Chapter Seven: Where It All Began
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❝ 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘀𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜'𝗱 𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 ❞
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Sila's body was aching. And it wasn't the good kind of ache, perhaps this was the result of her using any remaining mana she had to use mercury to preserve Lydia's corpse until she could bury her. That and the fact she went through a Grand Magic Zone for probably a few days. Finally, her eyes opened and the first thing she saw was a blurry mess of a ceiling, and she attempted to get up only to feel incredibly dizzy and forced herself back down. "Oh, you're awake! Don't get up yet, you're still injured" the Royal heard a kind voice and saw the voices blurry figure rush up to her. Silalynn wasn't able to process much of what the voice did, all she could make out was that she was given a drink (which she hesitated to drink since there was a chance they could try to poison her), the voice was a that of a woman, and that she had blue hair and...was wearing a nuns attire? Sila would've rolled her eyes at that if she had enough energy, her eyes weren't able to focus so there was no way her guess was right, in fact, it hardly made sense.
A few minutes after having the drink Sila was able to get up and lean against the bed frame as her eyes finally focused. And low and behold, her guess was right, the woman was a nun. As the Royal attempted to speak her voice came out raspy and dry, however, it wasn't as bad as it would've been if she didn't drink. Finally, she managed to get out what she wanted to say, "Where am I?". The woman smiled gently and placed a hand on her shoulder, "You're in Hage Village and my name is Lily Aquaria, I'm a nun. Some of our villagers found you in the forest and decided to bring you back and asked me to help heal your injuries-"
"Wait! There was someone else with me! Do you know where she is?!" With a desperate voice and face, Sila almost leaped out of the bed only to be gently pushed back against the bed frame. Lily frowned and took Sila's hand in her own, "I'm sorry, your friend is no longer with the time the villagers got to her she was dead". Sila wanted to react, she really did, but how can you react to a truth that you've known and been forced to accept. "I...Sister Lily, I know she's dead.." Sister Lily was surprised to hear that answer but didn't interrupt as she could tell Sila wasn't finished. "I used my magic to preserve her corpse so I could give her a proper burial" her pale hands gripped the sheets as she bit her lip. Ah, of course, just because she had forced herself to accept the truth doesn't mean it doesn't upset her. She just wants to grieve.
The nun couldn't stop herself from dawning a sad expression, "The villagers that found you also buried your friend, if you'd like after you've recovered I'll take you to see her" Sister Lily explained to which Sila nodded enthusiastically. "Also what's your name?". That question made Sila internally panic, sure she was saved by these villagers but could she trust them? She's a royal, she was taught that people will use you and then backstab you. Sila quickly realized a fake name would be optimal, "I'm...Mirita...Mirita Rivière" Who knew those language lessons when she was younger would help her. Sister Lily smiled at her, "A beautiful name, if I'm not wrong your first name means 'Star of the sea'"
"Does it? I just chose the first thing that came to mind" went unsaid as she nodded. "My mother and father loved the sea and decided to name me after it, it was a coincidence that my last name means river though" she laughed as her lies spewed out. To make this convincing she had to make her story connect. Hesitantly, Sister Lily asked, "..Where are your parents now?..."
"She not making my job any easier is she" Sila faked a saddened expression. "They were killed when some people came to take me away. They wanted me as a child soldier for my magic and my parents refused and 'paid the price'",'s not exactly far from the truth. Sister Lily immediately apologized for bringing up such dark memories. Sila tried to smile but she probably still looked bitter. Sister Lily said that she had to go and perform her other duties but someone would always be nearby in case she needed help. And finally, the door closed and Sila was left alone.
"Hey did you forget about me already?" nevermind, Bune is still with her- "Wow who knew the princess could lie so easily" Sila glared at the devil and tried to get up. Of course the moment she got onto her feet she felt dizzy but it only lasted a few seconds before the feeling went away and she could walk. "I guess she was right," Sila said as Bune took a smaller form and sat on her shoulder Bune quirked a brow in confusion to which Sila addressed, "A coward did survive the longest"
"Oh stop wallowing in self-pity" the devil replied making Sila snap her head towards Bune. "From what I understand, that Lydia girl did everything she could to make sure you could get out alive and well. So stop thinking that you could've done something to stop her death. It was inevitable, Vanica would kill her if you got me, you had to get me in Lydia's eyes or you wouldn't survive" with that Sila shut up about it.
