Elsewhere in the Vale, Tyrion Lannister and Bronn were walking along a forest path. Tyrion was whistling.
"Will you shut up? There's hill tribes all around here." Bronn told him.
"If I'm going to die, it may as well be with a song in my heart."
"I should just take your food and leave you here. Eh? What would you do then?"
"Starve, most likely." Tyrion told him, matter of factly.
"You don't think I'd do it, do you?"
They both stopped walking, Tyrion turning to face Bronn.
"What do you want, Bronn? Gold? Women? Golden women? Stick with me and you'll have them all, for as long as I'm around and not for a moment longer."
Tyrion resumed walking while Bronn looked slightly annoyed.
"But you knew that. That is why you so valiantly took up arms to defend my honour."
There was a brief pause between the two.
"Fair enough. But don't go looking for me to bend the knee and "My Lord" you every time you take a shit. I'm not your toady and I'm not your friend."
"Though I would treasure your friendship, I'm mainly interested in your facility with murder. And if the day ever comes when you're tempted to sell me out, remember this: whatever their price, I'll beat it. I like living." Tyrion told him sarcastically before resuming his whistling.
A while later, Tyrion and Bronn had set up camp and are shown by a campfire where a dead goat was roasting over it. Noises could be heard nearby.
"Tyrion....Tyrion..." Bronn whispered, trying to catch the man's attention, without alerting what was making the noise.
Tyrion remained asleep.
He kicked at Tyrion, who finally woke up. He heard the noises too and alertly got up. Bronn drew his sword. Suddenly, members of the hill tribes emerged from out of the forests towards their camp. Tyrion, looking worried, got behind Bronn, who still had his sword out. The tribesmen had gotten closer now.
"Come, share our fire. Help yourselves to our goat." Tyrion offered, in an attempt to appease them.
Who appeared to be the tribe leader, approached Tyrion and Bronn, carrying a large axe. Tyrion once again got behind Bronn.
"When you meet your Gods, you tell them Shagga, son of Dolf, of the Stone Crows sent you."
"I am Tyrion, son of Tywin, of Clan Lannister."
"How would you like to die, Tyrion, son of Tywin?" Shagga asked.
There was a tense pause as Tyrion looked nervous.
"In my own bed, at the age of 80 with a bellyful of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock."
Shagga lauged out loud Tyrion, Bronn, and the other tribesmen all joining in.
"Take the halfman. He can dance for the children."
Tyrion's smile immediately faded.
"Kill the other one."
The tribesmen advanced on Bronn, who pulled out his dagger in addition to his sword. Tyrion suddenly darted out from behind Bronn.
"No no no no no! My, my House is rich and powerful. If you see us through these mountains, my father will shower you with gold."
"We have no use for a halfman's promises."
"Half a man maybe, but at least I have the courage to face my enemies. What do the Stone Crows do? Hide behind rocks and shiver when the knights of the Vale ride by? Are those the best weapons you could steal?"
Shagga looked at his axe.
"Good enough for killing sheep, if the sheep don't fight back. Lannister smiths shit better steel."
Shagga swung at Tyrion with his axe, managing to cut his cheek. "You think you can win us over with your trinkets?"
Tyrion wiped the blood from the cut on his face, then took off one of his rings and handed it to Shagga.
"That trinket is worth more than everything your tribe owns. But if you help us, Shagga, son of Dolf, I will not give you trinkets. I will give you this." Tyrion made a gesture indicating the whole forest.
"What is "this"?" Shagga imitated the gesture.
"The Vale of Arryn."
Shagga was clearly intrigued.
"The lords of the Vale have alwys spat upon the hill tribes. The lords of the Vale want me dead." He grinned. "I believe it is time for new lords of the Vale."
Shagga looked around the forest, a grin on his face.
[Tywin Lannister's War Camp]
After a long trek, Tyrion and Bronn, accompanied by Shagga and the other hill tribesmen, arrived at his father's war camp in the Riverlands.
"From here it might be best if Bronn and I continue alone."
"Best for Tyrion, son of Tywin. Not best for me." Shagga began, before turning to the other tribesmen] If the halfman betrays us, Shagga son of Dolf will cut off his manhood-"
"-and feed it to the goats, yes." Tyrion interrupted.
