was like my big sister in a matter, had thought of me.
But once again, I don't blame her or any of them for saying what they did. I killed the one she loved. I killed the one they all looked up to. And besides, it's easier to have someone to hate, that way you could release your anger out on them without having to bottle it all up inside.
So, one day, I decided to end it all. All their pain and suffering, all their hatred. They can find someone else to pilot Lagann, and someone else to lead them.
I opened the door and walked to the kitchen.
Yoko's POV
"Kittan! Be careful with that!" I shouted at him. It was the Black Siblings turn to make dinner, and I decided to help. As we're all cooking, Kittan stabbed the knife into the counter in an angry matter.
I looked at him as he was glaring at the door. I followed his gaze, and saw what the problem was.
The kid that let Kamina die-no, killed Kamina, was at the door. That kid was none other than Simon.
He walked over to the counter, but was interrupted by a fist to his face from Kittan. "What the hell do you want runt?!" He yelled as he sent another punch. Simon did nothing to dodge and let the fist hit him again, stumbling a little bit from the force.
"I was about to do something, but before I do it all, I want to talk to Yoko alone." He replied, his voice sounding empty.
They all walked out of the room while shoving him around. In seconds, it was just him and me. "So, what is so important that you need to tell me." I spat at him.
"Yoko, you hate me right?" He asked.
He's joking right? "Of course I do! You killed the one we all looked up to! You were the one who killed Kamina. How could I not hate you?! I just want you to be gone!" I shouted.
He didn't even looked fazed by my words. "Thank you for telling me. Yoko, I have one more thing, you are now the new leader of Team Dai-Gurren, and find someone to pilot Lagann, I don't care even if you do it or not. You won't be hearing from me." He finished throwing his core drill at me.
I caught it and just turned back to my cooking. As he walked away, I had a few thoughts running on my mind. Why would he give me the roll of being leader? What did he meant by find someone to pilot Lagann?
I was taken out of my thoughts by Kittan asking me, "Hey Yoko, do you know where the knife went?" "No, I don't" "I swear I just put it down right here. It's almost as if it disappeared." He said.
That's when realization hit me.
Simon sounding so lifeless.
"Dammit!" I shouted as ran from the kitchen. I ignored Kittans calls for me and continued running to his bedroom.
I reached it and looked around in his room, only to find nothing nor any sign of him. I ran back out, and Rossiu told me that there was someone on the deck. "Thanks!" I shouted as I ran to the hangar.
"Please don't let it be too late!" I pleaded as I made it outside.
As I was running, I saw a silhouette of Simon's body with a knife in his hand with the blade nearing the throat.
"SIMON! DON'T DO IT!" I shouted as I kept running. The blade was touching his skin, some blood drawing from it, but it stopped. It dropped to the ground as Simon fell to his knees.
I ran up behind him and embraced him into a hug from his backside.
"Simon. What were you thinki-" I started but was soon interrupted.
"Why?" He asked. His voice sounding dead. No emotion at all came from him. While he held the knife at his throat he had no tears or sign of regret. When he gave me the core drill and told me I was new leader, he had no second thought nor did he have any sign of caring at all.
"Why did you save me?" He asked, his voice still dead, his eyes even looked dead. "You and everyone else told me to disappear, and as I try to do so, you save me. Why? You should be angry at me! I killed the one you loved, and yet you still save me! Why?!"
Then it all hit me. Why he was acting the way he was. He was also grieving over Kamina's death. Not only that, but as well as his parent's death as well.
He was grieving more than anyone else. His parents died from an earthquake and he blamed himself for it. The only one he had to look up to was Kamina, and now he's gone and he was blaming himself for it as well.
"Simon. What I said was a little over board. I never meant any of it. None of us did. We were all upset over his death and the only one to turn on was the last person who saw him die. And that was you. If this is about your parents and Kamina, none of them were your fau-" I was soon cut off again from Simon.