"Bune, can you take a more human form?" the devil hummed, and Sila signaled for them to do so. Bune then took the form of a girl around Sila's height, if anything they were a bit shorter. They still retained their long black hair and green eyes but had pale skin (their feet up to their knees were black and they wore no shoes), they wore what Sila recognized to be a Lolita-style dress? A strange choice of fashion since it wasn't so popular anymore but she wouldn't say anything, and they held a white umbrella with a lovely figure on top (it was like the sharp part of a spear was attached to the umbrella). "Great, this makes it easier for you to travel with me"
"I also need a fake name I presume?" Bune then made their umbrella disappear. "I'll let you pick that, after all, it's going to be your name". Bune thought for a moment before answering, "Sometimes in the underworld I was called 'Baal' but I doubt that'll work. My full name can be 'Lilith Nightingale', but it's best if we just call me 'Nightingal' or 'Gale'" Sila nodded in agreement. "And for now just stay hidden and if you are in human form call me 'Mirita' to be safe". Once their conversation was over Nightingale disappeared and Sila opened the door the leave the room and was met with a young boy with brown hair and purple eyes. He looked at her and quickly ran away further confusing her. "He's not trying to be rude, Nash is like this when he first meets someone" a voice was heard from behind her making her jump. "Pardon me, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Orsi Orfai, I'm the high priest here" Sila slightly bowed. "I'm Mirita Riviére, thank you for allowing me to stay here. I'll be leaving tomorrow so you don't have to burden yourself with me"
"No no! You were heavily injured when you were found, I insist you stay at least long enough for your wounds to heal" Father Orsi urged her to think about it. "I...alright, I shall stay until I recover" she replied hesitantly. Father Orsi smiled but just as he was allowed to leave Sila called out to him, "U-Um Father Orsi, is there a way I can help out your village. As thanks for letting me stay here, I'd like to do something for you all" Father Orsi tried to convince her that she didn't have to do anything but Sila was far more convincing. Father Orsi didn't give her anything in particular but if someone looked like they needed help then she should help them. That seemed easy enough.
She started walking around the village and her first thought was, "This village is really poor...are all villages far from the capital like this?". At first, she found people harvesting a crop and planting and tried to help them She then struggled with using a hoe with her bare hands and then momentarily gave up before using her mercury to control the tool. Her control of her magic caught the attention of the kids in the village and surprised the adults with what she was able to do with it. That night when Father Orsi and Sister Lily called her down for dinner, Sila was able to eat with people again. Although the Nomotatos were extremely dry and bland they still tasted far better than anything she got when she was in the Spade Kingdom.
"Miss Mirita" It took a second for Silalynn to register, "oh hey, that's my name" but once she did her head perked up. "Do you like the food? You haven't eaten much" Sila looked down at her plate and turned out that Father Orsi was right, she had barely eaten anything. Perhaps it was because of the taste but as couldn't just say that aloud! No, she'd be lying to herself if she said it was the taste. Back in the Spade Kingdom, she was barely given enough food to sustain herself and as a result, she became a lot thinner and her hunger would be satisfied easily. She wasn't eating more because she was full with a few bites.