Bronn glances over at Shagga, an uncertain look on his face, before glancing at the camp.
"All right, then. Time to meet my father." Tyrion said nervously.
Tyrion began walking into the camp, Bronn, Shagga, and the other hill tribesmen following suit. They proceeded through the camp before finally making it to Tywin's tent. Inside, Tywin was sitting at a table and talking with his brother, Ser Kevan Lannister.
As soon as Tyrion's party entered the tent, both Tywin and Kevan looked up, Tywin clearly less than thrilled to see Tyrion.
"Tyrion..." His Uncle Kevan greeted.
"Uncle. Father."
Tyrion stood before his father, Bronn, Shagga, and two other tribesmen, Timett and Chella, joining him.
"The rumors of your demise were unfounded." Tywin said, causing his son to look irked.
"Sorry to disappoint you..."
Tywin glanced at Bronn and the hill tribesmen, still looking a bit irritated.
"And who are these...companions of yours?" He asked his son.
"This is Shagga, Son of Dolf, Chieftain of the Stone Crows."
Tywin and Shagga briefly stared each other down.
"Timett, Son of Timett, ruler of the Burned Men.
Now, Tywin and Timett stared each down.
"This fair maid is Chella, daughter of Cheyk, leader of the Black Ears."
Tywin glanced at Chella dismissively.
"And here we have Bronn, son of..."
"You wouldn't know him." Bronn interrupted.
Tywin continued to look over Tyrion's companions while Kevan looked uncertain and closed his eyes exasperatedly.
"May I present My Lord Father: Tywin, son of Tytos, of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West." Tyrion told his companions before turning to his father. "Kind of you to go to war for me."
Tyrion reached for one of the glasses on the table, but Tywin snatched it away, putting it out of Tyrion's reach.
"You left us no choice. The honor of the House was at stake. Your brother would nevr have submitted to capture so meekly...."
"We have our differences, Jaime and I. He's braver. I'm better looking." Tyrion joked.
"He's been covering himself in glory!" Tywin shouted.
"Jaime smashed the Riverlords at the Golden Tooth, and now lays siege to Riverrun, Catelyn Stark's homeland." Kevan informed him.
"And the Starks? Lord Eddard?" Tyrion asked.
"- is our hostage. He will lead no armies from his dungeon cell." Tywin told his son, smirking slightly.
"How did my sweet sister persuade the King to imprison his dear friend Ned?" Tyrion asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Robert Baratheon is dead. Joffrey rules in King's Landing."
Tyrion looked shocked, turning to his Uncle Kevan, who nodded, confirming the news. He looked from his uncle back to his father.
"My sister rules, you mean...?"
"Stark's son has called his banners. He moves south with a strong host." Kevan informed them.
"A green boy. One taste of battle and he'll run back to Winterfell with his tail between his legs." Tywin said, dismissively.
"Maybe....though the boy does have a certain belligerence. You'd like him." He paused briefly. "While we're on the subject of war, I made promises to my friends here, and a Lannister always pays his debts. We shall require 3,000 helms and shields, plus swords, pikes, gorgets, maces..."
A Messenger suddenly entered Tywin's tent, interrupting Tyrion. He got on one knee in front of Tywin.
"If it please, my lord, Ser Addam bids me report that the Northmen have crossed the Neck."
Kevan looked at Tywin expectantly while Tywin had a look on victory on his face.
"The wolf rushes into the lion's jaws. So be it." He abruptly stood up. "Kevan, command the drummers beat assembly. And send word to Jaime that I am moving against Robb Stark."
"At once, my lord." He left the tent to do as ordered.
Tywin then approached the hill tribesmen before standing directly in front of Shagga.
Tyrion took this opportunity grab the jug of wine on the table.
"It is said that the men of the Mountain clans are great warriors. Ride with me against my enemies and you shall have all my son promised you and more." Tywin told Shagga.
"Only if the halfman fights with us. Until we hold the steel he pledged us, the little lion's life is ours." Shagga said.
Tyrion glanced over at the hill tribesmen nervously. He then glanced at his father, who turned around and looked back. Tyrion looked away, still startled.
It looked like he was going to war.
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