"You're wrong! Their death's were my fault my parents died saving me because I ran out of the house for some late night digging. And the only person I had to look up to was Kamina. But during that fight, I let myself get corrupted by one damn thought and he came and snapped me out of it! By doing so he lost his own life. So it's my fault that all of them are dead! I'm a cancer, Yoko. Everyone who comes close to me dies. So please... let me do this." He said, voice trembling.
He was going through all this guilt that no one should have to carry, that no one should even think of carrying.
As he bent down to grab the knife I swatted off the edge and hugged him tighter.
"Simon. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. No one should be dealing with what you have dealt with. You were beating yourself up while we were ganging up on you and you did nothing to stop us. I know you want to but please! You are not a cancer! Don't kill yourself! You have to live! And if not for them, then live for me! DON'T DO THIS SIMON! YOU ARE ALL I HAVE LEFT! Please don't leave me all alone." I pleaded, as tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Simon's POV
I couldn't move due to shock of what she said. She... needed me? No she must be kidding. But is she? I mean, she kicked the knife off of the Dai-Gurren, and she's hugging me real tight to prevent me from doing anything.
"Why? Why do you want me to live?" I asked her.
"Because, I care about you. *hic* I don't want you to do this, Simon. So please, just continue living." She was crying, because I caused her more pain. She's crying, because of me.
"Yoko. I'll do it. I'll live, for you. And I'm sorry I caused you to cry again."
Yoko's POV
I hugged him tighter. "Thank you Simon. Thank you."
Time skip: Two hours later
After we got Simon cleaned up, I decided to get myself clean too.
I turned on the bath as I started to undress myself.
Time skip: after Yoko's bath (You sick bastards 😂😂)
After I took my shower, I went back to Simon's room to find him back into his dead-like state.
"Simon, do you want anything?" I asked. He didn't answer, but his stomach did.
"I'll go get you some dinner okay, Simon? And don't you dare try to do anything suicidal while I'm gone, you got that?"
"Yoko, I told you that I'll keep living. And besides, leave out you and the only ones who came to check up on me were Rossiu, Gimmy and Darry. Do I still want to die? Yes, yes I do. Will I take the cowards way out? No, because I promised you that I wo-" I cut him off.
"I don't want you to keep living just for me, Simon. I want you to keep living for you. For your parents. For your brother." I told him.
His body stiffened, then relaxed. "I-I'll try." He stuttered, which was a good thing. "Good. I'll be back, Simon."
I walked out of his room to head to the kitchen.
Once I got there, Kittan came up to me. "So did you find my knife?" He asked. "I did, but I kicked it off the edge to stop a certain kid from killing himself." I answered.
"What, Simon tried to kill himself? What a coward. Can't handle all the guilt on his shoulders-" I stopped him from talking by kicking him to the other side of the room.
"SHUT UP! You don't know what he had been through and what he has seen so stop talking like you know him! He knew Kamina better than any of us and he feels like it was all his fault! Not only has he carried around the guilt of his brother's death, but also the death of his parents! He is over there saying that he killed his parents and his brother. He's blaming himself for it, and when we are supposed to be cheering him up, we are making the guilt worse! So shut up!" I yelled at him.
"How did his parents die?" He asked with guilt in his voice.
"They died in an earthquake caused by the beastmen. He said that he is the cause of their death because he went out for some late night digging and they had saved him but it costed their lives. Just like with Kamina. And they were brothers." I answered.
"I never knew that he went through all that and blamed himself for it." Kiyoh said.
"He was grieving just like us, no, he was grieving more than us." Kinon said.
"And we just blamed him and beat him up for it." Kiyahl followed.
"Damn kid. Why didn't he tell us any of this. If he did, then none of us would've treated him the way we did. Man, no one should have to see everyone they look up to die before their very eyes." Kittan soon replied.
"And the worst part, he gave me the core drill to Lagann and position of leading Team Dai-Gurren. He also said before walking back out that we wouldn't hear from him again." I soon say.
