Chapter three
{later on, for backstory time :P}(this chapter might be a bit confusing, sorry if it is)
i sat down beside Sky, Airry, and Brandy,
"I dont remember much of my past before i met Silver..." i smiled at the name, Silver. The dragon who taught me my ice dragon slayer magic. "lets see... i know i had my mother for a while, but she had gotten sick and didnt make it, im not sure i had siblings..." i put my hand to my chin in thought. i thought for a minute,
"nope dunno... but maybe a week after her death i ran away from home, i was maybe five but i had gotten caught up in a terrible blizzard. i couldnt see a thing, and at the time i wasnt used to the cold and acctually hated it" i laughed at that since i am an ice mage so of corse im used to the cold!
"thats when i had met sliver, he was a brilliant bluish-silver, shimmery dragon. he knew a lot about magic too, he took me in and together we lived in peace and he taught me about magic and essentials like reading and writing. one day though he said he had to leave, i wanted to go with him but he wanted me to stay. So, I did. I waited a day, a week... a month, he didn't come back, and to this day I don't know what happened to him..." Everyone sat in silence around me. i just smiled,
"its okay, i might have been the best thing to happen then!" they looked at me
"whatta ya mean, best thing for you?" Brandy said taking a sip of her drink.
"i guess i dont understand either..." Airry said takeing her hair out of its normal ponytail and twirling it in her fingers. i smiled at them, and Sky flew up onto my head
"i had a second person, a human, teach more more, simple magic." i said taking a sip " and i met my best friend, i mean other than you three" i giggled and Airry did too, Brandy sat there waiting for more of the story. "her name was Ur, she was a strong ice make wizard and she had three students before i had joined making four! there was Gray, he acted like a tough guy he had told me he lost his parents in the huge attack Deleora had created in that village. Lyon was Urs first student i didnt get to know him very well, and lastly the one who became my best friend was Kouri, she was quiet, sweet and actually was a very happy kid."
"yeah, we are both going to find strong mages and miss Kouri who i have heard about!!" sky shouted getting the whole parlors attention.
"SHHHHHHHHUUUUUSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!" The other three of us said slapping a hand over the little cats mouth and ours with a finger up to make her be quiet. (if that didn't make sense then they put their pointer fingers in front of their Mouthe's, the 'shushing' motion. and all three of them put one hand over skys mouth... that is all please continue)
"jeez, sorry" she said pushing our hands away. "ill be quieter"
*****{after the fight with Airry}*****
"dragon slayer magic"
"REALLY?!?!" Airry shouted "I've heard that magic is so rare!" i nodded and sky jumped around my feet
"it is! it is! it is~!" she shouted running around, i smiled and scooped her up and she happily flailed around in my arms before giving up and just stayed still as i held her. "Airry~ will you really join our guild when its formed?!" sky asked. i stared at airry she smiled wide
"of coarse! i would love to! i think it would be really fun!" she jumped up and stayed in the air "i like to float alot" she said floating at my level, i nodded in understanding.
"is it okay if we go to the shops in the next town over?" i asked, and she nodded
"i may know a mage who will join your guild!" she said clapping her hands, sky looked at each other exchanging smiled,
'this'll be perfect! that could mean two members in one day!'
"that is unless you have a standard?"
"hmmm, nah anyone will be welcomed" i gave a smile
'five members before i go to get the guild approved'
"whatcha thinkin' about?" sky asked, still in my arms.
"what the guild will be named" i said, she smiled
"this is the place" airry said pointing to a little stone bar
"a... bar?"
"yeah, she doesnt really drink but she comes here because her dad owns the bar"
"ohhh!" sky and i said together, airry opened the door and led us in then followed behind
"hey! no minors allowed in here!" a big guy at the bar shouted to us but airry just came in all cheery and welcoming "oh, are you with airry?" i nodded and they let us in
"is brandy here?" she asked, the guy nodded and pointed to the back and there was a girl with slightly wavy reddish hair sitting in the back of the bar with her arms behind her head and her chair leaned back against the wall and her feet were on the table. he looked relaxed though. "braaanddyyyyyy~" airrry sang running to the girl. she opened one light red eye, then both as airry pounced on her.
"hey... air..." she said and looked at me "whos dat?" i raised my hand in a small wave,
"hi... im, uh Glacia" i said looking around at everything else but her, i wanted to look at her, her eyes were red though.
' its a cool color i know but im just a little worried, we woke up a sleeping girl who looks a little pissed now and she has red eyes to top that. she looks really cool almost like a gang leader but what if she is?! now im just freaking out!'
i took a deep breath, i had nothing to worry about though, it was just one of those weird rammbling sessions i has in my head. shes pertty nice, she speaks her mind though,
"i was wondering" she asked "would ya like to tell me a lil' about ya?"
yay one sitting i wrote this, and on the computer!(i will pretty much use my phone or kindle) so im sorry for any early mistakes and this story is now officially continued by me!!! yay! anyway thank you for reading and please comment like and maybe follow? >///<
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