~ Winterfell ~
Far away in Winterfell, the ancestral seat of House Stark, four young members of the family stood in the courtyard, as Brandon, the second youngest Stark son, practiced archery.
The Stark daughters were inside with their Septa and other daughters of the noble houses, practicing embroidery.
Unaware to the boys in the courtyard, Ned Stark. The current Lord of Winter and Warden of the North, stood on the balcony with his wife, Catelyn, observing them.
After Bran missed another shot, his brothers chuckling, Lord Stark decided to make his presence known.
"And which one of you was a marksman at ten?" Clearly he was referring to his two eldest as young Rickon, the baby of the family, was only six. "Keep practicing Bran. Go on."
With that, Bran nocked another arrow and prepared to fire.
"Don't think too much Bran," his older half brother, Jon Snow, told him.
"Relax your bow arm." His eldest brother, Robb, instructed.
Just as he was about to fire, another arrow hit the bullseye before he could, causing them all to turn around.
Behind them stood Arya, the youngest Stark daughter and Bran's older sister. She gave them a mock courtesy before fleeing as she saw Bran running in her direction.
It was as Arya and Bran were running about the courtyard, that Lord and lady Stark were approached by Rodrik Cassel, the Master At Arms and Theon Greyjoy, Lord Stark's ward.
"What is it?" Lord Stark asked.
"The guardsmen just returned from the hills. They've captured a deserter from the Night Watch."
Lord Stark sighed, as did his wife.
Both knew what this meant.
He would have to sentence this man to death. The oath of the Night Watch was set in stone and could only be released by death.
Lord Stark's younger brother, Benjen, was a member, a ranger.
He would also be bringing along his sons.
"Get the lads to saddle their horses." He looked at his wife before adding, "And tell Bran he's coming too."
With that, Ser Rodrik and Theon walked off.
"Ned. Ten is too young to see such things."
"He won't be a child foreveir. And Winter is coming."
The famous words of House Stark.
~ Hilltop ~
Ned Stark, accompanied by his sons and ward, as well as half a dozen guardsmen, stood awaiting the deserter.
As he was dragged by two guards, muttering to himself, he was placed in front of Lord Stark.
Those in attendance couldn't decipher what he had been mumbling, but what they did hear was "White Walkers".
The white walkers were an ancient tale passed down through each generation.
No one alive had seen them, not that it was likely whoever did came back alive.
Lord Stark stood face to face with the disheveled man, who slowly raised his head.
"I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know." He paused, looking down. "If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."
Ned gave him a small nod before two guards forced the man to his knees, placing his head on the log, used specifically for this purpose.
"In the name of King Robert Baratheon, first of his name..." Ned began, bowing his head over his sword, Ice.
"Dont look away," Jon whispered to Bran. "Father will know if you do."
"King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I hereby sentence you to die." Ned concluded, pausing momentarily, before swinging his sword, detaching the man's head from his body.
Young Bran had slightly flinched, but not torn his eyes from the sight.
"You did well," Jon told him before walking away, Robb pulling his younger brother from the sight.
Ned handed his sword off to one of his guardsmen before approaching his son.
"Do you understand why I did that?" He asked.
"Jon said he was a deserter."
"But do you understand why I had to kill him?"
"Our way is the old way?"
"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"Is it true he saw the White Walkers?" Bran asked his father.
"The White Walkers have been gone for thousands of years."
"So he was lying?"
"A madman sees what he sees."
~ Later ~
As the men were on their way back to Winterfell, they happened an animal carcass.
"What is that?" Jon asked.
"Mountain Lion?" Theon guessed.
"There are no mountain lions in these woods." Ned told them.
A noise from a little ways down the hill had distracted them.
Jon and Bran happened upon another indistinguishable animal carcass.
Ned, Robb and the others followed shortly after.
The animal was apparently female as there were pups lingering around its stomach, seemingly searching for food.
"It's a freak," Theon said.
"It's a direwolf, " Ned corrected, sharing a look with the captain of his guardsmen, Jory Cassel, nephew of Ser Rodrik Cassel. "Tough old beast," he continued, pulling the stag's antler from its throat.
"There are no direwolves south of the wall," Robb insisted.
"Now there are five," Jon told them. He picked one of them up. "Do you want to hold it?" He passed the wolf to Bran, who hesitantly took it.
"Where will they go? Their mother's dead." Bran asked.
"They don't belong down here," Ser Rodrik said.
"Better a quick death," Ned told them. "They won't last without their mother."
"Right. Give it here." Theon rushed forward, pulling out his blade.
"No!" Bran hollered as he watched his father's ward prepare to slaughter the innocent pup.
"Put away your blade," Robb told him, disgust evident in his voice.
"I take orders from your father, not you," Theon bit back.
"Please father," Bran pleaded.
"I'm sorry Bran," he told his son, beginning to walk away.
"Lord Stark, there are five pups. One for each of the Stark children. The direwolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them."
Ned could feel the eyes on him. "You will train them yourselves. You will feed them yourselves. And if they die, you will bury them yourselves." With that, he retreated, followed, closely by his guards.
Theon relinquished the pup to Bran, who coddled it, as Jon handed more pups to his half brother and father's ward.
Bran, seeing Jon without a pup of his own asked, "What about you Jon?"
"I'm not a Stark. " He replied, simply before ushering his brother ahead.
It was true. Despite looking perhaps the most like a Stark, Jon was not one in name. He was the product of an affair his father had during the Rebellion.
As they all moved to climb the hill, Jon paused at the sound of a whimper.
It appeared to be coming from a nearby tree.
"What is it?" Robb asked.
Jon bent down, reappearing with another wolf pup. Only this one had pure white fur and blood red eyes.
"The runt of the litter. That one's yours , Snow." Theon jested.
Without any more words, they all followed after their father and lord.
~ Winterfell ~
Upon returning to Winterfell, the remaining children excitedly had their choice of the pups as their father retreated to the Godswood to clean his sword.
"All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here."
"You have five Northern children. You're not ab outsider."
"I wonder if the Old Gods agree."
"It's your Gods with all the rules," Ned jested. Unlike him, his wife was devout to the Seven.
"I'm so sorry, my love."
Ned look up at his wife who stood wearing a frown. 920
"Tell me."
"There was a raven from Kings Landing. Jon Arryn is dead. A fever took him. I know he was like a father to you."
"Your sister... the boy..." Catelyn's sister, Lysa, was married to Jon Arryn and had a son, Robin.
"They have their health. Gods be good." She paused. "The raven brought more news. The king rides for Winterfell with the Queen and the rest of them."
A silent look was shared between husband and wife. Both knew this would be no ordinary visit.
The king was coming because he wanted something. What, they couldn't be certain, not until he arrived. Though both had a pretty good idea the reason behind the visit.
"He's coming this far North, there'sonly one thing he's after."
With a silent agreement, Catelyn left her husband in the Godswood to return to her duties as Lady of Winterfell.
With the impending arrival of the royal family, much needed to be done, and it was up to her to ensure it was.
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