"We're terrible people." In unison we all say.
"Well, that kid won't have to be suicidal no more. For we, The Black Siblings, will help him get over this pain and guilt. Right?" Kittan suggested.
They all cheered and I continued to pack some food for the dead-man walking.
Once I was done, the Black Siblings and I went to Simon's room to find him not there.
"Shit! Where'd he go?" I yelled and right then I hear the sound of water running in the bathroom. We look over and see Simon walk out of the bathroom while sighing.
"Oh, Yoko, you're back. And let me guess, you guys are here to knock me up some more? I'm not surprised if you are." He said while back in his dead like state. Dammit, just when I thought I brought him back a little bit, he goes back to being like that.
"Actually, Simon, we're here to apologize for the way we've been treating you lately. We had no idea what you went through with your parents and we were in the heat of the moment when Kamina died. So we, The Black Siblings, are sorry." Kittan announced.
When I looked back at Simon, his eyes were widened in shock and his mouth slightly agape.
Simon's POV
No words could be said for how shocked I am. Them, apologizing to me, when they were just shoving me around and made me their punching bag.
I snapped myself out of my trance and let out a breath I didn't know was held in. "Thanks, you guys. Really. But, why would you forgive me so soon. Hell, I'm surprised that you aren't trying to kill me now for me trying to kill myself." I laughed and smiled slightly, something I haven't done for a while now.
"Why, because if we knew about this earlier, about what you've been through and seen, we would, but, we don't want to make you more depressed than you are already. You don't need that. And, Simon, little bastard, younger soul brother of Kamina, The Digger, or whatever, I'm glad you smiled and laughed. Even if it was a little. It still proves that you're coming back to us. Also, don't continue living just for Yoko or us, continue living for yourself and your brother. Because, who knows what'll happen in the future, we might need you to kill the Spiral King and another strong foe like the Anti-Spiral King or something. But we need you to lead us. We need you because there is no one else like Kamina or yourself who will be able to pull a plan out of their ass in mere seconds or who gets as angry as you." Kittan answered.
I look over to Yoko, and she has a tear trying to escape her eye. I look back to Kittan, Kiyoh, Kinon, and Kiyahl . "Alright. And besides, I don't want you to be grieving by not only Kamina, but for me as well. I will continue living."
They all cheered as Dayakka came in and asked what was going on. Once he saw me, he came over and gave me a tight bear hug. He too, apologized as the rest of Team Dai-Gurren came in and followed suit.
Soon Leeron shouted louder than anyone, "SIMON! THERE'S SOMEONE WAITING FOR YOU ON THE DECK!"
"I'll be there!" I shouted and ran out with Yoko and Kittan following my trail.
When we got to the deck, Rossiu was there telling me to take Lagann and find out what the strange signal is.
Yoko threw me the keys as I jumped into the cockpit of Lagann, and headed out to where it looked like a grave sight.
I saw a gunmen throw a crate off the hill and walk away as the crate slid down to my Lagann. It had a hole and was glowing just like how Lagann and my core drill were. I took out said object and, sure enough, it was glowing as well.
I brought said drill to the crate and opened it. There was a blinding light coming from said crate and inside was a girl with long colorful hair.
She opened her eyes, sat up, and walked out of the box.
She grabbed my face and said, "How is it that you are like me?"
"Well it's only natural because I'm a human. Like you."
"Like me? Tell me, what is your name?"
"I'm Simon. And you are?"
"I'm Nia. Nice to meet you, Simon."
And that ends this one-shot shit. I looked for Gurren Lagann fanfics and I only saw a few and some of them were discontinued and one of them, were complete. So I decided to make this one shot because, why not? I am a fan of Gurren Lagann and want to see the movies that came out for it. Anyways, if you think that I'm doing a fanfic for which I don't even know where it's from, Who the Hell do you think I am?!
See you soon, you beautiful bastards!
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