"Yes Father Orsi, the food is delicious. I just haven't eaten so much in a long time so I'm satiated with a few bites" Sila explained. Father Orsi and Sister Lily then urged her to at least eat a little more because it wasn't healthy for her. Their insistence must have worked because she then ate a bit more, and while she continued to eat she realized, "They're all staring at me, aren't they?". Sila didn't want to be rude but the staring was starting to bother her so she felt inclined to address it, "Um, did I do something wrong? All of you are staring at me..". Sila then washed as a silent conversation took place as Sister Lily and Father Orsi were trying to make a decision. Sister Lily cleared her throat, "Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that... it's not our place to ask and you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, but Miss Mirita, could you tell us what happened to you? If organizations are doing these types of things we could send in a mission for the Magic Knights to investi-"
"No," Sila said leaving no room for argument, however, she quickly realized that she should elaborate. "Sorry, what I mean is that you don't have to send in a mission. I can tell how poor this village is and having me here is also making you guys use your resources on me as well. But I can tell you what happened if you wish" After saying that Sister Lily sent all the children up to their beds and then came back down to listen to her story. The royal hesitantly started to recall her time in the Spade Kingdom, "I was going out to look for some herbs when I came across people trying to kidnap some children, and I couldn't stand by so I tried to save them, of course, that only ended with me getting captured. Every day when I was captured, everyone there was forced to fight each other to further strengthen their magic affinity. I'd you weren't strong enough, you'd die, and if you were then you had to make sure you stayed strong" Sila without looking, could tell that Father Orsi and Sister Lily were surprised and maybe distraught? She couldn't tell on that second one.
"In the end, for some reason, the people who captured us then almost killed all of us" Sila continued. "I was the only one to survive, and by sheer luck was I able to". Their conversation lasted for about another hour before they all retired to bed. Sila expected that Father Orsi and Sister Lily would've asked her a lot of questions but she didn't expect them to look at her like...wait she's seen this look's the same look people who knew she had a sickness looked at her.
They were looking at her as if she was a glass vase on the edge of a table.
Sila sighed once she got back to her temporary room and summoned Bune. "You're sure having a nice time lying," the devil said as soon as they came out, making Silalynn roll her eyes. "I'm making the choices then ensure my safety, what if these people end up being bad? What should I do then?" And to that Bune had no answer. "By the way" Bune started, "Do you mind explaining what happened during our fight?". Sila quirked a brow, "What do you mean? If it's the fact I won then-"
"No no, I mean how my body was forced to the other side of the room. I want to know what you did"
Sila pondered for a second before remembering what happened. "Oh that, well, it's easy to figure out. When we were battling I was occasionally forcing mercury into your body, once there was enough I used my magic to control the mercury inside your body and force you to the other side of the room"
"Huh, that makes so much more sense. I mean I knew you were trying to put mercury in me but I didn't think you'd be able to control it when it's inside of me" Bune nodded as they watched as Sila did that one spell that allowed her to find real mercury in the ground.
"Yeah, I realized that a devil's anatomy is different from humans so trying to get mercury into your bloodstream might not work the way it works on humans"
Bune made hummed in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. Correct me if I'm wrong but if a human gets enough mercury in their bloodstream they can die"
"Yeah...come to think of it almost every magic can kill someone easily" Sila replied.
"How so?"
"Well, let's see..." the Silva a hand to her chin. "Wind magic users can multiply the air in someone's lungs and even pull all the air out of them and a Water magic user could drain all the water out of the human body? I guess these are just some ideas, who knows if they'll work"
"Hmm, well the only downside to that is that to do something like that the user needs exceptional control and concentration- what the? D-Don't eat the mercury, you dimwit! I still need a host!" Bune yelled seeing Sila almost start eating the natural mercury she found.
"Bune calm down! For me, eating mercury won't hurt or kill me!" Silalynn swatted away Bune's claws that were trying to get rid of the mercury in her hands. "While I was in the Spade Kingdom, I found out that if I ate natural mercury I could enhance my abilities, heal myself, and even regenerate a little bit of mana"
"Then why didn't you do that when you were out of mana after you fought me?!"
"Because I used all the nature mercury in a spell against you!"
"I-..ok fair enough" Bune gave in. They talked a little longer and then Bund disappeared into the artifact and let Sila fall asleep. This village is now but she needed to test and tea if she wanted to get to the Capital. She had to get to the Capital.
Once again thanks for reading. I hope this book hasn't gotten too boring (I swear I have things planned). I feel bad for not updating constantly so that's why I published this earlier. Also before I forget here's what Bune looks like.
I just realized I accidentally write high ranking devil instead of highest. I'm sorry about that. Have a nice day or night everyone!
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